feat(StatusQ/ConcatModel): Proper handling of source models layout change

Whenever source model emits layoutAboutToBeChanged/layoutChanged,
persisten model are updated appropriately, also scenario when items are
removed is covered.

Closes: #14244
Closes: #14245
This commit is contained in:
Michał Cieślak 2024-04-09 14:14:12 +02:00 committed by Michał
parent 598a389c3e
commit 5d4380e4d9
4 changed files with 316 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -113,4 +113,8 @@ private:
std::vector<std::unordered_map<int, int>> m_rolesMappingToSource;
std::vector<bool> m_rolesMappingInitializationFlags;
std::vector<int> m_rowCounts;
// helpers for handling layoutChanged from source
QList<QPersistentModelIndex> m_layoutChangePersistentIndexes;
QModelIndexList m_proxyIndexes;

View File

@ -569,19 +569,71 @@ void ConcatModel::connectModelSlots(int index, QAbstractItemModel *model)
{}, destinationRow + prefix);
connect(model, &QAbstractItemModel::rowsMoved, this,
[this, index]
connect(model, &QAbstractItemModel::rowsMoved, this, [this]
connect(model, &QAbstractItemModel::layoutAboutToBeChanged, this, [this]
connect(model, &QAbstractItemModel::layoutAboutToBeChanged, this,
[this, model, index]
emit this->layoutAboutToBeChanged();
const auto persistentIndexes = persistentIndexList();
auto prefix = this->countPrefix(index);
auto count = this->m_rowCounts[index];
for (const QModelIndex& persistentIndex : persistentIndexes) {
if (persistentIndex.row() < prefix || persistentIndex.row() >= count + prefix)
m_proxyIndexes << persistentIndex;
const auto srcIndex = model->index(
persistentIndex.row() - prefix,
m_layoutChangePersistentIndexes << srcIndex;
connect(model, &QAbstractItemModel::layoutChanged, this, [this]
connect(model, &QAbstractItemModel::layoutChanged, this, [this, model, index]
auto prefix = this->countPrefix(index);
auto oldCount = m_rowCounts[index];
auto newCount = model->rowCount();
auto countDiff = oldCount - newCount;
// Update row count if necessary as it can change along with layout
// change
if (countDiff != 0)
m_rowCounts[index] = newCount;
for (int i = 0; i < m_proxyIndexes.size(); ++i) {
auto p = m_layoutChangePersistentIndexes.at(i);
changePersistentIndex(m_proxyIndexes.at(i), this->index(
p.row() + prefix, p.column(), p.parent()));
// If count has changed, it's necessary to update all indexes relating
// to the following source models (shift by countDiff).
if (countDiff != 0) {
const auto persistentIndexes = persistentIndexList();
for (const QModelIndex& p : persistentIndexes) {
if (p.row() < prefix + oldCount)
changePersistentIndex(p, this->index(p.row() - countDiff,
p.column(), p.parent()));
emit this->layoutChanged();

View File

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ target_link_libraries(SumAggregatorTest PRIVATE StatusQ StatusQTestLib)
add_test(NAME SumAggregatorTest COMMAND SumAggregatorTest)
add_executable(ConcatModelTest tst_ConcatModel.cpp)
target_link_libraries(ConcatModelTest PRIVATE StatusQ StatusQTestLib)
target_link_libraries(ConcatModelTest PRIVATE StatusQ StatusQTestLib SortFilterProxyModel)
add_test(NAME ConcatModelTest COMMAND ConcatModelTest)
add_executable(WritableProxyModelTest tst_WritableProxyModel.cpp)

View File

@ -10,6 +10,12 @@
#include <StatusQ/concatmodel.h>
#include <TestHelpers/listmodelwrapper.h>
#include <TestHelpers/modelsignalsspy.h>
#include <TestHelpers/persistentindexestester.h>
#include <TestHelpers/testmodel.h>
#include <qqmlsortfilterproxymodel.h>
#include <filters/valuefilter.h>
namespace {
// Workaround for https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-57971 (ListModel doesn't
@ -2027,6 +2033,255 @@ private slots:
QCOMPARE(dataChangedSpy.count(), 0);
void sortingTest() {
QQmlEngine engine;
auto source1 = R"([
{ "name": "D", "subname": "d1" },
{ "name": "A", "subname": "a1" },
{ "name": "B", "subname": "b1" },
{ "name": "C", "subname": "c1" },
{ "name": "B", "subname": "b2" },
{ "name": "C", "subname": "c2" }
auto source2 = R"([
{ "name": "A", "subname": "a1" },
{ "name": "G", "subname": "g1" },
{ "name": "F", "subname": "f1" },
{ "name": "C", "subname": "c1" }
ListModelWrapper sourceModel1(engine, source1);
ListModelWrapper sourceModel2(engine, source2);
QSortFilterProxyModel sfpm1;
QSortFilterProxyModel sfpm2;
ConcatModel model;
QQmlListProperty<SourceModel> sources = model.sources();
SourceModel sm1, sm2;
sources.append(&sources, &sm1);
sources.append(&sources, &sm2);
ModelSignalsSpy signalsSpy(&model);
PersistentIndexesTester indexesTester(&model);
sfpm1.sort(0, Qt::AscendingOrder);
sfpm2.sort(0, Qt::DescendingOrder);
auto roles = model.roleNames();
QCOMPARE(model.data(model.index(0), roleForName(roles, "subname")), "a1");
QCOMPARE(model.data(model.index(1), roleForName(roles, "subname")), "b1");
QCOMPARE(model.data(model.index(2), roleForName(roles, "subname")), "b2");
QCOMPARE(model.data(model.index(3), roleForName(roles, "subname")), "c1");
QCOMPARE(model.data(model.index(4), roleForName(roles, "subname")), "c2");
QCOMPARE(model.data(model.index(5), roleForName(roles, "subname")), "d1");
QCOMPARE(model.data(model.index(6), roleForName(roles, "subname")), "g1");
QCOMPARE(model.data(model.index(7), roleForName(roles, "subname")), "f1");
QCOMPARE(model.data(model.index(8), roleForName(roles, "subname")), "c1");
QCOMPARE(model.data(model.index(9), roleForName(roles, "subname")), "a1");
QCOMPARE(sfpm1.roleNames().value(1), "subname");
void layoutChangeWithRemovalTest() {
ConcatModel model;
TestModel sourceModel1({
{ "name", { "name 1_1", "name 1_2", "name 1_3", "name 1_4" }}
TestModel sourceModel2({
{ "name", { "name 2_1", "name 2_2", "name 2_3" }}
QQmlListProperty<SourceModel> sources = model.sources();
SourceModel source1, source2;
sources.append(&sources, &source1);
sources.append(&sources, &source2);
QCOMPARE(model.rowCount(), 7);
QPersistentModelIndex pmi1 = model.index(0);
QPersistentModelIndex pmi2 = model.index(1);
QPersistentModelIndex pmi3 = model.index(2);
QPersistentModelIndex pmi4 = model.index(3);
QPersistentModelIndex pmi5 = model.index(4);
QPersistentModelIndex pmi6 = model.index(5);
QPersistentModelIndex pmi7 = model.index(6);
QCOMPARE(model.rowCount(), 5);
QCOMPARE(pmi1.isValid(), false);
QCOMPARE(pmi2.isValid(), true);
QCOMPARE(pmi3.isValid(), false);
QCOMPARE(pmi4.isValid(), true);
QCOMPARE(pmi5.isValid(), true);
QCOMPARE(pmi6.isValid(), true);
QCOMPARE(pmi7.isValid(), true);
QCOMPARE(pmi2.row(), 0);
QCOMPARE(pmi4.row(), 1);
QCOMPARE(pmi5.row(), 2);
QCOMPARE(pmi6.row(), 3);
QCOMPARE(pmi7.row(), 4);
QCOMPARE(model.rowCount(), 3);
auto roles = model.roleNames();
QCOMPARE(model.data(model.index(0), roleForName(roles, "name")), "name 1_2");
QCOMPARE(model.data(model.index(1), roleForName(roles, "name")), "name 1_4");
QCOMPARE(model.data(model.index(2), roleForName(roles, "name")), "name 2_2");
QCOMPARE(pmi1.isValid(), false);
QCOMPARE(pmi2.isValid(), true);
QCOMPARE(pmi3.isValid(), false);
QCOMPARE(pmi4.isValid(), true);
QCOMPARE(pmi5.isValid(), false);
QCOMPARE(pmi6.isValid(), true);
QCOMPARE(pmi7.isValid(), false);
QCOMPARE(pmi2.row(), 0);
QCOMPARE(pmi4.row(), 1);
QCOMPARE(pmi6.row(), 2);
void sfpmTest() {
// This test reproduces in C++ situation that happens in the following
// QML code. The initial filtering is notified from a SFPM as
// a layoutAboutToBeChanged/layoutChanged signals with row count change.
// Concat model must manage properly row count update and persistent
// indexes.
// import QtQuick 2.15
// import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
// import StatusQ 0.1
// import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2
// Item {
// ListModel {
// id: src
// ListElement { name: "A" }
// ListElement { name: "D" }
// ListElement { name: "A" }
// ListElement { name: "Z" }
// ListElement { name: "A" }
// }
// SortFilterProxyModel {
// id: sfpm
// sourceModel: src
// filters: ValueFilter {
// roleName: "name"
// value: "A"
// }
// }
// ConcatModel {
// id: concat
// sources: SourceModel { model: sfpm }
// }
// Flow {
// Repeater {
// model: concat
// Button { text: model.name }
// }
// }
// }
QQmlEngine engine;
TestModel sourceModel({
{ "name", { "A", "B", "A" }},
{ "subname", { "a1", "b1", "a2" }}
qqsfpm::QQmlSortFilterProxyModel sfpm;
ConcatModel model;
ModelSignalsSpy signalsSpy(&sfpm);
qqsfpm::ValueFilter filter;
QList<int> layoutAboutToBeChangedSizes;
QList<int> layoutChangedSizes;
connect(&sfpm, &QAbstractItemModel::layoutAboutToBeChanged, this,
[&sfpm, &layoutAboutToBeChangedSizes]() {
layoutAboutToBeChangedSizes << sfpm.rowCount();
connect(&sfpm, &QAbstractItemModel::layoutChanged, this,
[&sfpm, &layoutChangedSizes]() {
layoutChangedSizes << sfpm.rowCount();
QQmlListProperty<SourceModel> sources = model.sources();
SourceModel sm;
sources.append(&sources, &sm);
// The crucial part is the fact that concat model is completed before
// SFPM. It triggers filtering reported via
// layoutAboutToBeChanged/layoutChanged. The same behavior can be observed
// also for two SFPMs, it's not specific to ConcatModel.
QVERIFY(layoutAboutToBeChangedSizes.size() > 0);
== layoutChangedSizes.size());
// Checking whether the assumed circumstances have occurred. There should
// be at least one pair of layoutAboutToBeChanged/layoutChanged where
// on layoutAboutToBeChanged the count is smaller than in the following
// layoutChanged.
QList<int> diffs;
for (auto i = 0; i < layoutAboutToBeChangedSizes.size(); i++)
diffs << std::abs(layoutAboutToBeChangedSizes[i]
- layoutChangedSizes[i]);
QVERIFY(std::accumulate(diffs.cbegin(), diffs.cend(), 0) != 0);
QCOMPARE(model.rowCount(), 2);
auto roles = model.roleNames();
QCOMPARE(model.data(model.index(0), roleForName(roles, "subname")), "a1");
QCOMPARE(model.data(model.index(1), roleForName(roles, "subname")), "a2");