843 lines
35 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.15
import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2
import AppLayouts.Wallet 1.0
import utils 1.0
import shared.stores 1.0
import shared.stores.send 1.0
import shared.controls 1.0
import StatusQ 0.1
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls.Validators 0.1
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Backpressure 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as SQUtils
import StatusQ.Popups.Dialog 0.1
import AppLayouts.Wallet.adaptors 1.0
import AppLayouts.Wallet.controls 1.0
import AppLayouts.Wallet.panels 1.0
import AppLayouts.Wallet.stores 1.0 as WalletStores
import shared.popups.send.panels 1.0
import "./controls"
import "./views"
2020-05-27 16:50:39 -04:00
StatusDialog {
id: popup
property string preSelectedAccountAddress: store.selectedSenderAccountAddress
// Recipient properties definition
property alias preSelectedRecipient: recipientInputLoader.selectedRecipient
property alias preSelectedRecipientType: recipientInputLoader.selectedRecipientType
property string preDefinedAmountToSend
property string preDefinedRawAmountToSend
property int preSelectedChainId: 0
property string stickersPackId
// needed for registering ENS
property string publicKey
property string ensName
// token symbol
property string preSelectedHoldingID
property int preSelectedHoldingType: Constants.TokenType.Unknown
property int preSelectedSendType
property bool interactive: true
property alias onlyAssets: holdingSelector.onlyAssets
property alias modalHeader: modalHeader.text
required property TransactionStore store
property WalletStores.CollectiblesStore collectiblesStore
property var bestRoutes
property bool isLoading: false
property int loginType
property bool showCustomRoutingMode
// In case selected address is incorrect take first account from the list
readonly property alias selectedAccount: selectedSenderAccountEntry.item
property var sendTransaction: function() {
d.isPendingTx = true
readonly property string uuid: d.uuid
QtObject {
id: d
property string extraParamsJson: ""
property bool ensOrStickersPurpose: popup.preSelectedSendType === Constants.SendType.ENSRegister ||
popup.preSelectedSendType === Constants.SendType.ENSRelease ||
popup.preSelectedSendType === Constants.SendType.ENSSetPubKey ||
popup.preSelectedSendType === Constants.SendType.StickersBuy
readonly property CurrenciesStore currencyStore: store.currencyStore
readonly property int errorType: {
if (amountToSend.balanceExceeded && !isCollectiblesTransfer)
return Constants.SendAmountExceedsBalance
if (popup.bestRoutes && popup.bestRoutes.count === 0
&& !amountToSend.empty && recipientInputLoader.ready
&& !popup.isLoading)
return Constants.NoRoute
return Constants.NoError
readonly property double maxFiatBalance: isSelectedHoldingValidAsset && !!selectedHolding.currencyBalance ? selectedHolding.currencyBalance : 0
readonly property double maxCryptoBalance: isSelectedHoldingValidAsset && !!selectedHolding.currencyBalance ? selectedHolding.currentBalance : 0
readonly property double maxInputBalance: amountToSend.fiatMode ? maxFiatBalance : maxCryptoBalance
readonly property string tokenSymbol: !!d.selectedHolding && !!d.selectedHolding.symbol ? d.selectedHolding.symbol: ""
readonly property string inputSymbol: amountToSend.fiatMode ? currencyStore.currentCurrency : tokenSymbol
readonly property bool errorMode: {
if (popup.isLoading || !recipientInputLoader.ready)
return false
return errorType !== Constants.NoError
|| networkSelector.errorMode
|| !(amountToSend.ready || d.isCollectiblesTransfer)
// This way of displaying errors is just first aid, we have to build better way of handilg errors on the UI side
// and remove `d.errorType`
property string routerError: ""
property string routerErrorDetails: ""
property string sendError: ""
property string uuid: Utils.uuid()
property bool isPendingTx: false
property string totalTimeEstimate
property double totalFeesInFiat
property double totalAmountToReceive
readonly property bool isBridgeTx: store.sendType === Constants.SendType.Bridge
readonly property bool isCollectiblesTransfer: store.sendType === Constants.SendType.ERC721Transfer ||
store.sendType === Constants.SendType.ERC1155Transfer
property var selectedHolding: null
property int selectedHoldingType: Constants.TokenType.Unknown
readonly property bool isSelectedHoldingValidAsset: !!selectedHolding && selectedHoldingType === Constants.TokenType.ERC20
onSelectedHoldingChanged: {
d.sendError = ""
if (!selectedHolding) {
if (d.selectedHoldingType === Constants.TokenType.ERC20) {
if(!d.ensOrStickersPurpose && store.sendType !== Constants.SendType.Bridge)
} else if (d.selectedHoldingType === Constants.TokenType.ERC721 ||
d.selectedHoldingType === Constants.TokenType.ERC1155) {
let sendType = d.selectedHoldingType === Constants.TokenType.ERC721 ? Constants.SendType.ERC721Transfer : Constants.SendType.ERC1155Transfer
store.setSelectedTokenIsOwnerToken(selectedHolding.communityPrivilegesLevel === Constants.TokenPrivilegesLevel.Owner)
function addMetricsEvent(subEventName) {
Global.addCentralizedMetricIfEnabled(d.isBridgeTx ? "bridge" : "send", {subEvent: subEventName})
function areInputParametersValid() {
return !!popup.selectedAccount && !!popup.selectedAccount.address && !!holdingSelector.selectedItem
&& recipientInputLoader.ready && (amountToSend.ready || d.isCollectiblesTransfer)
property var debounceRecalculateRoutesAndFees: Backpressure.debounce(popup, 1000, function() {
if(d.areInputParametersValid()) {
popup.store.suggestedRoutes(d.uuid, d.isCollectiblesTransfer ? "1" : amountToSend.amount, "0", d.extraParamsJson)
function recalculateRoutesAndFees() {
if(d.areInputParametersValid()) {
popup.isLoading = true
d.uuid = Utils.uuid()
d.routerError = ""
d.routerErrorDetails = ""
function getTitleText() {
switch (store.sendType) {
case Constants.SendType.Bridge:
return qsTr("Bridge")
case Constants.SendType.ENSRegister:
return qsTr("Register Ens")
case Constants.SendType.ENSSetPubKey:
return qsTr("Connect username")
case Constants.SendType.ENSRelease:
return qsTr("Release username")
default: return qsTr("Send")
LeftJoinModel {
id: fromNetworksRouteModel
leftModel: popup.store.fromNetworksRouteModel
rightModel: popup.store.flatNetworksModel
joinRole: "chainId"
LeftJoinModel {
id: toNetworksRouteModel
leftModel: popup.store.toNetworksRouteModel
rightModel: popup.store.flatNetworksModel
joinRole: "chainId"
ModelEntry {
id: selectedSenderAccountEntry
key: "address"
sourceModel: popup.store.accounts
value: popup.store.selectedSenderAccountAddress
padding: 0
background: StatusDialogBackground {
implicitHeight: 846
implicitWidth: 556
color: Theme.palette.baseColor3
onOpened: {
// IMPORTANT: This step must be the first one since it's storing the send type
// into the backend at this stage so that, before this assignement, some properties
// should not have the correct value, like `d.isBridgeTx`
if(popup.preSelectedSendType !== Constants.SendType.Unknown) {
// To be removed once bridge is splitted to a different component:
if(d.isBridgeTx && !!popup.preSelectedAccountAddress) {
// Default preselected type is `Helpers.RecipientAddressObjectType.Address` coinciding with bridge usecase
popup.preSelectedRecipient = popup.preSelectedAccountAddress
if (!!popup.preSelectedHoldingID
&& popup.preSelectedHoldingType >= Constants.TokenType.Native
&& popup.preSelectedHoldingType < Constants.TokenType.Unknown) {
if (popup.preSelectedHoldingType === Constants.TokenType.Native
|| popup.preSelectedHoldingType === Constants.TokenType.ERC20) {
let iconSource = ""
let entry = SQUtils.ModelUtils.getByKey(
assetsAdaptor.outputAssetsModel, "tokensKey",
if (entry) {
iconSource = entry.iconSource
} else {
entry = SQUtils.ModelUtils.getByKey(
popup.store.walletAssetStore.renamedTokensBySymbolModel, "tokensKey",
iconSource = Constants.tokenIcon(entry.symbol)
d.selectedHoldingType = Constants.TokenType.ERC20
d.selectedHolding = entry
holdingSelector.setSelection(entry.symbol, iconSource,
holdingSelector.selectedItem = entry
} else {
const entry = SQUtils.ModelUtils.getByKey(
"symbol", popup.preSelectedHoldingID)
d.selectedHoldingType = entry.tokenType
d.selectedHolding = entry
const id = entry.communityId ? entry.collectionUid : entry.uid
entry.imageUrl || entry.mediaUrl,
holdingSelector.selectedItem = entry
holdingSelector.currentTab = TokenSelectorPanel.Tabs.Collectibles
if(!!popup.preDefinedAmountToSend) {
// TODO: At this stage the number should not be localized. However
// in many places when initializing popup the number is provided
// in localized version. It should be refactored to provide raw
// number consistently. Only the displaying component should apply
// final localized formatting.
const delocalized = popup.preDefinedAmountToSend.replace(LocaleUtils.userInputLocale.decimalPoint, ".")
if (!!popup.preDefinedRawAmountToSend) {
if (!!popup.preSelectedChainId) {
popup.preDefinedAmountToSend = popup.preDefinedAmountToSend.replace(Qt.locale().decimalPoint, '.')
if (!!popup.stickersPackId) {
d.extraParamsJson = "{\"%1\":\"%2\"}".arg(Constants.suggestedRoutesExtraParamsProperties.packId).arg(popup.stickersPackId)
if (!!popup.ensName && !!popup.publicKey) {
d.extraParamsJson = "{\"%1\":\"%2\",\"%3\":\"%4\"}"
d.addMetricsEvent("popup opened")
onClosed: {
d.addMetricsEvent("popup closed")
header: Item {
implicitHeight: accountSelector.implicitHeight
implicitWidth: accountSelector.implicitWidth
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.topMargin: -height - 18
AccountSelectorHeader {
id: accountSelector
model: SortFilterProxyModel {
sourceModel: popup.store.accounts
filters: [
ValueFilter {
roleName: "canSend"
value: true
sorters: RoleSorter { roleName: "position"; sortOrder: Qt.AscendingOrder }
selectedAddress: popup.preSelectedAccountAddress
onCurrentAccountAddressChanged: {
d.sendError = ""
if (d.isSelectedHoldingValidAsset) {
d.selectedHolding = SQUtils.ModelUtils.getByKey(
holdingSelector.assetsModel, "tokensKey",
ColumnLayout {
anchors.fill: parent
Rectangle {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: assetAndAmountSelector.implicitHeight
+ Theme.halfPadding
z: 100
color: Theme.palette.baseColor3
layer.enabled: scrollView.contentY > 0
layer.effect: DropShadow {
verticalOffset: 0
radius: 8
samples: 17
color: Theme.palette.dropShadow
ColumnLayout {
id: assetAndAmountSelector
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.leftMargin: Theme.xlPadding
anchors.rightMargin: Theme.xlPadding
z: 1
spacing: 16
RowLayout {
spacing: 8
Layout.preferredHeight: 44
Layout.maximumWidth: parent.width
HeaderTitleText {
id: modalHeader
objectName: "modalHeader"
Layout.maximumWidth: contentWidth
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignLeft
text: d.getTitleText()
TokenSelector {
id: holdingSelector
objectName: "holdingSelector"
property var selectedItem
property bool onlyAssets: false
assetsModel: assetsAdaptor.outputAssetsModel
collectiblesModel: collectiblesAdaptorLoader.active
? collectiblesAdaptorLoader.item.model : null
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.maximumWidth: implicitWidth
TokenSelectorViewAdaptor {
id: assetsAdaptor
assetsModel: d.isBridgeTx ?
popup.store.walletAssetStore.bridgeableGroupedAccountAssetsModel :
flatNetworksModel: popup.store.flatNetworksModel
currentCurrency: popup.store.currencyStore.currentCurrency
accountAddress: popup.selectedAccount.address
showCommunityAssets: popup.store.tokensStore.showCommunityAssetsInSend
Loader {
id: collectiblesAdaptorLoader
active: !d.isBridgeTx
sourceComponent: CollectiblesSelectionAdaptor {
accountKey: popup.selectedAccount.address
networksModel: SortFilterProxyModel {
sourceModel: popup.store.flatNetworksModel
filters: ValueFilter { roleName: "isTest"; value: popup.store.areTestNetworksEnabled }
collectiblesModel: SortFilterProxyModel {
sourceModel: collectiblesStore ? collectiblesStore.jointCollectiblesBySymbolModel : null
filters: ValueFilter {
roleName: "soulbound"
value: false
onAssetSelected: {
const entry = SQUtils.ModelUtils.getByKey(
assetsModel, "tokensKey", key)
d.selectedHoldingType = Constants.TokenType.ERC20
d.selectedHolding = entry
selectedItem = entry
onCollectibleSelected: {
const entry = SQUtils.ModelUtils.getByKey(
"symbol", key)
d.selectedHoldingType = entry.tokenType
d.selectedHolding = entry
selectedItem = entry
onCollectionSelected: {
const entry = SQUtils.ModelUtils.getByKey(
"collectionUid", key)
d.selectedHoldingType = entry.tokenType
d.selectedHolding = entry
selectedItem = entry
Item {
Layout.fillWidth: true
MaxSendButton {
id: maxButton
readonly property double maxSafeValue: WalletUtils.calculateMaxSafeSendAmount(
d.maxInputBalance, d.inputSymbol)
readonly property double maxSafeCryptoValue: WalletUtils.calculateMaxSafeSendAmount(
d.maxCryptoBalance, d.tokenSymbol)
formattedValue: d.currencyStore.formatCurrencyAmount(
maxSafeValue, d.inputSymbol,
{ noSymbol: !amountToSend.fiatMode,
roundingMode: LocaleUtils.RoundingMode.Down })
markAsInvalid: amountToSend.markAsInvalid
Layout.maximumWidth: 300
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight
visible: d.isSelectedHoldingValidAsset && !d.isCollectiblesTransfer
// FIXME: This should be enabled after #15709 is resolved
enabled: false
onClicked: {
if (maxSafeValue > 0) {
}else {
RowLayout {
visible: d.isSelectedHoldingValidAsset && !d.isCollectiblesTransfer
AmountToSend {
id: amountToSend
caption: d.isBridgeTx ? qsTr("Amount to bridge")
: qsTr("Amount to send")
interactive: popup.interactive
readonly property bool balanceExceeded:
SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.fromNumber(maxButton.maxSafeCryptoValue, multiplierIndex).cmp(amount) === -1
readonly property bool ready: valid && !empty && !balanceExceeded
readonly property string selectedSymbol:
!!d.selectedHolding && !!d.selectedHolding.symbol
? d.selectedHolding.symbol : ""
// For backward compatibility. To be removed when
// dependent components (NetworkSelector, AmountToReceive)
// are refactored.
readonly property double asNumber: {
if (!valid)
return 0
return parseFloat(text.replace(LocaleUtils.userInputLocale.decimalPoint, "."))
readonly property int minSendCryptoDecimals:
!fiatMode ? LocaleUtils.fractionalPartLength(asNumber) : 0
readonly property int minReceiveCryptoDecimals:
!fiatMode ? minSendCryptoDecimals + 1 : 0
readonly property int minSendFiatDecimals:
fiatMode ? LocaleUtils.fractionalPartLength(asNumber) : 0
readonly property int minReceiveFiatDecimals:
fiatMode ? minSendFiatDecimals + 1 : 0
// End of to-be-removed part
markAsInvalid: balanceExceeded
// Collectibles do not have decimals
&& !!holdingSelector.selectedItem
&& !!holdingSelector.selectedItem.decimals
? holdingSelector.selectedItem.decimals : 0
price: d.isSelectedHoldingValidAsset
? (d.selectedHolding ?
d.selectedHolding.marketDetails.currencyPrice.amount : 1)
: 1
formatFiat: amount => d.currencyStore.formatCurrencyAmount(
amount, d.currencyStore.currentCurrency)
formatBalance: amount => d.currencyStore.formatCurrencyAmount(
amount, selectedSymbol)
onValidChanged: {
d.sendError = ""
onAmountChanged: {
d.sendError = ""
// Horizontal spacer
RowLayout {}
AmountToReceive {
id: amountToReceive
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
visible: !!popup.bestRoutes && popup.bestRoutes !== undefined &&
popup.bestRoutes.count > 0 && amountToSend.ready
isLoading: popup.isLoading
selectedHolding: d.selectedHolding
isBridgeTx: d.isBridgeTx
cryptoValueToReceive: d.totalAmountToReceive
inputIsFiat: amountToSend.fiatMode
minCryptoDecimals: amountToSend.minReceiveCryptoDecimals
minFiatDecimals: amountToSend.minReceiveFiatDecimals
currentCurrency: d.currencyStore.currentCurrency
formatCurrencyAmount: d.currencyStore.formatCurrencyAmount
// Selected Recipient
ColumnLayout {
spacing: 8
Layout.fillWidth: true
visible: !d.isBridgeTx
StatusBaseText {
id: label
elide: Text.ElideRight
text: qsTr("To")
font.pixelSize: 15
color: Theme.palette.directColor1
RecipientView {
id: recipientInputLoader
Layout.fillWidth: true
store: popup.store
isCollectiblesTransfer: d.isCollectiblesTransfer
isBridgeTx: d.isBridgeTx
interactive: popup.interactive
selectedAsset: d.selectedHolding
onIsLoading: popup.isLoading = true
onRecalculateRoutesAndFees: {
d.sendError = ""
onAddressTextChanged: store.setSelectedRecipient(addressText)
feat(tx-comps): Send transaction modal Fixes #669. Composes all tx components to create a send transaction modal for the wallet. 1. Add a reusable TransactionStackView component that wraps a StackView component to show the screens of the Send Tx modal and handles back/forward/reset functionality. 2. Add a reusable TransactionStackGroup which holds tx components and allows modal header and button text to be defined and handles validation for all child components. 3. Add an isValid property to all tx comps for pristine validation state. 4. Reset all components in modal once modal is closed. This consists of a `resetInternal` function that each component should implement to reinstate its original starting state, and a `reset` function that parent components can use to reinstate the overridden properties. 5. Tx error handling to display either a StatusGo error message in the dialog, or wrong password in the TransactionSigner. 6. Fix ReceiveModal to allow for pre-selected account based on current wallet account. 7. Add focused border colour to Input component. 8. Fix issue with last TransactionStackGroup input not being able to obtain focus. 9. Fix fiatBalance not appearing on initial load on AccountSelector. 10. Fix selected asset updated properly when assets changed in the AssetSelector component. 11. AccountSelector is pre-populated with selected wallet account. Supporting work on the components has been done to suppor this. 12. Changing accounts in the "from account" updates the asset balances in the AssetAndAmountInput component. 13. Move validation from ContactSelector to the Select component. 1. Test sending of tokens. This requires that tokens contracts are setup on testnet. Right now, they are set up for contract addresses on mainnet. 2. Loading state once transaction is sent. Button in modal needs to move to a loading state and the "toast" messages in the wallet need to appear informaing user of tx progress. 3. Need to clarify (and implement?) support of ENS names in the AddressInput. It appears that ENS names could be resolved. This would be a long operation and require some kind of UI loading indication. 4. Wallet balances need to be updated on every block, so for example, sending funds between accounts I should be able to see the balance updated in real time. 1. Sending to a contact currently doesn't work because the ContactSelector component selects the Contact's whipser key, instead of his/her wallet address. May need to figure out how this is done in status-react. As it stands, attempting to send to a contact will crash the app. 2. Sending *from* an imported account does not work, with an error from StatusGo `cannot locate account for address: 0x123...`
2020-08-20 14:45:29 +10:00
feat(tx-comps): Send transaction modal Fixes #669. Composes all tx components to create a send transaction modal for the wallet. 1. Add a reusable TransactionStackView component that wraps a StackView component to show the screens of the Send Tx modal and handles back/forward/reset functionality. 2. Add a reusable TransactionStackGroup which holds tx components and allows modal header and button text to be defined and handles validation for all child components. 3. Add an isValid property to all tx comps for pristine validation state. 4. Reset all components in modal once modal is closed. This consists of a `resetInternal` function that each component should implement to reinstate its original starting state, and a `reset` function that parent components can use to reinstate the overridden properties. 5. Tx error handling to display either a StatusGo error message in the dialog, or wrong password in the TransactionSigner. 6. Fix ReceiveModal to allow for pre-selected account based on current wallet account. 7. Add focused border colour to Input component. 8. Fix issue with last TransactionStackGroup input not being able to obtain focus. 9. Fix fiatBalance not appearing on initial load on AccountSelector. 10. Fix selected asset updated properly when assets changed in the AssetSelector component. 11. AccountSelector is pre-populated with selected wallet account. Supporting work on the components has been done to suppor this. 12. Changing accounts in the "from account" updates the asset balances in the AssetAndAmountInput component. 13. Move validation from ContactSelector to the Select component. 1. Test sending of tokens. This requires that tokens contracts are setup on testnet. Right now, they are set up for contract addresses on mainnet. 2. Loading state once transaction is sent. Button in modal needs to move to a loading state and the "toast" messages in the wallet need to appear informaing user of tx progress. 3. Need to clarify (and implement?) support of ENS names in the AddressInput. It appears that ENS names could be resolved. This would be a long operation and require some kind of UI loading indication. 4. Wallet balances need to be updated on every block, so for example, sending funds between accounts I should be able to see the balance updated in real time. 1. Sending to a contact currently doesn't work because the ContactSelector component selects the Contact's whipser key, instead of his/her wallet address. May need to figure out how this is done in status-react. As it stands, attempting to send to a contact will crash the app. 2. Sending *from* an imported account does not work, with an error from StatusGo `cannot locate account for address: 0x123...`
2020-08-20 14:45:29 +10:00
RecipientSelectorPanel {
id: recipientsPanel
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.topMargin: Theme.padding
Layout.leftMargin: Theme.xlPadding
Layout.rightMargin: Theme.xlPadding
Layout.bottomMargin: Theme.padding
visible: !recipientInputLoader.ready && !d.isBridgeTx
savedAddressesModel: popup.store.savedAddressesModel
myAccountsModel: popup.store.accounts
recentRecipientsModel: popup.store.tempActivityController1Model // Use Layer1 controller since this could go on top of other activity lists
onRecipientSelected: {
popup.preSelectedRecipientType = type
popup.preSelectedRecipient = recipient
// Only request transactions history update if visually needed:
onRecentRecipientsTabSelected: popup.store.updateRecentRecipientsActivity(popup.selectedAccount.address)
Connections {
target: popup
function onSelectedAccountChanged() {
// Only request transactions history update if visually needed:
if(recipientsPanel.recentRecipientsTabVisible) {
StatusScrollView {
id: scrollView
padding: 0
bottomPadding: Theme.padding
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.topMargin: Theme.bigPadding
Layout.leftMargin: Theme.xlPadding
Layout.rightMargin: Theme.xlPadding
contentWidth: availableWidth
visible: recipientInputLoader.ready &&
(amountToSend.ready || d.isCollectiblesTransfer)
onVisibleChanged: {
if (!visible)
d.sendError = ""
objectName: "sendModalScroll"
Behavior on implicitHeight {
NumberAnimation { duration: 700; easing.type: Easing.OutExpo; alwaysRunToEnd: true}
NetworkSelector {
id: networkSelector
width: scrollView.availableWidth
store: popup.store
interactive: popup.interactive
selectedRecipient: popup.preSelectedRecipient
ensAddressOrEmpty: recipientInputLoader.ready ? recipientInputLoader.resolvedENSAddress : ""
amountToSend: amountToSend.asNumber
minSendCryptoDecimals: amountToSend.minSendCryptoDecimals
minReceiveCryptoDecimals: amountToSend.minReceiveCryptoDecimals
selectedAsset: d.selectedHolding
onReCalculateSuggestedRoute: {
d.sendError = ""
errorType: d.errorType
isLoading: popup.isLoading
isBridgeTx: d.isBridgeTx
isCollectiblesTransfer: d.isCollectiblesTransfer
bestRoutes: popup.bestRoutes
totalFeesInFiat: d.totalFeesInFiat
fromNetworksList: fromNetworksRouteModel
toNetworksList: toNetworksRouteModel
showCustomRoutingMode: popup.showCustomRoutingMode
routerError: d.routerError
routerErrorDetails: d.routerErrorDetails
Rectangle {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.topMargin: Theme.bigPadding
Layout.leftMargin: Theme.xlPadding
Layout.rightMargin: Theme.xlPadding
Layout.bottomMargin: Theme.xlPadding
implicitHeight: sendErrorColumn.height + Theme.padding
color: Theme.palette.dangerColor3
radius: 8
border.width: 1
border.color: Theme.palette.dangerColor2
visible: !!d.sendError
ColumnLayout {
id: sendErrorColumn
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.leftMargin: Theme.padding
anchors.rightMargin: Theme.padding
spacing: Theme.padding
StatusBaseText {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.topMargin: Theme.padding
font.pixelSize: Theme.secondaryTextFontSize
font.bold: true
wrapMode: Text.WrapAnywhere
text: qsTr("Error sending the transaction")
StatusBaseText {
Layout.fillWidth: true
font.pixelSize: Theme.tertiaryTextFontSize
wrapMode: Text.WrapAnywhere
text: d.sendError
2020-05-27 16:50:39 -04:00
footer: TransactionModalFooter {
width: parent.width
nextButtonText: d.isBridgeTx ? qsTr("Bridge") : qsTr("Send")
nextButtonIconName: !!popup.selectedAccount && popup.selectedAccount.migratedToKeycard ? Constants.authenticationIconByType[Constants.LoginType.Keycard]
: Constants.authenticationIconByType[popup.loginType]
maxFiatFees: popup.isLoading ? "..." : d.currencyStore.formatCurrencyAmount(d.totalFeesInFiat, d.currencyStore.currentCurrency)
totalTimeEstimate: popup.isLoading? "..." : d.totalTimeEstimate
pending: d.isPendingTx || popup.isLoading
visible: recipientInputLoader.ready && (amountToSend.ready || d.isCollectiblesTransfer) && !d.errorMode && !d.routerError
onNextButtonClicked: {
d.sendError = ""
d.addMetricsEvent("next button clicked")
2021-07-05 08:34:56 -04:00
Connections {
target: popup.store.walletSectionSendInst
function onSuggestedRoutesReady(txRoutes, errCode, errDescription) {
if (txRoutes.uuid !== d.uuid) {
// Suggested routes for a different fetch, ignore
popup.bestRoutes = txRoutes.suggestedRoutes
d.routerError = WalletUtils.getRouterErrorBasedOnCode(errCode)
d.routerErrorDetails = "%1 - %2".arg(errCode).arg(WalletUtils.getRouterErrorDetailsOnCode(errCode, errDescription))
let gasTimeEstimate = txRoutes.gasTimeEstimate
d.totalTimeEstimate = WalletUtils.getLabelForEstimatedTxTime(gasTimeEstimate.totalTime)
let totalTokenFeesInFiat = 0
if (!!d.selectedHolding && !!d.selectedHolding.marketDetails && !!d.selectedHolding.marketDetails.currencyPrice)
totalTokenFeesInFiat = gasTimeEstimate.totalTokenFees * d.selectedHolding.marketDetails.currencyPrice.amount
d.totalFeesInFiat = d.currencyStore.getFiatValue(gasTimeEstimate.totalFeesInEth, Constants.ethToken) + totalTokenFeesInFiat
if (d.selectedHolding.type === Constants.TokenType.ERC20 || d.selectedHolding.type === Constants.TokenType.Native) {
// If assets
d.totalAmountToReceive = popup.store.getWei2Eth(txRoutes.amountToReceive, d.selectedHolding.decimals)
} else {
// If collectible
d.totalAmountToReceive = txRoutes.amountToReceive
networkSelector.suggestedToNetworksList = txRoutes.toNetworksRouteModel
popup.isLoading = false
function onTransactionSent(uuid: string, chainId: int, approvalTx: bool, txHash: string, error: string) {
d.isPendingTx = false
if (uuid !== d.uuid) return
if (!!error) {
if (error.includes(Constants.walletSection.authenticationCanceled)) {
d.sendError = error
d.addMetricsEvent("tx send error")
d.addMetricsEvent("tx send successful")
2020-05-27 16:50:39 -04:00