350 lines
15 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import utils 1.0
import shared.views 1.0
import shared.panels 1.0
import shared.popups 1.0
import shared.controls 1.0
import shared.views.chat 1.0
import "../stores"
import "../panels"
import "../popups"
2020-05-27 17:28:25 -04:00
SettingsContentBase {
id: root
property ContactsStore contactsStore
property alias searchStr: searchBox.text
property bool isPending: false
titleRowComponentLoader.sourceComponent: StatusButton {
objectName: "ContactsView_ContactRequest_Button"
text: qsTr("Send contact request to chat key")
onClicked: {
function openContextMenu(publicKey, name, icon) {
const { profileType, trustStatus, contactType, ensVerified, onlineStatus, hasLocalNickname } = root.contactsStore.getProfileContext(publicKey)
refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component This refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component by: refactored out direct calls to backend, and passing backend data structures and moved this logic to the callers, also refactored common calls between the callers common types of context menus have been extracted to their sub components which removes a lot of logic too and makes the behaviour very clear user verification workflow (which was already disabled) has been removed refactor: use signals and call singletons on the parent instead remove unused code for now from profile context menu refactor profile context menu into two components; add property to storybook extract blocked profile context menu and self profile context menu use profileType instead of individual bools refactor to pass trustStatus as an argument make contact type a parameter remove unnecessary method from RegularProfileContextMenu add ensVerified property to ProfileContextMenu components add onlineStatus property to ProfileContextMenu components move ProfileContextMenu storybook controls to the right sidebar move contactDetails logic up from the view add local nickname property to ProfileContextMenu components fix issue with missing signal; fix logs in storybook use constant for profileType instead of string refactor common code into a single method refactor getProfileContext remove references to contactDetails which are not longer needed remove unnecessary comments fix bridged constant refactor into a single ProfileContextMenu component refactor into a single ProfileContextMenu component refactor into a single ProfileContextMenu component simplify imports remove unused store field move methods from utils to contacts store remove onClosed signal remove unused param rename ProfileContextMenu variables simplify signals in ProfileContextMenu remove ; refactor: do early return simplify ifs move ProfileContextMenu to its own storybook page fix wrong params fix profile context menu separator add missing signals to profile context menu on the members tab panel
2024-09-06 11:55:44 -04:00
Global.openMenu(contactContextMenuComponent, this, {
refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component This refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component by: refactored out direct calls to backend, and passing backend data structures and moved this logic to the callers, also refactored common calls between the callers common types of context menus have been extracted to their sub components which removes a lot of logic too and makes the behaviour very clear user verification workflow (which was already disabled) has been removed refactor: use signals and call singletons on the parent instead remove unused code for now from profile context menu refactor profile context menu into two components; add property to storybook extract blocked profile context menu and self profile context menu use profileType instead of individual bools refactor to pass trustStatus as an argument make contact type a parameter remove unnecessary method from RegularProfileContextMenu add ensVerified property to ProfileContextMenu components add onlineStatus property to ProfileContextMenu components move ProfileContextMenu storybook controls to the right sidebar move contactDetails logic up from the view add local nickname property to ProfileContextMenu components fix issue with missing signal; fix logs in storybook use constant for profileType instead of string refactor common code into a single method refactor getProfileContext remove references to contactDetails which are not longer needed remove unnecessary comments fix bridged constant refactor into a single ProfileContextMenu component refactor into a single ProfileContextMenu component refactor into a single ProfileContextMenu component simplify imports remove unused store field move methods from utils to contacts store remove onClosed signal remove unused param rename ProfileContextMenu variables simplify signals in ProfileContextMenu remove ; refactor: do early return simplify ifs move ProfileContextMenu to its own storybook page fix wrong params fix profile context menu separator add missing signals to profile context menu on the members tab panel
2024-09-06 11:55:44 -04:00
profileType, trustStatus, contactType, ensVerified, onlineStatus, hasLocalNickname,
publicKey: publicKey,
displayName: name,
userIcon: icon,
Item {
id: contentItem
width: root.contentWidth
height: (searchBox.height + contactsTabBar.height
+ stackLayout.height + (2 * Theme.bigPadding))
Component {
id: contactContextMenuComponent
ProfileContextMenu {
id: contactContextMenu
refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component This refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component by: refactored out direct calls to backend, and passing backend data structures and moved this logic to the callers, also refactored common calls between the callers common types of context menus have been extracted to their sub components which removes a lot of logic too and makes the behaviour very clear user verification workflow (which was already disabled) has been removed refactor: use signals and call singletons on the parent instead remove unused code for now from profile context menu refactor profile context menu into two components; add property to storybook extract blocked profile context menu and self profile context menu use profileType instead of individual bools refactor to pass trustStatus as an argument make contact type a parameter remove unnecessary method from RegularProfileContextMenu add ensVerified property to ProfileContextMenu components add onlineStatus property to ProfileContextMenu components move ProfileContextMenu storybook controls to the right sidebar move contactDetails logic up from the view add local nickname property to ProfileContextMenu components fix issue with missing signal; fix logs in storybook use constant for profileType instead of string refactor common code into a single method refactor getProfileContext remove references to contactDetails which are not longer needed remove unnecessary comments fix bridged constant refactor into a single ProfileContextMenu component refactor into a single ProfileContextMenu component refactor into a single ProfileContextMenu component simplify imports remove unused store field move methods from utils to contacts store remove onClosed signal remove unused param rename ProfileContextMenu variables simplify signals in ProfileContextMenu remove ; refactor: do early return simplify ifs move ProfileContextMenu to its own storybook page fix wrong params fix profile context menu separator add missing signals to profile context menu on the members tab panel
2024-09-06 11:55:44 -04:00
onOpenProfileClicked: Global.openProfilePopup(contactContextMenu.publicKey, null, null)
onCreateOneToOneChat: root.contactsStore.joinPrivateChat(contactContextMenu.publicKey)
onReviewContactRequest: () => {
const contactDetails = contactContextMenu.publicKey === "" ? {} : Utils.getContactDetailsAsJson(contactContextMenu.publicKey, true, true)
Global.openReviewContactRequestPopup(contactContextMenu.publicKey, contactDetails, null)
onSendContactRequest: () => {
const contactDetails = contactContextMenu.publicKey === "" ? {} : Utils.getContactDetailsAsJson(contactContextMenu.publicKey, true, true)
Global.openContactRequestPopup(contactContextMenu.publicKey, contactDetails, null)
onEditNickname: () => {
const contactDetails = contactContextMenu.publicKey === "" ? {} : Utils.getContactDetailsAsJson(contactContextMenu.publicKey, true, true)
Global.openNicknamePopupRequested(contactContextMenu.publicKey, contactDetails, null)
refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component This refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component by: refactored out direct calls to backend, and passing backend data structures and moved this logic to the callers, also refactored common calls between the callers common types of context menus have been extracted to their sub components which removes a lot of logic too and makes the behaviour very clear user verification workflow (which was already disabled) has been removed refactor: use signals and call singletons on the parent instead remove unused code for now from profile context menu refactor profile context menu into two components; add property to storybook extract blocked profile context menu and self profile context menu use profileType instead of individual bools refactor to pass trustStatus as an argument make contact type a parameter remove unnecessary method from RegularProfileContextMenu add ensVerified property to ProfileContextMenu components add onlineStatus property to ProfileContextMenu components move ProfileContextMenu storybook controls to the right sidebar move contactDetails logic up from the view add local nickname property to ProfileContextMenu components fix issue with missing signal; fix logs in storybook use constant for profileType instead of string refactor common code into a single method refactor getProfileContext remove references to contactDetails which are not longer needed remove unnecessary comments fix bridged constant refactor into a single ProfileContextMenu component refactor into a single ProfileContextMenu component refactor into a single ProfileContextMenu component simplify imports remove unused store field move methods from utils to contacts store remove onClosed signal remove unused param rename ProfileContextMenu variables simplify signals in ProfileContextMenu remove ; refactor: do early return simplify ifs move ProfileContextMenu to its own storybook page fix wrong params fix profile context menu separator add missing signals to profile context menu on the members tab panel
2024-09-06 11:55:44 -04:00
onRemoveNickname: (displayName) => {
root.contactsStore.changeContactNickname(contactContextMenu.publicKey, "", displayName, true)
refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component This refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component by: refactored out direct calls to backend, and passing backend data structures and moved this logic to the callers, also refactored common calls between the callers common types of context menus have been extracted to their sub components which removes a lot of logic too and makes the behaviour very clear user verification workflow (which was already disabled) has been removed refactor: use signals and call singletons on the parent instead remove unused code for now from profile context menu refactor profile context menu into two components; add property to storybook extract blocked profile context menu and self profile context menu use profileType instead of individual bools refactor to pass trustStatus as an argument make contact type a parameter remove unnecessary method from RegularProfileContextMenu add ensVerified property to ProfileContextMenu components add onlineStatus property to ProfileContextMenu components move ProfileContextMenu storybook controls to the right sidebar move contactDetails logic up from the view add local nickname property to ProfileContextMenu components fix issue with missing signal; fix logs in storybook use constant for profileType instead of string refactor common code into a single method refactor getProfileContext remove references to contactDetails which are not longer needed remove unnecessary comments fix bridged constant refactor into a single ProfileContextMenu component refactor into a single ProfileContextMenu component refactor into a single ProfileContextMenu component simplify imports remove unused store field move methods from utils to contacts store remove onClosed signal remove unused param rename ProfileContextMenu variables simplify signals in ProfileContextMenu remove ; refactor: do early return simplify ifs move ProfileContextMenu to its own storybook page fix wrong params fix profile context menu separator add missing signals to profile context menu on the members tab panel
2024-09-06 11:55:44 -04:00
onUnblockContact: () => {
const contactDetails = contactContextMenu.publicKey === "" ? {} : Utils.getContactDetailsAsJson(contactContextMenu.publicKey, true, true)
Global.unblockContactRequested(contactContextMenu.publicKey, contactDetails)
onMarkAsUntrusted: () => {
const contactDetails = contactContextMenu.publicKey === "" ? {} : Utils.getContactDetailsAsJson(contactContextMenu.publicKey, true, true)
Global.markAsUntrustedRequested(contactContextMenu.publicKey, contactDetails)
onRemoveTrustStatus: root.contactsStore.removeTrustStatus(contactContextMenu.publicKey)
onRemoveContact: () => {
const contactDetails = contactContextMenu.publicKey === "" ? {} : Utils.getContactDetailsAsJson(contactContextMenu.publicKey, true, true)
Global.removeContactRequested(contactContextMenu.publicKey, contactDetails)
onBlockContact: () => {
const contactDetails = contactContextMenu.publicKey === "" ? {} : Utils.getContactDetailsAsJson(contactContextMenu.publicKey, true, true)
Global.blockContactRequested(contactContextMenu.publicKey, contactDetails)
onClosed: destroy()
SearchBox {
id: searchBox
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
placeholderText: qsTr("Search by a display name or chat key")
StatusTabBar {
id: contactsTabBar
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.top: searchBox.bottom
anchors.topMargin: Theme.padding
StatusTabButton {
id: contactsBtn
leftPadding: Theme.padding
width: implicitWidth
text: qsTr("Contacts")
StatusTabButton {
id: pendingRequestsBtn
objectName: "ContactsView_PendingRequest_Button"
width: implicitWidth
enabled: root.contactsStore.receivedContactRequestsModel.count > 0 ||
root.contactsStore.sentContactRequestsModel.count > 0
text: qsTr("Pending Requests")
badge.value: root.contactsStore.receivedContactRequestsModel.count
// Temporary commented until we provide appropriate flags on the `status-go` side to cover all sections.
// StatusTabButton {
// id: rejectedRequestsBtn
// width: implicitWidth
// enabled: root.contactsStore.receivedButRejectedContactRequestsModel.count > 0 ||
// root.contactsStore.sentButRejectedContactRequestsModel.count > 0
// btnText: qsTr("Rejected Requests")
// }
StatusTabButton {
id: blockedBtn
objectName: "ContactsView_Blocked_Button"
width: implicitWidth
enabled: root.contactsStore.blockedContactsModel.count > 0
text: qsTr("Blocked")
StackLayout {
id: stackLayout
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.top: contactsTabBar.bottom
currentIndex: contactsTabBar.currentIndex
anchors.topMargin: Theme.padding
ColumnLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.minimumHeight: 0
Layout.maximumHeight: (verifiedContacts.height + mutualContacts.height + noFriendsItem.height)
visible: (stackLayout.currentIndex === 0)
onVisibleChanged: {
if (visible) {
stackLayout.height = height+contactsTabBar.anchors.topMargin;
spacing: Theme.padding
ContactsListPanel {
id: verifiedContacts
Layout.fillWidth: true
title: qsTr("Identity Verified Contacts")
visible: !noFriendsItem.visible && count > 0
contactsModel: root.contactsStore.myContactsModel
searchString: searchBox.text
onOpenContactContextMenu: function (publicKey, name, icon) {
root.openContextMenu(publicKey, name, icon)
contactsStore: root.contactsStore
panelUsage: Constants.contactsPanelUsage.verifiedMutualContacts
onSendMessageActionTriggered: {
ContactsListPanel {
id: mutualContacts
Layout.fillWidth: true
visible: !noFriendsItem.visible && count > 0
title: qsTr("Contacts")
contactsModel: root.contactsStore.myContactsModel
searchString: searchBox.text
contactsStore: root.contactsStore
onOpenContactContextMenu: function (publicKey, name, icon) {
root.openContextMenu(publicKey, name, icon)
panelUsage: Constants.contactsPanelUsage.mutualContacts
onSendMessageActionTriggered: {
Item {
id: noFriendsItem
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: visible ? (root.contentHeight - (2*searchBox.height) - contactsTabBar.height - contactsTabBar.anchors.topMargin) : 0
visible: root.contactsStore.myContactsModel.count === 0
NoFriendsRectangle {
anchors.centerIn: parent
refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component This refactor ProfileContextMenu to make it a functional component by: refactored out direct calls to backend, and passing backend data structures and moved this logic to the callers, also refactored common calls between the callers common types of context menus have been extracted to their sub components which removes a lot of logic too and makes the behaviour very clear user verification workflow (which was already disabled) has been removed refactor: use signals and call singletons on the parent instead remove unused code for now from profile context menu refactor profile context menu into two components; add property to storybook extract blocked profile context menu and self profile context menu use profileType instead of individual bools refactor to pass trustStatus as an argument make contact type a parameter remove unnecessary method from RegularProfileContextMenu add ensVerified property to ProfileContextMenu components add onlineStatus property to ProfileContextMenu components move ProfileContextMenu storybook controls to the right sidebar move contactDetails logic up from the view add local nickname property to ProfileContextMenu components fix issue with missing signal; fix logs in storybook use constant for profileType instead of string refactor common code into a single method refactor getProfileContext remove references to contactDetails which are not longer needed remove unnecessary comments fix bridged constant refactor into a single ProfileContextMenu component refactor into a single ProfileContextMenu component refactor into a single ProfileContextMenu component simplify imports remove unused store field move methods from utils to contacts store remove onClosed signal remove unused param rename ProfileContextMenu variables simplify signals in ProfileContextMenu remove ; refactor: do early return simplify ifs move ProfileContextMenu to its own storybook page fix wrong params fix profile context menu separator add missing signals to profile context menu on the members tab panel
2024-09-06 11:55:44 -04:00
text: qsTr("You don't have any contacts yet")
ColumnLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.minimumHeight: 0
Layout.maximumHeight: (receivedRequests.height + sentRequests.height)
spacing: Theme.padding
visible: (stackLayout.currentIndex === 1)
onVisibleChanged: {
if (visible) {
stackLayout.height = height+contactsTabBar.anchors.topMargin;
ContactsListPanel {
id: receivedRequests
objectName: "receivedRequests_ContactsListPanel"
Layout.fillWidth: true
title: qsTr("Received")
searchString: searchBox.text
contactsStore: root.contactsStore
visible: count > 0
onOpenContactContextMenu: function (publicKey, name, icon) {
root.openContextMenu(publicKey, name, icon)
contactsModel: root.contactsStore.receivedContactRequestsModel
panelUsage: Constants.contactsPanelUsage.receivedContactRequest
2022-09-27 23:26:26 +02:00
onSendMessageActionTriggered: {
onContactRequestAccepted: {
root.contactsStore.acceptContactRequest(publicKey, "")
onContactRequestRejected: {
root.contactsStore.dismissContactRequest(publicKey, "")
onShowVerificationRequest: {
Global.openIncomingIDRequestPopup(publicKey, null, null)
ContactsListPanel {
id: sentRequests
objectName: "sentRequests_ContactsListPanel"
Layout.fillWidth: true
title: qsTr("Sent")
searchString: searchBox.text
contactsStore: root.contactsStore
visible: count > 0
onOpenContactContextMenu: function (publicKey, name, icon) {
root.openContextMenu(publicKey, name, icon)
contactsModel: root.contactsStore.sentContactRequestsModel
panelUsage: Constants.contactsPanelUsage.sentContactRequest
// Temporary commented until we provide appropriate flags on the `status-go` side to cover all sections.
// Item {
// Layout.fillWidth: true
// //Layout.fillHeight: true
// ColumnLayout {
// //anchors.fill: parent
// ContactsListPanel {
// Layout.fillWidth: true
// Layout.preferredHeight: root.height * 0.5
// clip: true
// title: qsTr("Received")
// searchString: searchBox.text
// contactsStore: root.contactsStore
// onOpenContactContextMenu: function (publicKey, name, icon) {
// root.openContextMenu(publicKey, name, icon)
// }
// contactsModel: root.contactsStore.receivedButRejectedContactRequestsModel
// panelUsage: Constants.contactsPanelUsage.rejectedReceivedContactRequest
// onRejectionRemoved: {
// root.contactsStore.removeContactRequestRejection(publicKey)
// }
// }
// ContactsListPanel {
// Layout.fillWidth: true
// Layout.preferredHeight: root.height * 0.5
// clip: true
// title: qsTr("Sent")
// searchString: searchBox.text
// contactsStore: root.contactsStore
// onOpenContactContextMenu: function (publicKey, name, icon) {
// root.openContextMenu(publicKey, name, icon)
// }
// contactsModel: root.contactsStore.sentButRejectedContactRequestsModel
// panelUsage: Constants.contactsPanelUsage.rejectedSentContactRequest
// }
// Item {
// Layout.fillWidth: true
// Layout.fillHeight: true
// }
// }
// }
ContactsListPanel {
Layout.fillWidth: true
searchString: searchBox.text
contactsStore: root.contactsStore
onOpenContactContextMenu: function (publicKey, name, icon) {
root.openContextMenu(publicKey, name, icon)
contactsModel: root.contactsStore.blockedContactsModel
panelUsage: Constants.contactsPanelUsage.blockedContacts
visible: (stackLayout.currentIndex === 2)
onVisibleChanged: {
if (visible) {
stackLayout.height = height;
Component {
id: loadingIndicator
StatusLoadingIndicator {
width: 12
height: 12
Component {
id: sendContactRequest
SendContactRequestModal {
contactsStore: root.contactsStore
onClosed: destroy()