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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import datetime
import operator
from datetime import timedelta
from decimal import Decimal
from .PythonScriptEngine import PythonScriptEngine
# Copyright (C) 2020 Kelly McDonald
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
def feelConvertTime(datestr,parsestr):
return datetime.datetime.strptime(datestr,parsestr)
class FeelInterval():
def __init__(self, begin, end, leftOpen=False, rightOpen=False):
# pesky thing with python floats and Decimal comparison
if isinstance(begin,float):
begin = Decimal("%0.5f"%begin)
if isinstance(end, float):
end = Decimal("%0.5f" % end)
self.startInterval = begin
self.endInterval = end
self.leftOpen = leftOpen
self.rightOpen = rightOpen
def __eq__(self, other):
if self.leftOpen:
lhs = other > self.startInterval
lhs = other >= self.startInterval
if self.rightOpen:
rhs = other < self.endInterval
rhs = other <= self.endInterval
return lhs and rhs
class FeelContains():
def __init__(self, testItem,invert=False ):
self.test = testItem
self.invert = invert
def __eq__(self, other):
has = False
if isinstance(other,dict):
has = self.test in list(other.keys())
has = self.test in list(other)
if self.invert:
return not has
return has
class FeelNot():
def __init__(self, testItem):
self.test = testItem
def __eq__(self, other):
if other == self.test:
return False
return True
def feelConcatenate(*lst):
ilist = []
for l in lst:
ilist = ilist + l
return ilist
def feelAppend(lst,item):
newlist = lst[:] # get a copy
return newlist
def feelNow():
return datetime.datetime.now()
def feelGregorianDOW(date):
# we assume date is either date in Y-m-d format
# or it is of datetime class
if isinstance(date,str):
date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date,'%Y-%m-%d')
return date.isoweekday()%7
def transformDuration(duration,td):
if duration:
return td * float(duration)
return timedelta(seconds=0)
def lookupPart(code,base):
x= re.search("([0-9.]+)"+code,base)
if x:
return x.group(1)
return None
def feelFilter(var,a,b,op,column=None):
here we are trying to cover some of the basic test cases,
dict, list of dicts and list.
opmap = {'=':operator.eq,
b = eval(b)
# if it is a list and we are referring to 'item' then we
# expect the variable to be a simple list
if (isinstance(var,list)) and a == 'item':
return [x for x in var if opmap[op](x,b)]
# if it is a dictionary, and the keys refer to dictionaries,
# then we convert it to a list of dictionaries with the elements
# all having {'key':key,<rest of dict>}
# if it is a dictionary and the key refers to a non-dict, then
# we convert to a dict having {'key':key,'value':value}
if (isinstance(var,dict)):
newvar = []
for key in var.keys():
if isinstance(var[key],dict):
newterm = var[key]
var = newvar
if column!=None:
return [x.get(column) for x in var if opmap[op](x.get(a), b)]
return [x for x in var if opmap[op](x.get(a), b)]
def feelParseISODuration(input):
Given an ISO duration designation
such as :
and convert it into a python timedelta
Abbreviations may be made as in :
Months are defined as 30 days currently - as I am dreading getting into
Date arithmetic edge cases.
if input[0] != 'P':
Squashed 'SpiffWorkflow/' changes from 4195453a4..1f51db962 1f51db962 Merge pull request #283 from sartography/feature/better_errors 69fb4967e Patching up some bugs and logical disconnects as I test out the errors. cf5be0096 * Making a few more things consistent in the error messages -- so there isn't filename for validation errors, and file_name for WorkflowExceptions. Same for line_number vs sourceline. * Assure than an error_type is consistently set on exceptions. * ValidationExceptions should not bild up a detailed error message that replicates information available within it. 440ee16c8 Responding to some excellent suggestions from Elizabeth: 655e415e1 Merge pull request #282 from subhakarks/fix-workfowspec-dump 1f6d3cf4e Explain that the error happened in a pre-script or post script. 8119abd14 Added a top level SpiffWorklowException that all exceptions inherit from. Aside from a message string you can append information to these exceptions with "add_note", which is a new method that all exceptions have starting in python 3.11 Switched arguments to the WorkflowException, WorkflowTaskException - which now always takes a string message as the first argument, and named arguments thereafter to be consistent with all other error messages in Python. Consistently raise ValidationExceptions whenever we encounter an error anywhere during parsing of xml. The BPMN/WorkflowTaskExecException is removed, in favor of just calling a WorkflowTaskException. There is nothing BPMN Specific in the logic, so no need for this. Consolidated error message logic so that things like "Did you mean" just get added by default if possible. So we don't have to separately deal with that logic each time. Better Error messages for DMN (include row number as a part of the error information) 13463b5c5 fix for workflowspec dump be26100bc Merge pull request #280 from sartography/feature/remove-unused-bpmn-attributes-and-methods 23a5c1d70 remove 'entering_* methods 4e5875ec8 remove sequence flow 5eed83ab1 Merge pull request #278 from sartography/feature/remove-old-serializer 614f1c68a remove compact serializer and references e7e410d4a remove old serializer and references git-subtree-dir: SpiffWorkflow git-subtree-split: 1f51db962ccaed5810f5d0f7d76a932f056430ab
2023-01-19 10:47:07 -05:00
raise Exception("ISO Duration format must begin with the letter P")
input = input[1:]
days, time = input.split("T")
lookups = [("Y",days,timedelta(days=365)),
("M", days, timedelta(days=30)),
("W", days, timedelta(days=7)),
("D", days, timedelta(days=1)),
("H", time, timedelta(seconds=60*60)),
("M", time, timedelta(seconds=60)),
("S", time, timedelta(seconds=1)),
totaltime = [transformDuration(lookupPart(x[0],x[1]),x[2]) for x in lookups]
return sum(totaltime,timedelta(seconds=0))
# Order Matters!!
fixes = [(r'string\s+length\((.+?)\)','len(\\1)'),
(r'append\((.+?),(.+?)\)','feelAppend(\\1,\\2)'), # again will not work with literal list
(r'list\s+contains\((.+?),(.+?)\)','\\2 in \\1'), # list contains(['a','b','stupid,','c'],'stupid,') will break
(r'contains\((.+?),(.+?)\)','\\2 in \\1'), # contains('my stupid, stupid comment','stupid') will break
(r'not\s+?contains\((.+?)\)','FeelContains(\\1,invert=True)'), # not contains('something')
(r'not\((.+?)\)','FeelNot(\\1)'), # not('x')
(r'contains\((.+?)\)', 'FeelContains(\\1)'), # contains('x')
# date and time (<datestr>)
(r'date\s+?and\s+?time\s*\((.+?)\)', 'feelConvertTime(\\1,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")'),
(r'date\s*\((.+?)\)', 'feelConvertTime(\\1,"%Y-%m-%d)'), # date (<datestring>)
(r'\[([^\[\]]+?)[.]{2}([^\[\]]+?)\]','FeelInterval(\\1,\\2)'), # closed interval on both sides
(r'[\]\(]([^\[\]\(\)]+?)[.]{2}([^\[\]\)\(]+?)\]','FeelInterval(\\1,\\2,leftOpen=True)'), # open lhs
(r'\[([^\[\]\(\)]+?)[.]{2}([^\[\]\(\)]+?)[\[\)]','FeelInterval(\\1,\\2,rightOpen=True)'), # open rhs
# I was having problems with this matching a "P" somewhere in another expression
# so I added a bunch of different cases that should isolate this.
'feelParseISODuration("\\1")'), ## Parse ISO Duration convert to timedelta - standalone
'feelParseISODuration("\\1") '), ## Parse ISO Duration convert to timedelta beginning
' feelParseISODuration("\\1") '), ## Parse ISO Duration convert to timedelta in context
' feelParseISODuration("\\1")'), ## Parse ISO Duration convert to timedelta end
(r'(.+)\[(\S+)?(<=)(.+)]\.(\S+)', 'feelFilter(\\1,"\\2","\\4","\\3","\\5")'), # implement a simple filter
(r'(.+)\[(\S+)?(>=)(.+)]\.(\S+)', 'feelFilter(\\1,"\\2","\\4","\\3","\\5")'), # implement a simple filter
(r'(.+)\[(\S+)?(!=)(.+)]\.(\S+)', 'feelFilter(\\1,"\\2","\\4","\\3","\\5")'), # implement a simple filter
(r'(.+)\[(\S+)?([=<>])(.+)]\.(\S+)', 'feelFilter(\\1,"\\2",\\4,"\\3","\\5")'), # implement a simple filter
(r'(.+)\[(\S+)?(<=)(.+)]', 'feelFilter(\\1,"\\2","\\4","\\3")'), # implement a simple filter
(r'(.+)\[(\S+)?(>=)(.+)]', 'feelFilter(\\1,"\\2","\\4","\\3")'), # implement a simple filter
(r'(.+)\[(\S+)?(!=)(.+)]', 'feelFilter(\\1,"\\2","\\4","\\3")'), # implement a simple filter
(r'(.+)\[(\S+)?([=<>])(.+)]','feelFilter(\\1,"\\2","\\4","\\3")'), # implement a simple filter
'FeelInterval(\\1,\\2,rightOpen=True,leftOpen=True)'), # open both
# parse dot.dict for several different edge cases
# make sure that it begins with a letter character - otherwise we
# may get float numbers.
# will not work for cases where we do something like:
# x contains(this.dotdict.item)
# and it may be difficult, because we do not want to replace for the case of
# somedict.keys() - because that is actually in the tests.
# however, it would be fixed by doing:
# x contains( this.dotdict.item )
Squashed 'SpiffWorkflow/' changes from 4195453a4..1f51db962 1f51db962 Merge pull request #283 from sartography/feature/better_errors 69fb4967e Patching up some bugs and logical disconnects as I test out the errors. cf5be0096 * Making a few more things consistent in the error messages -- so there isn't filename for validation errors, and file_name for WorkflowExceptions. Same for line_number vs sourceline. * Assure than an error_type is consistently set on exceptions. * ValidationExceptions should not bild up a detailed error message that replicates information available within it. 440ee16c8 Responding to some excellent suggestions from Elizabeth: 655e415e1 Merge pull request #282 from subhakarks/fix-workfowspec-dump 1f6d3cf4e Explain that the error happened in a pre-script or post script. 8119abd14 Added a top level SpiffWorklowException that all exceptions inherit from. Aside from a message string you can append information to these exceptions with "add_note", which is a new method that all exceptions have starting in python 3.11 Switched arguments to the WorkflowException, WorkflowTaskException - which now always takes a string message as the first argument, and named arguments thereafter to be consistent with all other error messages in Python. Consistently raise ValidationExceptions whenever we encounter an error anywhere during parsing of xml. The BPMN/WorkflowTaskExecException is removed, in favor of just calling a WorkflowTaskException. There is nothing BPMN Specific in the logic, so no need for this. Consolidated error message logic so that things like "Did you mean" just get added by default if possible. So we don't have to separately deal with that logic each time. Better Error messages for DMN (include row number as a part of the error information) 13463b5c5 fix for workflowspec dump be26100bc Merge pull request #280 from sartography/feature/remove-unused-bpmn-attributes-and-methods 23a5c1d70 remove 'entering_* methods 4e5875ec8 remove sequence flow 5eed83ab1 Merge pull request #278 from sartography/feature/remove-old-serializer 614f1c68a remove compact serializer and references e7e410d4a remove old serializer and references git-subtree-dir: SpiffWorkflow git-subtree-split: 1f51db962ccaed5810f5d0f7d76a932f056430ab
2023-01-19 10:47:07 -05:00
externalFuncs = {
'feelConcatenate': feelConcatenate,
'feelAppend': feelAppend,
'feelFilter': feelFilter,
'feelNow': feelNow,
'FeelContains': FeelContains,
'feelParseISODuration': feelParseISODuration,
class FeelLikeScriptEngine(PythonScriptEngine):
This should serve as a base for all scripting & expression evaluation
operations that are done within both BPMN and BMN. Eventually it will also
serve as a base for FEEL expressions as well
If you are uncomfortable with the use of eval() and exec, then you should
provide a specialised subclass that parses and executes the scripts /
expressions in a mini-language of your own.
def __init__(self):
def validate(self, expression):
def patch_expression(self, invalid_python, lhs=''):
if invalid_python is None:
return None
proposed_python = invalid_python
for transformation in fixes:
if isinstance(transformation[1], str):
proposed_python = re.sub(transformation[0], transformation[1], proposed_python)
for x in re.findall(transformation[0], proposed_python):
if '.' in(x):
proposed_python = proposed_python.replace(x, transformation[1](x))
if lhs is not None:
proposed_python = lhs + proposed_python
return proposed_python
def _evaluate(self, expression, context, task=None, external_methods=None):
Evaluate the given expression, within the context of the given task and
return the result.
if external_methods is None:
external_methods = {}
revised = self.patch_expression(expression)
return super()._evaluate(revised, context, external_methods=external_methods)
def execute(self, task, script, data, external_methods=None):
Execute the script, within the context of the specified task
if external_methods is None:
external_methods = {}
super(PythonScriptEngine).execute(task, script, external_methods)