Squashed 'SpiffWorkflow/' content from commit 63db3e4

git-subtree-dir: SpiffWorkflow
git-subtree-split: 63db3e45947ec66b8d0efc2c74064004f8ff482c
This commit is contained in:
Jon Herron 2022-10-12 10:19:53 -04:00
commit 7c219fd731
776 changed files with 219628 additions and 0 deletions

.editorconfig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
root = true
indent_style = space
indent_size = 4
end_of_line = lf
insert_final_newline = true
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
max_line_length = 79

.flake8 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
name: Publish Python 🐍 distributions 📦 to PyPI and TestPyPI
types: [published]
name: Build and publish Python 🐍 distributions 📦 to PyPI
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@master
- name: Set up Python 3.9
uses: actions/setup-python@v1
python-version: 3.9
- name: Install pypa/build
run: >-
python -m
pip install
- name: Build a binary wheel and a source tarball
run: >-
python -m
--outdir dist/
- name: Publish distribution 📦 to PyPI
if: startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags')
uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish@master
username: __token__
password: ${{ secrets.PYPI_API_TOKEN }}

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
# Created by https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore/api/python,intellij+all,macos
# Edit at https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore?templates=python,intellij+all,macos
### Intellij+all ###
# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider
# Reference: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/206544839
# User-specific stuff
# AWS User-specific
# Generated files
# Sensitive or high-churn files
# Gradle
# Gradle and Maven with auto-import
# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files,
# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using
# auto-import.
# .idea/artifacts
# .idea/compiler.xml
# .idea/jarRepositories.xml
# .idea/modules.xml
# .idea/*.iml
# .idea/modules
# *.iml
# *.ipr
# CMake
# Mongo Explorer plugin
# File-based project format
# IntelliJ
# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin
# JIRA plugin
# Cursive Clojure plugin
# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ)
# Editor-based Rest Client
# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file
### Intellij+all Patch ###
# Ignores the whole .idea folder and all .iml files
# See https://github.com/joeblau/gitignore.io/issues/186 and https://github.com/joeblau/gitignore.io/issues/360
# Reason: https://github.com/joeblau/gitignore.io/issues/186#issuecomment-249601023
# Sonarlint plugin
### macOS ###
# General
# Icon must end with two \r
# Thumbnails
# Files that might appear in the root of a volume
# Directories potentially created on remote AFP share
Network Trash Folder
Temporary Items
### Python ###
# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
# C extensions
# Distribution / packaging
# PyInstaller
# Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
# before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
# Installer logs
# Unit test / coverage reports
# Translations
# Django stuff:
# Flask stuff:
# Scrapy stuff:
# Sphinx documentation
# PyBuilder
# Jupyter Notebook
# IPython
# pyenv
# For a library or package, you might want to ignore these files since the code is
# intended to run in multiple environments; otherwise, check them in:
# .python-version
# pipenv
# According to pypa/pipenv#598, it is recommended to include Pipfile.lock in version control.
# However, in case of collaboration, if having platform-specific dependencies or dependencies
# having no cross-platform support, pipenv may install dependencies that don't work, or not
# install all needed dependencies.
# PEP 582; used by e.g. github.com/David-OConnor/pyflow
# Celery stuff
# SageMath parsed files
# Environments
# Spyder project settings
# Rope project settings
# mkdocs documentation
# mypy
# Pyre type checker
# pytype static type analyzer
# Cython debug symbols
# End of https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore/api/python,intellij+all,macos

.readthedocs.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# .readthedocs.yaml
# Read the Docs configuration file
# See https://docs.readthedocs.io/en/stable/config-file/v2.html for details
image: latest
# Optionally build your docs in additional formats such as PDF
formats: []
pip_install: true
version: 3.7
- docs

.sonarcloud.properties Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

.tool-versions Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
python 3.10.4

.travis.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
dist: focal
language: python
- 3.7
- 3.8
- 3.9
- 3.10
organization: sartography
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- pip install celery
- cd tests/SpiffWorkflow
- coverage run --source=SpiffWorkflow -m unittest discover -v . "*Test.py"
- coverage xml -i
- cd ../..
- sonar-scanner
depth: false
- python: 3.7
- python: 3.8
- python: 3.9
- python: 3.10

AUTHORS Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Samuel Abels <http://github.com/knipknap/>
Ziad Sawalha <http://github.com/ziadsawalha/>
Matthew Hampton <http://github.com/matthewhampton/>
Kelly McDonald
Dan Funk

CONTRIB Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
Guide for Contributors
Coding style:
Please follow PEP8: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/
Non-public classes and methods MUST be prefixed by _. This is also important
because the test and API documentation machinery makes assumptions based on
this convention.
Every added public class MUST have a corresponding unit test. The tests are
placed in the following directory: tests/SpiffWorkflow/
The test directory layout mirrors the source code directory layout, e.g.
has a corresponding test in
The unit test for each class MUST have a CORRELATE class attribute that points
to the tested class. (The test machinery uses this attribute to find untested
Each commit MUST NOT break functionality. In other words, the code in the
repository should function at any time, and all test MUST pass.
Every public class and function or method MUST include API documentation. The
documentation MUST cover the method's arguments and return values.
Write inline documentation generously.
Make sure that each commit contains related changes only. E.g. don't fix
two unrelated bugs in one commit, or introduce a new feature while refactoring
another part of the program in the same commit. When in doubt, use multiple
small commits. In general, most commits should be relatively small unless they
are plain additions.
You have to agree to licensing under the lGPLv3, and every added file MUST
include a copyright header.
If you modify a file and add a chunk of at least 7 lines in size, please add
yourself to the copyright header of that file.
## Releases
For you dev op folks who release builds to the larger community ...
Be sure to edit the conf.py, and update the release tag: doc/conf.py
And also edit setup.py and assure that has the same release tag.
New versions of SpiffWorkflow are automatically published to PyPi whenever
a maintainer of our GitHub repository creates a new release on GitHub. This
is managed through GitHub's actions. The configuration of which can be
found in .github/workflows/....
Just create a release in GitHub that mathches the release number in doc/conf.py

COPYING Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
Version 3, 29 June 2007
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <http://fsf.org/>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates
the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public
License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below.
0. Additional Definitions.
As used herein, "this License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, and the "GNU GPL" refers to version 3 of the GNU
General Public License.
"The Library" refers to a covered work governed by this License,
other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below.
An "Application" is any work that makes use of an interface provided
by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library.
Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode
of using an interface provided by the Library.
A "Combined Work" is a work produced by combining or linking an
Application with the Library. The particular version of the Library
with which the Combined Work was made is also called the "Linked
The "Minimal Corresponding Source" for a Combined Work means the
Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code
for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are
based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version.
The "Corresponding Application Code" for a Combined Work means the
object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data
and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the
Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work.
1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL.
You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License
without being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL.
2. Conveying Modified Versions.
If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a
facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application
that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the
facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy of the modified
a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to
ensure that, in the event an Application does not supply the
function or data, the facility still operates, and performs
whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or
b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of
this License applicable to that copy.
3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files.
The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from
a header file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object
code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated
material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure
layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates
(ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following:
a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the
Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
covered by this License.
b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
4. Combined Works.
You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that,
taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the
portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse
engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each of
the following:
a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that
the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
covered by this License.
b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during
execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among
these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the
copies of the GNU GPL and this license document.
d) Do one of the following:
0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this
License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form
suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to
recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of
the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the
manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying
Corresponding Source.
1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time
a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer
system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version
of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked
e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise
be required to provide such information under section 6 of the
GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is
necessary to install and execute a modified version of the
Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the
Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If
you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany
the Minimal Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application
Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation
Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL
for conveying Corresponding Source.)
5. Combined Libraries.
You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
Library side by side in a single library together with other library
facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this
License, and convey such a combined library under terms of your
choice, if you do both of the following:
a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based
on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities,
conveyed under the terms of this License.
b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it
is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the
accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the GNU Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new
versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may
differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered version
of the GNU Lesser General Public License "or any later version"
applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and
conditions either of that published version or of any later version
published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you
received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser
General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation.
If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide
whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall
apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is
permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the

Dockerfile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
FROM python:3.6
RUN apt-get -y update && apt-get upgrade -yu
COPY . /tmp/SpiffWorkflow
RUN cd /tmp/SpiffWorkflow && make wheel && pip install dist/SpiffWorkflow*.whl

INSTALL Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
To install this package, run
sudo python setup.py install --prefix /usr/local

Makefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
VERSION=`python setup.py --version`
SITE_DIR=$(PREFIX)`python -c "import sys; from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()[len(sys.prefix):]"`
# Standard targets.
.PHONY : clean
find . -name "*.pyc" -o -name "*.pyo" | xargs -rn1 rm -f
find . -name "*.egg-info" | xargs -rn1 rm -r
rm -Rf build
cd doc; make clean
.PHONY : dist-clean
dist-clean: clean
rm -Rf dist
.PHONY : doc
cd doc; make
mkdir -p $(SITE_DIR)
python setup.py install --prefix $(PREFIX) \
--install-scripts $(BIN_DIR) \
--install-lib $(SITE_DIR)
./version.sh --reset
# Sorry, Python's distutils support no such action yet.
.PHONY : tests
cd tests/$(NAME)
PYTHONPATH=../.. python -m unittest discover -v . "*Test.py"
.PHONY : tests-cov
cd tests/$(NAME)
coverage run --source=$(NAME) -m unittest discover -v . "*Test.py"
.PHONY : tests-ind
cd tests/$(NAME)
@PYTHONPATH=../.. find . -name "*Test.py" -printf '%p' -exec python -m unittest {} \;
.PHONY : tests-timing
@make tests-ind 2>&1 | ./scripts/test_times.py
# Package builders.
targz: clean
python setup.py sdist --formats gztar
./version.sh --reset
tarbz: clean
python setup.py sdist --formats bztar
./version.sh --reset
wheel: clean
python setup.py bdist_wheel --universal
./version.sh --reset
deb: clean
debuild -S -sa
cd ..; sudo pbuilder build $(NAME)_$(VERSION)-0ubuntu1.dsc; cd -
./version.sh --reset
dist: targz tarbz wheel
# Publishers.
python setup.py bdist_wheel --universal upload
./version.sh --reset

README.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
## SpiffWorkflow
Spiff Workflow is a workflow engine implemented in pure Python. It is based on
the excellent work of the Workflow Patterns initiative. In 2020 and 2021,
extensive support was added for BPMN / DMN processing.
## Motivation
We created SpiffWorkflow to support the development of low-code business
applications in Python. Using BPMN will allow non-developers to describe
complex workflow processes in a visual diagram, coupled with a powerful python
script engine that works seamlessly within the diagrams. SpiffWorkflow can parse
these diagrams and execute them. The ability for businesses to create
clear, coherent diagrams that drive an application has far reaching potential.
While multiple tools exist for doing this in Java, we believe that wide
adoption of the Python Language, and it's ease of use, create a winning
strategy for building Low-Code applications.
## Build status
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/sartography/SpiffWorkflow.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/sartography/SpiffWorkflow)
[![Quality Gate Status](https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=sartography_SpiffWorkflow&metric=alert_status)](https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=sartography_SpiffWorkflow)
[![Maintainability Rating](https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=sartography_SpiffWorkflow&metric=sqale_rating)](https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=sartography_SpiffWorkflow)
[![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/spiffworkflow/badge/?version=latest)](http://spiffworkflow.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest)
[![Pull Requests](https://img.shields.io/github/issues-pr/sartography/spiffworkflow)](https://github.com/sartography/SpiffWorkflow/pulls)
## Code style
## Dependencies
We've worked to minimize external dependencies. We rely on lxml for parsing
XML Documents, and there is some legacy support for Celery, but it is not
core to the implementation, it is just a way to interconnect these systems.
<b>Built with</b>
- [lxml](https://lxml.de/)
- [celery](https://docs.celeryproject.org/en/stable/)
## Features
* __BPMN__ - support for parsing BPMN diagrams, including the more complex
components, like pools and lanes, multi-instance tasks, sub-workflows, timer
events, signals, messages, boudary events and looping.
* __DMN__ - We have a baseline implementation of DMN that is well integrated
with our Python Execution Engine.
* __Forms__ - forms, including text fields, selection lists, and most every other
thing you can be extracted from the Camunda xml extension, and returned as
json data that can be used to generate forms on the command line, or in web
applications (we've used Formly to good success)
* __Python Workflows__ - We've retained support for building workflows directly
in code, or running workflows based on a internal json data structure.
_A complete list of the latest features is available with our [release notes](https://github.com/sartography/SpiffWorkflow/releases/tag/1.0) for
version 1.0._
## Code Examples and Documentation
Detailed documentation is available on [ReadTheDocs](https://spiffworkflow.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
Also, checkout our [example application](https://github.com/sartography/spiff-example-cli), which we
reference extensively from the Documentation.
## Installation
pip install spiffworkflow
## Tests
cd tests/SpiffWorkflow
coverage run --source=SpiffWorkflow -m unittest discover -v . "*Test.py"
## Support
You can find us on Discord at https://discord.gg/zDEBEnrF
Commercial support for SpiffWorkflow is available from
## Contribute
Pull Requests are and always will be welcome!
Please check your formatting, assure that all tests are passing, and include
any additional tests that can demonstrate the new code you created is working
as expected. If applicable, please reference the issue number in your pull
## Credits and Thanks
Samuel Abels (@knipknap) for creating SpiffWorkflow and maintaining it for over
a decade.
Matthew Hampton (@matthewhampton) for his initial contributions around BPMN
parsing and execution.
The University of Virginia for allowing us to take on the mammoth task of
building a general-purpose workflow system for BPMN, and allowing us to
contribute that back to the open source community. In particular, we would like
to thank [Ron Hutchins](https://www.linkedin.com/in/ron-hutchins-b19603123/),
for his trust and support. Without him our efforts would not be possible.
Bruce Silver, the author of BPMN Quick and Easy Using Method and Style, whose
work we referenced extensively as we made implementation decisions and
educated ourselves on the BPMN and DMN standards.
The BPMN.js library, without which we would not have the tools to effectively
build out our models, embed an editor in our application, and pull this mad
mess together.
Kelly McDonald (@w4kpm) who dove deeper into the core of SpiffWorkflow than
anyone else, and was instrumental in helping us get some of these major
enhancements working correctly.
Thanks also to the many contributions from our community. Large and small.
From Ziad (@ziadsawalha) in the early days to Elizabeth (@essweine) more
recently. It is good to be a part of this long lived and strong
## License

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import datetime
import operator
from datetime import timedelta
from decimal import Decimal
from .PythonScriptEngine import PythonScriptEngine
# Copyright (C) 2020 Kelly McDonald
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
def feelConvertTime(datestr,parsestr):
return datetime.datetime.strptime(datestr,parsestr)
class FeelInterval():
def __init__(self, begin, end, leftOpen=False, rightOpen=False):
# pesky thing with python floats and Decimal comparison
if isinstance(begin,float):
begin = Decimal("%0.5f"%begin)
if isinstance(end, float):
end = Decimal("%0.5f" % end)
self.startInterval = begin
self.endInterval = end
self.leftOpen = leftOpen
self.rightOpen = rightOpen
def __eq__(self, other):
if self.leftOpen:
lhs = other > self.startInterval
lhs = other >= self.startInterval
if self.rightOpen:
rhs = other < self.endInterval
rhs = other <= self.endInterval
return lhs and rhs
class FeelContains():
def __init__(self, testItem,invert=False ):
self.test = testItem
self.invert = invert
def __eq__(self, other):
has = False
if isinstance(other,dict):
has = self.test in list(other.keys())
has = self.test in list(other)
if self.invert:
return not has
return has
class FeelNot():
def __init__(self, testItem):
self.test = testItem
def __eq__(self, other):
if other == self.test:
return False
return True
def feelConcatenate(*lst):
ilist = []
for l in lst:
ilist = ilist + l
return ilist
def feelAppend(lst,item):
newlist = lst[:] # get a copy
return newlist
def feelNow():
return datetime.datetime.now()
def feelGregorianDOW(date):
# we assume date is either date in Y-m-d format
# or it is of datetime class
if isinstance(date,str):
date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date,'%Y-%m-%d')
return date.isoweekday()%7
def transformDuration(duration,td):
if duration:
return td * float(duration)
return timedelta(seconds=0)
def lookupPart(code,base):
x= re.search("([0-9.]+)"+code,base)
if x:
return x.group(1)
return None
def feelFilter(var,a,b,op,column=None):
here we are trying to cover some of the basic test cases,
dict, list of dicts and list.
opmap = {'=':operator.eq,
b = eval(b)
# if it is a list and we are referring to 'item' then we
# expect the variable to be a simple list
if (isinstance(var,list)) and a == 'item':
return [x for x in var if opmap[op](x,b)]
# if it is a dictionary, and the keys refer to dictionaries,
# then we convert it to a list of dictionaries with the elements
# all having {'key':key,<rest of dict>}
# if it is a dictionary and the key refers to a non-dict, then
# we convert to a dict having {'key':key,'value':value}
if (isinstance(var,dict)):
newvar = []
for key in var.keys():
if isinstance(var[key],dict):
newterm = var[key]
var = newvar
if column!=None:
return [x.get(column) for x in var if opmap[op](x.get(a), b)]
return [x for x in var if opmap[op](x.get(a), b)]
def feelParseISODuration(input):
Given an ISO duration designation
such as :
and convert it into a python timedelta
Abbreviations may be made as in :
Months are defined as 30 days currently - as I am dreading getting into
Date arithmetic edge cases.
if input[0] != 'P':
raise Exception("Oh Crap!")
input = input[1:]
days, time = input.split("T")
lookups = [("Y",days,timedelta(days=365)),
("M", days, timedelta(days=30)),
("W", days, timedelta(days=7)),
("D", days, timedelta(days=1)),
("H", time, timedelta(seconds=60*60)),
("M", time, timedelta(seconds=60)),
("S", time, timedelta(seconds=1)),
totaltime = [transformDuration(lookupPart(x[0],x[1]),x[2]) for x in lookups]
return sum(totaltime,timedelta(seconds=0))
# Order Matters!!
fixes = [(r'string\s+length\((.+?)\)','len(\\1)'),
(r'append\((.+?),(.+?)\)','feelAppend(\\1,\\2)'), # again will not work with literal list
(r'list\s+contains\((.+?),(.+?)\)','\\2 in \\1'), # list contains(['a','b','stupid,','c'],'stupid,') will break
(r'contains\((.+?),(.+?)\)','\\2 in \\1'), # contains('my stupid, stupid comment','stupid') will break
(r'not\s+?contains\((.+?)\)','FeelContains(\\1,invert=True)'), # not contains('something')
(r'not\((.+?)\)','FeelNot(\\1)'), # not('x')
(r'contains\((.+?)\)', 'FeelContains(\\1)'), # contains('x')
# date and time (<datestr>)
(r'date\s+?and\s+?time\s*\((.+?)\)', 'feelConvertTime(\\1,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")'),
(r'date\s*\((.+?)\)', 'feelConvertTime(\\1,"%Y-%m-%d)'), # date (<datestring>)
(r'\[([^\[\]]+?)[.]{2}([^\[\]]+?)\]','FeelInterval(\\1,\\2)'), # closed interval on both sides
(r'[\]\(]([^\[\]\(\)]+?)[.]{2}([^\[\]\)\(]+?)\]','FeelInterval(\\1,\\2,leftOpen=True)'), # open lhs
(r'\[([^\[\]\(\)]+?)[.]{2}([^\[\]\(\)]+?)[\[\)]','FeelInterval(\\1,\\2,rightOpen=True)'), # open rhs
# I was having problems with this matching a "P" somewhere in another expression
# so I added a bunch of different cases that should isolate this.
'feelParseISODuration("\\1")'), ## Parse ISO Duration convert to timedelta - standalone
'feelParseISODuration("\\1") '), ## Parse ISO Duration convert to timedelta beginning
' feelParseISODuration("\\1") '), ## Parse ISO Duration convert to timedelta in context
' feelParseISODuration("\\1")'), ## Parse ISO Duration convert to timedelta end
(r'(.+)\[(\S+)?(<=)(.+)]\.(\S+)', 'feelFilter(\\1,"\\2","\\4","\\3","\\5")'), # implement a simple filter
(r'(.+)\[(\S+)?(>=)(.+)]\.(\S+)', 'feelFilter(\\1,"\\2","\\4","\\3","\\5")'), # implement a simple filter
(r'(.+)\[(\S+)?(!=)(.+)]\.(\S+)', 'feelFilter(\\1,"\\2","\\4","\\3","\\5")'), # implement a simple filter
(r'(.+)\[(\S+)?([=<>])(.+)]\.(\S+)', 'feelFilter(\\1,"\\2",\\4,"\\3","\\5")'), # implement a simple filter
(r'(.+)\[(\S+)?(<=)(.+)]', 'feelFilter(\\1,"\\2","\\4","\\3")'), # implement a simple filter
(r'(.+)\[(\S+)?(>=)(.+)]', 'feelFilter(\\1,"\\2","\\4","\\3")'), # implement a simple filter
(r'(.+)\[(\S+)?(!=)(.+)]', 'feelFilter(\\1,"\\2","\\4","\\3")'), # implement a simple filter
(r'(.+)\[(\S+)?([=<>])(.+)]','feelFilter(\\1,"\\2","\\4","\\3")'), # implement a simple filter
'FeelInterval(\\1,\\2,rightOpen=True,leftOpen=True)'), # open both
# parse dot.dict for several different edge cases
# make sure that it begins with a letter character - otherwise we
# may get float numbers.
# will not work for cases where we do something like:
# x contains(this.dotdict.item)
# and it may be difficult, because we do not want to replace for the case of
# somedict.keys() - because that is actually in the tests.
# however, it would be fixed by doing:
# x contains( this.dotdict.item )
externalFuncs = {
'feelConcatenate': feelConcatenate,
'feelAppend': feelAppend,
'feelFilter': feelFilter,
'feelNow': feelNow,
'FeelContains': FeelContains,
'feelParseISODuration': feelParseISODuration,
class FeelLikeScriptEngine(PythonScriptEngine):
This should serve as a base for all scripting & expression evaluation
operations that are done within both BPMN and BMN. Eventually it will also
serve as a base for FEEL expressions as well
If you are uncomfortable with the use of eval() and exec, then you should
provide a specialised subclass that parses and executes the scripts /
expressions in a mini-language of your own.
def __init__(self):
def validate(self, expression):
def patch_expression(self, invalid_python, lhs=''):
if invalid_python is None:
return None
proposed_python = invalid_python
for transformation in fixes:
if isinstance(transformation[1], str):
proposed_python = re.sub(transformation[0], transformation[1], proposed_python)
for x in re.findall(transformation[0], proposed_python):
if '.' in(x):
proposed_python = proposed_python.replace(x, transformation[1](x))
if lhs is not None:
proposed_python = lhs + proposed_python
return proposed_python
def _evaluate(self, expression, context, task=None, external_methods=None):
Evaluate the given expression, within the context of the given task and
return the result.
if external_methods is None:
external_methods = {}
revised = self.patch_expression(expression)
return super()._evaluate(revised, context, external_methods=external_methods)
def execute(self, task, script, data, external_methods=None):
Execute the script, within the context of the specified task
if external_methods is None:
external_methods = {}
super(PythonScriptEngine).execute(task, script, external_methods)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import ast
import copy
import sys
import traceback
import datetime
import dateparser
import pytz
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.exceptions import WorkflowTaskExecException
from ..operators import Operator
# Would love to get rid of this altogether, as it rightly belongs in the
# backend, but leaving it here because that's the path of least resistance.
'timedelta': datetime.timedelta,
'datetime': datetime,
'dateparser': dateparser,
'pytz': pytz,
# Copyright (C) 2020 Kelly McDonald
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
class Box(dict):
m = Box({'first_name': 'Eduardo'}, last_name='Pool', age=24, sports=['Soccer'])
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Box, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
for arg in args:
if isinstance(arg, dict):
for k, v in arg.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
self[k] = Box(v)
self[k] = v
if kwargs:
for k, v in kwargs.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
self[k] = Box(v)
self[k] = v
def __deepcopy__(self, memodict=None):
if memodict is None:
memodict = {}
my_copy = Box()
for k, v in self.items():
my_copy[k] = copy.deepcopy(v)
return my_copy
def __getattr__(self, attr):
output = self[attr]
raise AttributeError(
"Dictionary has no attribute '%s' " % str(attr))
return output
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
self.__setitem__(key, value)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
super(Box, self).__setitem__(key, value)
self.__dict__.update({key: value})
def __getstate__(self):
return self.__dict__
def __setstate__(self, state):
def __delattr__(self, item):
def __delitem__(self, key):
super(Box, self).__delitem__(key)
del self.__dict__[key]
class PythonScriptEngine(object):
This should serve as a base for all scripting & expression evaluation
operations that are done within both BPMN and BMN. Eventually it will also
serve as a base for FEEL expressions as well
If you are uncomfortable with the use of eval() and exec, then you should
provide a specialised subclass that parses and executes the scripts /
expressions in a different way.
def __init__(self, default_globals=None, scripting_additions=None):
self.globals = default_globals or DEFAULT_GLOBALS
self.globals.update(scripting_additions or {})
self.error_tasks = {}
def validate(self, expression):
def evaluate(self, task, expression, external_methods=None):
Evaluate the given expression, within the context of the given task and
return the result.
if isinstance(expression, Operator):
# I am assuming that this takes care of some kind of XML
# expression judging from the contents of operators.py
return expression._matches(task)
return self._evaluate(expression, task.data, external_methods)
except Exception as e:
raise WorkflowTaskExecException(task,
f"Error evaluating expression {expression}",
def execute(self, task, script, external_methods=None):
Execute the script, within the context of the specified task
self.check_for_overwrite(task, external_methods or {})
self._execute(script, task.data, external_methods or {})
except Exception as err:
wte = self.create_task_exec_exception(task, err)
self.error_tasks[task.id] = wte
raise wte
def call_service(self, operation_name, operation_params, task_data):
"""Override to control how external services are called from service
raise NotImplementedError("To call external services override the script engine and implement `call_service`.")
def create_task_exec_exception(self, task, err):
if isinstance(err, WorkflowTaskExecException):
return err
detail = err.__class__.__name__
if len(err.args) > 0:
detail += ":" + err.args[0]
line_number = 0
error_line = ''
cl, exc, tb = sys.exc_info()
# Loop back through the stack trace to find the file called
# 'string' - which is the script we are executing, then use that
# to parse and pull out the offending line.
for frame_summary in traceback.extract_tb(tb):
if frame_summary.filename == '<string>':
line_number = frame_summary.lineno
error_line = task.task_spec.script.splitlines()[
line_number - 1]
return WorkflowTaskExecException(task, detail, err, line_number,
def check_for_overwrite(self, task, external_methods):
"""It's possible that someone will define a variable with the
same name as a pre-defined script, rending the script un-callable.
This results in a nearly indecipherable error. Better to fail
fast with a sensible error message."""
func_overwrites = set(self.globals).intersection(task.data)
if len(func_overwrites) > 0:
msg = f"You have task data that overwrites a predefined " \
f"function(s). Please change the following variable or " \
f"field name(s) to something else: {func_overwrites}"
raise WorkflowTaskExecException(task, msg)
def convert_to_box(self, data):
if isinstance(data, dict):
for key, value in data.items():
if not isinstance(value, Box):
data[key] = self.convert_to_box(value)
return Box(data)
if isinstance(data, list):
for idx, value in enumerate(data):
data[idx] = self.convert_to_box(value)
return data
return data
def _evaluate(self, expression, context, external_methods=None):
globals = copy.copy(self.globals) # else we pollute all later evals.
globals.update(external_methods or {})
return eval(expression, globals)
def _execute(self, script, context, external_methods=None):
my_globals = copy.copy(self.globals)
my_globals.update(external_methods or {})
exec(script, context)
def remove_globals_and_functions_from_context(self, context,
"""When executing a script, don't leave the globals, functions
and external methods in the context that we have modified."""
for k in list(context):
if k == "__builtins__" or \
hasattr(context[k], '__call__') or \
k in self.globals or \
external_methods and k in external_methods:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Hampton
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
import re
from SpiffWorkflow.exceptions import WorkflowException, WorkflowTaskException
from SpiffWorkflow.util import levenshtein
class WorkflowTaskExecException(WorkflowTaskException):
Exception during execution of task "payload". For example:
* ScriptTask during execution of embedded script,
* ServiceTask during external service call.
def __init__(self, task, error_msg, exception=None, line_number=0, error_line=""):
Exception initialization.
:param task: the task that threw the exception
:type task: Task
:param exception: a human readable error message
:type exception: Exception
self.offset = 0
self.line_number = line_number
self.error_line = error_line
if isinstance(exception, SyntaxError):
# Prefer line number from syntax error if available.
self.line_number = exception.lineno
self.offset = exception.offset
elif isinstance(exception, NameError):
def_match = re.match("name '(.+)' is not defined", str(exception))
if def_match:
bad_variable = re.match("name '(.+)' is not defined", str(exception)).group(1)
most_similar = levenshtein.most_similar(bad_variable, task.data.keys(), 3)
error_msg = f'something you are referencing does not exist: ' \
if len(most_similar) == 1:
error_msg += f' Did you mean \'{most_similar[0]}\'?'
if len(most_similar) > 1:
error_msg += f' Did you mean one of \'{most_similar}\'?'
error_msg = str(exception)
super().__init__(task, error_msg, exception)
class WorkflowDataException(WorkflowException):
def __init__(self, task, data_input=None, data_output=None, message=None):
:param task: the task that generated the error
:param data_input: the spec of the input variable (if a data input)
:param data_output: the spec of the output variable (if a data output)
super().__init__(task.task_spec, message or 'data object error')
self.task = task
self.data_input = data_input
self.data_output = data_output
self.task_trace = self.get_task_trace(task)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Hampton
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
import glob
from lxml import etree
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.specs.events.event_definitions import NoneEventDefinition
from .ValidationException import ValidationException
from ..specs.BpmnProcessSpec import BpmnProcessSpec
from ..specs.events import StartEvent, EndEvent, BoundaryEvent, IntermediateCatchEvent, IntermediateThrowEvent
from ..specs.events import SendTask, ReceiveTask
from ..specs.SubWorkflowTask import CallActivity, SubWorkflowTask, TransactionSubprocess
from ..specs.ExclusiveGateway import ExclusiveGateway
from ..specs.InclusiveGateway import InclusiveGateway
from ..specs.ManualTask import ManualTask
from ..specs.NoneTask import NoneTask
from ..specs.ParallelGateway import ParallelGateway
from ..specs.ScriptTask import ScriptTask
from ..specs.ServiceTask import ServiceTask
from ..specs.UserTask import UserTask
from .ProcessParser import ProcessParser
from .util import full_tag, xpath_eval, first
from .task_parsers import (UserTaskParser, NoneTaskParser, ManualTaskParser,
ExclusiveGatewayParser, ParallelGatewayParser, InclusiveGatewayParser,
CallActivityParser, ScriptTaskParser, SubWorkflowParser,
from .event_parsers import (StartEventParser, EndEventParser, BoundaryEventParser,
IntermediateCatchEventParser, IntermediateThrowEventParser,
SendTaskParser, ReceiveTaskParser)
class BpmnParser(object):
The BpmnParser class is a pluggable base class that manages the parsing of
a set of BPMN files. It is intended that this class will be overriden by an
application that implements a BPMN engine.
Extension points: OVERRIDE_PARSER_CLASSES provides a map from full BPMN tag
name to a TaskParser and Task class. PROCESS_PARSER_CLASS provides a
subclass of ProcessParser
full_tag('startEvent'): (StartEventParser, StartEvent),
full_tag('endEvent'): (EndEventParser, EndEvent),
full_tag('userTask'): (UserTaskParser, UserTask),
full_tag('task'): (NoneTaskParser, NoneTask),
full_tag('subProcess'): (SubWorkflowParser, CallActivity),
full_tag('manualTask'): (ManualTaskParser, ManualTask),
full_tag('exclusiveGateway'): (ExclusiveGatewayParser, ExclusiveGateway),
full_tag('parallelGateway'): (ParallelGatewayParser, ParallelGateway),
full_tag('inclusiveGateway'): (InclusiveGatewayParser, InclusiveGateway),
full_tag('callActivity'): (CallActivityParser, CallActivity),
full_tag('transaction'): (SubWorkflowParser, TransactionSubprocess),
full_tag('scriptTask'): (ScriptTaskParser, ScriptTask),
full_tag('serviceTask'): (ServiceTaskParser, ServiceTask),
full_tag('intermediateCatchEvent'): (IntermediateCatchEventParser, IntermediateCatchEvent),
full_tag('intermediateThrowEvent'): (IntermediateThrowEventParser, IntermediateThrowEvent),
full_tag('boundaryEvent'): (BoundaryEventParser, BoundaryEvent),
full_tag('receiveTask'): (ReceiveTaskParser, ReceiveTask),
full_tag('sendTask'): (SendTaskParser, SendTask),
def __init__(self):
self.process_parsers = {}
self.process_parsers_by_name = {}
self.collaborations = {}
self.process_dependencies = set()
self.dmn_dependencies = set()
def _get_parser_class(self, tag):
elif tag in self.PARSER_CLASSES:
return self.PARSER_CLASSES[tag]
return None, None
def get_process_parser(self, process_id_or_name):
Returns the ProcessParser for the given process ID or name. It matches
by name first.
if process_id_or_name in self.process_parsers_by_name:
return self.process_parsers_by_name[process_id_or_name]
elif process_id_or_name in self.process_parsers:
return self.process_parsers[process_id_or_name]
def get_process_ids(self):
"""Returns a list of process IDs"""
return list(self.process_parsers.keys())
def add_bpmn_file(self, filename):
Add the given BPMN filename to the parser's set.
def add_bpmn_files_by_glob(self, g):
Add all filenames matching the provided pattern (e.g. *.bpmn) to the
parser's set.
def add_bpmn_files(self, filenames):
Add all filenames in the given list to the parser's set.
for filename in filenames:
f = open(filename, 'r')
self.add_bpmn_xml(etree.parse(f), filename=filename)
def add_bpmn_xml(self, bpmn, filename=None):
Add the given lxml representation of the BPMN file to the parser's set.
:param svg: Optionally, provide the text data for the SVG of the BPMN
:param filename: Optionally, provide the source filename.
xpath = xpath_eval(bpmn)
# do a check on our bpmn to ensure that no id appears twice
# this *should* be taken care of by our modeler - so this test
# should never fail.
ids = [x for x in xpath('.//bpmn:*[@id]')]
foundids = {}
for node in ids:
id = node.get('id')
if foundids.get(id,None) is not None:
raise ValidationException(
'The bpmn document should have no repeating ids but (%s) repeats'%id,
foundids[id] = 1
for process in xpath('.//bpmn:process'):
self.create_parser(process, xpath, filename)
collaboration = first(xpath('.//bpmn:collaboration'))
if collaboration is not None:
collaboration_xpath = xpath_eval(collaboration)
name = collaboration.get('id')
self.collaborations[name] = [ participant.get('processRef') for participant in collaboration_xpath('.//bpmn:participant') ]
def _find_dependencies(self, xpath):
"""Locate all calls to external BPMN and DMN files, and store their
ids in our list of dependencies"""
for call_activity in xpath('.//bpmn:callActivity'):
parser_cls, cls = self._get_parser_class(full_tag('businessRuleTask'))
if parser_cls:
for business_rule in xpath('.//bpmn:businessRuleTask'):
def create_parser(self, node, doc_xpath, filename=None, lane=None):
parser = self.PROCESS_PARSER_CLASS(self, node, filename=filename, doc_xpath=doc_xpath, lane=lane)
if parser.get_id() in self.process_parsers:
raise ValidationException('Duplicate process ID', node=node, filename=filename)
if parser.get_name() in self.process_parsers_by_name:
raise ValidationException('Duplicate process name', node=node, filename=filename)
self.process_parsers[parser.get_id()] = parser
self.process_parsers_by_name[parser.get_name()] = parser
def get_dependencies(self):
return self.process_dependencies.union(self.dmn_dependencies)
def get_process_dependencies(self):
return self.process_dependencies
def get_dmn_dependencies(self):
return self.dmn_dependencies
def get_spec(self, process_id_or_name):
Parses the required subset of the BPMN files, in order to provide an
instance of BpmnProcessSpec (i.e. WorkflowSpec)
for the given process ID or name. The Name is matched first.
parser = self.get_process_parser(process_id_or_name)
if parser is None:
raise ValidationException(
f"The process '{process_id_or_name}' was not found. "
f"Did you mean one of the following: "
f"{', '.join(self.get_process_ids())}?")
return parser.get_spec()
def get_subprocess_specs(self, name, specs=None):
used = specs or {}
wf_spec = self.get_spec(name)
for task_spec in wf_spec.task_specs.values():
if isinstance(task_spec, SubWorkflowTask) and task_spec.spec not in used:
used[task_spec.spec] = self.get_spec(task_spec.spec)
self.get_subprocess_specs(task_spec.spec, used)
return used
def find_all_specs(self):
# This is a little convoluted, but we might add more processes as we generate
# the dictionary if something refers to another subprocess that we haven't seen.
processes = dict((id, self.get_spec(id)) for id in self.get_process_ids())
while processes.keys() != self.process_parsers.keys():
for process_id in self.process_parsers.keys():
processes[process_id] = self.get_spec(process_id)
return processes
def get_collaboration(self, name):
spec = BpmnProcessSpec(name)
subprocesses = {}
start = StartEvent(spec, 'Start Collaboration', NoneEventDefinition())
end = EndEvent(spec, 'End Collaboration', NoneEventDefinition())
for process in self.collaborations[name]:
process_parser = self.get_process_parser(process)
if process_parser and process_parser.process_executable:
participant = CallActivity(spec, process, process)
subprocesses[process] = self.get_spec(process)
return spec, subprocesses

View File

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Hampton
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
from .ValidationException import ValidationException
from ..specs.BpmnProcessSpec import BpmnProcessSpec, BpmnDataSpecification
from .node_parser import NodeParser
from .util import first
class ProcessParser(NodeParser):
Parses a single BPMN process, including all of the tasks within that
def __init__(self, p, node, filename=None, doc_xpath=None, lane=None):
:param p: the owning BpmnParser instance
:param node: the XML node for the process
:param filename: the source BPMN filename (optional)
:param doc_xpath: an xpath evaluator for the document (optional)
:param lane: the lane of a subprocess (optional)
super().__init__(node, filename, doc_xpath, lane)
self.parser = p
self.parsed_nodes = {}
self.lane = lane
self.spec = None
self.process_executable = True
def get_name(self):
Returns the process name (or ID, if no name is included in the file)
return self.node.get('name', default=self.get_id())
def parse_node(self, node):
Parses the specified child task node, and returns the task spec. This
can be called by a TaskParser instance, that is owned by this
if node.get('id') in self.parsed_nodes:
return self.parsed_nodes[node.get('id')]
(node_parser, spec_class) = self.parser._get_parser_class(node.tag)
if not node_parser or not spec_class:
raise ValidationException("There is no support implemented for this task type.",
node=node, filename=self.filename)
np = node_parser(self, spec_class, node, self.lane)
task_spec = np.parse_node()
return task_spec
def _parse(self):
# here we only look in the top level, We will have another
# bpmn:startEvent if we have a subworkflow task
self.process_executable = self.node.get('isExecutable', 'true') == 'true'
start_node_list = self.xpath('./bpmn:startEvent')
if not start_node_list and self.process_executable:
raise ValidationException("No start event found", node=self.node, filename=self.filename)
self.spec = BpmnProcessSpec(name=self.get_id(), description=self.get_name(), filename=self.filename)
# Check for an IO Specification.
io_spec = first(self.xpath('./bpmn:ioSpecification'))
if io_spec is not None:
data_parser = DataSpecificationParser(io_spec, self.filename, self.doc_xpath)
self.spec.data_inputs, self.spec.data_outputs = data_parser.parse_io_spec()
# Get the data objects
for obj in self.xpath('./bpmn:dataObject'):
data_parser = DataSpecificationParser(obj, self.filename, self.doc_xpath)
data_object = data_parser.parse_data_object()
self.spec.data_objects[data_object.name] = data_object
for node in start_node_list:
def get_spec(self):
Parse this process (if it has not already been parsed), and return the
workflow spec.
if self.spec is None:
return self.spec
class DataSpecificationParser(NodeParser):
def parse_io_spec(self):
inputs, outputs = [], []
for elem in self.xpath('./bpmn:dataInput'):
inputs.append(BpmnDataSpecification(elem.get('id'), elem.get('name')))
for elem in self.xpath('./bpmn:dataOutput'):
outputs.append(BpmnDataSpecification(elem.get('id'), elem.get('name')))
return inputs, outputs
def parse_data_object(self):
return BpmnDataSpecification(self.node.get('id'), self.node.get('name'))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Hampton
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
import sys
import traceback
from .ValidationException import ValidationException
from ..specs.NoneTask import NoneTask
from ..specs.ScriptTask import ScriptTask
from ..specs.UserTask import UserTask
from ..specs.events import _BoundaryEventParent, CancelEventDefinition
from ..specs.MultiInstanceTask import getDynamicMIClass
from ..specs.SubWorkflowTask import CallActivity, TransactionSubprocess
from ..specs.ExclusiveGateway import ExclusiveGateway
from ...dmn.specs.BusinessRuleTask import BusinessRuleTask
from ...operators import Attrib, PathAttrib
from .util import one, first
from .node_parser import NodeParser
from ...specs.SubWorkflow import SubWorkflow
CAMUNDA_MODEL_NS = 'http://camunda.org/schema/1.0/bpmn'
class TaskParser(NodeParser):
This class parses a single BPMN task node, and returns the Task Spec for
that node.
It also results in the recursive parsing of connected tasks, connecting all
outgoing transitions, once the child tasks have all been parsed.
def __init__(self, process_parser, spec_class, node, lane=None):
:param process_parser: the owning process parser instance
:param spec_class: the type of spec that should be created. This allows
a subclass of BpmnParser to provide a specialised spec class, without
extending the TaskParser.
:param node: the XML node for this task
super().__init__(node, process_parser.filename, process_parser.doc_xpath, lane)
self.process_parser = process_parser
self.spec_class = spec_class
self.spec = self.process_parser.spec
def _set_multiinstance_attributes(self, is_sequential, expanded, loop_count,
loop_task=False, element_var=None, collection=None, completion_condition=None):
# This should be replaced with its own task parser (though I'm not sure how feasible this is given
# the current parser achitecture). We should also consider separate classes for loop vs
# multiinstance because having all these optional attributes is a nightmare
if not isinstance(self.task, (NoneTask,UserTask,BusinessRuleTask,ScriptTask,CallActivity,SubWorkflow)):
raise ValidationException(
f'Unsupported MultiInstance Task: {self.task.__class__}',
self.task.loopTask = loop_task
self.task.isSequential = is_sequential
self.task.expanded = expanded
# make dot notation compatible with bmpmn path notation.
self.task.times = PathAttrib(loop_count.replace('.', '/')) if loop_count.find('.') > 0 else Attrib(loop_count)
self.task.elementVar = element_var
self.task.collection = collection
self.task.completioncondition = completion_condition
self.task.prevtaskclass = self.task.__module__ + "." + self.task.__class__.__name__
newtaskclass = getDynamicMIClass(self.get_id(),self.task.__class__)
self.task.__class__ = newtaskclass
def _detect_multiinstance(self):
multiinstance_element = first(self.xpath('./bpmn:multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics'))
if multiinstance_element is not None:
is_sequential = multiinstance_element.get('isSequential') == 'true'
element_var_text = multiinstance_element.attrib.get('{' + CAMUNDA_MODEL_NS + '}elementVariable')
collection_text = multiinstance_element.attrib.get('{' + CAMUNDA_MODEL_NS + '}collection')
loop_cardinality = first(self.xpath('./bpmn:multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics/bpmn:loopCardinality'))
if loop_cardinality is not None:
loop_count = loop_cardinality.text
elif collection_text is not None:
loop_count = collection_text
loop_count = '1'
if collection_text is not None:
collection = PathAttrib(collection_text.replace('.', '/')) if collection_text.find('.') > 0 else Attrib(collection_text)
collection = None
completion_condition = first(self.xpath('./bpmn:multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics/bpmn:completionCondition'))
if completion_condition is not None:
completion_condition = completion_condition.text
self._set_multiinstance_attributes(is_sequential, 1, loop_count,
elif len(self.xpath('./bpmn:standardLoopCharacteristics')) > 0:
self._set_multiinstance_attributes(True, 25, STANDARDLOOPCOUNT, loop_task=True)
def parse_node(self):
Parse this node, and all children, returning the connected task spec.
self.task = self.create_task()
# Why do we just set random attributes willy nilly everywhere in the code????
# And we still pass around a gigantic kwargs dict whenever we create anything!
self.task.extensions = self.parse_extensions()
self.task.documentation = self.parse_documentation()
# And now I have to add more of the same crappy thing.
self.task.data_input_associations = self.parse_incoming_data_references()
self.task.data_output_associations = self.parse_outgoing_data_references()
boundary_event_nodes = self.doc_xpath('.//bpmn:boundaryEvent[@attachedToRef="%s"]' % self.get_id())
if boundary_event_nodes:
parent_task = _BoundaryEventParent(
self.spec, '%s.BoundaryEventParent' % self.get_id(),
self.task, lane=self.task.lane)
self.node.get('id')] = parent_task
self.task, '%s.FromBoundaryEventParent' % self.get_id(),
None, None)
for boundary_event in boundary_event_nodes:
b = self.process_parser.parse_node(boundary_event)
if isinstance(b.event_definition, CancelEventDefinition) \
and not isinstance(self.task, TransactionSubprocess):
raise ValidationException(
'Cancel Events may only be used with transactions',
'%s.FromBoundaryEventParent' % boundary_event.get(
None, None)
self.node.get('id')] = self.task
children = []
outgoing = self.doc_xpath('.//bpmn:sequenceFlow[@sourceRef="%s"]' % self.get_id())
if len(outgoing) > 1 and not self.handles_multiple_outgoing():
raise ValidationException(
'Multiple outgoing flows are not supported for '
'tasks of type',
for sequence_flow in outgoing:
target_ref = sequence_flow.get('targetRef')
target_node = one(self.doc_xpath('.//bpmn:*[@id="%s"]'% target_ref))
raise ValidationException(
'When looking for a task spec, we found two items, '
'perhaps a form has the same ID? (%s)' % target_ref,
c = self.process_parser.parse_node(target_node)
position = c.position
children.append((position, c, target_node, sequence_flow))
if children:
# Sort children by their y coordinate.
children = sorted(children, key=lambda tup: float(tup[0]["y"]))
default_outgoing = self.node.get('default')
if not default_outgoing:
if len(children) == 1 or not isinstance(self.task, ExclusiveGateway):
(position, c, target_node, sequence_flow) = children[0]
default_outgoing = sequence_flow.get('id')
for (position, c, target_node, sequence_flow) in children:
c, target_node, sequence_flow,
sequence_flow.get('id') == default_outgoing)
return parent_task if boundary_event_nodes else self.task
except ValidationException:
except Exception as ex:
exc_info = sys.exc_info()
tb = "".join(traceback.format_exception(
exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]))
raise ValidationException("%r" % (ex), node=self.node, filename=self.filename)
def get_task_spec_name(self, target_ref=None):
Returns a unique task spec name for this task (or the targeted one)
return target_ref or self.get_id()
def create_task(self):
Create an instance of the task appropriately. A subclass can override
this method to get extra information from the node.
return self.spec_class(self.spec, self.get_task_spec_name(),
description=self.node.get('name', None),
def connect_outgoing(self, outgoing_task, outgoing_task_node,
sequence_flow_node, is_default):
Connects this task to the indicating outgoing task, with the details in
the sequence flow. A subclass can override this method to get extra
information from the node.
outgoing_task, sequence_flow_node.get('id'),
'name', None),
def handles_multiple_outgoing(self):
A subclass should override this method if the task supports multiple
outgoing sequence flows.
return False

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Hampton
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
from .util import BPMN_MODEL_NS
class ValidationException(Exception):
A ValidationException should be thrown with enough information for the user
to diagnose the problem and sort it out.
If available, please provide the offending XML node and filename.
def __init__(self, msg, node=None, filename=None, *args, **kwargs):
if node is not None:
self.tag = self._shorten_tag(node.tag)
self.id = node.get('id', '<Unknown>')
self.name = node.get('name', '<Unknown>')
self.sourceline = getattr(node, 'sourceline', '<Unknown>')
self.tag = '<Unknown>'
self.id = '<Unknown>'
self.name = '<Unknown>'
self.sourceline = '<Unknown>'
self.filename = filename or '<Unknown File>'
message = ('%s\nSource Details: '
'%s (id:%s), name \'%s\', line %s in %s') % (
msg, self.tag, self.id, self.name, self.sourceline, self.filename)
super(ValidationException, self).__init__(message, *args, **kwargs)
def _shorten_tag(cls, tag):
prefix = '{%s}' % BPMN_MODEL_NS
if tag.startswith(prefix):
return 'bpmn:' + tag[len(prefix):]
return tag

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Hampton
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA

View File

@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
from lxml import etree
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.specs.events.event_definitions import CorrelationProperty
from .ValidationException import ValidationException
from .TaskParser import TaskParser
from .util import first, one
from ..specs.events import (TimerEventDefinition, MessageEventDefinition,
ErrorEventDefinition, EscalationEventDefinition,
CancelEventDefinition, CycleTimerEventDefinition,
TerminateEventDefinition, NoneEventDefinition)
CAMUNDA_MODEL_NS = 'http://camunda.org/schema/1.0/bpmn'
CANCEL_EVENT_XPATH = './/bpmn:cancelEventDefinition'
ERROR_EVENT_XPATH = './/bpmn:errorEventDefinition'
ESCALATION_EVENT_XPATH = './/bpmn:escalationEventDefinition'
TERMINATION_EVENT_XPATH = './/bpmn:terminateEventDefinition'
MESSAGE_EVENT_XPATH = './/bpmn:messageEventDefinition'
SIGNAL_EVENT_XPATH = './/bpmn:signalEventDefinition'
TIMER_EVENT_XPATH = './/bpmn:timerEventDefinition'
class EventDefinitionParser(TaskParser):
"""This class provvides methods for parsing different event definitions."""
def parse_cancel_event(self):
return CancelEventDefinition()
def parse_error_event(self, error_event):
"""Parse the errorEventDefinition node and return an instance of ErrorEventDefinition."""
error_ref = error_event.get('errorRef')
if error_ref:
error = one(self.doc_xpath('.//bpmn:error[@id="%s"]' % error_ref))
error_code = error.get('errorCode')
name = error.get('name')
name, error_code = 'None Error Event', None
return ErrorEventDefinition(name, error_code)
def parse_escalation_event(self, escalation_event):
"""Parse the escalationEventDefinition node and return an instance of EscalationEventDefinition."""
escalation_ref = escalation_event.get('escalationRef')
if escalation_ref:
escalation = one(self.doc_xpath('.//bpmn:escalation[@id="%s"]' % escalation_ref))
escalation_code = escalation.get('escalationCode')
name = escalation.get('name')
name, escalation_code = 'None Escalation Event', None
return EscalationEventDefinition(name, escalation_code)
def parse_message_event(self, message_event):
message_ref = message_event.get('messageRef')
if message_ref is not None:
message = one(self.doc_xpath('.//bpmn:message[@id="%s"]' % message_ref))
name = message.get('name')
correlations = self.get_message_correlations(message_ref)
name = message_event.getparent().get('name')
correlations = {}
return MessageEventDefinition(name, correlations)
def parse_signal_event(self, signal_event):
"""Parse the signalEventDefinition node and return an instance of SignalEventDefinition."""
signal_ref = signal_event.get('signalRef')
if signal_ref:
signal = one(self.doc_xpath('.//bpmn:signal[@id="%s"]' % signal_ref))
name = signal.get('name')
name = signal_event.getparent().get('name')
return SignalEventDefinition(name)
def parse_terminate_event(self):
"""Parse the terminateEventDefinition node and return an instance of TerminateEventDefinition."""
return TerminateEventDefinition()
def parse_timer_event(self):
"""Parse the timerEventDefinition node and return an instance of TimerEventDefinition."""
time_date = first(self.xpath('.//bpmn:timeDate'))
if time_date is not None:
return TimerEventDefinition(self.node.get('name'), time_date.text)
time_duration = first(self.xpath('.//bpmn:timeDuration'))
if time_duration is not None:
return TimerEventDefinition(self.node.get('name'), time_duration.text)
time_cycle = first(self.xpath('.//bpmn:timeCycle'))
if time_cycle is not None:
return CycleTimerEventDefinition(self.node.get('name'), time_cycle.text)
raise ValidationException("Unknown Time Specification", node=self.node, filename=self.filename)
except Exception as e:
raise ValidationException("Time Specification Error. " + str(e), node=self.node, filename=self.filename)
def get_message_correlations(self, message_ref):
correlations = []
for correlation in self.doc_xpath(f".//bpmn:correlationPropertyRetrievalExpression[@messageRef='{message_ref}']"):
key = correlation.getparent().get('id')
children = correlation.getchildren()
expression = children[0].text if len(children) > 0 else None
used_by = [ e.getparent().get('name') for e in
self.doc_xpath(f".//bpmn:correlationKey/bpmn:correlationPropertyRef[text()='{key}']") ]
if key is not None and expression is not None:
correlations.append(CorrelationProperty(key, expression, used_by))
return correlations
def _create_task(self, event_definition, cancel_activity=None):
if isinstance(event_definition, MessageEventDefinition):
for prop in event_definition.correlation_properties:
for key in prop.correlation_keys:
if key not in self.spec.correlation_keys:
self.spec.correlation_keys[key] = []
if prop.name not in self.spec.correlation_keys[key]:
kwargs = {
'lane': self.lane,
'description': self.node.get('name', None),
'position': self.position,
if cancel_activity is not None:
kwargs['cancel_activity'] = cancel_activity
return self.spec_class(self.spec, self.get_task_spec_name(), event_definition, **kwargs)
def get_event_definition(self, xpaths):
"""Returns the first event definition it can find in given list of xpaths"""
for path in xpaths:
event = first(self.xpath(path))
if event is not None:
return self.parse_message_event(event)
elif path == SIGNAL_EVENT_XPATH:
return self.parse_signal_event(event)
elif path == TIMER_EVENT_XPATH:
return self.parse_timer_event()
elif path == CANCEL_EVENT_XPATH:
return self.parse_cancel_event()
elif path == ERROR_EVENT_XPATH:
return self.parse_error_event(event)
return self.parse_escalation_event(event)
return self.parse_terminate_event()
return NoneEventDefinition()
class StartEventParser(EventDefinitionParser):
"""Parses a Start Event, and connects it to the internal spec.start task.
Support Message, Signal, and Timer events."""
def create_task(self):
event_definition = self.get_event_definition([MESSAGE_EVENT_XPATH, SIGNAL_EVENT_XPATH, TIMER_EVENT_XPATH])
task = self._create_task(event_definition)
if isinstance(event_definition, CycleTimerEventDefinition):
# We are misusing cycle timers, so this is a hack whereby we will
# revisit ourselves if we fire.
return task
def handles_multiple_outgoing(self):
return True
class EndEventParser(EventDefinitionParser):
"""Parses an End Event. Handles Termination, Escalation, Cancel, and Error End Events."""
def create_task(self):
event_definition = self.get_event_definition([MESSAGE_EVENT_XPATH, CANCEL_EVENT_XPATH, ERROR_EVENT_XPATH,
task = self._create_task(event_definition)
task.connect_outgoing(self.spec.end, '%s.ToEndJoin' % self.node.get('id'), None, None)
return task
class IntermediateCatchEventParser(EventDefinitionParser):
"""Parses an Intermediate Catch Event. Currently supports Message, Signal, and Timer definitions."""
def create_task(self):
event_definition = self.get_event_definition([MESSAGE_EVENT_XPATH, SIGNAL_EVENT_XPATH, TIMER_EVENT_XPATH])
return super()._create_task(event_definition)
class IntermediateThrowEventParser(EventDefinitionParser):
"""Parses an Intermediate Catch Event. Currently supports Message, Signal and Timer event definitions."""
def create_task(self):
event_definition = self.get_event_definition([ESCALATION_EVENT_XPATH, MESSAGE_EVENT_XPATH,
return self._create_task(event_definition)
class SendTaskParser(IntermediateThrowEventParser):
def create_task(self):
if self.node.get('messageRef') is not None:
event_definition = self.parse_message_event(self.node)
message_event = first(self.xpath(MESSAGE_EVENT_XPATH))
if message_event is not None:
event_definition = self.parse_message_event(message_event)
event_definition = NoneEventDefinition()
return self._create_task(event_definition)
class ReceiveTaskParser(SendTaskParser):
"""Identical to the SendTaskParser - check for a message event definition"""
class BoundaryEventParser(EventDefinitionParser):
Parse a Catching Boundary Event. This extends the
IntermediateCatchEventParser in order to parse the event definition.
def create_task(self):
cancel_activity = self.node.get('cancelActivity', default='true').lower() == 'true'
event_definition = self.get_event_definition([CANCEL_EVENT_XPATH, ERROR_EVENT_XPATH, ESCALATION_EVENT_XPATH,
if isinstance(event_definition, NoneEventDefinition):
raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported Catch Event: %r', etree.tostring(self.node))
return self._create_task(event_definition, cancel_activity)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.parser.ValidationException import ValidationException
from .util import xpath_eval, first
CAMUNDA_MODEL_NS = 'http://camunda.org/schema/1.0/bpmn'
class NodeParser:
def __init__(self, node, filename, doc_xpath, lane=None):
self.node = node
self.filename = filename
self.doc_xpath = doc_xpath
self.xpath = xpath_eval(node)
self.lane = self._get_lane() or lane
self.position = self._get_position() or {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0}
def get_id(self):
return self.node.get('id')
def parse_condition(self, sequence_flow):
xpath = xpath_eval(sequence_flow)
expression = first(xpath('.//bpmn:conditionExpression'))
return expression.text if expression is not None else None
def parse_documentation(self, sequence_flow=None):
xpath = xpath_eval(sequence_flow) if sequence_flow is not None else self.xpath
documentation_node = first(xpath('.//bpmn:documentation'))
return None if documentation_node is None else documentation_node.text
def parse_incoming_data_references(self):
specs = []
for name in self.xpath('.//bpmn:dataInputAssociation/bpmn:sourceRef'):
ref = first(self.doc_xpath(f".//bpmn:dataObjectReference[@id='{name.text}']"))
if ref is not None and ref.get('dataObjectRef') in self.process_parser.spec.data_objects:
raise ValidationException(f'Cannot resolve dataInputAssociation {name}', self.node, self.filename)
return specs
def parse_outgoing_data_references(self):
specs = []
for name in self.xpath('.//bpmn:dataOutputAssociation/bpmn:targetRef'):
ref = first(self.doc_xpath(f".//bpmn:dataObjectReference[@id='{name.text}']"))
if ref is not None and ref.get('dataObjectRef') in self.process_parser.spec.data_objects:
raise ValidationException(f'Cannot resolve dataOutputAssociation {name}', self.node, self.filename)
return specs
def parse_extensions(self, node=None):
extensions = {}
extra_ns = {'camunda': CAMUNDA_MODEL_NS}
xpath = xpath_eval(self.node, extra_ns) if node is None else xpath_eval(node, extra_ns)
extension_nodes = xpath( './/bpmn:extensionElements/camunda:properties/camunda:property')
for node in extension_nodes:
extensions[node.get('name')] = node.get('value')
return extensions
def _get_lane(self):
noderef = first(self.doc_xpath(f".//bpmn:flowNodeRef[text()='{self.get_id()}']"))
if noderef is not None:
return noderef.getparent().get('name')
def _get_position(self):
bounds = first(self.doc_xpath(f".//bpmndi:BPMNShape[@bpmnElement='{self.get_id()}']//dc:Bounds"))
if bounds is not None:
return {'x': float(bounds.get('x', 0)), 'y': float(bounds.get('y', 0))}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Hampton
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
from lxml import etree
from .ValidationException import ValidationException
from .TaskParser import TaskParser
from .util import one, DEFAULT_NSMAP
CAMUNDA_MODEL_NS = 'http://camunda.org/schema/1.0/bpmn'
class UserTaskParser(TaskParser):
Base class for parsing User Tasks
class ManualTaskParser(UserTaskParser):
Base class for parsing Manual Tasks. Currently assumes that Manual Tasks
should be treated the same way as User Tasks.
class NoneTaskParser(UserTaskParser):
Base class for parsing unspecified Tasks. Currently assumes that such Tasks
should be treated the same way as User Tasks.
class ExclusiveGatewayParser(TaskParser):
Parses an Exclusive Gateway, setting up the outgoing conditions
def connect_outgoing(self, outgoing_task, outgoing_task_node,
sequence_flow_node, is_default):
if is_default:
super(ExclusiveGatewayParser, self).connect_outgoing(
outgoing_task, outgoing_task_node, sequence_flow_node,
cond = self.parse_condition(sequence_flow_node)
if cond is None:
raise ValidationException(
'Non-default exclusive outgoing sequence flow '
' without condition',
cond, outgoing_task,
sequence_flow_node.get('name', None),
def handles_multiple_outgoing(self):
return True
class ParallelGatewayParser(TaskParser):
Parses a Parallel Gateway.
def handles_multiple_outgoing(self):
return True
class InclusiveGatewayParser(TaskParser):
Parses an Inclusive Gateway.
def handles_multiple_outgoing(self):
At the moment I haven't implemented support for diverging inclusive
return False
class SubprocessParser:
# Not really a fan of this, but I need a way of calling these methods from a task
# parser that extends the base parser to override extension parsing. I can't inherit
# from my extended task parser AND the original subworkflow parsers because they
# both inherit from the same base.
def get_subprocess_spec(task_parser):
workflow_start_event = task_parser.xpath('./bpmn:startEvent')
workflow_end_event = task_parser.xpath('./bpmn:endEvent')
if len(workflow_start_event) != 1:
raise ValidationException(
'Multiple Start points are not allowed in SubWorkflow Task',
if len(workflow_end_event) == 0:
raise ValidationException(
'A SubWorkflow Must contain an End event',
nsmap = DEFAULT_NSMAP.copy()
nsmap['camunda'] = "http://camunda.org/schema/1.0/bpmn"
nsmap['di'] = "http://www.omg.org/spec/DD/20100524/DI"
# Create wrapper xml for the subworkflow
for ns, val in nsmap.items():
etree.register_namespace(ns, val)
return task_parser.node.get('id')
def get_call_activity_spec(task_parser):
called_element = task_parser.node.get('calledElement', None)
if not called_element:
raise ValidationException(
'No "calledElement" attribute for Call Activity.',
parser = task_parser.process_parser.parser.get_process_parser(called_element)
if parser is None:
raise ValidationException(
f"The process '{called_element}' was not found. Did you mean one of the following: "
f"{', '.join(task_parser.process_parser.parser.get_process_ids())}?",
return called_element
class SubWorkflowParser(TaskParser):
def create_task(self):
subworkflow_spec = SubprocessParser.get_subprocess_spec(self)
return self.spec_class(
self.spec, self.get_task_spec_name(), subworkflow_spec,
lane=self.lane, position=self.position,
description=self.node.get('name', None))
class CallActivityParser(TaskParser):
"""Parses a CallActivity node."""
def create_task(self):
subworkflow_spec = SubprocessParser.get_call_activity_spec(self)
return self.spec_class(
self.spec, self.get_task_spec_name(), subworkflow_spec,
lane=self.lane, position=self.position,
description=self.node.get('name', None))
class ScriptTaskParser(TaskParser):
Parses a script task
def create_task(self):
script = self.get_script()
return self.spec_class(self.spec, self.get_task_spec_name(), script,
description=self.node.get('name', None))
def get_script(self):
Gets the script content from the node. A subclass can override this
method, if the script needs to be pre-parsed. The result of this call
will be passed to the Script Engine for execution.
return one(self.xpath('.//bpmn:script')).text
except AssertionError as ae:
raise ValidationException(
f"Invalid Script Task. No Script Provided. " + str(ae),
node=self.node, filename=self.filename)
class ServiceTaskParser(TaskParser):
Parses a ServiceTask node.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Hampton
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
BPMN_MODEL_NS = 'http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODEL'
DIAG_INTERCHANGE_NS = "http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/DI"
DIAG_COMMON_NS = "http://www.omg.org/spec/DD/20100524/DC"
'bpmn': BPMN_MODEL_NS,
def one(nodes, or_none=False):
Assert that there is exactly one node in the give list, and return it.
if not nodes and or_none:
return None
assert len(
nodes) == 1, 'Expected 1 result. Received %d results.' % (len(nodes))
return nodes[0]
def first(nodes):
Return the first node in the given list, or None, if the list is empty.
if len(nodes) >= 1:
return nodes[0]
return None
def xpath_eval(node, extra_ns=None):
Returns an XPathEvaluator, with namespace prefixes 'bpmn' for
http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODEL, and additional specified ones
namespaces = DEFAULT_NSMAP.copy()
if extra_ns:
return lambda path: node.xpath(path, namespaces=namespaces)
def full_tag(tag):
Return the full tag name including namespace for the given BPMN tag. In
other words, the name with namespace
return '{%s}%s' % (BPMN_MODEL_NS, tag)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2020 Matthew Hampton, Dan Funk
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
import configparser
from io import BytesIO, TextIOWrapper
from warnings import warn
from lxml import etree
import zipfile
import os
from SpiffWorkflow.task import TaskState
from ...bpmn.specs.SubWorkflowTask import SubWorkflowTask
from ...bpmn.workflow import BpmnWorkflow
from ...bpmn.serializer.json import BPMNJSONSerializer
from ..parser.BpmnParser import BpmnParser
from .Packager import Packager
class BpmnSerializer(BPMNJSONSerializer):
DEPRECATED --- This call remains available only so that folks can deserialize
existing workflows.
The BpmnSerializer class provides support for deserializing a Bpmn Workflow
Spec from a BPMN package. The BPMN package must have been created using the
It will also use the appropriate subclass of BpmnParser, if one is included
in the metadata.ini file.
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
"""This throws a deprecation warning on subclassing."""
warn(f'{cls.__name__} is deprecated. Please use '
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
def serialize_workflow(self, workflow, **kwargs):
Serializes the workflow data and task tree. Will also serialize
the Spec if 'include_spec' kwarg is not set to false.
Please use bpmn.serializer.workflow.BpmnWorkflowSerializer for
Serialization. This class remains available only to help transition
to the new Serialization scheme.
"""This throws a deprecation warning on initialization."""
warn(f'{self.__class__.__name__} is deprecated. DO NOT continue to '
f'use it for serialization. Deserialize your old workflows, then'
f'move to the new serializer for storing. See '
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
assert isinstance(workflow, BpmnWorkflow)
include_spec = kwargs.get('include_spec',True)
return super().serialize_workflow(workflow, include_spec=include_spec)
def serialize_task(self, task, skip_children=False, **kwargs):
return super().serialize_task(task,
def deserialize_workflow(self, s_state, workflow_spec=None,
read_only=False, **kwargs):
return super().deserialize_workflow(s_state,
def _deserialize_task_children(self, task, s_state):
"""Reverses the internal process that will merge children from a
sub-workflow in the top level workflow. This copies the states
back into the sub-workflow after generating it from the base spec"""
if not isinstance(task.task_spec, SubWorkflowTask):
return super()._deserialize_task_children(task, s_state)
sub_workflow = task.task_spec.create_sub_workflow(task)
children = []
for c in s_state['children']:
# One child belongs to the parent workflow (The path back
# out of the subworkflow) the other children belong to the
# sub-workflow.
# We need to determine if we are still in the same workflow,
# Ideally we can just check: if c['workflow_name'] == sub_workflow.name
# however, we need to support deserialization of workflows without this
# critical property, at least temporarily, so people can migrate.
if 'workflow_name' in c:
same_workflow = c['workflow_name'] == sub_workflow.name
same_workflow = sub_workflow.get_tasks_from_spec_name(c['task_spec'])
if same_workflow:
start_task = self.deserialize_task(sub_workflow, c)
start_task.parent = task.id
sub_workflow.task_tree = start_task
# get a list of tasks in reverse order of change
# our last task should be on the top.
tasks = sub_workflow.get_tasks(TaskState.COMPLETED)
tasks.sort(key=lambda x: x.last_state_change,reverse=True)
if len(tasks)>0:
last_task = tasks[0]
sub_workflow.last_task = last_task
resume_task = self.deserialize_task(task.workflow, c)
resume_task.parent = task.id
return children
def deserialize_task(self, workflow, s_state):
assert isinstance(workflow, BpmnWorkflow)
return super().deserialize_task(workflow, s_state)
def deserialize_workflow_spec(self, s_state, filename=None):
:param s_state: a byte-string with the contents of the packaged
workflow archive, or a file-like object.
:param filename: the name of the package file.
if isinstance(s_state,dict):
return super().deserialize_workflow_spec(s_state)
if isinstance(s_state,str):
return super().deserialize_workflow_spec(s_state)
if isinstance(s_state, bytes):
s_state = BytesIO(s_state)
package_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(
s_state, "r", compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
ini_fp = TextIOWrapper(
package_zip.open(Packager.METADATA_FILE), encoding="UTF-8")
parser_class = BpmnParser
parser_class_module = config.get(
'MetaData', 'parser_class_module', fallback=None)
if parser_class_module:
mod = __import__(parser_class_module, fromlist=[
config.get('MetaData', 'parser_class')])
parser_class = getattr(mod, config.get('MetaData', 'parser_class'))
parser = parser_class()
for info in package_zip.infolist():
parts = os.path.split(info.filename)
if (len(parts) == 2 and not parts[0] and parts[1].lower().endswith('.bpmn')):
# It is in the root of the ZIP and is a BPMN file
bpmn_fp = package_zip.open(info)
bpmn = etree.parse(bpmn_fp)
parser.add_bpmn_xml(bpmn, filename='%s:%s' % (filename, info.filename))
spec_name = config.get('MetaData', 'entry_point_process')
return parser.get_spec(spec_name)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from builtins import str
from builtins import hex
from builtins import range
from builtins import object
# Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Hampton
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
from collections import deque
import json
from ...task import TaskState
from ...specs import SubWorkflow
from ...serializer.base import Serializer
from ..workflow import BpmnWorkflow
class UnrecoverableWorkflowChange(Exception):
This is thrown if the workflow cannot be restored because the workflow spec
has changed, and the identified transitions no longer exist.
class _RouteNode(object):
Private helper class
def __init__(self, task_spec, outgoing_route_node=None):
self.task_spec = task_spec
self.outgoing = [outgoing_route_node] if outgoing_route_node else []
self.state = None
def get_outgoing_by_spec(self, task_spec):
m = [r for r in self.outgoing if r.task_spec == task_spec]
return m[0] if m else None
def to_list(self):
result = []
n = self
while n.outgoing:
assert len(
n.outgoing) == 1, "to_list(..) cannot be called after a merge"
n = n.outgoing[0]
return result
def contains(self, other_route):
if isinstance(other_route, list):
return self.to_list()[0:len(other_route)] == other_route
# This only works before merging
assert len(other_route.outgoing) <= 1,\
"contains(..) cannot be called after a merge"
assert len(self.outgoing) <= 1,\
"contains(..) cannot be called after a merge"
if other_route.task_spec == self.task_spec:
if other_route.outgoing and self.outgoing:
return self.outgoing[0].contains(other_route.outgoing[0])
elif self.outgoing:
return True
elif not other_route.outgoing:
return True
return False
class _BpmnProcessSpecState(object):
Private helper class
def __init__(self, spec):
self.spec = spec
self.route = None
def get_path_to_transition(self, transition, state, workflow_parents,
# find a route passing through each task:
route = [self.spec.start]
route_to_parent_complete = None
for task_name in workflow_parents:
route = self._breadth_first_task_search(str(task_name), route)
if route is None:
raise UnrecoverableWorkflowChange(
'No path found for route \'%s\'' % transition)
route_to_parent_complete = route + [route[-1].outputs[0]]
route = route + [route[-1].spec.start]
route = self._breadth_first_transition_search(
transition, route, taken_routes=taken_routes)
if route is None:
raise UnrecoverableWorkflowChange(
'No path found for route \'%s\'' % transition)
outgoing_route_node = None
for spec in reversed(route):
outgoing_route_node = _RouteNode(spec, outgoing_route_node)
outgoing_route_node.state = state
return outgoing_route_node, route_to_parent_complete
def add_route(self, outgoing_route_node):
if self.route:
self._merge_routes(self.route, outgoing_route_node)
self.route = outgoing_route_node
def dump(self):
def get_dump(self):
def recursive_dump(route_node, indent, verbose=False):
task_spec = route_node.task_spec
dump = '%s (%s:%s)' % (
hex(id(task_spec))) + '\n'
if verbose:
if task_spec.inputs:
dump += indent + '- IN: ' + \
','.join(['%s (%s)' % (t.name, hex(id(t)))
for t in task_spec.inputs]) + '\n'
if task_spec.outputs:
dump += indent + '- OUT: ' + \
','.join(['%s (%s)' % (t.name, hex(id(t)))
for t in task_spec.outputs]) + '\n'
for i, t in enumerate(route_node.outgoing):
dump += indent + ' --> ' + \
t, indent + (
' | ' if i + 1 < len(route_node.outgoing)
else ' '))
return dump
dump = recursive_dump(self.route, '')
return dump
def go(self, workflow):
leaf_tasks = []
self._go(workflow.task_tree.children[0], self.route, leaf_tasks)
for task in sorted(
key=lambda t: 0 if getattr(
t, '_bpmn_load_target_state', TaskState.READY) == TaskState.READY
else 1):
if hasattr(task, '_bpmn_load_target_state'):
delattr(task, '_bpmn_load_target_state')
def _go(self, task, route_node, leaf_tasks):
assert task.task_spec == route_node.task_spec
if not route_node.outgoing:
assert route_node.state is not None
setattr(task, '_bpmn_load_target_state', route_node.state)
if not task._is_finished():
if (issubclass(task.task_spec.__class__, SubWorkflow) and
task.task_spec.spec.start in
[o.task_spec for o in route_node.outgoing]):
task, [n.task_spec for n in route_node.outgoing])
task, [n.task_spec for n in route_node.outgoing])
for n in route_node.outgoing:
matching_child = [
t for t in task.children if t.task_spec == n.task_spec]
assert len(matching_child) == 1
self._go(matching_child[0], n, leaf_tasks)
def _complete_task_silent(self, task, target_children_specs):
# This method simulates the completing of a task, but without hooks
# being called, and targeting a specific subset of the children
if task._is_finished():
task.children = []
for task_spec in target_children_specs:
def _go_in_to_subworkflow(self, my_task, target_children_specs):
# This method simulates the entering of a subworkflow, but without
# hooks being called, and targeting a specific subset of the entry
# tasks in the subworkflow. It creates the new workflow instance and
# merges it in to the tree This is based on
# SubWorkflow._on_ready_before_hook(..)
if my_task._is_finished():
subworkflow = my_task.task_spec._create_subworkflow(my_task)
my_task.task_spec._on_subworkflow_completed, my_task)
# Create the children (these are the tasks that follow the subworkflow,
# on completion:
my_task.children = []
my_task._sync_children(my_task.task_spec.outputs, TaskState.FUTURE)
for t in my_task.children:
# Integrate the tree of the subworkflow into the tree of this workflow.
for child in subworkflow.task_tree.children:
if child.task_spec in target_children_specs:
my_task.children.insert(0, child)
child.parent = my_task
def _merge_routes(self, target, src):
assert target.task_spec == src.task_spec
for out_route in src.outgoing:
target_out_route = target.get_outgoing_by_spec(out_route.task_spec)
if target_out_route:
self._merge_routes(target_out_route, out_route)
def _breadth_first_transition_search(self, transition_id, starting_route,
return self._breadth_first_search(starting_route,
def _breadth_first_task_search(self, task_name, starting_route):
return self._breadth_first_search(starting_route, task_name=task_name)
def _breadth_first_search(self, starting_route, task_name=None,
transition_id=None, taken_routes=None):
q = deque()
done = set()
while q:
route = q.popleft()
if not route[-1] == starting_route[-1]:
if task_name and route[-1].name == task_name:
return route
if (transition_id and
hasattr(route[-1], 'has_outgoing_sequence_flow') and
spec = route[-1].get_outgoing_sequence_flow_by_id(
if taken_routes:
final_route = route + [spec]
for taken in taken_routes:
t = taken.to_list() if not isinstance(
taken, list) else taken
if final_route[0:len(t)] == t:
spec = None
if spec:
return route
for child in route[-1].outputs:
new_route = route + [child]
if len(new_route) > 10000:
raise ValueError("Maximum looping limit exceeded "
"searching for path to % s" %
(task_name or transition_id))
new_route_r = tuple(new_route)
if new_route_r not in done:
return None
class CompactWorkflowSerializer(Serializer):
This class provides an implementation of serialize_workflow and
deserialize_workflow that produces a compact representation of the workflow
state, that can be stored in a database column or reasonably small size.
It records ONLY enough information to identify the transition leading in to
each WAITING or READY state, along with the state of that task. This is
generally enough to resurrect a running BPMN workflow instance, with some
1. The compact representation does not include any workflow or task data.
It is the responsibility of the calling application to record whatever
data is relevant to it, and set it on the restored workflow.
2. The restoring process will not produce exactly the same workflow tree -
it finds the SHORTEST route to the saved READY and WAITING tasks, not
the route that was actually taken. This means that the tree cannot be
interrogated for historical information about the workflow. However, the
workflow does follow the same logic paths as would have been followed by
the original workflow.
def serialize_workflow_spec(self, wf_spec, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError(
"The CompactWorkflowSerializer only supports "
" workflow serialization.")
def deserialize_workflow_spec(self, s_state, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError(
"The CompactWorkflowSerializer only supports "
"workflow serialization.")
def serialize_workflow(self, workflow, include_spec=False, **kwargs):
:param workflow: the workflow instance to serialize
:param include_spec: Always set to False (The CompactWorkflowSerializer
only supports workflow serialization)
if include_spec:
raise NotImplementedError(
'Including the spec serialization with the workflow state '
'is not implemented.')
return self._get_workflow_state(workflow)
def deserialize_workflow(self, s_state, workflow_spec=None,
read_only=False, **kwargs):
:param s_state: the state of the workflow as returned by
:param workflow_spec: the Workflow Spec of the workflow
(CompactWorkflowSerializer only supports workflow serialization)
:param read_only: (Optional) True if the workflow should be restored in
NB: Additional kwargs passed to the deserialize_workflow method will be
passed to the new_workflow method.
if workflow_spec is None:
raise NotImplementedError(
'Including the spec serialization with the workflow state is '
' not implemented. A \'workflow_spec\' must '
'be provided.')
workflow = self.new_workflow(
workflow_spec, read_only=read_only, **kwargs)
self._restore_workflow_state(workflow, s_state)
return workflow
def new_workflow(self, workflow_spec, read_only=False, **kwargs):
Create a new workflow instance from the given spec and arguments.
:param workflow_spec: the workflow spec to use
:param read_only: this should be in read only mode
:param kwargs: Any extra kwargs passed to the deserialize_workflow
method will be passed through here
return BpmnWorkflow(workflow_spec, read_only=read_only, **kwargs)
def _get_workflow_state(self, workflow):
active_tasks = workflow.get_tasks(state=(TaskState.READY | TaskState.WAITING))
states = []
for task in active_tasks:
parent_task_spec = task.parent.task_spec
transition = parent_task_spec.get_outgoing_sequence_flow_by_spec(
w = task.workflow
workflow_parents = []
while w.outer_workflow and w.outer_workflow != w:
w = w.outer_workflow
state = ("W" if task.state == TaskState.WAITING else "R")
[transition, list(reversed(workflow_parents)), state])
compacted_states = []
for state in sorted(states,
key=lambda s: ",".join([s[0],
if state[-1] == 'R':
if state[-1] == []:
if len(state) == 1:
state = state[0]
state_list = compacted_states + [self.STATE_SPEC_VERSION]
state_s = json.dumps(state_list)[1:-1]
return state_s
def _restore_workflow_state(self, workflow, state):
state_list = json.loads('[' + state + ']')
s = _BpmnProcessSpecState(workflow.spec)
routes = []
for state in state_list[:-1]:
if isinstance(state, str) or type(state).__name__ == 'str':
state = [str(state)]
transition = state[0]
workflow_parents = state[1] if len(state) > 1 else []
state = (TaskState.WAITING if len(state) >
2 and state[2] == 'W' else TaskState.READY)
route, route_to_parent_complete = s.get_path_to_transition(
transition, state, workflow_parents)
(route, route_to_parent_complete, transition, state,
retry = True
retry_count = 0
while (retry):
if retry_count > 100:
raise ValueError(
'Maximum retry limit exceeded searching for unique paths')
retry = False
for i in range(len(routes)):
(route, route_to_parent_complete, transition, state,
workflow_parents) = routes[i]
for j in range(len(routes)):
if i == j:
other_route = routes[j][0]
route_to_parent_complete = routes[j][1]
if route.contains(other_route) or (
route_to_parent_complete and route.contains(
taken_routes = [r for r in routes if r[0] != route]
taken_routes = [r for r in [r[0] for r
in taken_routes] +
[r[1] for r in taken_routes] if r]
route_to_parent_complete) = s.get_path_to_transition(
transition, state, workflow_parents,
for r in taken_routes:
assert not route.contains(r)
i] = (route, route_to_parent_complete, transition,
state, workflow_parents)
retry = True
retry_count += 1
if retry:
for r in routes:
workflow._busy_with_restore = True
if len(state_list) <= 1:
workflow._busy_with_restore = False
def _check_spec_version(self, v):
# We only have one version right now:
assert v == self.STATE_SPEC_VERSION

View File

@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from builtins import object
# Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Hampton
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
import os
import configparser
import glob
import hashlib
import inspect
import zipfile
from io import StringIO
from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
from ..parser.BpmnParser import BpmnParser
from ..parser.ValidationException import ValidationException
from ..parser.util import xpath_eval, one
from lxml import etree
SIGNAVIO_NS = 'http://www.signavio.com'
CONFIG_SECTION_NAME = "Packager Options"
def md5hash(data):
if not isinstance(data, bytes):
data = data.encode('UTF-8')
return hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest().lower()
class Packager(object):
The Packager class pre-parses a set of BPMN files (together with their SVG
representation), validates the contents and then produces a ZIP-based
archive containing the pre-parsed BPMN and SVG files, the source files (for
reference) and a metadata.ini file that contains enough information to
create a BpmnProcessSpec instance from the archive (e.g. the ID of the
entry point process).
This class can be extended and any public method overridden to do
additional validation / parsing or to package additional metadata.
Extension point:
PARSER_CLASS: provide the class that should be used to parse the BPMN
files. The fully-qualified name will be included in the metadata.ini file,
so that the BpmnSerializer can instantiate the right parser to deal with
the package.
Editor hooks: package_for_editor_<editor name>(self, spec, filename):
Called once for each BPMN file. Should add any additional files to the
METADATA_FILE = "metadata.ini"
MANIFEST_FILE = "manifest.ini"
def __init__(self, package_file, entry_point_process, meta_data=None,
:param package_file: a file-like object where the contents of the
package must be written to
:param entry_point_process: the name or ID of the entry point process
:param meta_data: A list of meta-data tuples to include in the
metadata.ini file (in addition to the standard ones)
:param editor: The name of the editor used to create the source BPMN /
SVG files. This activates additional hook method calls. (optional)
self.package_file = package_file
self.entry_point_process = entry_point_process
self.parser = self.PARSER_CLASS()
self.meta_data = meta_data or []
self.input_files = []
self.input_path_prefix = None
self.editor = editor
self.manifest = {}
def add_bpmn_file(self, filename):
Add the given BPMN filename to the packager's set.
def add_bpmn_files_by_glob(self, g):
Add all filenames matching the provided pattern (e.g. *.bpmn) to the
packager's set.
def add_bpmn_files(self, filenames):
Add all filenames in the given list to the packager's set.
self.input_files += filenames
def create_package(self):
Creates the package, writing the data out to the provided file-like
# Check that all files exist (and calculate the longest shared path
# prefix):
self.input_path_prefix = None
for filename in self.input_files:
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
raise ValueError(
'%s does not exist or is not a file' % filename)
if self.input_path_prefix:
full = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(filename))
while not (full.startswith(self.input_path_prefix) and
self.input_path_prefix = self.input_path_prefix[:-1]
self.input_path_prefix = os.path.abspath(
# Parse all of the XML:
self.bpmn = {}
for filename in self.input_files:
bpmn = etree.parse(filename)
self.bpmn[os.path.abspath(filename)] = bpmn
# Now run through pre-parsing and validation:
for filename, bpmn in list(self.bpmn.items()):
bpmn = self.pre_parse_and_validate(bpmn, filename)
self.bpmn[os.path.abspath(filename)] = bpmn
# Now check that we can parse it fine:
for filename, bpmn in list(self.bpmn.items()):
self.parser.add_bpmn_xml(bpmn, filename=filename)
# at this point, we have a item in self.wf_spec.get_specs_depth_first()
# that has a filename of None and a bpmn that needs to be added to the
# list below in for spec.
self.wf_spec = self.parser.get_spec(self.entry_point_process)
# Now package everything:
self.package_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(
self.package_file, "w", compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
done_files = set()
for spec in self.wf_spec.get_specs_depth_first():
filename = spec.file
if filename is None:
# This is for when we are doing a subworkflow, and it
# creates something in the bpmn spec list, but it really has
# no file. In this case, it is safe to skip the add to the
# zip file.
if filename not in done_files:
bpmn = self.bpmn[os.path.abspath(filename)]
"%s.bpmn" % spec.name, etree.tostring(bpmn.getroot()))
"src/" + self._get_zip_path(filename), filename)
self._call_editor_hook('package_for_editor', spec, filename)
def write_file_to_package_zip(self, filename, src_filename):
Writes a local file in to the zip file and adds it to the manifest
:param filename: The zip file name
:param src_filename: the local file name
f = open(src_filename)
with f:
data = f.read()
self.manifest[filename] = md5hash(data)
self.package_zip.write(src_filename, filename)
def write_to_package_zip(self, filename, data):
Writes data to the zip file and adds it to the manifest dictionary
:param filename: The zip file name
:param data: the data
self.manifest[filename] = md5hash(data)
self.package_zip.writestr(filename, data)
def write_manifest(self):
Write the manifest content to the zip file. It must be a predictable
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
for f in sorted(self.manifest.keys()):
config.set('Manifest', f.replace(
'\\', '/').lower(), self.manifest[f])
ini = StringIO()
self.manifest_data = ini.getvalue()
self.package_zip.writestr(self.MANIFEST_FILE, self.manifest_data)
def pre_parse_and_validate(self, bpmn, filename):
A subclass can override this method to provide additional parseing or
validation. It should call the parent method first.
:param bpmn: an lxml tree of the bpmn content
:param filename: the source file name
This must return the updated bpmn object (or a replacement)
bpmn = self._call_editor_hook(
'pre_parse_and_validate', bpmn, filename) or bpmn
return bpmn
def pre_parse_and_validate_signavio(self, bpmn, filename):
This is the Signavio specific editor hook for pre-parsing and
A subclass can override this method to provide additional parseing or
validation. It should call the parent method first.
:param bpmn: an lxml tree of the bpmn content
:param filename: the source file name
This must return the updated bpmn object (or a replacement)
self._check_for_disconnected_boundary_events_signavio(bpmn, filename)
self._fix_call_activities_signavio(bpmn, filename)
return bpmn
def _check_for_disconnected_boundary_events_signavio(self, bpmn, filename):
# signavio sometimes disconnects a BoundaryEvent from it's owning task
# They then show up as intermediateCatchEvents without any incoming
# sequence flows
xpath = xpath_eval(bpmn)
for catch_event in xpath('.//bpmn:intermediateCatchEvent'):
incoming = xpath(
'.//bpmn:sequenceFlow[@targetRef="%s"]' %
if not incoming:
raise ValidationException(
'Intermediate Catch Event has no incoming sequences. '
'This might be a Boundary Event that has been '
node=catch_event, filename=filename)
def _fix_call_activities_signavio(self, bpmn, filename):
Signavio produces slightly invalid BPMN for call activity nodes... It
is supposed to put a reference to the id of the called process in to
the calledElement attribute. Instead it stores a string (which is the
name of the process - not its ID, in our interpretation) in an
extension tag.
This code gets the name of the 'subprocess reference', finds a process
with a matching name, and sets the calledElement attribute to the id of
the process.
for node in xpath_eval(bpmn)(".//bpmn:callActivity"):
calledElement = node.get('calledElement', None)
if not calledElement:
signavioMetaData = xpath_eval(node, extra_ns={
'signavio': SIGNAVIO_NS})(
if not signavioMetaData:
raise ValidationException(
'No Signavio "Subprocess reference" specified.',
node=node, filename=filename)
subprocess_reference = one(signavioMetaData).get('metaValue')
matches = []
for b in list(self.bpmn.values()):
for p in xpath_eval(b)(".//bpmn:process"):
if (p.get('name', p.get('id', None)) ==
if not matches:
raise ValidationException(
"No matching process definition found for '%s'." %
subprocess_reference, node=node, filename=filename)
if len(matches) != 1:
raise ValidationException(
"More than one matching process definition "
" found for '%s'." % subprocess_reference, node=node,
node.set('calledElement', matches[0].get('id'))
def _call_editor_hook(self, hook, *args, **kwargs):
if self.editor:
hook_func = getattr(self, "%s_%s" % (hook, self.editor), None)
if hook_func:
return hook_func(*args, **kwargs)
return None
def package_for_editor_signavio(self, spec, filename):
Adds the SVG files to the archive for this BPMN file.
signavio_file = filename[:-len('.bpmn20.xml')] + '.signavio.xml'
if os.path.exists(signavio_file):
"src/" + self._get_zip_path(signavio_file), signavio_file)
f = open(signavio_file, 'r')
signavio_tree = etree.parse(f)
svg_node = one(signavio_tree.findall('.//svg-representation'))
self.write_to_package_zip("%s.svg" % spec.name, svg_node.text)
def write_meta_data(self):
Writes the metadata.ini file to the archive.
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
config.set('MetaData', 'entry_point_process', self.wf_spec.name)
if self.editor:
config.set('MetaData', 'editor', self.editor)
for k, v in self.meta_data:
config.set('MetaData', k, v)
if not self.PARSER_CLASS == BpmnParser:
config.set('MetaData', 'parser_class_module',
config.set('MetaData', 'parser_class', self.PARSER_CLASS.__name__)
ini = StringIO()
self.write_to_package_zip(self.METADATA_FILE, ini.getvalue())
def _get_zip_path(self, filename):
p = os.path.abspath(filename)[
len(self.input_path_prefix):].replace(os.path.sep, '/')
while p.startswith('/'):
p = p[1:]
return p
def get_version(cls):
import pkg_resources # part of setuptools
version = pkg_resources.require("SpiffWorkflow")[0].version
except Exception:
version = 'DEV'
return version
def create_option_parser(cls):
Override in subclass if required.
return OptionParser(
usage=("%prog [options] -o <package file> -p "
"<entry point process> <input BPMN files ...>"),
version="SpiffWorkflow BPMN Packager %s" % (cls.get_version()))
def add_main_options(cls, parser):
Override in subclass if required.
parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="package_file",
help="create the BPMN package in the specified file")
parser.add_option("-p", "--process", dest="entry_point_process",
help="specify the entry point process")
parser.add_option("-c", "--config-file", dest="config_file",
help="specify a config file to use")
"-i", "--initialise-config-file", action="store_true",
dest="init_config_file", default=False,
help="create a new config file from the specified options")
group = OptionGroup(parser, "BPMN Editor Options",
"These options are not required, but may be "
" provided to activate special features of "
"supported BPMN editors.")
group.add_option("--editor", dest="editor",
help="editors with special support: signavio")
def add_additional_options(cls, parser):
Override in subclass if required.
group = OptionGroup(parser, "Target Engine Options",
"These options are not required, but may be "
"provided if a specific "
"BPMN application engine is targeted.")
group.add_option("-e", "--target-engine", dest="target_engine",
help="target the specified BPMN application engine")
"-t", "--target-version", dest="target_engine_version",
help="target the specified version of the BPMN application engine")
def check_args(cls, config, options, args, parser, package_file=None):
Override in subclass if required.
if not args:
parser.error("no input files specified")
if not (package_file or options.package_file):
parser.error("no package file specified")
if not options.entry_point_process:
parser.error("no entry point process specified")
def merge_options_and_config(cls, config, options, args):
Override in subclass if required.
if args:
config.set(CONFIG_SECTION_NAME, 'input_files', ','.join(args))
elif config.has_option(CONFIG_SECTION_NAME, 'input_files'):
for i in config.get(CONFIG_SECTION_NAME, 'input_files').split(','):
if not os.path.isabs(i):
i = os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(options.config_file), i))
cls.merge_option_and_config_str('package_file', config, options)
cls.merge_option_and_config_str('entry_point_process', config, options)
cls.merge_option_and_config_str('target_engine', config, options)
'target_engine_version', config, options)
cls.merge_option_and_config_str('editor', config, options)
def merge_option_and_config_str(cls, option_name, config, options):
Utility method to merge an option and config, with the option taking "
opt = getattr(options, option_name, None)
if opt:
config.set(CONFIG_SECTION_NAME, option_name, opt)
elif config.has_option(CONFIG_SECTION_NAME, option_name):
setattr(options, option_name, config.get(
CONFIG_SECTION_NAME, option_name))
def create_meta_data(cls, options, args, parser):
Override in subclass if required.
meta_data = []
meta_data.append(('spiff_version', cls.get_version()))
if options.target_engine:
meta_data.append(('target_engine', options.target_engine))
if options.target_engine:
('target_engine_version', options.target_engine_version))
return meta_data
def main(cls, argv=None, package_file=None):
parser = cls.create_option_parser()
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(args=argv)
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
if options.config_file:
if not config.has_section(CONFIG_SECTION_NAME):
cls.merge_options_and_config(config, options, args)
if options.init_config_file:
if not options.config_file:
"no config file specified - cannot initialise config file")
f = open(options.config_file, "w")
with f:
cls.check_args(config, options, args, parser, package_file)
meta_data = cls.create_meta_data(options, args, parser)
packager = cls(package_file=package_file or options.package_file,
meta_data=meta_data, editor=options.editor)
for a in args:
return packager
def main(packager_class=None):
:param packager_class: The Packager class to use. Default: Packager.
if not packager_class:
packager_class = Packager
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Hampton
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
from .workflow import BpmnWorkflowSerializer
from .bpmn_converters import BpmnDataConverter

View File

@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
from functools import partial
from uuid import UUID
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.specs.BpmnProcessSpec import BpmnDataSpecification
from .dictionary import DictionaryConverter
from ..specs.events import SignalEventDefinition, MessageEventDefinition, NoneEventDefinition
from ..specs.events import TimerEventDefinition, CycleTimerEventDefinition, TerminateEventDefinition
from ..specs.events import ErrorEventDefinition, EscalationEventDefinition, CancelEventDefinition
from ..specs.events.event_definitions import CorrelationProperty, NamedEventDefinition
from ..specs.BpmnSpecMixin import BpmnSpecMixin, SequenceFlow
from ...operators import Attrib, PathAttrib
class BpmnDataConverter(DictionaryConverter):
The default converter for task and workflow data. It allows some commonly used python objects
to be converted to a form that can be serialized with JSOM
It also serves as a simple example for anyone who needs custom data serialization. If you have
custom objects or python objects not included here in your workflow/task data, then you should
replace or extend this with one that can handle the contents of your workflow.
def __init__(self):
self.register(UUID, lambda v: { 'value': str(v) }, lambda v: UUID(v['value']))
self.register(datetime, lambda v: { 'value': v.isoformat() }, lambda v: datetime.fromisoformat(v['value']))
self.register(timedelta, lambda v: { 'days': v.days, 'seconds': v.seconds }, lambda v: timedelta(**v))
def convert(self, obj):
return super().convert(obj)
def clean(self, obj):
# This removes functions and other callables from task data.
# By default we don't want to serialize these
if isinstance(obj, dict):
items = [ (k, v) for k, v in obj.items() ]
for key, value in items:
if callable(value):
del obj[key]
class BpmnDataSpecificationConverter:
def to_dict(data_spec):
return { 'name': data_spec.name, 'description': data_spec.description }
def from_dict(dct):
return BpmnDataSpecification(**dct)
class BpmnTaskSpecConverter(DictionaryConverter):
This the base Task Spec Converter.
It contains methods for parsing generic and BPMN task spec attributes.
If you have extended any of the the BPMN tasks with custom functionality, you'll need to
implement a converter for those task spec types. You'll need to implement the `to_dict` and
`from_dict` methods on any inheriting classes.
The default task spec converters are in `task_converters`; the `camunda` and `dmn`
serialization packages contain other examples.
def __init__(self, spec_class, data_converter, typename=None):
"""The default task spec converter. This will generally be registered with a workflow
spec converter.
Task specs can contain arbitrary data, though none of the default BPMN tasks do. We
may remove this functionality in the future. Therefore, the data_converter can be
`None`; if this is the case, task spec attributes that can contain arbitrary data will be
:param spec_class: the class defining the task type
:param data_converter: a converter for custom data (can be None)
:param typename: an optional typename for the object registration
self.spec_class = spec_class
self.data_converter = data_converter
self.typename = typename if typename is not None else spec_class.__name__
event_definitions = [ NoneEventDefinition, CancelEventDefinition, TerminateEventDefinition,
SignalEventDefinition, MessageEventDefinition, ErrorEventDefinition, EscalationEventDefinition,
TimerEventDefinition, CycleTimerEventDefinition ]
for event_definition in event_definitions:
partial(self.event_defintion_from_dict, event_definition)
self.register(SequenceFlow, self.sequence_flow_to_dict, self.sequence_flow_from_dict)
self.register(Attrib, self.attrib_to_dict, partial(self.attrib_from_dict, Attrib))
self.register(PathAttrib, self.attrib_to_dict, partial(self.attrib_from_dict, PathAttrib))
self.register(BpmnDataSpecification, BpmnDataSpecificationConverter.to_dict, BpmnDataSpecificationConverter.from_dict)
def to_dict(self, spec):
The convert method that will be called when a Task Spec Converter is registered with a
Workflow Spec Converter.
raise NotImplementedError
def from_dict(self, dct):
The restore method that will be called when a Task Spec Converter is registered with a
Workflow Spec Converter.
raise NotImplementedError
def get_default_attributes(self, spec):
"""Extracts the default Spiff attributes from a task spec.
:param spec: the task spec to be converted
a dictionary of standard task spec attributes
dct = {
'id': spec.id,
'name': spec.name,
'description': spec.description,
'manual': spec.manual,
'internal': spec.internal,
'lookahead': spec.lookahead,
'inputs': [task.name for task in spec.inputs],
'outputs': [task.name for task in spec.outputs],
# This stuff is also all defined in the base task spec, but can contain data, so we need
# our data serializer. I think we should try to get this stuff out of the base task spec.
if self.data_converter is not None:
dct['data'] = self.data_converter.convert(spec.data)
dct['defines'] = self.data_converter.convert(spec.defines)
dct['pre_assign'] = self.data_converter.convert(spec.pre_assign)
dct['post_assign'] = self.data_converter.convert(spec.post_assign)
return dct
def get_bpmn_attributes(self, spec):
"""Extracts the attributes added by the `BpmnSpecMixin` class.
:param spec: the task spec to be converted
a dictionary of BPMN task spec attributes
return {
'lane': spec.lane,
'documentation': spec.documentation,
'loopTask': spec.loopTask,
'position': spec.position,
'outgoing_sequence_flows': dict(
(k, self.convert(v)) for k, v in spec.outgoing_sequence_flows.items()
'outgoing_sequence_flows_by_id': dict(
(k, self.convert(v)) for k, v in spec.outgoing_sequence_flows_by_id.items()
'data_input_associations': [ self.convert(obj) for obj in spec.data_input_associations ],
'data_output_associations': [ self.convert(obj) for obj in spec.data_output_associations ],
def get_join_attributes(self, spec):
"""Extracts attributes for task specs that inherit from `Join`.
:param spec: the task spec to be converted
a dictionary of `Join` task spec attributes
return {
'split_task': spec.split_task,
'threshold': spec.threshold,
'cancel': spec.cancel_remaining,
def get_subworkflow_attributes(self, spec):
"""Extracts attributes for task specs that inherit from `SubWorkflowTask`.
:param spec: the task spec to be converted
a dictionary of subworkflow task spec attributes
return {'spec': spec.spec}
def task_spec_from_dict(self, dct):
Creates a task spec based on the supplied dictionary. It handles setting the default
task spec attributes as well as attributes added by `BpmnSpecMixin`.
:param dct: the dictionary to create the task spec from
a restored task spec
internal = dct.pop('internal')
inputs = dct.pop('inputs')
outputs = dct.pop('outputs')
spec = self.spec_class(**dct)
spec.internal = internal
spec.inputs = inputs
spec.outputs = outputs
spec.id = dct['id']
if self.data_converter is not None:
spec.data = self.data_converter.restore(dct.get('data', {}))
spec.defines = self.data_converter.restore(dct.get('defines', {}))
spec.pre_assign = self.data_converter.restore(dct.get('pre_assign', {}))
spec.post_assign = self.data_converter.restore(dct.get('post_assign', {}))
if isinstance(spec, BpmnSpecMixin):
spec.documentation = dct.pop('documentation', None)
spec.lane = dct.pop('lane', None)
spec.loopTask = dct.pop('loopTask', False)
spec.outgoing_sequence_flows = self.restore(dct.pop('outgoing_sequence_flows', {}))
spec.outgoing_sequence_flows_by_id = self.restore(dct.pop('outgoing_sequence_flows_by_id', {}))
spec.data_input_associations = self.restore(dct.pop('data_input_associations', []))
spec.data_output_associations = self.restore(dct.pop('data_output_associations', []))
return spec
def event_definition_to_dict(self, event_definition):
Converts an BPMN event definition to a dict. It will not typically be called directly,
but via `convert` and will convert any event type supported by Spiff.
:param event_definition: the event_definition to be converted.
a dictionary representation of an event definition
dct = {'internal': event_definition.internal, 'external': event_definition.external}
if isinstance(event_definition, NamedEventDefinition):
dct['name'] = event_definition.name
if isinstance(event_definition, MessageEventDefinition):
dct['correlation_properties'] = [prop.__dict__ for prop in event_definition.correlation_properties]
if isinstance(event_definition, TimerEventDefinition):
dct['label'] = event_definition.label
dct['dateTime'] = event_definition.dateTime
if isinstance(event_definition, CycleTimerEventDefinition):
dct['label'] = event_definition.label
dct['cycle_definition'] = event_definition.cycle_definition
if isinstance(event_definition, ErrorEventDefinition):
dct['error_code'] = event_definition.error_code
if isinstance(event_definition, EscalationEventDefinition):
dct['escalation_code'] = event_definition.escalation_code
return dct
def event_defintion_from_dict(self, definition_class, dct):
"""Restores an event definition. It will not typically be called directly, but via
`restore` and will restore any BPMN event type supporred by Spiff.
:param definition_class: the class that will be used to create the object
:param dct: the event definition attributes
an `EventDefinition` object
internal, external = dct.pop('internal'), dct.pop('external')
if 'correlation_properties' in dct:
dct['correlation_properties'] = [CorrelationProperty(**prop) for prop in dct['correlation_properties']]
event_definition = definition_class(**dct)
event_definition.internal = internal
event_definition.external = external
return event_definition
def sequence_flow_to_dict(self, flow):
return {
'id': flow.id,
'name': flow.name,
'documentation': flow.documentation,
'target_task_spec': flow.target_task_spec.name
def sequence_flow_from_dict(self, dct):
return SequenceFlow(**dct)
def attrib_to_dict(self, attrib):
return { 'name': attrib.name }
def attrib_from_dict(self, attrib_class, dct):
return attrib_class(dct['name'])
class BpmnWorkflowSpecConverter(DictionaryConverter):
This is the base converter for a BPMN workflow spec.
It will register converters for the task spec types contained in the workflow, as well as
the workflow spec class itself.
This class can be extended if you implement a custom workflow spec type. See the converter
in `workflow_spec_converter` for an example.
def __init__(self, spec_class, task_spec_converters, data_converter=None):
Converter for a BPMN workflow spec class.
The `to_dict` and `from_dict` methods of the given task spec converter classes will
be registered, so that they can be restored automatically.
The data_converter applied to task *spec* data, not task data, and may be `None`. See
`BpmnTaskSpecConverter` for more discussion.
:param spec_class: the workflow spec class
:param task_spec_converters: a list of `BpmnTaskSpecConverter` classes
:param data_converter: an optional data converter
self.spec_class = spec_class
self.data_converter = data_converter
self.register(spec_class, self.to_dict, self.from_dict)
for converter in task_spec_converters:
self.register(converter.spec_class, converter.to_dict, converter.from_dict, converter.typename)
self.register(BpmnDataSpecification, BpmnDataSpecificationConverter.to_dict, BpmnDataSpecificationConverter.from_dict)
def to_dict(self, spec):
The convert method that will be called when a Workflow Spec Converter is registered with a
Workflow Converter.
raise NotImplementedError
def from_dict(self, dct):
The restore method that will be called when a Workflow Spec Converter is registered with a
Workflow Converter.
raise NotImplementedError

View File

@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
from ...camunda.specs.UserTask import UserTask
from ...dmn.engine.DMNEngine import DMNEngine
from ...dmn.specs.BusinessRuleTask import BusinessRuleTask
from ...dmn.specs.model import DecisionTable
from ...serializer.dict import DictionarySerializer
from ...util.impl import get_class
from ..specs.BpmnSpecMixin import SequenceFlow
from ..specs.ExclusiveGateway import ExclusiveGateway
from ..specs.MultiInstanceTask import MultiInstanceTask
from ..specs.ScriptTask import ScriptTask
from ..specs.SubWorkflowTask import SubWorkflowTask
class BPMNDictionarySerializer(DictionarySerializer):
def serialize_task_spec(self, spec):
s_state = super().serialize_task_spec(spec)
if hasattr(spec,'documentation'):
s_state['documentation'] = spec.documentation
if hasattr(spec,'extensions'):
s_state['extensions'] = self.serialize_dict(spec.extensions)
if hasattr(spec,'lane'):
s_state['lane'] = spec.lane
if hasattr(spec,'outgoing_sequence_flows'):
s_state['outgoing_sequence_flows'] = {x:spec.outgoing_sequence_flows[x].serialize() for x in
s_state['outgoing_sequence_flows_by_id'] = {x:spec.outgoing_sequence_flows_by_id[x].serialize() for x in
# Note: Events are not serialized; this is documented in
# the TaskSpec API docs.
return s_state
def deserialize_task_spec(self, wf_spec, s_state, spec):
spec = super().deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, s_state, spec)
# I would use the s_state.get('extensions',{}) inside of the deserialize
# but many tasks have no extensions on them.
if s_state.get('extensions',None) != None:
spec.extensions = self.deserialize_dict(s_state['extensions'])
if 'documentation' in s_state.keys():
spec.documentation = s_state['documentation']
if 'lane' in s_state.keys():
spec.lane = s_state.get('lane',None)
if s_state.get('outgoing_sequence_flows',None):
spec.outgoing_sequence_flows = s_state.get('outgoing_sequence_flows', {})
spec.outgoing_sequence_flows_by_id = s_state.get('outgoing_sequence_flows_by_id', {})
return spec
def serialize_exclusive_gateway(self, spec):
s_state = self.serialize_multi_choice(spec)
s_state['default_task_spec'] = spec.default_task_spec
return s_state
def deserialize_exclusive_gateway(self, wf_spec, s_state):
spec = ExclusiveGateway(wf_spec, s_state['name'])
self.deserialize_multi_choice(wf_spec, s_state, spec=spec)
spec.default_task_spec = s_state['default_task_spec']
return spec
def serialize_script_task(self, spec):
s_state = self.serialize_task_spec(spec)
s_state['script'] = spec.script
return s_state
def deserialize_script_task(self, wf_spec, s_state):
spec = ScriptTask(wf_spec, s_state['name'], s_state['script'])
self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, s_state, spec=spec)
return spec
def serialize_subworkflow_task(self, spec):
s_state = self.serialize_task_spec(spec)
s_state['wf_class'] = spec.wf_class.__module__ + "." + spec.wf_class.__name__
s_state['spec'] = self.serialize_workflow_spec(spec.spec)
return s_state
def deserialize_subworkflow_task(self, wf_spec, s_state, cls):
spec = cls(wf_spec, s_state['name'])
spec.wf_class = get_class(s_state['wf_class'])
if 'spec_name' in s_state:
s_state['spec'] = self.SPEC_STATES[s_state['spec_name']]
spec.spec = self.deserialize_workflow_spec(s_state['spec'])
self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, s_state, spec=spec)
return spec
def serialize_generic_event(self, spec):
s_state = self.serialize_task_spec(spec)
if spec.event_definition:
s_state['event_definition'] = spec.event_definition.serialize()
s_state['event_definition'] = None
return s_state
def deserialize_generic_event(self, wf_spec, s_state, cls):
if s_state.get('event_definition',None):
evtcls = get_class(s_state['event_definition']['classname'])
event = evtcls.deserialize(s_state['event_definition'])
event = None
spec = cls(wf_spec, s_state['name'], event)
self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, s_state, spec=spec)
return spec
def serialize_boundary_event_parent(self, spec):
s_state = self.serialize_task_spec(spec)
s_state['main_child_task_spec'] = spec.main_child_task_spec.id
return s_state
def deserialize_boundary_event_parent(self, wf_spec, s_state, cls):
main_child_task_spec = wf_spec.get_task_spec_from_id(s_state['main_child_task_spec'])
spec = cls(wf_spec, s_state['name'], main_child_task_spec)
self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, s_state, spec=spec)
return spec
def serialize_boundary_event(self, spec):
s_state = self.serialize_task_spec(spec)
if spec.cancel_activity:
s_state['cancel_activity'] = spec.cancel_activity
s_state['cancel_activity'] = None
if spec.event_definition:
s_state['event_definition'] = spec.event_definition.serialize()
s_state['event_definition'] = None
return s_state
def deserialize_boundary_event(self, wf_spec, s_state, cls):
cancel_activity = s_state.get('cancel_activity',None)
if s_state['event_definition']:
eventclass = get_class(s_state['event_definition']['classname'])
event = eventclass.deserialize(s_state['event_definition'])
event = None
spec = cls(wf_spec, s_state['name'], cancel_activity=cancel_activity,event_definition=event)
self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, s_state, spec=spec)
return spec
def serialize_user_task(self, spec):
s_state = self.serialize_task_spec(spec)
s_state['form'] = spec.form
return s_state
def deserialize_user_task(self, wf_spec, s_state):
spec = UserTask(wf_spec, s_state['name'], s_state['form'])
self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, s_state, spec=spec)
return spec
def serialize_business_rule_task(self, spec):
s_state = self.serialize_task_spec(spec)
dictrep = spec.dmnEngine.decision_table.serialize()
# future
s_state['dmn'] = dictrep
return s_state
def deserialize_business_rule_task(self, wf_spec, s_state):
dt = DecisionTable(None,None)
dmn_engine = DMNEngine(dt)
spec = BusinessRuleTask(wf_spec, s_state['name'], dmn_engine)
self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, s_state, spec=spec)
return spec
def serialize_multi_instance(self, spec):
s_state = super().serialize_multi_instance(spec)
# here we need to add in all of the things that would get serialized
# for other classes that the MultiInstance could be -
if hasattr(spec,'form'):
s_state['form'] = spec.form
if isinstance(spec,MultiInstanceTask):
s_state['collection'] = self.serialize_arg(spec.collection)
s_state['elementVar'] = self.serialize_arg(spec.elementVar)
s_state['completioncondition'] = self.serialize_arg(spec.completioncondition)
s_state['isSequential'] = self.serialize_arg(spec.isSequential)
s_state['loopTask'] = self.serialize_arg(spec.loopTask)
if (hasattr(spec,'expanded')):
s_state['expanded'] = self.serialize_arg(spec.expanded)
if isinstance(spec,BusinessRuleTask):
br_state = self.serialize_business_rule_task(spec)
s_state['dmn'] = br_state['dmn']
if isinstance(spec, ScriptTask):
br_state = self.serialize_script_task(spec)
s_state['script'] = br_state['script']
if isinstance(spec, SubWorkflowTask):
br_state = self.serialize_subworkflow(spec)
s_state['wf_class'] = br_state['wf_class']
s_state['spec'] = br_state['spec']
return s_state
def deserialize_multi_instance(self, wf_spec, s_state, cls=None):
cls = super().deserialize_multi_instance(wf_spec, s_state, cls)
if isinstance(cls,MultiInstanceTask):
cls.isSequential = self.deserialize_arg(s_state['isSequential'])
cls.loopTask = self.deserialize_arg(s_state['loopTask'])
cls.elementVar = self.deserialize_arg(s_state['elementVar'])
cls.completioncondition = self.deserialize_arg(s_state['completioncondition'])
cls.collection = self.deserialize_arg(s_state['collection'])
if s_state.get('expanded',None):
cls.expanded = self.deserialize_arg(s_state['expanded'])
if isinstance(cls,BusinessRuleTask):
dt = DecisionTable(None,None)
dmn_engine = DMNEngine(dt)
if isinstance(cls, ScriptTask):
cls.script = s_state['script']
if isinstance(cls, SubWorkflowTask):
cls.wf_class = get_class(s_state['wf_class'])
cls.spec = self.deserialize_workflow_spec(s_state['spec'])
if s_state.get('form',None):
cls.form = s_state['form']
return cls
def _deserialize_workflow_spec_task_spec(self, spec, task_spec, name):
if hasattr(task_spec,'outgoing_sequence_flows'):
for entry,value in task_spec.outgoing_sequence_flows.items():
task_spec.outgoing_sequence_flows[entry] = \
for entry, value in task_spec.outgoing_sequence_flows_by_id.items():
task_spec.outgoing_sequence_flows_by_id[entry] = \
super()._deserialize_workflow_spec_task_spec(spec, task_spec, name)
def _prevtaskclass_bases(self, oldtask):
return (MultiInstanceTask, oldtask)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
from functools import partial
class DictionaryConverter:
This is a base class used to convert BPMN specs, workflows, tasks, and data to
dictionaries of JSON-serializable objects. Actual serialization is done as the
very last step by other classes.
This class allows you to register to_dict and from_dict functions for non-JSON-
serializable objects.
When an object is passed into `convert`, it will call the supplied to_dict
function on any classes that have been registered. The supplied to_dict function
must return a dictionary. The object's `typename` will be added to this dictionary
by the converter.
The (unqualified) class name will be used as the `typename` if one is not supplied.
You can optionally supply our own names (you'll need to do this if you need to
identically named classes in multiple packages).
When a dictionary is passed into `restore`, it will be checked for a `typename` key.
If a registered `typename` is found, the supplied from_dict function will be
called. Unrecognized objects will be returned as-is.
For a simple example of how to use this class, see the `BpmnDataConverter` in
def __init__(self):
self.convert_to_dict = { }
self.convert_from_dict = { }
self.typenames = { }
def register(self, cls, to_dict, from_dict, typename=None):
"""Register a conversion/restoration.
The `to_dict` function must return a dictionary; if no `typename` is given,
the unquallified class name will be used.
:param cls: the class that will be converted/restored
:param to_dict: a function that will be called with the object as an argument
:param from_dict: a function that restores the object from the dict
:param typename: an optional typename for identifying the converted object
typename = cls.__name__ if typename is None else typename
self.typenames[cls] = typename
self.convert_to_dict[typename] = partial(self.obj_to_dict, typename, to_dict)
self.convert_from_dict[typename] = partial(self.obj_from_dict, from_dict)
def obj_to_dict(typename, func, obj):
dct = func(obj)
dct.update({'typename': typename})
return dct
def obj_from_dict(func, dct):
return func(dct)
def convert(self, obj):
This is the public conversion method. It will be applied to dictionary
values, list items, and the object itself, applying the to_dict functions
of any registered type to the objects, or return the object unchanged if
it is not recognized.
:param obj: the object to be converter
the dictionary representation for registered objects or the original
for unregistered objects
typename = self.typenames.get(obj.__class__)
if typename in self.convert_to_dict:
to_dict = self.convert_to_dict.get(typename)
return to_dict(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, dict):
return dict((k, self.convert(v)) for k, v in obj.items())
elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple, set)):
return obj.__class__([ self.convert(item) for item in obj ])
return obj
def restore(self, val):
This is the public restoration method. It will be applied to dictionary
values, list items, and the value itself, checking for a `typename` key and
applying the from_dict function of any registered type, or return the value
unchanged if it is not recognized.
:param val: the value to be converted
the restored object for registered objects or the original for
unregistered values
if isinstance(val, dict) and 'typename' in val:
from_dict = self.convert_from_dict.get(val.pop('typename'))
return from_dict(val)
elif isinstance(val, dict):
return dict((k, self.restore(v)) for k, v in val.items())
if isinstance(val, (list, tuple, set)):
return val.__class__([ self.restore(item) for item in val ])
return val

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
import json
from ..serializer.dict import BPMNDictionarySerializer
from ...camunda.specs.UserTask import Form
from ...serializer.json import JSONSerializer
class BPMNJSONSerializer(BPMNDictionarySerializer, JSONSerializer):
def _object_hook(self, dct):
if '__form__' in dct:
return Form(init=json.loads(dct['__form__']))
return super()._object_hook(dct)
def _default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj,Form):
return {'__form__': json.dumps(obj, default=lambda o:
return super()._default(obj)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
from uuid import UUID
from .bpmn_converters import BpmnTaskSpecConverter
from ...specs import StartTask
from ...specs.Simple import Simple
from ...specs.LoopResetTask import LoopResetTask
from ..specs.BpmnProcessSpec import _EndJoin
from ..specs.BpmnSpecMixin import _BpmnCondition
from ..specs.NoneTask import NoneTask
from ..specs.UserTask import UserTask
from ..specs.ManualTask import ManualTask
from ..specs.ScriptTask import ScriptTask
from ..specs.SubWorkflowTask import CallActivity, TransactionSubprocess
from ..specs.ExclusiveGateway import ExclusiveGateway
from ..specs.InclusiveGateway import InclusiveGateway
from ..specs.ParallelGateway import ParallelGateway
from ..specs.events import StartEvent, EndEvent, BoundaryEvent, IntermediateCatchEvent, IntermediateThrowEvent
from ..specs.events.IntermediateEvent import _BoundaryEventParent, SendTask, ReceiveTask
from ..workflow import BpmnWorkflow
class SimpleTaskConverter(BpmnTaskSpecConverter):
def __init__(self, data_converter=None, typename=None):
super().__init__(Simple, data_converter, typename)
def to_dict(self, spec):
dct = self.get_default_attributes(spec)
return dct
def from_dict(self, dct):
return self.task_spec_from_dict(dct)
class StartTaskConverter(BpmnTaskSpecConverter):
def __init__(self, data_converter=None, typename=None):
super().__init__(StartTask, data_converter, typename)
def to_dict(self, spec):
dct = self.get_default_attributes(spec)
return dct
def from_dict(self, dct):
return self.task_spec_from_dict(dct)
class LoopResetTaskConverter(BpmnTaskSpecConverter):
def __init__(self, data_converter=None, typename=None):
super().__init__(LoopResetTask, data_converter, typename)
def to_dict(self, spec):
dct = self.get_default_attributes(spec)
# Maybe I should add this to the base task converter, but I'm trying to keep it free of
# anything but task related conversions
dct['destination_id'] = str(spec.destination_id)
dct['destination_spec_name'] = spec.destination_spec_name
return dct
def from_dict(self, dct):
spec = self.task_spec_from_dict(dct)
spec.destination_id = UUID(spec.destination_id)
return spec
class EndJoinConverter(BpmnTaskSpecConverter):
def __init__(self, data_converter=None, typename=None):
super().__init__(_EndJoin, data_converter, typename)
def to_dict(self, spec):
dct = self.get_default_attributes(spec)
return dct
def from_dict(self, dct):
return self.task_spec_from_dict(dct)
class NoneTaskConverter(BpmnTaskSpecConverter):
def __init__(self, data_converter=None, typename=None):
super().__init__(NoneTask, data_converter, typename)
def to_dict(self, spec):
dct = self.get_default_attributes(spec)
return dct
def from_dict(self, dct):
return self.task_spec_from_dict(dct)
class UserTaskConverter(BpmnTaskSpecConverter):
def __init__(self, data_converter=None, typename=None):
super().__init__(UserTask, data_converter, typename)
def to_dict(self, spec):
dct = self.get_default_attributes(spec)
return dct
def from_dict(self, dct):
return self.task_spec_from_dict(dct)
class ManualTaskConverter(BpmnTaskSpecConverter):
def __init__(self, data_converter=None, typename=None):
super().__init__(ManualTask, data_converter, typename)
def to_dict(self, spec):
dct = self.get_default_attributes(spec)
return dct
def from_dict(self, dct):
return self.task_spec_from_dict(dct)
class ScriptTaskConverter(BpmnTaskSpecConverter):
def __init__(self, data_converter=None, typename=None):
super().__init__(ScriptTask, data_converter, typename)
def to_dict(self, spec):
dct = self.get_default_attributes(spec)
dct['script'] = spec.script
return dct
def from_dict(self, dct):
return self.task_spec_from_dict(dct)
class CallActivityTaskConverter(BpmnTaskSpecConverter):
def __init__(self, data_converter=None, typename=None):
super().__init__(CallActivity, data_converter, typename)
self.wf_class = BpmnWorkflow
def to_dict(self, spec):
dct = self.get_default_attributes(spec)
return dct
def from_dict(self, dct):
dct['subworkflow_spec'] = dct.pop('spec')
return self.task_spec_from_dict(dct)
class TransactionSubprocessTaskConverter(BpmnTaskSpecConverter):
def __init__(self, data_converter=None, typename=None):
super().__init__(TransactionSubprocess, data_converter, typename)
self.wf_class = BpmnWorkflow
def to_dict(self, spec):
dct = self.get_default_attributes(spec)
return dct
def from_dict(self, dct):
dct['subworkflow_spec'] = dct.pop('spec')
return self.task_spec_from_dict(dct)
class ExclusiveGatewayConverter(BpmnTaskSpecConverter):
def __init__(self, data_converter=None, typename=None):
super().__init__(ExclusiveGateway, data_converter, typename)
def to_dict(self, spec):
dct = self.get_default_attributes(spec)
dct['default_task_spec'] = spec.default_task_spec
dct['cond_task_specs'] = [ self.bpmn_condition_to_dict(cond) for cond in spec.cond_task_specs ]
dct['choice'] = spec.choice
return dct
def from_dict(self, dct):
conditions = dct.pop('cond_task_specs')
default_task_spec = dct.pop('default_task_spec')
spec = self.task_spec_from_dict(dct)
spec.cond_task_specs = [ self.bpmn_condition_from_dict(cond) for cond in conditions ]
spec.default_task_spec = default_task_spec
return spec
def bpmn_condition_from_dict(self, dct):
return (_BpmnCondition(dct['condition']), dct['task_spec'])
def bpmn_condition_to_dict(self, condition):
expr, task_spec = condition
return {
'condition': expr.args[0],
'task_spec': task_spec
class InclusiveGatewayConverter(BpmnTaskSpecConverter):
def __init__(self, data_converter=None, typename=None):
super().__init__(InclusiveGateway, data_converter, typename)
def to_dict(self, spec):
dct = self.get_default_attributes(spec)
return dct
def from_dict(self, dct):
return self.task_spec_from_dict(dct)
class ParallelGatewayConverter(BpmnTaskSpecConverter):
def __init__(self, data_converter=None, typename=None):
super().__init__(ParallelGateway, data_converter, typename)
def to_dict(self, spec):
dct = self.get_default_attributes(spec)
return dct
def from_dict(self, dct):
return self.task_spec_from_dict(dct)
class EventConverter(BpmnTaskSpecConverter):
def __init__(self, spec_class, data_converter, typename):
super().__init__(spec_class, data_converter, typename)
def to_dict(self, spec):
dct = self.get_default_attributes(spec)
dct['event_definition'] = self.convert(spec.event_definition)
return dct
def from_dict(self, dct):
dct['event_definition'] = self.restore(dct['event_definition'])
return self.task_spec_from_dict(dct)
class StartEventConverter(EventConverter):
def __init__(self, data_converter=None, typename=None):
super().__init__(StartEvent, data_converter, typename)
class EndEventConverter(EventConverter):
def __init__(self, data_converter=None, typename=None):
super().__init__(EndEvent, data_converter, typename)
class IntermediateCatchEventConverter(EventConverter):
def __init__(self, data_converter=None, typename=None):
super().__init__(IntermediateCatchEvent, data_converter, typename)
class ReceiveTaskConverter(EventConverter):
def __init__(self, data_converter=None, typename=None):
super().__init__(ReceiveTask, data_converter, typename)
class IntermediateThrowEventConverter(EventConverter):
def __init__(self, data_converter=None, typename=None):
super().__init__(IntermediateThrowEvent, data_converter, typename)
class SendTaskConverter(EventConverter):
def __init__(self, data_converter=None, typename=None):
super().__init__(SendTask, data_converter, typename)
class BoundaryEventConverter(EventConverter):
def __init__(self, data_converter=None, typename=None):
super().__init__(BoundaryEvent, data_converter, typename)
def to_dict(self, spec):
dct = super().to_dict(spec)
dct['cancel_activity'] = spec.cancel_activity
return dct
class BoundaryEventParentConverter(BpmnTaskSpecConverter):
def __init__(self, data_converter=None, typename=None):
super().__init__(_BoundaryEventParent, data_converter, typename)
def to_dict(self, spec):
dct = self.get_default_attributes(spec)
dct['main_child_task_spec'] = spec.main_child_task_spec.name
return dct
def from_dict(self, dct):
return self.task_spec_from_dict(dct)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
from copy import deepcopy
def version_1_0_to_1_1(old):
Upgrade v1.0 serializations to v1.1.
Starting with Spiff 1.1.8, subworkflows are no longer integrated in main task tree. When
a subworkflow (a subprocess, transaction, or call activity) is reached, a subprocss is
added to the top level workflow and the task enters a waiting state until the workflow
To make the serialization backwards compatible, we delete the tasks from the main workflow
task list and add them to the appropriate subprocess and recreate the remaining subprocess
attributes based on the task states.
new = deepcopy(old)
subprocesses = dict((sp, { 'tasks': {}, 'root': None, 'data': {}, 'success': True }) for sp in new['subprocesses'])
# Move the tasks out of the top-level
for sp, task_ids in new['subprocesses'].items():
for task_id in task_ids:
if task_id in new['tasks']:
subprocesses[sp]['tasks'][task_id] = new['tasks'].pop(task_id)
if subprocesses[sp]['root'] is None:
subprocesses[sp]['root'] = task_id
subprocesses[sp]['tasks'][task_id]['parent'] = None
# Fix up th task and workflow states
waiting = []
for sp in subprocesses:
completed = sorted(
[t for t in subprocesses[sp]['tasks'].values() if t['state'] in [32, 64] ],
key=lambda t: t['last_state_change']
if len(completed) > 0:
subprocesses[sp]['last_task'] = completed[-1]
# If there are uncompleted tasks, set the subworkflow task state to waiting
if len(completed) < len(subprocesses[sp]['tasks']):
# Check the top level and all subprocesses for waiting tasks
# Also remove any children that are no longer in the tree
for sp in [new] + list(subprocesses.values()):
for task_id, task in sp['tasks'].items():
if task_id in waiting:
task['state'] = 8
task['children'] = [ c for c in task['children'] if c in sp['tasks'] ]
new['subprocesses'] = subprocesses
return new
'1.0': version_1_0_to_1_1,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
import json
import gzip
from copy import deepcopy
from uuid import UUID
from .version_migration import MIGRATIONS
from .bpmn_converters import BpmnDataConverter
from ..workflow import BpmnMessage, BpmnWorkflow
from ..specs.SubWorkflowTask import SubWorkflowTask
from ...task import Task
from .workflow_spec_converter import BpmnProcessSpecConverter
from .task_spec_converters import SimpleTaskConverter, StartTaskConverter, EndJoinConverter, LoopResetTaskConverter
from .task_spec_converters import NoneTaskConverter, UserTaskConverter, ManualTaskConverter, ScriptTaskConverter
from .task_spec_converters import CallActivityTaskConverter, TransactionSubprocessTaskConverter
from .task_spec_converters import StartEventConverter, EndEventConverter
from .task_spec_converters import IntermediateCatchEventConverter, IntermediateThrowEventConverter
from .task_spec_converters import SendTaskConverter, ReceiveTaskConverter
from .task_spec_converters import BoundaryEventConverter, BoundaryEventParentConverter
from .task_spec_converters import ParallelGatewayConverter, ExclusiveGatewayConverter, InclusiveGatewayConverter
SimpleTaskConverter, StartTaskConverter, EndJoinConverter, LoopResetTaskConverter,
NoneTaskConverter, UserTaskConverter, ManualTaskConverter, ScriptTaskConverter,
CallActivityTaskConverter, TransactionSubprocessTaskConverter,
StartEventConverter, EndEventConverter, SendTaskConverter, ReceiveTaskConverter,
IntermediateCatchEventConverter, IntermediateThrowEventConverter,
BoundaryEventConverter, BoundaryEventParentConverter,
ParallelGatewayConverter, ExclusiveGatewayConverter, InclusiveGatewayConverter
class BpmnWorkflowSerializer:
This class implements a customizable BPMN Workflow serializer, based on a Workflow Spec Converter
and a Data Converter.
The goal is to provide modular serialization capabilities.
You'll need to configure a Workflow Spec Converter with Task Spec Converters for any task types
present in your workflows. Because the Task Spec Converters also require initialization, the process
of building a Workflow Spec Converter is a little tedious; therefore, this class provides a static
method `configure_workflow_spec_converter` that can extend and/or override the default Task Spec
Converter list and return a Workflow Spec Converter that will recognize the overridden specs.
If you have implemented any custom task specs, you'll need to write a converter to handle them and
provide it to this method; if you using only the defaults, you can call this with no arguments.
If your workflow contains non-JSON-serializable objects, you'll need to extend or replace the
default data converter with one that will handle them. This converter needs to implement
`convert` and `restore` methods.
Serialization occurs in two phases: the first is to convert everything in the workflow to a
dictionary containins only JSON-serializable objects and the second is dumping to JSON.
This means that you can call the `workflow_to_dict` or `workflow_from_dict` methods separately from
conversion to JSON for further manipulation of the state, or selective serialization of only certain
parts of the workflow more conveniently. You can of course call methods from the Workflow Spec and
Data Converters via the `spec_converter` and `data_converter` attributes as well to bypass the
overhead of converting or restoring the entire thing.
# This is the default version set on the workflow, it can be overwritten
# using the configure_workflow_spec_converter.
VERSION = "1.0"
VERSION_KEY = "serializer_version"
def configure_workflow_spec_converter(task_spec_overrides=None, data_converter=None, version=VERSION):
This method can be used to add additional task spec converters to the default BPMN Process
The task specs may contain arbitrary data, though none of the default task specs use it. We
may disallow that in the future, so we don't recommend using this capability.
The task spec converters also take an optional typename argument; this will be included in the
serialized dictionaries so that the original class can restored. The unqualified classname is
used if none is provided. If a class in `task_spec_overrides` conflicts with one of the
defaults, the default will be removed and the provided one will be used instead. If you need
both for some reason, you'll have to instantiate the task spec converters and workflow spec
converter yourself.
:param task_spec_overrides: a list of task spec converter classes
:param data_converter: an optional data converter for task spec data
if task_spec_overrides is None:
task_spec_overrides = []
classnames = [c.__name__ for c in task_spec_overrides]
converters = [c(data_converter=data_converter) for c in task_spec_overrides]
if c.__name__ not in classnames:
return BpmnProcessSpecConverter(converters, version)
def __init__(self, spec_converter=None, data_converter=None, wf_class=None, version=VERSION, json_encoder_cls=DEFAULT_JSON_ENCODER_CLS, json_decoder_cls=DEFAULT_JSON_DECODER_CLS):
"""Intializes a Workflow Serializer with the given Workflow, Task and Data Converters.
:param spec_converter: the workflow spec converter
:param data_converter: the data converter
:param wf_class: the workflow class
:param json_encoder_cls: JSON encoder class to be used for dumps/dump operations
:param json_decoder_cls: JSON decoder class to be used for loads/load operations
self.spec_converter = spec_converter if spec_converter is not None else self.configure_workflow_spec_converter()
self.data_converter = data_converter if data_converter is not None else BpmnDataConverter()
self.wf_class = wf_class if wf_class is not None else BpmnWorkflow
self.json_encoder_cls = json_encoder_cls
self.json_decoder_cls = json_decoder_cls
self.VERSION = version
def serialize_json(self, workflow, use_gzip=False):
"""Serialize the dictionary representation of the workflow to JSON.
:param workflow: the workflow to serialize
a JSON dump of the dictionary representation
dct = self.workflow_to_dict(workflow)
dct[self.VERSION_KEY] = self.VERSION
json_str = json.dumps(dct, cls=self.json_encoder_cls)
return gzip.compress(json_str.encode('utf-8')) if use_gzip else json_str
def __get_dict(self, serialization, use_gzip=False):
if isinstance(serialization, dict):
dct = serialization
elif use_gzip:
dct = json.loads(gzip.decompress(serialization), cls=self.json_decoder_cls)
dct = json.loads(serialization, cls=self.json_decoder_cls)
return dct
def deserialize_json(self, serialization, read_only=False, use_gzip=False):
dct = self.__get_dict(serialization, use_gzip)
return self.workflow_from_dict(dct, read_only)
def get_version(self, serialization, use_gzip=False):
dct = self.__get_dict(serialization, use_gzip)
if self.VERSION_KEY in dct:
return dct[self.VERSION_KEY]
except: # Don't bail out trying to get a version, just return none.
return None
def workflow_to_dict(self, workflow):
"""Return a JSON-serializable dictionary representation of the workflow.
:param workflow: the workflow
a dictionary representation of the workflow
# These properties are applicable to top level & subprocesses
dct = self.process_to_dict(workflow)
# These are only used at the top-level
dct['spec'] = self.spec_converter.convert(workflow.spec)
dct['subprocess_specs'] = dict(
(name, self.spec_converter.convert(spec)) for name, spec in workflow.subprocess_specs.items()
dct['subprocesses'] = dict(
(str(task_id), self.process_to_dict(sp)) for task_id, sp in workflow.subprocesses.items()
dct['bpmn_messages'] = [self.message_to_dict(msg) for msg in workflow.bpmn_messages]
return dct
def workflow_from_dict(self, dct, read_only=False):
"""Create a workflow based on a dictionary representation.
:param dct: the dictionary representation
:param read_only: optionally disable modifying the workflow
a BPMN Workflow object
dct_copy = deepcopy(dct)
# Upgrade serialized version if necessary
if self.VERSION_KEY in dct_copy:
version = dct_copy.pop(self.VERSION_KEY)
if version in MIGRATIONS:
dct_copy = MIGRATIONS[version](dct_copy)
# Restore the top level spec and the subprocess specs
spec = self.spec_converter.restore(dct_copy.pop('spec'))
subprocess_specs = dct_copy.pop('subprocess_specs', {})
for name, wf_dct in subprocess_specs.items():
subprocess_specs[name] = self.spec_converter.restore(wf_dct)
# Create the top-level workflow
workflow = self.wf_class(spec, subprocess_specs, read_only=read_only)
# Restore any unretrieve messages
workflow.bpmn_messages = [ self.message_from_dict(msg) for msg in dct.get('bpmn_messages', []) ]
# Restore the remainder of the workflow
workflow.data = self.data_converter.restore(dct_copy.pop('data'))
workflow.success = dct_copy.pop('success')
workflow.task_tree = self.task_tree_from_dict(dct_copy, dct_copy.pop('root'), None, workflow)
return workflow
def task_to_dict(self, task):
return {
'id': str(task.id),
'parent': str(task.parent.id) if task.parent is not None else None,
'children': [ str(child.id) for child in task.children ],
'last_state_change': task.last_state_change,
'state': task.state,
'task_spec': task.task_spec.name,
'triggered': task.triggered,
'workflow_name': task.workflow.name,
'internal_data': self.data_converter.convert(task.internal_data),
'data': self.data_converter.convert(task.data),
def task_from_dict(self, dct, workflow, task_spec, parent):
task = Task(workflow, task_spec, parent)
task.id = UUID(dct['id'])
task.state = dct['state']
task.last_state_change = dct['last_state_change']
task.triggered = dct['triggered']
task.internal_data = self.data_converter.restore(dct['internal_data'])
task.data = self.data_converter.restore(dct['data'])
return task
def task_tree_to_dict(self, root):
tasks = { }
def add_task(task):
dct = self.task_to_dict(task)
tasks[dct['id']] = dct
for child in task.children:
return tasks
def task_tree_from_dict(self, process_dct, task_id, parent_task, process, top_level_workflow=None, top_level_dct=None):
top = top_level_workflow or process
top_dct = top_level_dct or process_dct
task_dict = process_dct['tasks'][task_id]
task_spec = process.spec.task_specs[task_dict['task_spec']]
task = self.task_from_dict(task_dict, process, task_spec, parent_task)
if task_id == process_dct['last_task']:
process.last_task = task
if isinstance(task_spec, SubWorkflowTask) and task_id in top_dct.get('subprocesses', {}):
subprocess_spec = top.subprocess_specs[task_spec.spec]
subprocess = self.wf_class(subprocess_spec, {}, name=task_spec.name, parent=process, read_only=top.read_only)
subprocess_dct = top_dct['subprocesses'].get(task_id, {})
subprocess.data = self.data_converter.restore(subprocess_dct.pop('data'))
subprocess.success = subprocess_dct.pop('success')
subprocess.task_tree = self.task_tree_from_dict(subprocess_dct, subprocess_dct.pop('root'), None, subprocess, top, top_dct)
subprocess.completed_event.connect(task_spec._on_subworkflow_completed, task)
top_level_workflow.subprocesses[task.id] = subprocess
for child in [ process_dct['tasks'][c] for c in task_dict['children'] ]:
self.task_tree_from_dict(process_dct, child['id'], task, process, top, top_dct)
return task
def process_to_dict(self, process):
return {
'data': self.data_converter.convert(process.data),
'last_task': str(process.last_task.id) if process.last_task is not None else None,
'success': process.success,
'tasks': self.task_tree_to_dict(process.task_tree),
'root': str(process.task_tree.id),
def message_to_dict(self, message):
dct = {
'correlations': dict([ (k, self.data_converter.convert(v)) for k, v in message.correlations.items() ]),
'name': message.name,
'payload': self.spec_converter.convert(message.payload),
return dct
def message_from_dict(self, dct):
return BpmnMessage(
dict([ (k, self.data_converter.restore(v)) for k, v in dct['correlations'].items() ]),

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@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
from .bpmn_converters import BpmnWorkflowSpecConverter
from ..specs.BpmnProcessSpec import BpmnProcessSpec
from ..specs.MultiInstanceTask import MultiInstanceTask, getDynamicMIClass
from ..specs.BpmnSpecMixin import BpmnSpecMixin
from ..specs.events.IntermediateEvent import _BoundaryEventParent
from ...operators import Attrib, PathAttrib
from ...specs.WorkflowSpec import WorkflowSpec
class BpmnProcessSpecConverter(BpmnWorkflowSpecConverter):
def __init__(self, task_spec_converters, data_converter=None):
super().__init__(BpmnProcessSpec, task_spec_converters, data_converter)
self.register(WorkflowSpec, self.base_workflow_spec_to_dict, self.from_dict)
def multi_instance_to_dict(self, spec):
# This is a hot mess, but I don't know how else to deal with the dynamically
# generated classes. Why do we use them?
classname = spec.prevtaskclass.split('.')[-1]
# Bypass the automatic selection of a conversion function
# This returns the partial function that was created on register for the original task type.
# The second argument is the function that would be called by `convert`.
conversion = self.convert_to_dict[classname]
func = conversion.args[1]
# We can just call it directly and add the typename manually
dct = func(spec)
dct['typename'] = classname
# And we have to do this here, rather than in a converter
# We also have to manually apply the Attrib conversions
convert_attrib = lambda v: { 'name': v.name, 'typename': v.__class__.__name__ }
'times': convert_attrib(spec.times) if spec.times is not None else None,
'elementVar': spec.elementVar,
'collection': convert_attrib(spec.collection) if spec.collection is not None else None,
# These are not defined in the constructor, but added by the parser, or somewhere else inappropriate
'completioncondition': spec.completioncondition,
'prevtaskclass': spec.prevtaskclass,
'isSequential': spec.isSequential,
# Also from the parser, but not always present.
if hasattr(spec, 'expanded'):
dct['expanded'] = spec.expanded
return dct
def multiinstance_from_dict(self, dct):
# The restore function removes items from the dictionary.
# We need the original so that we can restore everything without enumerating all
# possibiliies in this function.
attrs = list(dct.keys())
# These need to be restored here
# If only I'd done this right in the DMN converter I wouldn't have to pollute this on with
# task specific cases.
if 'decision_table' in attrs:
# Terrible ugly hack
registered = dict((name, c) for c, name in self.typenames.items())
# First get the dynamic class
cls = getDynamicMIClass(dct['name'], registered[dct['typename']])
# Restore the task according to the original task spec, so that its attributes can be converted
# recursively
original = self.restore(dct.copy())
# But this task has the wrong class, so delete it from the spec
del dct['wf_spec'].task_specs[original.name]
# Create a new class using the dynamic class
task_spec = cls(**dct)
# Restore the attributes that weren't recognized by the original converter
restore_attrib = lambda v: Attrib(v['name']) if v['typename'] == 'Attrib' else PathAttrib(v['name'])
task_spec.times = restore_attrib(dct['times']) if dct['times'] is not None else None
task_spec.collection = restore_attrib(dct['collection']) if dct['collection'] is not None else None
# Now copy everything else, from the temporary task spec if possible, otherwise the dict
for attr in attrs:
# If the original task has the attr, use the converted value
if hasattr(original, attr):
task_spec.__dict__[attr] = original.__dict__[attr]
task_spec.__dict__[attr] = self.restore(dct[attr])
# Handle adding any remaining attributes from the original task type that might not be
# present in the restored version (for example attributes added since last serialized)
for attr in original.__dict__:
if not hasattr(task_spec, attr):
task_spec.__dict__[attr] = original.__dict__[attr]
return task_spec
def convert_task_spec_extensions(self, task_spec, dct):
# Extensions will be moved out of the base parser, but since we currently add them to some
# indeterminate set of tasks, we'll just check all the tasks for them here.
if hasattr(task_spec, 'extensions'):
dct.update({'extensions': task_spec.extensions})
def restore_task_spec_extensions(self, dct, task_spec):
if 'extensions' in dct:
task_spec.extensions = dct.pop('extensions')
def to_dict(self, spec):
dct = {
'name': spec.name,
'description': spec.description,
'file': spec.file,
'task_specs': {},
'data_inputs': [ self.convert(obj) for obj in spec.data_inputs ],
'data_outputs': [ self.convert(obj) for obj in spec.data_outputs ],
'data_objects': dict([ (name, self.convert(obj)) for name, obj in spec.data_objects .items() ]),
'correlation_keys': spec.correlation_keys,
for name, task_spec in spec.task_specs.items():
if isinstance(task_spec, MultiInstanceTask):
task_dict = self.multi_instance_to_dict(task_spec)
task_dict = self.convert(task_spec)
self.convert_task_spec_extensions(task_spec, task_dict)
dct['task_specs'][name] = task_dict
return dct
def from_dict(self, dct):
spec = self.spec_class(name=dct['name'], description=dct['description'], filename=dct['file'])
# There a nostart arg in the base workflow spec class that prevents start task creation, but
# the BPMN process spec doesn't pass it in, so we have to delete the auto generated Start task.
del spec.task_specs['Start']
spec.start = None
# These are also automatically created with a workflow and should be replaced
del spec.task_specs['End']
del spec.task_specs[f'{spec.name}.EndJoin']
# Add the data specs
spec.data_inputs = [ self.restore(obj_dct) for obj_dct in dct.pop('data_inputs', []) ]
spec.data_outputs = [ self.restore(obj_dct) for obj_dct in dct.pop('data_outputs', []) ]
spec.data_objects = dict([ (name, self.restore(obj_dct)) for name, obj_dct in dct.pop('data_objects', {}).items() ])
# Add messaging related stuff
spec.correlation_keys = dct.pop('correlation_keys', {})
for name, task_dict in dct['task_specs'].items():
# I hate this, but I need to pass in the workflow spec when I create the task.
# IMO storing the workflow spec on the task spec is a TERRIBLE idea, but that's
# how this thing works.
task_dict['wf_spec'] = spec
# Ugh.
if 'prevtaskclass' in task_dict:
task_spec = self.multiinstance_from_dict(task_dict)
task_spec = self.restore(task_dict)
if name == 'Start':
spec.start = task_spec
self.restore_task_spec_extensions(task_dict, task_spec)
# Now we have to go back and fix all the circular references to everything
for task_spec in spec.task_specs.values():
if isinstance(task_spec, BpmnSpecMixin):
for flow in task_spec.outgoing_sequence_flows.values():
flow.target_task_spec = spec.get_task_spec_from_name(flow.target_task_spec)
for flow in task_spec.outgoing_sequence_flows_by_id.values():
flow.target_task_spec = spec.get_task_spec_from_name(flow.target_task_spec)
if isinstance(task_spec, _BoundaryEventParent):
task_spec.main_child_task_spec = spec.get_task_spec_from_name(task_spec.main_child_task_spec)
task_spec.inputs = [ spec.get_task_spec_from_name(name) for name in task_spec.inputs ]
task_spec.outputs = [ spec.get_task_spec_from_name(name) for name in task_spec.outputs ]
return spec
def base_workflow_spec_to_dict(self, spec):
# We should delete this method when we stop supporting the old serializer.
# It uses WorkflowSpec rather than BpmnWorkflowSpec, which does not support data objects.
# I hate copying this code here, but I am NOT putting an "if isinstance" check in the
# main method to handle a bug in the thing I'm replacing,
dct = {
'name': spec.name,
'description': spec.description,
'file': spec.file,
'task_specs': {},
for name, task_spec in spec.task_specs.items():
if isinstance(task_spec, MultiInstanceTask):
task_dict = self.multi_instance_to_dict(task_spec)
task_dict = self.convert(task_spec)
self.convert_task_spec_extensions(task_spec, task_dict)
dct['task_specs'][name] = task_dict
return dct

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@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Hampton
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
from copy import deepcopy
import logging
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.exceptions import WorkflowDataException
from ...task import TaskState
from .UnstructuredJoin import UnstructuredJoin
from ...specs.Simple import Simple
from ...specs.WorkflowSpec import WorkflowSpec
data_log = logging.getLogger('spiff.data')
class _EndJoin(UnstructuredJoin):
def _check_threshold_unstructured(self, my_task, force=False):
# Look at the tree to find all ready and waiting tasks (excluding
# ourself). The EndJoin waits for everyone!
waiting_tasks = []
for task in my_task.workflow.get_tasks(TaskState.READY | TaskState.WAITING):
if task.thread_id != my_task.thread_id:
if task.task_spec == my_task.task_spec:
is_mine = False
w = task.workflow
if w == my_task.workflow:
is_mine = True
while w and w.outer_workflow != w:
w = w.outer_workflow
if w == my_task.workflow:
is_mine = True
if is_mine:
return force or len(waiting_tasks) == 0, waiting_tasks
def _on_complete_hook(self, my_task):
super(_EndJoin, self)._on_complete_hook(my_task)
def serialize(self, serializer):
return serializer.serialize_join(self)
def deserialize(self, serializer, wf_spec, s_state):
return serializer.deserialize_join(wf_spec, s_state, _EndJoin)
class BpmnDataSpecification:
def __init__(self, name, description=None):
:param name: the name of the task (the BPMN ID)
:param description: the task description (the BPMN name)
self.name = name
self.description = description or name
# In the future, we can add schemas defining the objects here.
def get(self, my_task):
"""Copy a value form the workflow data to the task data."""
if self.name not in my_task.workflow.data:
message = f"Workflow variable {self.name} not found"
raise WorkflowDataException(my_task, data_input=self, message=message)
my_task.data[self.name] = deepcopy(my_task.workflow.data[self.name])
def set(self, my_task):
"""Copy a value from the task data to the workflow data"""
if self.name not in my_task.data:
message = f"Task variable {self.name} not found"
raise WorkflowDataException(my_task, data_output=self, message=message)
my_task.workflow.data[self.name] = deepcopy(my_task.data[self.name])
del my_task.data[self.name]
data_log.info(f'Set workflow variable {self.name}', extra=my_task.log_info())
def copy(self, source, destination, data_input=False, data_output=False):
"""Copy a value from one task to another."""
if self.name not in source.data:
message = f"Unable to copy {self.name}"
raise WorkflowDataException(
data_input=self if data_input else None,
data_output=self if data_output else None,
destination.data[self.name] = deepcopy(source.data[self.name])
class BpmnProcessSpec(WorkflowSpec):
This class represents the specification of a BPMN process workflow. This
specialises the standard Spiff WorkflowSpec class with a few extra methods
and attributes.
def __init__(self, name=None, description=None, filename=None, svg=None):
:param svg: This provides the SVG representation of the workflow as an
LXML node. (optional)
super(BpmnProcessSpec, self).__init__(name=name, filename=filename)
self.end = _EndJoin(self, '%s.EndJoin' % (self.name))
end = Simple(self, 'End')
self.svg = svg
self.description = description
self.data_inputs = []
self.data_outputs = []
self.data_objects = {}
self.correlation_keys = {}
def get_all_lanes(self):
Returns a set of the distinct lane names used in the process (including
called activities)
done = set()
lanes = set()
def recursive_find(task_spec):
if task_spec in done:
if hasattr(task_spec, 'lane') and task_spec.lane:
if hasattr(task_spec, 'spec'):
for t in task_spec.outputs:
return lanes
def get_specs_depth_first(self):
Get the specs for all processes (including called ones), in depth first
done = set()
specs = [self]
def recursive_find(task_spec):
if task_spec in done:
if hasattr(task_spec, 'spec'):
for t in task_spec.outputs:
return specs

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@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Hampton
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
from ...task import TaskState
from ...operators import Operator
from ...specs import TaskSpec
class _BpmnCondition(Operator):
def __init__(self, *args):
if len(args) > 1:
raise TypeError("Too many arguments")
super(_BpmnCondition, self).__init__(*args)
def _matches(self, task):
return task.workflow.script_engine.evaluate(task, self.args[0])
class SequenceFlow(object):
Keeps information relating to a sequence flow
def __init__(self, id, name, documentation, target_task_spec):
self.id = id
self.name = name.strip() if name else name
self.documentation = documentation
self.target_task_spec = target_task_spec
def serialize(self):
return {'id':self.id,
class BpmnSpecMixin(TaskSpec):
All BPMN spec classes should mix this superclass in. It adds a number of
methods that are BPMN specific to the TaskSpec.
def __init__(self, wf_spec, name, lane=None, position=None, **kwargs):
:param lane: Indicates the name of the lane that this task belongs to
super(BpmnSpecMixin, self).__init__(wf_spec, name, **kwargs)
self.outgoing_sequence_flows = {}
self.outgoing_sequence_flows_by_id = {}
self.lane = lane
self.position = position or {'x': 0, 'y': 0}
self.loopTask = False
self.documentation = None
self.data_input_associations = []
self.data_output_associations = []
def spec_type(self):
return 'BPMN Task'
def is_loop_task(self):
Returns true if this task is a BPMN looping task
return self.loopTask
def connect_outgoing(self, taskspec, sequence_flow_id, sequence_flow_name,
Connect this task spec to the indicated child.
:param sequence_flow_id: The ID of the connecting sequenceFlow node.
:param sequence_flow_name: The name of the connecting sequenceFlow
s = SequenceFlow(
sequence_flow_id, sequence_flow_name, documentation, taskspec)
self.outgoing_sequence_flows[taskspec.name] = s
self.outgoing_sequence_flows_by_id[sequence_flow_id] = s
def connect_outgoing_if(self, condition, taskspec, sequence_flow_id,
sequence_flow_name, documentation):
Connect this task spec to the indicated child, if the condition
evaluates to true. This should only be called if the task has a
connect_if method (e.g. ExclusiveGateway).
:param sequence_flow_id: The ID of the connecting sequenceFlow node.
:param sequence_flow_name: The name of the connecting sequenceFlow
self.connect_if(_BpmnCondition(condition), taskspec)
s = SequenceFlow(
sequence_flow_id, sequence_flow_name, documentation, taskspec)
self.outgoing_sequence_flows[taskspec.name] = s
self.outgoing_sequence_flows_by_id[sequence_flow_id] = s
def get_outgoing_sequence_flow_by_spec(self, task_spec):
Returns the outgoing SequenceFlow targeting the specified task_spec.
return self.outgoing_sequence_flows[task_spec.name]
def get_outgoing_sequence_flow_by_id(self, id):
Returns the outgoing SequenceFlow with the specified ID.
return self.outgoing_sequence_flows_by_id[id]
def has_outgoing_sequence_flow(self, id):
Returns true if the SequenceFlow with the specified ID is leaving this
return id in self.outgoing_sequence_flows_by_id
def get_outgoing_sequence_names(self):
Returns a list of the names of outgoing sequences. Some may be None.
return sorted([s.name for s in
def get_outgoing_sequences(self):
Returns a list of outgoing sequences. Some may be None.
return iter(list(self.outgoing_sequence_flows_by_id.values()))
# Hooks for Custom BPMN tasks ##########
def entering_waiting_state(self, my_task):
Called when a task enters the WAITING state.
A subclass may override this method to do work when this happens.
def entering_ready_state(self, my_task):
Called when a task enters the READY state.
A subclass may override this method to do work when this happens.
def entering_complete_state(self, my_task):
Called when a task enters the COMPLETE state.
A subclass may override this method to do work when this happens.
def entering_cancelled_state(self, my_task):
Called when a task enters the CANCELLED state.
A subclass may override this method to do work when this happens.
def _on_ready_hook(self, my_task):
for obj in self.data_input_associations:
def _on_complete_hook(self, my_task):
for obj in self.data_output_associations:
for obj in self.data_input_associations:
# Remove the any copied input variables that might not have already been removed
super(BpmnSpecMixin, self)._on_complete_hook(my_task)
if isinstance(my_task.parent.task_spec, BpmnSpecMixin):
if not my_task.workflow._is_busy_with_restore():
def _child_complete_hook(self, child_task):
def _on_cancel(self, my_task):
super(BpmnSpecMixin, self)._on_cancel(my_task)
if not my_task.workflow._is_busy_with_restore():
def _update_hook(self, my_task):
prev_state = my_task.state
super(BpmnSpecMixin, self)._update_hook(my_task)
if (prev_state != TaskState.WAITING and my_task.state == TaskState.WAITING and
not my_task.workflow._is_busy_with_restore()):
def _on_ready_before_hook(self, my_task):
super(BpmnSpecMixin, self)._on_ready_before_hook(my_task)
if not my_task.workflow._is_busy_with_restore():

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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Hampton
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
from ...exceptions import WorkflowException
from .BpmnSpecMixin import BpmnSpecMixin
from ...specs import TaskSpec
from ...specs.ExclusiveChoice import ExclusiveChoice
class ExclusiveGateway(ExclusiveChoice, BpmnSpecMixin):
Task Spec for a bpmn:exclusiveGateway node.
def test(self):
Checks whether all required attributes are set. Throws an exception
if an error was detected.
# This has been overridden to allow a single default flow out (without a
# condition) - useful for the converging type
# if len(self.cond_task_specs) < 1:
# raise WorkflowException(self, 'At least one output required.')
for condition, name in self.cond_task_specs:
if name is None:
raise WorkflowException(self, 'Condition with no task spec.')
task_spec = self._wf_spec.get_task_spec_from_name(name)
if task_spec is None:
msg = 'Condition leads to non-existent task ' + repr(name)
raise WorkflowException(self, msg)
if condition is None:
def spec_type(self):
return 'Exclusive Gateway'
def serialize(self, serializer):
return serializer.serialize_exclusive_gateway(self)
def deserialize(self, serializer, wf_spec, s_state):
return serializer.deserialize_exclusive_gateway(wf_spec, s_state)

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@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Hampton
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
from collections import deque
from ...task import TaskState
from .UnstructuredJoin import UnstructuredJoin
class InclusiveGateway(UnstructuredJoin):
Task Spec for a bpmn:parallelGateway node. From the specification of BPMN
(http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/2.0/PDF - document number:formal/2011-01-03):
The Inclusive Gateway is activated if
* At least one incoming Sequence Flow has at least one token and
* For every directed path formed by sequence flow that
* starts with a Sequence Flow f of the diagram that has a token,
* ends with an incoming Sequence Flow of the inclusive gateway that has
no token, and
* does not visit the Inclusive Gateway.
* There is also a directed path formed by Sequence Flow that
* starts with f,
* ends with an incoming Sequence Flow of the inclusive gateway that has
a token, and
* does not visit the Inclusive Gateway.
Upon execution, a token is consumed from each incoming Sequence Flow that
has a token. A token will be produced on some of the outgoing Sequence
TODO: Not implemented: At the moment, we can't handle having more than one
token at a single incoming sequence
TODO: At the moment only converging Inclusive Gateways are supported.
In order to determine the outgoing Sequence Flows that receive a token, all
conditions on the outgoing Sequence Flows are evaluated. The evaluation
does not have to respect a certain order.
For every condition which evaluates to true, a token MUST be passed on the
respective Sequence Flow.
If and only if none of the conditions evaluates to true, the token is
passed on the default Sequence Flow.
In case all conditions evaluate to false and a default flow has not been
specified, the Inclusive Gateway throws an exception.
def spec_type(self):
return 'Inclusive Gateway'
def _check_threshold_unstructured(self, my_task, force=False):
# Look at the tree to find all ready and waiting tasks (excluding ones
# that are our completed inputs).
tasks = []
for task in my_task.workflow.get_tasks(TaskState.READY | TaskState.WAITING):
if task.thread_id != my_task.thread_id:
if task.workflow != my_task.workflow:
if task.task_spec == my_task.task_spec:
inputs_with_tokens, waiting_tasks = self._get_inputs_with_tokens(
inputs_without_tokens = [
i for i in self.inputs if i not in inputs_with_tokens]
waiting_tasks = []
for task in tasks:
if (self._has_directed_path_to(
task, self,
without_using_sequence_flow_from=inputs_with_tokens) and
not self._has_directed_path_to(
task, self,
return force or len(waiting_tasks) == 0, waiting_tasks
def _has_directed_path_to(self, task, task_spec,
q = deque()
done = set()
without_using_sequence_flow_from = set(
without_using_sequence_flow_from or [])
while q:
n = q.popleft()
if n == task_spec:
return True
for child in n.outputs:
if child not in done and not (
n in without_using_sequence_flow_from and
child == task_spec):
return False
def deserialize(self, serializer, wf_spec, s_state):
return serializer.deserialize_generic(wf_spec, s_state, InclusiveGateway)

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Hampton
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
from ...bpmn.specs.BpmnSpecMixin import BpmnSpecMixin
from ...specs import Simple
class ManualTask(Simple, BpmnSpecMixin):
def deserialize(self, serializer, wf_spec, s_state):
return serializer.deserialize_generic(wf_spec, s_state, ManualTask)
def is_engine_task(self):
return False
def spec_type(self):
return 'Manual Task'

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@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2020 Sartography
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
import copy
from builtins import range
from uuid import uuid4
import re
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.exceptions import WorkflowTaskExecException
from .SubWorkflowTask import SubWorkflowTask, CallActivity
from .ParallelGateway import ParallelGateway
from .ScriptTask import ScriptTask
from .ExclusiveGateway import ExclusiveGateway
from ...dmn.specs.BusinessRuleTask import BusinessRuleTask
from ...operators import valueof, is_number
from ...specs import SubWorkflow
from ...specs.base import TaskSpec
from ...util.impl import get_class
from ...task import Task, TaskState
from ...util.deep_merge import DeepMerge
def gendict(path, d):
if len(path) == 0:
return d
return gendict(path[:-1], {path[-1]: d})
class MultiInstanceTask(TaskSpec):
When executed, this task performs a split on the current task.
The number of outgoing tasks depends on the runtime value of a
specified data field.
If more than one input is connected, the task performs an implicit
multi merge.
This task has one or more inputs and may have any number of outputs.
def __init__(self, wf_spec, name, times, **kwargs):
:type wf_spec: WorkflowSpec
:param wf_spec: A reference to the workflow specification.
:type name: str
:param name: The name of the task spec.
:type times: int or :class:`SpiffWorkflow.operators.Term`
:param times: The number of tasks to create.
:type kwargs: dict
:param kwargs: See :class:`SpiffWorkflow.specs.TaskSpec`.
if times is None:
raise ValueError('times argument is required')
self.times = times
# We don't really pass these things in (we should), but putting them here to document that they exist
self.loopTask = kwargs.get('loopTask', False)
self.isSequential = kwargs.get('isSequential', False)
self.expanded = kwargs.get('expanded', 1)
self.elementVar = kwargs.get('element_var')
self.collection = kwargs.get('collection')
self.multiInstance = True
TaskSpec.__init__(self, wf_spec, name, **kwargs)
# @property
# def spec_type(self):
# return 'MultiInstance Task'
def _find_my_task(self, task):
for thetask in task.workflow.task_tree:
if thetask.thread_id != task.thread_id:
if thetask.task_spec == self:
return thetask
return None
def _on_trigger(self, task_spec):
May be called after execute() was already completed to create an
additional outbound task.
# Find a Task for this TaksSpec.
my_task = self._find_my_task(task_spec)
if my_task._has_state(TaskState.COMPLETED):
state = TaskState.READY
state = TaskState.FUTURE
for output in self.outputs:
new_task = my_task._add_child(output, state)
new_task.triggered = True
def _check_inputs(self, my_task):
if self.collection is None:
# look for variable in context, if we don't find it, default to 1
variable = valueof(my_task, self.times, 1)
if self.times.name == self.collection.name and type(variable) == type([]):
raise WorkflowTaskExecException(my_task,
'If we are updating a collection,'
' then the collection must be a '
def _get_loop_completion(self,my_task):
if not self.completioncondition == None:
terminate = my_task.workflow.script_engine.evaluate(my_task,self.completioncondition)
if terminate:
my_task.terminate_current_loop = True
return terminate
return False
def _get_count(self, my_task):
self.times has the text entered in the BPMN model.
It could be just a number - in this case return the number
it could be a variable name - so we get the variable value from my_task
the variable could be a number (text representation??) - in this case return the integer value of the number
it could be a list of records - in this case return the cardinality of the list
it could be a dict with a bunch of keys - it this case return the cardinality of the keys
if is_number(self.times.name):
return int(self.times.name)
variable = valueof(my_task, self.times, 1) # look for variable in context, if we don't find it, default to 1
if is_number(variable):
return int(variable)
if isinstance(variable,list):
return len(variable)
if isinstance(variable,dict):
return len(variable.keys())
return 1 # we shouldn't ever get here, but just in case return a sane value.
def _get_current_var(self, my_task, pos):
variable = valueof(my_task, self.times, 1)
if is_number(variable):
return pos
if isinstance(variable,list) and len(variable) >= pos:
return variable[pos - 1]
elif isinstance(variable,dict) and len(list(variable.keys())) >= pos:
return variable[list(variable.keys())[pos - 1]]
return pos
def _get_predicted_outputs(self, my_task):
split_n = self._get_count(my_task)
# Predict the outputs.
outputs = []
for i in range(split_n):
outputs += self.outputs
return outputs
def _build_gateway_name(self,position):
Build a unique name for each task - need to be the
same over save/restore of the workflow spec.
return 'Gateway_for_' + str(self.name) + "_" + position
def _make_new_gateway(self,my_task,suffix,descr):
gw_spec = ParallelGateway(self._wf_spec,
gw = Task(my_task.workflow, task_spec=gw_spec)
return gw_spec,gw
def _add_gateway(self, my_task):
""" Generate parallel gateway tasks on either side of the current task.
This emulates a standard BPMN pattern of having parallel tasks between
two parallel gateways.
Once we have set up the gateways, we write a note into our internal data so that
we don't do it again.
# Expand this
# A-> ME -> C
# into this
# A -> GW_start -> ME -> GW_end -> C
# where GW is a parallel gateway
# check to see if we have already done this, this code gets called multiple times
# as we build the tree
if my_task.parent.task_spec.name[:11] == 'Gateway_for':
# build the gateway specs and the tasks.
# Spiff wants a distinct spec for each task
# that it has in the workflow or it will throw an error
start_gw_spec, start_gw = self._make_new_gateway(my_task,'start','Begin Gateway')
end_gw_spec, end_gw = self._make_new_gateway(my_task,'end','End Gateway')
# Set up the parent task and insert it into the workflow
# remove the current task spec from the parent, it will be replaced with the new construct.
my_task.parent.task_spec.outputs = [x for x in my_task.parent.task_spec.outputs if x != my_task.task_spec]
# in the case that our parent is a gateway with a default route,
# we need to ensure that the default route is empty
# so that connect can set it up properly
if hasattr(my_task.parent.task_spec,'default_task_spec') and \
my_task.parent.task_spec.default_task_spec == my_task.task_spec.name:
my_task.parent.task_spec.default_task_spec = None
elif isinstance(my_task.parent.task_spec, ExclusiveGateway):
for cond, name in [ (cond, name) for cond, name in my_task.parent.task_spec.cond_task_specs\
if name == my_task.task_spec.name]:
my_task.parent.task_spec.cond_task_specs.remove((cond, name))
my_task.parent.task_spec.cond_task_specs.append((cond, start_gw_spec.name))
# get a list of all siblings and replace myself with the new gateway task
# in the parent task
newchildren = []
for child in my_task.parent.children:
if child == my_task:
my_task.parent.children = newchildren
# update the gatways parent to be my parent
start_gw.parent = my_task.parent
# update my parent to be the gateway
my_task.parent = start_gw
start_gw.children = [my_task]
# transfer my outputs to the ending gateway and set up the
# child parent links
end_gw_spec.outputs = self.outputs.copy()
self.outputs = [end_gw_spec]
end_gw.parent = my_task
my_task.children = [end_gw]
def multiinstance_info(self, my_task):
split_n = self._get_count(my_task)
runtimes = int(my_task._get_internal_data('runtimes', 1)) # set a default if not already run
loop = False
parallel = False
sequential = False
if my_task.task_spec.loopTask:
loop = True
elif my_task.task_spec.isSequential:
sequential = True
parallel = True
return {'is_looping': loop,
'is_sequential_mi': sequential,
'is_parallel_mi': parallel,
'mi_count': split_n,
'mi_index': runtimes}
def _make_new_child_task(self,my_task,x):
# here we generate a distinct copy of our original task each
# parallel instance, and hook them up into the task tree
new_child = copy.copy(my_task)
new_child.id = uuid4()
# I think we will need to update both every variables
# internal data and the copy of the public data to get the
# variables correct
new_child.internal_data = copy.deepcopy(my_task.internal_data)
'runtimes'] = x + 2 # working with base 1 and we already have one done
new_child.data = copy.deepcopy(my_task.data)
new_child.data[self.elementVar] = self._get_current_var(my_task,
x + 2)
new_child.children = [] # these will be updated later
# in the case of parallel, the children list will get updated during the predict loop
return new_child
def _expand_sequential(self,my_task,split_n):
# this should be only for SMI and not looping tasks -
# we need to patch up the children and make sure they chain correctly
# this is different from PMI because the children all link together, not to
# the gateways on both ends.
# first let's check for a task in the task spec tree
# we have to jump through some hoops to determine if we have already
# expanded this properly as we may have a cardinality that may change
# and this code gets run a bunch of times.
expanded = getattr(self, 'expanded', 1)
if split_n >= expanded:
setattr(self, 'expanded', split_n)
if not (expanded == split_n):
# Initialize based on current task
my_task_copy = copy.copy(my_task)
current_task = my_task
current_task_spec = self
proto_task_spec = copy.copy(self)
# Essentially we are expanding like this:
# A -> B0 -> C
# A -> B0 -> B1 -> B2 -> C
# each new child has the last child we created as its parent
# and the outputs of what B0 had previously.
# this has to be done for both the task and the task spec.
for x in range(split_n - expanded):
# create Bx from Bx-1
new_child = self._make_new_child_task(my_task,x)
# set children of Bx = children of B0
new_child.children = copy.copy(my_task_copy.children)
# all of C's parents should be Bx
for child in new_child.children:
child.parent = new_child
# create a new task spec for this new task and update it
new_task_spec = self._make_new_task_spec(proto_task_spec, my_task, x)
new_child.task_spec = new_task_spec
# update task spec inputs and outputs like we did for the task
current_task_spec.outputs = [new_task_spec]
new_task_spec.inputs = [current_task_spec]
current_task.children = [new_child]
# update the parent of the new task
new_child.parent = current_task
# set up variables for next pass.
current_task = new_child
current_task_spec = new_task_spec
def _expand_parallel(self,my_task,split_n):
# add a parallel gateway on either side of this task
# we use the child count of the parallel gateway to determine
# if we have expanded this or not. Children of the gateway we just created
# should match the split level provided by the multiinstance
for x in range(split_n - len(my_task.parent.children)):
new_child = self._make_new_child_task(my_task,x)
new_task_spec = self._make_new_task_spec(my_task.task_spec, my_task, x)
new_child.task_spec = new_task_spec
# patch up the right hand side gateway
# patch up the left hand side gateway task and task_spec
def _make_new_task_spec(self,proto_task_spec,my_task,suffix):
new_task_spec = copy.copy(proto_task_spec)
new_task_spec.name = new_task_spec.name + "_%d" % suffix
new_task_spec.id = str(new_task_spec.id) + "_%d" % suffix
my_task.workflow.spec.task_specs[new_task_spec.name] = new_task_spec # add to registry
return new_task_spec
def _predict_hook(self, my_task):
split_n = self._get_count(my_task)
runtimes = int(my_task._get_internal_data('runtimes', 1)) # set a default if not already run
my_task._set_internal_data(splits=split_n, runtimes=runtimes)
if not self.elementVar:
self.elementVar = my_task.task_spec.name + "_CurrentVar"
my_task.data[self.elementVar] = copy.copy(self._get_current_var(my_task, runtimes))
# Create the outgoing tasks.
outputs = []
# In the special case that this is a Parallel multiInstance, we need
# to expand the children in the middle. This method gets called
# during every pass through the tree, so we need to wait until our
# real cardinality gets updated to expand the tree.
if (not self.isSequential):
elif not self.loopTask:
outputs += self.outputs
if my_task._is_definite():
my_task._sync_children(outputs, TaskState.FUTURE)
my_task._sync_children(outputs, TaskState.LIKELY)
def _handle_special_cases(self, my_task):
classes = [BusinessRuleTask, ScriptTask, SubWorkflowTask, SubWorkflow, CallActivity]
classes = {x.__module__ + "." + x.__name__: x for x in classes}
terminate = self._get_loop_completion(my_task)
if my_task.task_spec.prevtaskclass in classes.keys() and not terminate:
def _merge_element_variable(self,my_task,collect,runtimes,colvarname):
# if we are updating the same collection as was our loopcardinality
# then all the keys should be there and we can use the sorted keylist
# if not, we use an integer - we should be guaranteed that the
# collection is a dictionary
if self.collection is not None and self.times.name == self.collection.name:
keys = list(collect.keys())
if len(keys) < runtimes:
msg = f"There is a mismatch between runtimes and the number " \
f"items in the collection, please check for empty " \
f"collection {self.collection.name}."
raise WorkflowTaskExecException(my_task, msg)
runtimesvar = keys[runtimes - 1]
runtimesvar = runtimes
if self.elementVar in my_task.data and isinstance(my_task.data[self.elementVar], dict):
collect[str(runtimesvar)] = DeepMerge.merge(collect.get(runtimesvar, {}),
my_task.data = DeepMerge.merge(my_task.data,
gendict(colvarname.split('/'), collect))
def _update_sibling_data(self,my_task,runtimes,runcount,colvarname,collect):
if (runtimes < runcount) and not my_task.terminate_current_loop and self.loopTask:
my_task._set_internal_data(runtimes=runtimes + 1)
my_task.data[self.elementVar] = self._get_current_var(my_task, runtimes + 1)
element_var_data = None
# The element var data should not be passed on to children
# but will add this back onto this task later.
element_var_data = my_task.data.pop(self.elementVar, None)
# if this is a parallel mi - then update all siblings with the
# current data
if not self.isSequential:
for task in my_task.parent.children:
task.data = DeepMerge.merge(
return element_var_data
def _on_complete_hook(self, my_task):
# do special stuff for non-user tasks
def __iteration_complete(self, my_task):
# this is all about updating the collection for a MI
# initialize
runcount = self._get_count(my_task)
runtimes = int(my_task._get_internal_data('runtimes', 1))
if self.collection is not None:
colvarname = self.collection.name
colvarname = my_task.task_spec.name
collect = valueof(my_task, self.collection, {})
element_var_data = self._update_sibling_data(my_task,runtimes,runcount,colvarname,collect)
# please see MultiInstance code for previous version
outputs = []
outputs += self.outputs
if not isinstance(my_task.task_spec,SubWorkflowTask):
my_task._sync_children(outputs, TaskState.FUTURE)
for child in my_task.children:
# If removed, add the element_var_data back onto this task, after
# updating the children.
my_task.data[self.elementVar] = element_var_data
def serialize(self, serializer):
return serializer.serialize_multi_instance(self)
def deserialize(self, serializer, wf_spec, s_state):
prevclass = get_class(s_state['prevtaskclass'])
spec = getDynamicMIClass(s_state['name'], prevclass)(wf_spec,s_state['name'],s_state['times'])
spec.prevtaskclass = s_state['prevtaskclass']
return serializer.deserialize_multi_instance(wf_spec, s_state, spec)
def getDynamicMIClass(id,prevclass):
id = re.sub('(.+)_[0-9]$','\\1',id)
return type(id + '_class', (
MultiInstanceTask, prevclass), {})

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Hampton
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
from ...specs import Simple
from ...bpmn.specs.BpmnSpecMixin import BpmnSpecMixin
class NoneTask(Simple, BpmnSpecMixin):
def is_engine_task(self):
return False
def spec_type(self):
return 'Task'
def deserialize(self, serializer, wf_spec, s_state):
return serializer.deserialize_generic(wf_spec, s_state, NoneTask)

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Hampton
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
from .UnstructuredJoin import UnstructuredJoin
class ParallelGateway(UnstructuredJoin):
Task Spec for a bpmn:parallelGateway node. From the specification of BPMN
(http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/2.0/PDF - document number:formal/2011-01-03):
The Parallel Gateway is activated if there is at least one token on
each incoming Sequence Flow.
The Parallel Gateway consumes exactly one token from each incoming
Sequence Flow and produces exactly one token at each outgoing
Sequence Flow.
TODO: Not implemented:
If there are excess tokens at an incoming Sequence Flow, these tokens
remain at this Sequence Flow after execution of the Gateway.
Essentially, this means that we must wait until we have a completed parent
task on each incoming sequence.
def _check_threshold_unstructured(self, my_task, force=False):
completed_inputs, waiting_tasks = self._get_inputs_with_tokens(my_task)
# If the threshold was reached, get ready to fire.
return (force or len(completed_inputs) >= len(self.inputs),
def spec_type(self):
return 'Parallel Gateway'
def deserialize(self, serializer, wf_spec, s_state):
return serializer.deserialize_generic(wf_spec, s_state, ParallelGateway)

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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Hampton
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
from .BpmnSpecMixin import BpmnSpecMixin
from ...task import TaskState
from ...specs.Simple import Simple
class ScriptEngineTask(Simple, BpmnSpecMixin):
"""Task Spec for a bpmn:scriptTask node"""
def _execute(self, task):
"""Please override for specific Implementations, see ScriptTask below for an example"""
def _on_complete_hook(self, task):
super(ScriptEngineTask, self)._on_complete_hook(task)
except Exception as exc:
raise exc
def serialize(self, serializer):
return serializer.serialize_script_task(self)
def deserialize(self, serializer, wf_spec, s_state):
return serializer.deserialize_script_task(wf_spec, s_state)
class ScriptTask(ScriptEngineTask):
def __init__(self, wf_spec, name, script, **kwargs):
:param script: the script that must be executed by the script engine.
super(ScriptTask, self).__init__(wf_spec, name, **kwargs)
self.script = script
def spec_type(self):
return 'Script Task'
def _execute(self, task):
task.workflow.script_engine.execute(task, self.script)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from .ScriptTask import ScriptEngineTask
class ServiceTask(ScriptEngineTask):
Task Spec for a bpmn:serviceTask node.
def __init__(self, wf_spec, name, **kwargs):
super(ServiceTask, self).__init__(wf_spec, name, **kwargs)
def spec_type(self):
return 'Service Task'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from copy import deepcopy
from SpiffWorkflow.task import TaskState
from .BpmnSpecMixin import BpmnSpecMixin
from ...specs.SubWorkflow import SubWorkflow
from ...specs import TaskSpec
class SubWorkflowTask(SubWorkflow, BpmnSpecMixin):
Task Spec for a bpmn node containing a subworkflow.
def __init__(self, wf_spec, name, subworkflow_spec, transaction=False, **kwargs):
:param bpmn_wf_spec: the BpmnProcessSpec for the sub process.
:param bpmn_wf_class: the BpmnWorkflow class to instantiate
super(SubWorkflowTask, self).__init__(wf_spec, name, None, **kwargs)
self.spec = subworkflow_spec
self.transaction = transaction
def spec_type(self):
return 'Subprocess'
def test(self):
def _on_ready_before_hook(self, my_task):
subworkflow = my_task.workflow.create_subprocess(my_task, self.spec, self.name)
subworkflow.completed_event.connect(self._on_subworkflow_completed, my_task)
subworkflow.data = deepcopy(my_task.workflow.data)
def _on_ready_hook(self, my_task):
for obj in self.data_input_associations:
subworkflow = my_task.workflow.get_subprocess(my_task)
start = subworkflow.get_tasks_from_spec_name('Start', workflow=subworkflow)
if len(subworkflow.spec.data_inputs) == 0:
# Copy all task data into start task if no inputs specified
# Otherwise copy only task data with the specified names
for var in subworkflow.spec.data_inputs:
var.copy(my_task, start[0], data_input=True)
for child in subworkflow.task_tree.children:
def _on_subworkflow_completed(self, subworkflow, my_task):
# Shouldn't this always be true?
if isinstance(my_task.parent.task_spec, BpmnSpecMixin):
if len(subworkflow.spec.data_outputs) == 0:
# Copy all workflow data if no outputs are specified
my_task.data = deepcopy(subworkflow.data)
end = subworkflow.get_tasks_from_spec_name('End', workflow=subworkflow)
# Otherwise only copy data with the specified names
for var in subworkflow.spec.data_outputs:
var.copy(end[0], my_task, data_output=True)
def _update_hook(self, my_task):
wf = my_task.workflow._get_outermost_workflow(my_task)
if my_task.id not in wf.subprocesses:
def _predict_hook(self, my_task):
# The base Subworkflow task predict doesn't work with the loop reset task
BpmnSpecMixin._predict_hook(self, my_task)
def _on_complete_hook(self, my_task):
BpmnSpecMixin._on_complete_hook(self, my_task)
for child in my_task.children:
def _on_cancel(self, my_task):
subworkflow = my_task.workflow.get_subprocess(my_task)
if subworkflow is not None:
def serialize(self, serializer):
return serializer.serialize_subworkflow_task(self)
def deserialize(self, serializer, wf_spec, s_state):
return serializer.deserialize_subworkflow_task(wf_spec, s_state, SubWorkflowTask)
def task_will_set_children_future(self, my_task):
class CallActivity(SubWorkflowTask):
def __init__(self, wf_spec, name, subworkflow_spec, **kwargs):
super(CallActivity, self).__init__(wf_spec, name, subworkflow_spec, False, **kwargs)
def spec_type(self):
return 'Call Activity'
def deserialize(cls, serializer, wf_spec, s_state):
return serializer.deserialize_subworkflow_task(wf_spec, s_state, CallActivity)
class TransactionSubprocess(SubWorkflowTask):
def __init__(self, wf_spec, name, subworkflow_spec, **kwargs):
super(TransactionSubprocess, self).__init__(wf_spec, name, subworkflow_spec, True, **kwargs)
def spec_type(self):
return 'Transactional Subprocess'
def deserialize(cls, serializer, wf_spec, s_state):
return serializer.deserialize_subworkflow_task(wf_spec, s_state, TransactionSubprocess)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Hampton
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
from ...exceptions import WorkflowException
from ...task import TaskState
from .BpmnSpecMixin import BpmnSpecMixin
from ...specs.Join import Join
class UnstructuredJoin(Join, BpmnSpecMixin):
A helper subclass of Join that makes it work in a slightly friendlier way
for the BPMN style threading
def _check_threshold_unstructured(self, my_task, force=False):
raise NotImplementedError("Please implement this in the subclass")
def _get_inputs_with_tokens(self, my_task):
# Look at the tree to find all places where this task is used.
tasks = []
for task in my_task.workflow.task_tree:
if task.thread_id != my_task.thread_id:
if task.workflow != my_task.workflow:
if task.task_spec != self:
if task._is_finished():
# Look up which tasks have parent's completed.
waiting_tasks = []
completed_inputs = set()
for task in tasks:
if task.parent._has_state(TaskState.COMPLETED) and (
task._has_state(TaskState.WAITING) or task == my_task):
if task.parent.task_spec in completed_inputs:
"Unsupported looping behaviour: two threads waiting"
" on the same sequence flow."))
return completed_inputs, waiting_tasks
def _do_join(self, my_task):
# Copied from Join parent class
# This has some minor changes
# One Join spec may have multiple corresponding Task objects::
# - Due to the MultiInstance pattern.
# - Due to the ThreadSplit pattern.
# When using the MultiInstance pattern, we want to join across
# the resulting task instances. When using the ThreadSplit
# pattern, we only join within the same thread. (Both patterns
# may also be mixed.)
# We are looking for all task instances that must be joined.
# We limit our search by starting at the split point.
if self.split_task:
split_task = my_task.workflow.get_task_spec_from_name(
split_task = my_task._find_ancestor(split_task)
split_task = my_task.workflow.task_tree
# Identify all corresponding task instances within the thread.
# Also remember which of those instances was most recently changed,
# because we are making this one the instance that will
# continue the thread of control. In other words, we will continue
# to build the task tree underneath the most recently changed task.
last_changed = None
thread_tasks = []
for task in split_task._find_any(self):
# Ignore tasks from other threads.
if task.thread_id != my_task.thread_id:
# Ignore tasks from other subprocesses:
if task.workflow != my_task.workflow:
# Ignore my outgoing branches.
if task._is_descendant_of(my_task):
# Ignore completed tasks (this is for loop handling)
if task._is_finished():
# For an inclusive join, this can happen - it's a future join
if not task.parent._is_finished():
# We have found a matching instance.
# Check whether the state of the instance was recently
# changed.
changed = task.parent.last_state_change
if last_changed is None\
or changed > last_changed.parent.last_state_change:
last_changed = task
# Update data from all the same thread tasks.
thread_tasks.sort(key=lambda t: t.parent.last_state_change)
for task in thread_tasks:
# Mark the identified task instances as COMPLETED. The exception
# is the most recently changed task, for which we assume READY.
# By setting the state to READY only, we allow for calling
# :class:`Task.complete()`, which leads to the task tree being
# (re)built underneath the node.
for task in thread_tasks:
if task == last_changed:
self.entered_event.emit(my_task.workflow, my_task)
def _update_hook(self, my_task):
if my_task._is_predicted():
if not my_task.parent._is_finished():
target_state = getattr(my_task, '_bpmn_load_target_state', None)
if target_state == TaskState.WAITING:
super(UnstructuredJoin, self)._update_hook(my_task)
def task_should_set_children_future(self, my_task):
return True
def task_will_set_children_future(self, my_task):
# go find all of the gateways with the same name as this one,
# drop children and set state to WAITING
for t in list(my_task.workflow.task_tree):
if t.task_spec.name == self.name and t.state == TaskState.COMPLETED:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Hampton
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
from .BpmnSpecMixin import BpmnSpecMixin
from ...specs.Simple import Simple
class UserTask(Simple, BpmnSpecMixin):
Task Spec for a bpmn:userTask node.
def is_engine_task(self):
return False
def spec_type(self):
return 'User Task'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Hampton
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA

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@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Hampton
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
from .event_types import ThrowingEvent
from .event_definitions import TerminateEventDefinition, CancelEventDefinition
from ....task import TaskState
class EndEvent(ThrowingEvent):
Task Spec for a bpmn:endEvent node.
From the specification of BPMN (http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/2.0/PDF -
document number:formal/2011-01-03): For a "terminate" End Event, the
Process is abnormally terminated - no other ongoing Process instances are
For all other End Events, the behavior associated with the Event type is
performed, e.g., the associated Message is sent for a Message End Event,
the associated signal is sent for a Signal End Event, and so on. The
Process instance is then completed, if and only if the following two
conditions hold:
* All start nodes of the Process have been visited. More precisely, all
Start Events have been triggered, and for all starting Event-Based
Gateways, one of the associated Events has been triggered.
* There is no token remaining within the Process instance.
def __init__(self, wf_spec, name, event_definition, **kwargs):
super(EndEvent, self).__init__(wf_spec, name, event_definition, **kwargs)
def spec_type(self):
return 'End Event'
def _on_complete_hook(self, my_task):
super(EndEvent, self)._on_complete_hook(my_task)
if isinstance(self.event_definition, TerminateEventDefinition):
# We are finished. Set the workflow data and cancel all tasks
for task in my_task.workflow.get_tasks(TaskState.NOT_FINISHED_MASK, workflow=my_task.workflow):
elif isinstance(self.event_definition, CancelEventDefinition):
def serialize(self, serializer):
return serializer.serialize_generic_event(self)
def deserialize(cls, serializer, wf_spec, s_state):
return serializer.deserialize_generic_event(wf_spec, s_state, EndEvent)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Hampton
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
from .event_types import ThrowingEvent, CatchingEvent
from .event_definitions import CycleTimerEventDefinition
from ..BpmnSpecMixin import BpmnSpecMixin
from ....specs.Simple import Simple
from ....task import TaskState
class SendTask(ThrowingEvent):
def spec_type(self):
return 'Send Task'
class ReceiveTask(CatchingEvent):
def spec_type(self):
return 'Receive Task'
class IntermediateCatchEvent(CatchingEvent):
def spec_type(self):
return f'{self.event_definition.event_type} Catching Event'
class IntermediateThrowEvent(ThrowingEvent):
def spec_type(self):
return f'{self.event_definition.event_type} Throwing Event'
class _BoundaryEventParent(Simple, BpmnSpecMixin):
"""This task is inserted before a task with boundary events."""
# I wonder if this would be better modelled as some type of join.
# It would make more sense to have the boundary events and the task
# they're attached to be inputs rather than outputs.
def __init__(self, wf_spec, name, main_child_task_spec, **kwargs):
super(_BoundaryEventParent, self).__init__(wf_spec, name)
self.main_child_task_spec = main_child_task_spec
def spec_type(self):
return 'Boundary Event Parent'
def _on_ready_hook(self, my_task):
# Clear any events that our children might have received and
# wait for new events
for child in my_task.children:
if isinstance(child.task_spec, BoundaryEvent):
def _child_complete_hook(self, child_task):
# If the main child completes, or a cancelling event occurs, cancel any
# unfinished children
if child_task.task_spec == self.main_child_task_spec or child_task.task_spec.cancel_activity:
for sibling in child_task.parent.children:
if sibling == child_task:
if sibling.task_spec == self.main_child_task_spec or not sibling._is_finished():
for t in child_task.workflow._get_waiting_tasks():
# If our event is a cycle timer, we need to set it back to waiting so it can fire again
elif isinstance(child_task.task_spec.event_definition, CycleTimerEventDefinition):
def _predict_hook(self, my_task):
# Events attached to the main task might occur
my_task._sync_children(self.outputs, state=TaskState.MAYBE)
# The main child's state is based on this task's state
state = TaskState.FUTURE if my_task._is_definite() else my_task.state
for child in my_task.children:
if child.task_spec == self.main_child_task_spec:
def serialize(self, serializer):
return serializer.serialize_boundary_event_parent(self)
def deserialize(cls, serializer, wf_spec, s_state):
return serializer.deserialize_boundary_event_parent(wf_spec, s_state, cls)
class BoundaryEvent(CatchingEvent):
"""Task Spec for a bpmn:boundaryEvent node."""
def __init__(self, wf_spec, name, event_definition, cancel_activity, **kwargs):
:param cancel_activity: True if this is a Cancelling boundary event.
super(BoundaryEvent, self).__init__(wf_spec, name, event_definition, **kwargs)
self.cancel_activity = cancel_activity
def spec_type(self):
interrupting = 'Interrupting' if self.cancel_activity else 'Non-Interrupting'
return f'{interrupting} {self.event_definition.event_type} Event'
def catches(self, my_task, event_definition, correlations=None):
# Boundary events should only be caught while waiting
return super(BoundaryEvent, self).catches(my_task, event_definition, correlations) and my_task.state == TaskState.WAITING
def catch(self, my_task, event_definition):
super(BoundaryEvent, self).catch(my_task, event_definition)
def _on_complete_hook(self, my_task):
super(BoundaryEvent, self)._on_complete_hook(my_task)
# Notify the boundary event parent as well.
def serialize(self, serializer):
return serializer.serialize_boundary_event(self)
def deserialize(cls, serializer, wf_spec, s_state):
return serializer.deserialize_boundary_event(wf_spec, s_state, cls)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Hampton
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
from .event_types import CatchingEvent
from ....task import TaskState
class StartEvent(CatchingEvent):
"""Task Spec for a bpmn:startEvent node with an optional event definition."""
def __init__(self, wf_spec, name, event_definition, **kwargs):
super(StartEvent, self).__init__(wf_spec, name, event_definition, **kwargs)
def spec_type(self):
return f'{self.event_definition.event_type} Start Event'
def catch(self, my_task, event_definition):
# We might need to revisit a start event after it completes or
# if it got cancelled so we'll still catch messages even if we're finished
if my_task.state == TaskState.COMPLETED or my_task.state == TaskState.CANCELLED:
super(StartEvent, self).catch(my_task, event_definition)
def serialize(self, serializer):
return serializer.serialize_generic_event(self)
def deserialize(cls, serializer, wf_spec, s_state):
return serializer.deserialize_generic_event(wf_spec, s_state, StartEvent)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
from .StartEvent import StartEvent
from .EndEvent import EndEvent
from .IntermediateEvent import IntermediateCatchEvent, IntermediateThrowEvent, BoundaryEvent, _BoundaryEventParent, SendTask, ReceiveTask
from .event_definitions import (NoneEventDefinition, CancelEventDefinition, ErrorEventDefinition, EscalationEventDefinition, MessageEventDefinition,
SignalEventDefinition, TimerEventDefinition, CycleTimerEventDefinition, TerminateEventDefinition)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Hampton
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
import datetime
from copy import deepcopy
class EventDefinition(object):
This is the base class for Event Definitions. It implements the default throw/catch
behavior for events.
If internal is true, this event should be thrown to the current workflow
If external is true, this event should be thrown to the outer workflow
Default throw behavior is to send the event based on the values of the internal
and external flags.
Default catch behavior is to set the event to fired
# Format to use for specifying dates for time based events
TIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'
def __init__(self):
# Ideally I'd mke these parameters, but I don't want to them to be parameters
# for any subclasses (as they are based on event type, not user choice) and
# I don't want to write a separate deserializer for every every type.
self.internal, self.external = True, True
def event_type(self):
return f'{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__}'
def has_fired(self, my_task):
return my_task._get_internal_data('event_fired', False)
def catch(self, my_task, event_definition=None):
def throw(self, my_task):
def reset(self, my_task):
def _throw(self, event, workflow, outer_workflow, correlations=None):
# This method exists because usually we just want to send the event in our
# own task spec, but we can't do that for message events.
# We also don't have a more sophisticated method for addressing events to
# a particular process, but this at least provides a mechanism for distinguishing
# between processes and subprocesses.
if self.internal:
if self.external:
outer_workflow.catch(event, correlations)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__class__.__name__ == other.__class__.__name__
def serialize(self):
return {
'classname': self.__class__.__module__ + '.' + self.__class__.__name__,
'internal': self.internal,
'external': self.external,
def deserialize(cls, dct):
internal, external = dct.pop('internal'), dct.pop('external')
obj = cls(**dct)
obj.internal, obj.external = internal, external
return obj
class NamedEventDefinition(EventDefinition):
Extend the base event class to provide a name for the event. Most throw/catch events
have names that names that will be used to identify the event.
:param name: the name of this event
def __init__(self, name):
super(NamedEventDefinition, self).__init__()
self.name = name
def reset(self, my_task):
super(NamedEventDefinition, self).reset(my_task)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__class__.__name__ == other.__class__.__name__ and self.name == other.name
def serialize(self):
retdict = super(NamedEventDefinition, self).serialize()
retdict['name'] = self.name
return retdict
class CancelEventDefinition(EventDefinition):
Cancel events are only handled by the outerworkflow, as they can only be used inside
of transaction subprocesses.
def __init__(self):
super(CancelEventDefinition, self).__init__()
self.internal = False
def event_type(self):
return 'Cancel'
class ErrorEventDefinition(NamedEventDefinition):
Error events can occur only in subprocesses and as subprocess boundary events. They're
matched by code rather than name.
def __init__(self, name, error_code=None):
super(ErrorEventDefinition, self).__init__(name)
self.error_code = error_code
self.internal = False
def event_type(self):
return 'Error'
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__class__.__name__ == other.__class__.__name__ and self.error_code in [ None, other.error_code ]
def serialize(self):
retdict = super(ErrorEventDefinition, self).serialize()
retdict['error_code'] = self.error_code
return retdict
class EscalationEventDefinition(NamedEventDefinition):
Escalation events have names, though they don't seem to be used for anything. Instead
the spec says that the escalation code should be matched.
def __init__(self, name, escalation_code=None):
:param escalation_code: The escalation code this event should
react to. If None then all escalations will activate this event.
super(EscalationEventDefinition, self).__init__(name)
self.escalation_code = escalation_code
def event_type(self):
return 'Escalation'
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__class__.__name__ == other.__class__.__name__ and self.escalation_code in [ None, other.escalation_code ]
def serialize(self):
retdict = super(EscalationEventDefinition, self).serialize()
retdict['escalation_code'] = self.escalation_code
return retdict
class CorrelationProperty:
"""Rules for generating a correlation key when a message is sent or received."""
def __init__(self, name, expression, correlation_keys):
self.name = name # This is the property name
self.expression = expression # This is how it's generated
self.correlation_keys = correlation_keys # These are the keys it's used by
class MessageEventDefinition(NamedEventDefinition):
"""The default message event."""
def __init__(self, name, correlation_properties=None):
self.correlation_properties = correlation_properties or []
self.payload = None
self.internal = False
def event_type(self):
return 'Message'
def catch(self, my_task, event_definition = None):
self.update_internal_data(my_task, event_definition)
super(MessageEventDefinition, self).catch(my_task, event_definition)
def throw(self, my_task):
# We can't update our own payload, because if this task is reached again
# we have to evaluate it again so we have to create a new event
event = MessageEventDefinition(self.name, self.correlation_properties)
# Generating a payload unfortunately needs to be handled using custom extensions
# However, there needs to be something to apply the correlations to in the
# standard case and this is line with the way Spiff works otherwise
event.payload = deepcopy(my_task.data)
correlations = self.get_correlations(my_task.workflow.script_engine, event.payload)
self._throw(event, my_task.workflow, my_task.workflow.outer_workflow, correlations)
def update_internal_data(self, my_task, event_definition):
my_task.internal_data[event_definition.name] = event_definition.payload
def update_task_data(self, my_task):
# I've added this method so that different message implementations can handle
# copying their message data into the task
payload = my_task.internal_data.get(self.name)
if payload is not None:
def get_correlations(self, script_engine, payload):
correlations = {}
for property in self.correlation_properties:
for key in property.correlation_keys:
if key not in correlations:
correlations[key] = {}
correlations[key][property.name] = script_engine._evaluate(property.expression, payload)
return correlations
class NoneEventDefinition(EventDefinition):
This class defines behavior for NoneEvents. We override throw to do nothing.
def __init__(self):
self.internal, self.external = False, False
def event_type(self):
return 'Default'
def throw(self, my_task):
"""It's a 'none' event, so nothing to throw."""
def reset(self, my_task):
"""It's a 'none' event, so nothing to reset."""
class SignalEventDefinition(NamedEventDefinition):
"""The SignalEventDefinition is the implementation of event definition used for Signal Events."""
def spec_type(self):
return 'Signal'
class TerminateEventDefinition(EventDefinition):
"""The TerminateEventDefinition is the implementation of event definition used for Termination Events."""
def __init__(self):
super(TerminateEventDefinition, self).__init__()
self.external = False
def event_type(self):
return 'Terminate'
class TimerEventDefinition(EventDefinition):
The TimerEventDefinition is the implementation of event definition used for
Catching Timer Events (Timer events aren't thrown).
def __init__(self, label, dateTime):
:param label: The label of the event. Used for the description.
:param dateTime: The dateTime expression for the expiry time. This is
passed to the Script Engine and must evaluate to a datetime (in the case of
a time-date event) or a timedelta (in the case of a duration event).
super(TimerEventDefinition, self).__init__()
self.label = label
self.dateTime = dateTime
def event_type(self):
return 'Timer'
def has_fired(self, my_task):
The Timer is considered to have fired if the evaluated dateTime
expression is before datetime.datetime.now()
dt = my_task.workflow.script_engine.evaluate(my_task, self.dateTime)
if isinstance(dt,datetime.timedelta):
if my_task._get_internal_data('start_time',None) is not None:
start_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(my_task._get_internal_data('start_time',None), self.TIME_FORMAT)
elapsed = datetime.datetime.now() - start_time
return elapsed > dt
my_task.internal_data['start_time'] = datetime.datetime.now().strftime(self.TIME_FORMAT)
return False
if dt is None:
return False
if isinstance(dt, datetime.datetime):
if dt.tzinfo:
tz = dt.tzinfo
now = tz.fromutc(datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=tz))
now = datetime.datetime.now()
# assume type is a date, not datetime
now = datetime.date.today()
return now > dt
def serialize(self):
retdict = super(TimerEventDefinition, self).serialize()
retdict['label'] = self.label
retdict['dateTime'] = self.dateTime
return retdict
class CycleTimerEventDefinition(EventDefinition):
The TimerEventDefinition is the implementation of event definition used for
Catching Timer Events (Timer events aren't thrown).
The cycle definition should evaluate to a tuple of
(n repetitions, repetition duration)
def __init__(self, label, cycle_definition):
super(CycleTimerEventDefinition, self).__init__()
self.label = label
# The way we're using cycle timers doesn't really align with how the BPMN spec
# describes is (the example of "every monday at 9am")
# I am not sure why this isn't a subprocess with a repeat count that starts
# with a duration timer
self.cycle_definition = cycle_definition
def event_type(self):
return 'Cycle Timer'
def has_fired(self, my_task):
# We will fire this timer whenever a cycle completes
# The task itself will manage counting how many times it fires
repeat, delta = my_task.workflow.script_engine.evaluate(my_task, self.cycle_definition)
# This is the first time we've entered this event
if my_task.internal_data.get('repeat') is None:
my_task.internal_data['repeat'] = repeat
if my_task.get_data('repeat_count') is None:
# This is now a looping task, and if we use internal data, the repeat count won't persist
now = datetime.datetime.now()
if my_task._get_internal_data('start_time') is None:
start_time = now
my_task.internal_data['start_time'] = now.strftime(self.TIME_FORMAT)
start_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(my_task._get_internal_data('start_time'),self.TIME_FORMAT)
if my_task.get_data('repeat_count') >= repeat or (now - start_time) < delta:
return False
return True
def reset(self, my_task):
repeat_count = my_task.get_data('repeat_count')
if repeat_count is None:
# If this is a boundary event, then repeat count will not have been set
my_task.set_data(repeat_count=repeat_count + 1)
my_task.internal_data['start_time'] = None
super(CycleTimerEventDefinition, self).reset(my_task)
def serialize(self):
retdict = super(CycleTimerEventDefinition, self).serialize()
retdict['label'] = self.label
retdict['cycle_definition'] = self.cycle_definition
return retdict

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@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Hampton
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
from .event_definitions import MessageEventDefinition, NoneEventDefinition
from ..BpmnSpecMixin import BpmnSpecMixin
from ....specs.Simple import Simple
from ....task import TaskState
class CatchingEvent(Simple, BpmnSpecMixin):
"""Base Task Spec for Catching Event nodes."""
def __init__(self, wf_spec, name, event_definition, **kwargs):
:param event_definition: the EventDefinition that we must wait for.
super(CatchingEvent, self).__init__(wf_spec, name, **kwargs)
self.event_definition = event_definition
def catches(self, my_task, event_definition, correlations=None):
if self.event_definition == event_definition:
return all([ correlations.get(key) == my_task.workflow.correlations.get(key) for key in correlations ])
return False
def catch(self, my_task, event_definition):
Catch is called by the workflow when the task has matched an event
definition, at which point we can update our task's state.
self.event_definition.catch(my_task, event_definition)
def _update_hook(self, my_task):
if my_task.state == TaskState.WAITING and self.event_definition.has_fired(my_task):
super(CatchingEvent, self)._update_hook(my_task)
def _on_ready(self, my_task):
# None events don't propogate, so as soon as we're ready, we fire our event
if isinstance(self.event_definition, NoneEventDefinition):
# If we have not seen the event we're waiting for, enter the waiting state
if not self.event_definition.has_fired(my_task):
super(CatchingEvent, self)._on_ready(my_task)
def _on_complete_hook(self, my_task):
if isinstance(self.event_definition, MessageEventDefinition):
super(CatchingEvent, self)._on_complete_hook(my_task)
def serialize(self, serializer):
return serializer.serialize_generic_event(self)
def deserialize(cls, serializer, wf_spec, s_state):
return serializer.deserialize_generic_event(wf_spec, s_state, cls)
class ThrowingEvent(Simple, BpmnSpecMixin):
"""Base Task Spec for Throwing Event nodes."""
def __init__(self, wf_spec, name, event_definition, **kwargs):
:param event_definition: the EventDefinition to be thrown.
super(ThrowingEvent, self).__init__(wf_spec, name, **kwargs)
self.event_definition = event_definition
def _on_complete_hook(self, my_task):
super(ThrowingEvent, self)._on_complete_hook(my_task)
def serialize(self, serializer):
return serializer.serialize_generic_event(self)
def deserialize(cls, serializer, wf_spec, s_state):
return serializer.deserialize_generic_event(wf_spec, s_state, cls)

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@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Hampton
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.specs.events.event_definitions import MessageEventDefinition
from .PythonScriptEngine import PythonScriptEngine
from .specs.events.event_types import CatchingEvent
from .specs.events.StartEvent import StartEvent
from .specs.SubWorkflowTask import CallActivity
from ..task import TaskState, Task
from ..workflow import Workflow
from ..exceptions import WorkflowException
class BpmnMessage:
def __init__(self, correlations, name, payload):
self.correlations = correlations or {}
self.name = name
self.payload = payload
class BpmnWorkflow(Workflow):
The engine that executes a BPMN workflow. This specialises the standard
Spiff Workflow class with a few extra methods and attributes.
def __init__(self, top_level_spec, subprocess_specs=None, name=None, script_engine=None,
read_only=False, **kwargs):
:param script_engine: set to an extension of PythonScriptEngine if you
need a specialised version. Defaults to the script engine of the top
most workflow, or to the PythonScriptEngine if none is provided.
:param read_only: If this parameter is set then the workflow state
cannot change. It can only be queried to find out about the current
state. This is used in conjunction with the CompactWorkflowSerializer
to provide read only access to a previously saved workflow.
self._busy_with_restore = False
super(BpmnWorkflow, self).__init__(top_level_spec, **kwargs)
self.name = name or top_level_spec.name
self.subprocess_specs = subprocess_specs or {}
self.subprocesses = {}
self.bpmn_messages = []
self.correlations = {}
self.__script_engine = script_engine or PythonScriptEngine()
self.read_only = read_only
def script_engine(self):
# The outermost script engine always takes precedence.
# All call activities, sub-workflows and DMNs should use the
# workflow engine of the outermost workflow.
return self._get_outermost_workflow().__script_engine
def script_engine(self, engine):
self.__script_engine = engine
def create_subprocess(self, my_task, spec_name, name):
workflow = self._get_outermost_workflow(my_task)
subprocess = BpmnWorkflow(
workflow.subprocess_specs[spec_name], name=name,
workflow.subprocesses[my_task.id] = subprocess
return subprocess
def delete_subprocess(self, my_task):
workflow = self._get_outermost_workflow(my_task)
del workflow.subprocesses[my_task.id]
def get_subprocess(self, my_task):
workflow = self._get_outermost_workflow(my_task)
return workflow.subprocesses.get(my_task.id)
def add_subprocess(self, spec_name, name):
new = CallActivity(self.spec, name, spec_name)
task = Task(self, new)
start = self.get_tasks_from_spec_name('Start', workflow=self)[0]
task.parent = start
return self.subprocesses[task.id]
def _get_outermost_workflow(self, task=None):
workflow = task.workflow if task is not None else self
while workflow != workflow.outer_workflow:
workflow = workflow.outer_workflow
return workflow
def catch(self, event_definition, correlations=None):
Send an event definition to any tasks that catch it.
Tasks can always catch events, regardless of their state. The
event information is stored in the tasks internal data and processed
when the task is reached in the workflow. If a task should only
receive messages while it is running (eg a boundary event), the task
should call the event_definition's reset method before executing to
clear out a stale message.
:param event_definition: the thrown event
assert not self.read_only and not self._is_busy_with_restore()
# Start a subprocess for known specs with start events that catch this
# This is total hypocritical of me given how I've argued that specs should
# be immutable, but I see no other way of doing this.
for name, spec in self.subprocess_specs.items():
for task_spec in list(spec.task_specs.values()):
if isinstance(task_spec, StartEvent) and task_spec.event_definition == event_definition:
subprocess = self.add_subprocess(spec.name, f'{spec.name}_{len(self.subprocesses)}')
subprocess.correlations = correlations or {}
start = self.get_tasks_from_spec_name(task_spec.name, workflow=subprocess)[0]
task_spec.event_definition.catch(start, event_definition)
# We need to get all the tasks that catch an event before completing any of them
# in order to prevent the scenario where multiple boundary events catch the
# same event and the first executed cancels the rest
tasks = [ t for t in self.get_catching_tasks() if t.task_spec.catches(t, event_definition, correlations or {}) ]
for task in tasks:
task.task_spec.catch(task, event_definition)
# Figure out if we need to create an extenal message
if len(tasks) == 0 and isinstance(event_definition, MessageEventDefinition):
BpmnMessage(correlations, event_definition.name, event_definition.payload))
def get_bpmn_messages(self):
messages = self.bpmn_messages
self.bpmn_messages = []
return messages
def catch_bpmn_message(self, name, payload, correlations=None):
event_definition = MessageEventDefinition(name)
event_definition.payload = payload
self.catch(event_definition, correlations=correlations)
def do_engine_steps(self, exit_at = None):
Execute any READY tasks that are engine specific (for example, gateways
or script tasks). This is done in a loop, so it will keep completing
those tasks until there are only READY User tasks, or WAITING tasks
:param exit_at: After executing a task with a name matching this param return the task object
assert not self.read_only
engine_steps = list(
[t for t in self.get_tasks(TaskState.READY)
if self._is_engine_task(t.task_spec)])
while engine_steps:
for task in engine_steps:
if task.task_spec.name == exit_at:
return task
engine_steps = list(
[t for t in self.get_tasks(TaskState.READY)
if self._is_engine_task(t.task_spec)])
def refresh_waiting_tasks(self):
Refresh the state of all WAITING tasks. This will, for example, update
Catching Timer Events whose waiting time has passed.
assert not self.read_only
for my_task in self.get_tasks(TaskState.WAITING):
def get_tasks_from_spec_name(self, name, workflow=None):
return [t for t in self.get_tasks(workflow=workflow) if t.task_spec.name == name]
def get_tasks(self, state=TaskState.ANY_MASK, workflow=None):
tasks = []
top = self._get_outermost_workflow()
wf = workflow or top
for task in Workflow.get_tasks(wf):
subprocess = top.subprocesses.get(task.id)
if subprocess is not None:
tasks.extend(subprocess.get_tasks(state, subprocess))
if task._has_state(state):
return tasks
def _find_task(self, task_id):
if task_id is None:
raise WorkflowException(self.spec, 'task_id is None')
for task in self.get_tasks():
if task.id == task_id:
return task
raise WorkflowException(self.spec,
f'A task with the given task_id ({task_id}) was not found')
def complete_task_from_id(self, task_id):
# I don't even know why we use this stupid function instead of calling task.complete,
# since all it does is search the task tree and call the method
task = self._find_task(task_id)
return task.complete()
def reset_task_from_id(self, task_id):
task = self._find_task(task_id)
if task.workflow.last_task and task.workflow.last_task.data:
data = task.workflow.last_task.data
return task.reset_token(data)
def get_ready_user_tasks(self,lane=None):
Returns a list of User Tasks that are READY for user action
if lane is not None:
return [t for t in self.get_tasks(TaskState.READY)
if (not self._is_engine_task(t.task_spec))
and (t.task_spec.lane == lane)]
return [t for t in self.get_tasks(TaskState.READY)
if not self._is_engine_task(t.task_spec)]
def get_waiting_tasks(self):
Returns a list of all WAITING tasks
return self.get_tasks(TaskState.WAITING)
def get_catching_tasks(self):
return [ task for task in self.get_tasks() if isinstance(task.task_spec, CatchingEvent) ]
def _is_busy_with_restore(self):
if self.outer_workflow == self:
return self._busy_with_restore
return self.outer_workflow._is_busy_with_restore()
def _is_engine_task(self, task_spec):
return (not hasattr(task_spec, 'is_engine_task') or
def _task_completed_notify(self, task):
assert (not self.read_only) or self._is_busy_with_restore()
super(BpmnWorkflow, self)._task_completed_notify(task)
def _task_cancelled_notify(self, task):
assert (not self.read_only) or self._is_busy_with_restore()

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# BPMN Parser for the Camunda Modeler
This package provides support for parsing BPMN diagrams provided by Camunda
It is a thin layer on top of the SpiffWorkflow BPMN package with additional
tools for handling User Forms.
The [Camunda Modeler](https://camunda.com/download/modeler/) is a feature-rich
open source visual editor for authoring and modifying BPMN Diagrams.

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
from ..specs.UserTask import UserTask
from ..parser.UserTaskParser import UserTaskParser
from ...bpmn.parser.BpmnParser import full_tag
from SpiffWorkflow.dmn.parser.BpmnDmnParser import BpmnDmnParser
from SpiffWorkflow.dmn.specs.BusinessRuleTask import BusinessRuleTask
from SpiffWorkflow.camunda.parser.business_rule_task import BusinessRuleTaskParser
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.specs.events import EndEvent, IntermediateThrowEvent, StartEvent, IntermediateCatchEvent, BoundaryEvent
from .event_parsers import CamundaStartEventParser, CamundaEndEventParser, \
CamundaIntermediateCatchEventParser, CamundaIntermediateThrowEventParser, CamundaBoundaryEventParser
class CamundaParser(BpmnDmnParser):
full_tag('userTask'): (UserTaskParser, UserTask),
full_tag('startEvent'): (CamundaStartEventParser, StartEvent),
full_tag('endEvent'): (CamundaEndEventParser, EndEvent),
full_tag('intermediateCatchEvent'): (CamundaIntermediateCatchEventParser, IntermediateCatchEvent),
full_tag('intermediateThrowEvent'): (CamundaIntermediateThrowEventParser, IntermediateThrowEvent),
full_tag('boundaryEvent'): (CamundaBoundaryEventParser, BoundaryEvent),
full_tag('businessRuleTask'): (BusinessRuleTaskParser, BusinessRuleTask),

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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
from ...bpmn.parser.TaskParser import TaskParser
from ...bpmn.parser.util import xpath_eval
from ...camunda.specs.UserTask import Form, FormField, EnumFormField
CAMUNDA_MODEL_NS = 'http://camunda.org/schema/1.0/bpmn'
class UserTaskParser(TaskParser):
Base class for parsing User Tasks
def __init__(self, process_parser, spec_class, node, lane=None):
super(UserTaskParser, self).__init__(process_parser, spec_class, node, lane)
self.xpath = xpath_eval(node, extra_ns={'camunda': CAMUNDA_MODEL_NS})
def create_task(self):
form = self.get_form()
return self.spec_class(self.spec, self.get_task_spec_name(), form,
description=self.node.get('name', None))
def get_form(self):
"""Camunda provides a simple form builder, this will extract the
details from that form and construct a form model from it. """
form = Form()
form.key = self.node.attrib['{' + CAMUNDA_MODEL_NS + '}formKey']
except (KeyError):
return form
for xml_field in self.xpath('.//camunda:formData/camunda:formField'):
if xml_field.get('type') == 'enum':
field = self.get_enum_field(xml_field)
field = FormField()
field.id = xml_field.get('id')
field.type = xml_field.get('type')
field.label = xml_field.get('label')
field.default_value = xml_field.get('defaultValue')
for child in xml_field:
if child.tag == '{' + CAMUNDA_MODEL_NS + '}properties':
for p in child:
field.add_property(p.get('id'), p.get('value'))
if child.tag == '{' + CAMUNDA_MODEL_NS + '}validation':
for v in child:
field.add_validation(v.get('name'), v.get('config'))
return form
def get_enum_field(self, xml_field):
field = EnumFormField()
for child in xml_field:
if child.tag == '{' + CAMUNDA_MODEL_NS + '}value':
field.add_option(child.get('id'), child.get('name'))
return field

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.parser.util import xpath_eval
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.parser.TaskParser import TaskParser
from SpiffWorkflow.dmn.specs.BusinessRuleTask import BusinessRuleTask
CAMUNDA_MODEL_NS = 'http://camunda.org/schema/1.0/bpmn'
class BusinessRuleTaskParser(TaskParser):
dmn_debug = None
def __init__(self, process_parser, spec_class, node, lane=None):
super(BusinessRuleTaskParser, self).__init__(process_parser, spec_class, node, lane)
self.xpath = xpath_eval(self.node, extra_ns={'camunda': CAMUNDA_MODEL_NS})
def create_task(self):
decision_ref = self.get_decision_ref(self.node)
return BusinessRuleTask(self.spec, self.get_task_spec_name(),
dmnEngine=self.process_parser.parser.get_engine(decision_ref, self.node),
lane=self.lane, position=self.position,
description=self.node.get('name', None),
def get_decision_ref(node):
return node.attrib['{' + CAMUNDA_MODEL_NS + '}decisionRef']
def _on_trigger(self, my_task):
def serialize(self, serializer, **kwargs):
def deserialize(cls, serializer, wf_spec, s_state, **kwargs):

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.parser.event_parsers import EventDefinitionParser
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.parser.event_parsers import StartEventParser, EndEventParser, \
IntermediateCatchEventParser, IntermediateThrowEventParser, BoundaryEventParser
from SpiffWorkflow.camunda.specs.events.event_definitions import MessageEventDefinition
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.parser.util import one
CAMUNDA_MODEL_NS = 'http://camunda.org/schema/1.0/bpmn'
class CamundaEventDefinitionParser(EventDefinitionParser):
def parse_message_event(self, message_event):
"""Parse a Camunda message event node."""
message_ref = message_event.get('messageRef')
if message_ref:
message = one(self.doc_xpath('.//bpmn:message[@id="%s"]' % message_ref))
name = message.get('name')
correlations = self.get_message_correlations(message_ref)
name = message_event.getparent().get('name')
correlations = {}
payload = message_event.attrib.get('{' + CAMUNDA_MODEL_NS + '}expression')
result_var = message_event.attrib.get('{' + CAMUNDA_MODEL_NS + '}resultVariable')
return MessageEventDefinition(name, correlations, payload, result_var)
# This really sucks, but it's still better than copy-pasting a bunch of code a million times
# The parser "design" makes it impossible to do anything sensible of intuitive here
class CamundaStartEventParser(CamundaEventDefinitionParser, StartEventParser):
def create_task(self):
return StartEventParser.create_task(self)
class CamundaEndEventParser(CamundaEventDefinitionParser, EndEventParser):
def create_task(self):
return EndEventParser.create_task(self)
class CamundaIntermediateCatchEventParser(CamundaEventDefinitionParser, IntermediateCatchEventParser):
def create_task(self):
return IntermediateCatchEventParser.create_task(self)
class CamundaIntermediateThrowEventParser(CamundaEventDefinitionParser, IntermediateThrowEventParser):
def create_task(self):
return IntermediateThrowEventParser.create_task(self)
class CamundaBoundaryEventParser(CamundaEventDefinitionParser, BoundaryEventParser):
def create_task(self):
return BoundaryEventParser.create_task(self)

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
from .task_spec_converters import UserTaskConverter, StartEventConverter, EndEventConverter, \
BoundaryEventConverter, IntermediateCatchEventConverter, IntermediateThrowEventConverter

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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
from functools import partial
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.specs.events import EndEvent, IntermediateThrowEvent, StartEvent, IntermediateCatchEvent, BoundaryEvent
from ..specs.events.event_definitions import MessageEventDefinition
from ...bpmn.serializer.bpmn_converters import BpmnTaskSpecConverter
from ..specs.UserTask import UserTask, Form
class CamundaEventConverter(BpmnTaskSpecConverter):
def __init__(self, spec_class, data_converter, typename):
super().__init__(spec_class, data_converter, typename)
partial(self.event_defintion_from_dict, MessageEventDefinition)
def to_dict(self, spec):
dct = self.get_default_attributes(spec)
if isinstance(spec, BoundaryEvent):
dct['cancel_activity'] = spec.cancel_activity
dct['event_definition'] = self.convert(spec.event_definition)
return dct
def from_dict(self, dct):
dct['event_definition'] = self.restore(dct['event_definition'])
return self.task_spec_from_dict(dct)
def event_definition_to_dict(self, event_definition):
dct = super().event_definition_to_dict(event_definition)
if isinstance(event_definition, MessageEventDefinition):
dct['payload'] = event_definition.payload
dct['result_var'] = event_definition.result_var
return dct
class StartEventConverter(CamundaEventConverter):
def __init__(self, data_converter=None, typename=None):
super().__init__(StartEvent, data_converter, typename)
class EndEventConverter(CamundaEventConverter):
def __init__(self, data_converter=None, typename=None):
super().__init__(EndEvent, data_converter, typename)
class BoundaryEventConverter(CamundaEventConverter):
def __init__(self, data_converter=None, typename=None):
super().__init__(BoundaryEvent, data_converter, typename)
class IntermediateCatchEventConverter(CamundaEventConverter):
def __init__(self, data_converter=None, typename=None):
super().__init__(IntermediateCatchEvent, data_converter, typename)
class IntermediateThrowEventConverter(CamundaEventConverter):
def __init__(self, data_converter=None, typename=None):
super().__init__(IntermediateThrowEvent, data_converter, typename)
class UserTaskConverter(CamundaEventConverter):
def __init__(self, data_converter=None, typename=None):
super().__init__(UserTask, data_converter, typename)
def to_dict(self, spec):
dct = self.get_default_attributes(spec)
dct['form'] = self.form_to_dict(spec.form)
return dct
def from_dict(self, dct):
dct['form'] = Form(init=dct['form'])
return self.task_spec_from_dict(dct)
def form_to_dict(self, form):
dct = {'key': form.key, 'fields': []}
for field in form.fields:
new = {
'id': field.id,
'default_value': field.default_value,
'label': field.label,
'type': field.type,
'properties': [ prop.__dict__ for prop in field.properties ],
'validation': [ val.__dict__ for val in field.validation ],
if field.type == "enum":
new['options'] = [ opt.__dict__ for opt in field.options ]
return dct

View File

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from ...bpmn.specs.UserTask import UserTask
from ...bpmn.specs.BpmnSpecMixin import BpmnSpecMixin
class UserTask(UserTask, BpmnSpecMixin):
def __init__(self, wf_spec, name, form, **kwargs):
:param form: the information that needs to be provided by the user,
as parsed from the camunda xml file's form details.
super(UserTask, self).__init__(wf_spec, name, **kwargs)
self.form = form
Task Spec for a bpmn:userTask node.
def _on_trigger(self, my_task):
def is_engine_task(self):
return False
def serialize(self, serializer):
return serializer.serialize_user_task(self)
def deserialize(self, serializer, wf_spec, s_state):
return serializer.deserialize_user_task(wf_spec, s_state)
class FormField(object):
def __init__(self, form_type="text"):
self.id = ""
self.type = form_type
self.label = ""
self.default_value = ""
self.properties = []
self.validation = []
def add_property(self, property_id, value):
self.properties.append(FormFieldProperty(property_id, value))
def add_validation(self, name, config):
self.validation.append(FormFieldValidation(name, config))
def get_property(self, property_id):
for prop in self.properties:
if prop.id == property_id:
return prop.value
def has_property(self, property_id):
return self.get_property(property_id) is not None
def get_validation(self, name):
for v in self.validation:
if v.name == name:
return v.config
def has_validation(self, name):
return self.get_validation(name) is not None
def jsonable(self):
return self.__dict__
class EnumFormField(FormField):
def __init__(self):
super(EnumFormField, self).__init__("enum")
self.options = []
def add_option(self, option_id, name):
self.options.append(EnumFormFieldOption(option_id, name))
def jsonable(self):
return self.__dict__
class EnumFormFieldOption:
def __init__(self, option_id, name):
self.id = option_id
self.name = name
def jsonable(self):
return self.__dict__
class FormFieldProperty:
def __init__(self, property_id, value):
self.id = property_id
self.value = value
def jsonable(self):
return self.__dict__
class FormFieldValidation:
def __init__(self, name, config):
self.name = name
self.config = config
def jsonable(self):
return self.__dict__
class Form:
def __init__(self,init=None):
self.key = ""
self.fields = []
if init:
def add_field(self, field):
def jsonable(self):
return self.__dict__
def from_dict(self,formdict):
self.key = formdict['key']
for field in formdict['fields']:
if field['type'] == 'enum':
newfield = EnumFormField()
for option in field['options']:
newfield.add_option(option['id'], option['name'])
newfield = FormField()
newfield.id = field['id']
newfield.default_value = field['default_value']
newfield.label = field['label']
newfield.type = field['type']
for prop in field['properties']:
for validation in field['validation']:

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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.specs.events.event_definitions import MessageEventDefinition
class MessageEventDefinition(MessageEventDefinition):
Message Events have both a name and a payload.
# It is not entirely clear how the payload is supposed to be handled, so I have
# deviated from what the earlier code did as little as possible, but I believe
# this should be revisited: for one thing, we're relying on some Camunda-specific
# properties.
def __init__(self, name, correlation_properties=None, payload=None, result_var=None):
super(MessageEventDefinition, self).__init__(name, correlation_properties)
self.payload = payload
self.result_var = result_var
# The BPMN spec says that Messages should not be used within a process; however
# our camunda workflows depend on it
self.internal = True
def throw(self, my_task):
# We need to evaluate the message payload in the context of this task
result = my_task.workflow.script_engine.evaluate(my_task, self.payload)
# We can't update our own payload, because if this task is reached again
# we have to evaluate it again so we have to create a new event
event = MessageEventDefinition(self.name, payload=result, result_var=self.result_var)
self._throw(event, my_task.workflow, my_task.workflow.outer_workflow)
def update_internal_data(self, my_task, event_definition):
if event_definition.result_var is None:
result_var = f'{my_task.task_spec.name}_Response'
result_var = event_definition.result_var
# Prevent this from conflicting
my_task.internal_data[self.name] = {
'payload': event_definition.payload,
'result_var': result_var
def update_task_data(self, my_task):
event_data = my_task.internal_data.get(self.name)
my_task.data[event_data['result_var']] = event_data['payload']
def reset(self, my_task):
my_task.internal_data.pop('result_var', None)
super(MessageEventDefinition, self).reset(my_task)
def serialize(self):
retdict = super().serialize()
retdict['payload'] = self.payload
retdict['result_var'] = self.result_var
return retdict

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@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
import logging
import re
from ...util import levenshtein
from ...workflow import WorkflowException
logger = logging.getLogger('spiff.dmn')
class DMNEngine:
Handles the processing of a decision table.
def __init__(self, decision_table):
self.decision_table = decision_table
def decide(self, task):
for rule in self.decision_table.rules:
if self.__check_rule(rule, task):
return rule
def __check_rule(self, rule, task):
for input_entry in rule.inputEntries:
for lhs in input_entry.lhs:
if lhs is not None:
input_val = DMNEngine.__get_input_val(input_entry, task.data)
input_val = None
if not self.evaluate(input_val, lhs, task):
return False
except NameError as e:
# Add a bit of info, re-raise as Name Error
raise NameError(str(e) + "Failed to execute "
"expression: '%s' is '%s' in the "
"Row with annotation '%s'")
except WorkflowException as we:
raise we
except Exception as e:
raise Exception("Failed to execute "
"expression: '%s' is '%s' in the "
"Row with annotation '%s', %s" % (
input_val, lhs, rule.description, str(e)))
# Empty means ignore decision value
continue # Check the other operators/columns
return True
def needs_eq(self, script_engine, text):
# this should work if we can just do a straight equality
return True
except SyntaxError:
# if we have problems parsing, then we introduce a variable on the left hand side
# and try that and see if that parses. If so, then we know that we do not need to
# introduce an equality operator later in the dmn
script_engine.validate(f'v {text}')
return False
def evaluate(self, input_expr, match_expr, task):
Here we need to handle a few things such as if it is an equality or if
the equality has already been taken care of. For now, we just assume
it is equality.
An optional task can be included if this is being executed in the
context of a BPMN task.
if match_expr is None:
return True
script_engine = task.workflow.script_engine
# NB - the question mark allows us to do a double ended test - for
# example - our input expr is 5 and the match expr is 4 < ? < 6 -
# this should evaluate as 4 < 5 < 6 and it should evaluate as 'True'
# NOTE: It should only do this replacement outside of quotes.
# for example, provided "This thing?" in quotes, it should not
# do the replacement.
match_expr = re.sub('(\?)(?=(?:[^\'"]|[\'"][^\'"]*[\'"])*$)', 'dmninputexpr', match_expr)
if 'dmninputexpr' in match_expr:
external_methods = {
'dmninputexpr': script_engine.evaluate(task, input_expr)
return script_engine.evaluate(task, match_expr,
# The input expression just has to be something that can be parsed as is by the engine.
except Exception as e:
raise WorkflowException(f"Input Expression '{input_expr}' is malformed. " + str(e))
# If we get here, we need to check whether the match expression includes
# an operator or if can use '=='
needs_eq = self.needs_eq(script_engine, match_expr)
expr = input_expr + ' == ' + match_expr if needs_eq else input_expr + match_expr
return script_engine.evaluate(task, expr)
def __get_input_val(input_entry, context):
The input of the decision method should be an expression, but will
fallback to the likely very bad idea of trying to use the label.
:param inputEntry:
:param context: # A dictionary that provides some context/local vars.
if input_entry.input.expression:
return input_entry.input.expression
# Backwards compatibility
return "%r" % context[input_entry.input.label]

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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
import glob
from ...bpmn.parser.util import xpath_eval
from ...bpmn.parser.ValidationException import ValidationException
from ...bpmn.parser.BpmnParser import BpmnParser
from ...dmn.parser.DMNParser import DMNParser
from ..engine.DMNEngine import DMNEngine
from lxml import etree
class BpmnDmnParser(BpmnParser):
def __init__(self):
self.dmn_parsers = {}
self.dmn_parsers_by_name = {}
def get_engine(self, decision_ref, node):
if decision_ref not in self.dmn_parsers:
options = ', '.join(list(self.dmn_parsers.keys()))
raise ValidationException(
'No DMN Diagram available with id "%s", Available DMN ids are: %s' %(decision_ref, options),
node=node, filename='')
dmn_parser = self.dmn_parsers[decision_ref]
decision = dmn_parser.decision
return DMNEngine(decision.decisionTables[0])
def add_dmn_xml(self, node, filename=None):
Add the given lxml representation of the DMN file to the parser's set.
xpath = xpath_eval(node)
dmn_parser = DMNParser(
self, node, filename=filename, doc_xpath=xpath)
self.dmn_parsers[dmn_parser.get_id()] = dmn_parser
self.dmn_parsers_by_name[dmn_parser.get_name()] = dmn_parser
def add_dmn_file(self, filename):
Add the given DMN filename to the parser's set.
def add_dmn_files_by_glob(self, g):
Add all filenames matching the provided pattern (e.g. *.bpmn) to the
parser's set.
def add_dmn_files(self, filenames):
Add all filenames in the given list to the parser's set.
for filename in filenames:
f = open(filename, 'r')
self.add_dmn_xml(etree.parse(f).getroot(), filename=filename)

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@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
import ast
from ...bpmn.parser.util import xpath_eval
from ...dmn.specs.model import Decision, DecisionTable, InputEntry, \
OutputEntry, Input, Output, Rule
def get_dmn_ns(node):
Returns the namespace definition for the current DMN
:param node: the XML node for the DMN document
if 'http://www.omg.org/spec/DMN/20151101/dmn.xsd' in node.nsmap.values():
return 'http://www.omg.org/spec/DMN/20151101/dmn.xsd'
elif 'https://www.omg.org/spec/DMN/20191111/MODEL/' in node.nsmap.values():
return 'https://www.omg.org/spec/DMN/20191111/MODEL/'
return None
class DMNParser(object):
Please note this DMN Parser still needs a lot of work. A few key areas
that need to be addressed:
1. it assumes that only one decision table exists within a decision
2. it is not always name space aware (I fixed the top level, but could be
cleaner all the way through.
DT_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'
def __init__(self, p, node, svg=None, filename=None, doc_xpath=None):
:param p: the owning BpmnParser instance
:param node: the XML node for the DMN document
:param svg: the SVG representation of this process as a string
:param filename: the source BMN filename (optional)
self.parser = p
self.node = node
self.decision = None
self.svg = svg
self.filename = filename
self.doc_xpath = doc_xpath
self.dmn_ns = get_dmn_ns(self.node)
self.xpath = xpath_eval(self.node, {'dmn': self.dmn_ns})
def parse(self):
self.decision = self._parse_decision(self.node.findall('{*}decision'))
def get_id(self):
Returns the process ID
return self.node.findall('{*}decision[1]')[0].get('id')
def get_name(self):
Returns the process name (or ID, if no name is included in the file)
return self.node.findall('{*}decision[1]')[0].get('name')
def _parse_decision(self, root):
decision_elements = list(root)
if len(decision_elements) == 0:
raise Exception('No decisions found')
if len(decision_elements) > 1:
raise Exception('Multiple decisions found')
decision_element = decision_elements[0]
assert decision_element.tag.endswith(
'decision'), 'Element %r is not of type "decision"' % (
decision = Decision(decision_element.attrib['id'],
decision_element.attrib.get('name', ''))
# Parse decision tables
self._parse_decision_tables(decision, decision_element)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(
"Error in Decision '%s': %s" % (decision.name, str(e)))
return decision
def _parse_decision_tables(self, decision, decisionElement):
for decision_table_element in decisionElement.findall('{*}decisionTable'):
decision_table = DecisionTable(decision_table_element.attrib['id'],
'name', ''))
# parse inputs
self._parse_inputs_outputs(decision_table, decision_table_element)
def _parse_inputs_outputs(self, decisionTable,
for element in decisionTableElement:
if element.tag.endswith('input'):
e_input = self._parse_input(element)
elif element.tag.endswith('output'):
output = self._parse_output(element)
elif element.tag.endswith('rule'):
rule = self._parse_rule(decisionTable, element)
raise Exception(
'Unknown type in decision table: %r' % element.tag)
def _parse_input(self, input_element):
type_ref = None
xpath = xpath_eval(input_element, {'dmn': self.dmn_ns})
expression = None
for input_expression in xpath('dmn:inputExpression'):
type_ref = input_expression.attrib.get('typeRef', '')
expression_node = input_expression.find('{' + self.dmn_ns + '}text')
if expression_node is not None:
expression = expression_node.text
return Input(input_element.attrib['id'],
input_element.attrib.get('label', ''),
input_element.attrib.get('name', ''),
def _parse_output(self, outputElement):
output = Output(outputElement.attrib['id'],
outputElement.attrib.get('label', ''),
outputElement.attrib.get('name', ''),
outputElement.attrib.get('typeRef', ''))
return output
def _parse_rule(self, decisionTable, ruleElement):
rule = Rule(ruleElement.attrib['id'])
input_idx = 0
output_idx = 0
for child in ruleElement:
# Load description
if child.tag.endswith('description'):
rule.description = child.text
# Load input entries
elif child.tag.endswith('inputEntry'):
input_entry = self._parse_input_output_element(decisionTable,
input_idx += 1
# Load output entries
elif child.tag.endswith('outputEntry'):
output_entry = self._parse_input_output_element(decisionTable,
output_idx += 1
return rule
def _parse_input_output_element(self, decision_table, element, cls, idx):
input_or_output = (
decision_table.inputs if cls == InputEntry else decision_table.outputs if cls == OutputEntry else None)[
entry = cls(element.attrib['id'], input_or_output)
for child in element:
if child.tag.endswith('description'):
entry.description = child.text
elif child.tag.endswith('text'):
entry.text = child.text
if cls == InputEntry:
elif cls == OutputEntry:
if entry.text and entry.text != '':
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(
"Malformed Output Expression '%s'. %s " % (entry.text, str(e)))
return entry

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
from .task_spec_converters import BusinessRuleTaskConverter

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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
from ...bpmn.serializer.bpmn_converters import BpmnTaskSpecConverter
from ..specs.BusinessRuleTask import BusinessRuleTask
from ..specs.model import DecisionTable, Rule
from ..specs.model import Input, InputEntry, Output, OutputEntry
from ..engine.DMNEngine import DMNEngine
class BusinessRuleTaskConverter(BpmnTaskSpecConverter):
def __init__(self, data_converter=None, typename=None):
super().__init__(BusinessRuleTask, data_converter, typename)
def to_dict(self, spec):
dct = self.get_default_attributes(spec)
# We only ever use one decision table
dct['decision_table'] = self.decision_table_to_dict(spec.dmnEngine.decision_table)
return dct
def decision_table_to_dict(self, table):
return {
'id': table.id,
'name': table.name,
'inputs': [val.__dict__ for val in table.inputs],
'outputs': [val.__dict__ for val in table.outputs],
'rules': [self.rule_to_dict(rule) for rule in table.rules],
def input_entry_to_dict(self, entry):
return {
'id': entry.id,
'input_id': entry.input.id,
'description': entry.description,
'lhs': entry.lhs,
def output_entry_to_dict(self, entry):
dct = {
'id': entry.id,
'output_id': entry.output.id,
'description': entry.description,
'text': entry.text,
return dct
def rule_to_dict(self, rule):
return {
'id': rule.id,
'description': rule.description,
'input_entries': [self.input_entry_to_dict(entry) for entry in rule.inputEntries],
'output_entries': [self.output_entry_to_dict(entry) for entry in rule.outputEntries],
def from_dict(self, dct):
table = self.decision_table_from_dict(dct.pop('decision_table'))
dct['dmnEngine'] = DMNEngine(table)
return self.task_spec_from_dict(dct)
def decision_table_from_dict(self, dct):
table = DecisionTable(dct['id'], dct['name'])
table.inputs = [ Input(**val) for val in dct['inputs'] ]
table.outputs = [ Output(**val) for val in dct['outputs'] ]
table.rules = [ self.rule_from_dict(rule, table.inputs, table.outputs)
for rule in dct['rules'] ]
return table
def input_entry_from_dict(self, dct, inputs):
input_id = dct.pop('input_id')
my_input = None
for i in inputs:
if i.id == input_id:
my_input = i
entry = InputEntry(dct['id'], my_input)
entry.description = dct['description']
entry.lhs = dct['lhs']
return entry
def output_entry_from_dict(self, dct, outputs):
output_id = dct['output_id']
my_output = None
for i in outputs:
if i.id == output_id:
my_output = i
entry = OutputEntry(dct['id'], my_output)
entry.description = dct['description']
entry.text = dct['text']
return entry
def rule_from_dict(self, dct, inputs, outputs):
rule = Rule(dct['id'])
rule.description = dct['description']
rule.inputEntries = [self.input_entry_from_dict(entry, inputs)
for entry in dct['input_entries']]
rule.outputEntries = [self.output_entry_from_dict(entry, outputs)
for entry in dct['output_entries']]
return rule

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.exceptions import WorkflowTaskExecException
from ...specs import Simple
from ...bpmn.specs.BpmnSpecMixin import BpmnSpecMixin
from ...util.deep_merge import DeepMerge
class BusinessRuleTask(Simple, BpmnSpecMixin):
Task Spec for a bpmn:businessTask (DMB Decision Reference) node.
def _on_trigger(self, my_task):
def __init__(self, wf_spec, name, dmnEngine, **kwargs):
super().__init__(wf_spec, name, **kwargs)
self.dmnEngine = dmnEngine
self.res = None
self.resDict = None
def spec_class(self):
return 'Business Rule Task'
def _on_complete_hook(self, my_task):
self.res = self.dmnEngine.decide(my_task)
if self.res is not None: # it is conceivable that no rules fire.
self.resDict = self.res.output_as_dict(my_task)
my_task.data = DeepMerge.merge(my_task.data,self.resDict)
super(BusinessRuleTask, self)._on_complete_hook(my_task)
except Exception as e:
raise WorkflowTaskExecException(my_task, str(e))
def serialize(self, serializer):
return serializer.serialize_business_rule_task(self)
def deserialize(self, serializer, wf_spec, s_state):
return serializer.deserialize_business_rule_task(wf_spec, s_state)

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@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
from collections import OrderedDict
from ...util.deep_merge import DeepMerge
class Decision:
def __init__(self, id, name):
self.id = id
self.name = name
self.decisionTables = []
class DecisionTable:
def __init__(self, id, name):
self.id = id
self.name = name
self.inputs = []
self.outputs = []
self.rules = []
def serialize(self):
out = {}
out['id'] = self.id
out['name'] = self.name
out['inputs'] = [x.serialize() for x in self.inputs]
out['outputs'] = [x.serialize() for x in self.outputs]
out['rules'] = [x.serialize() for x in self.rules]
return out
def deserialize(self,indict):
self.id = indict['id']
self.name = indict['name']
self.inputs = [Input(**x) for x in indict['inputs']]
list(map(lambda x, y: x.deserialize(y), self.inputs, indict['inputs']))
self.outputs = [Output(**x) for x in indict['outputs']]
self.rules = [Rule(None) for x in indict['rules']]
list(map(lambda x, y: x.deserialize(y),self.rules,indict['rules']))
class Input:
def __init__(self, id, label, name, expression, typeRef):
self.id = id
self.label = label
self.name = name
self.expression = expression
self.typeRef = typeRef
def serialize(self):
out = {}
out['id'] = self.id
out['label'] = self.label
out['name'] = self.name
out['expression'] = self.expression
out['typeRef'] = self.typeRef
return out
def deserialize(self,indict):
class InputEntry:
def __init__(self, id, input):
self.id = id
self.input = input
self.description = ''
self.lhs = []
def serialize(self):
out = {}
out['id'] = self.id
out['input'] = self.input.serialize()
out['description'] = self.description
out['lhs'] = self.lhs
return out
def deserialize(self, indict):
self.id = indict['id']
self.description = indict['description']
self.lhs = indict['lhs']
self.input = Input(**indict['input'])
class Output:
def __init__(self, id, label, name, typeRef):
self.id = id
self.label = label
self.name = name
self.typeRef = typeRef
def serialize(self):
out = {}
out['id'] = self.id
out['label'] = self.label
out['name'] = self.name
out['typeRef'] = self.typeRef
return out
class OutputEntry:
def __init__(self, id, output):
self.id = id
self.output = output
self.description = ''
self.text = ''
def serialize(self):
out = {}
out['id'] = self.id
out['output'] = self.output.serialize()
out['description'] = self.description
out['text'] = self.text
return out
def deserialize(self, indict):
self.id = indict['id']
self.description = indict['description']
self.text = indict['text']
self.output = Output(**indict['output'])
class Rule:
def __init__(self, id):
self.id = id
self.description = ''
self.inputEntries = []
self.outputEntries = []
def serialize(self):
out = {}
out['id'] = self.id
out['description'] = self.description
out['inputEntries'] = [x.serialize() for x in self.inputEntries]
out['outputEntries'] = [x.serialize() for x in self.outputEntries]
return out
def deserialize(self,indict):
self.id = indict['id']
self.description = indict['description']
self.inputEntries = [InputEntry(None,None) for x in indict['inputEntries']]
list(map(lambda x,y : x.deserialize(y), self.inputEntries, indict['inputEntries']))
self.outputEntries = [OutputEntry(None, None) for x in indict['outputEntries']]
list(map(lambda x, y: x.deserialize(y), self.outputEntries, indict['outputEntries']))
def output_as_dict(self, task):
script_engine = task.workflow.script_engine
out = OrderedDict()
for outputEntry in self.outputEntries:
# try to use the id, but fall back to label if no name is provided.
key = outputEntry.output.name or outputEntry.output.label
if hasattr(outputEntry, "text") and outputEntry.text:
outvalue = script_engine.evaluate(task, outputEntry.text)
outvalue = ""
if '.' in key: # we need to allow for dot notation in the DMN -
# I would use box to do this, but they didn't have a feature to build
# a dict based on a dot notation withoug eval
# so we build up a dictionary structure based on the key, and let the parent
# do a deep merge
currentout = {}
subkeylist = list(reversed(key.split('.')))
for subkey in subkeylist[:-1]:
currentout[subkey] = outvalue
outvalue = currentout
currentout = {}
basekey = subkeylist[-1]
out[basekey] = DeepMerge.merge(out.get(basekey,{}),outvalue)
out[key] = outvalue
return out

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@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2007 Samuel Abels
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
class WorkflowException(Exception):
Base class for all SpiffWorkflow-generated exceptions.
def __init__(self, sender, error):
Standard exception class.
:param sender: the task spec that threw the exception
:type sender: TaskSpec
:param error: a human readable error message
:type error: string
Exception.__init__(self, str(error))
# Points to the TaskSpec that generated the exception.
self.sender = sender
def get_task_trace(task):
task_trace = [f"{task.task_spec.description} ({task.workflow.spec.file})"]
workflow = task.workflow
while workflow != workflow.outer_workflow:
caller = workflow.name
workflow = workflow.outer_workflow
task_trace.append(f"{workflow.spec.task_specs[caller].description} ({workflow.spec.file})")
return task_trace
class WorkflowTaskException(WorkflowException):
"""WorkflowException that provides task_trace information."""
def __init__(self, task, error_msg, exception=None):
Exception initialization.
:param task: the task that threw the exception
:type task: Task
:param error_msg: a human readable error message
:type error_msg: str
:param exception: an exception to wrap, if any
:type exception: Exception
self.exception = exception
self.task = task
# If encountered in a sub-workflow, this traces back up the stack
# so we can tell how we got to this paticular task, no matter how
# deeply nested in sub-workflows it is. Takes the form of:
# task-description (file-name)
self.task_trace = self.get_task_trace(task)
super().__init__(task.task_spec, error_msg)
class StorageException(Exception):

SpiffWorkflow/operators.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2007 Samuel Abels
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
import logging
import re
logger = logging.getLogger('spiff')
class Term(object):
Abstract base class for all operators and expressions.
class DotDict(dict):
"""dot.notation access to dictionary attributes"""
def __getattr__(*args):
val = dict.get(*args)
return DotDict(val) if type(val) is dict else val
__setattr__ = dict.__setitem__
__delattr__ = dict.__delitem__
class Attrib(Term):
Used for marking a value such that it is recognized to be an
attribute name by valueof().
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def serialize(self, serializer):
Serializes the instance using the provided serializer.
:type serializer: :class:`SpiffWorkflow.serializer.base.Serializer`
:param serializer: The serializer to use.
:rtype: object
:returns: The serialized object.
return serializer.serialize_attrib(self)
def deserialize(cls, serializer, s_state):
Serializes the instance using the provided serializer.
:type serializer: :class:`SpiffWorkflow.serializer.base.Serializer`
:param serializer: The serializer to use.
:rtype: object
:returns: The serialized object.
return serializer.deserialize_attrib(s_state)
class PathAttrib(Term):
Used for marking a value such that it is recognized to be an
attribute obtained by evaluating a path by valueof().
def __init__(self, path):
self.path = path
self.name = path
def serialize(self, serializer):
Serializes the instance using the provided serializer.
:type serializer: :class:`SpiffWorkflow.serializer.base.Serializer`
:param serializer: The serializer to use.
:rtype: object
:returns: The serialized object.
return serializer.serialize_pathattrib(self)
def deserialize(cls, serializer, s_state):
Serializes the instance using the provided serializer.
:type serializer: :class:`SpiffWorkflow.serializer.base.Serializer`
:param serializer: The serializer to use.
:rtype: object
:returns: The serialized object.
return serializer.deserialize_pathattrib(s_state)
class Assign(Term):
Assigns a new value to an attribute. The source may be either
a static value, or another attribute.
def __init__(self,
:type left_attribute: str
:param left_attribute: The name of the attribute to which the value
is assigned.
:type right: object
:param right: A static value that, when given, is assigned to
:type right_attribute: str
:param right_attribute: When given, the attribute with the given
name is used as the source (instead of the
static value).
:type kwargs: dict
:param kwargs: See :class:`SpiffWorkflow.specs.TaskSpec`.
if not right_attribute and not right:
raise ValueError('require argument: right_attribute or right')
assert left_attribute is not None
self.left_attribute = left_attribute
self.right_attribute = right_attribute
self.right = right
def assign(self, from_obj, to_obj):
# Fetch the value of the right expression.
if self.right is not None:
right = self.right
right = from_obj.get_data(self.right_attribute)
to_obj.set_data(**{str(self.left_attribute): right})
def serialize(self, serializer):
Serializes the instance using the provided serializer.
:type serializer: :class:`SpiffWorkflow.serializer.base.Serializer`
:param serializer: The serializer to use.
:rtype: object
:returns: The serialized object.
return serializer.serialize_assign(self)
def deserialize(cls, serializer, s_state):
Serializes the instance using the provided serializer.
:type serializer: :class:`SpiffWorkflow.serializer.base.Serializer`
:param serializer: The serializer to use.
:rtype: object
:returns: The serialized object.
return serializer.deserialize_assign(s_state)
def valueof(scope, op, default=None):
if op is None:
return default
elif isinstance(op, Attrib):
if op.name not in scope.data:
logger.debug("Attrib('{op.name}') not present in task data", extra=scope.log_info({'data': scope.data}))
return scope.get_data(op.name, default)
elif isinstance(op, PathAttrib):
if not op.path:
return default
parts = op.path.split('/')
data = scope.data
for part in parts:
if part not in data:
logger.debug(f"PathAttrib('{op.name}') not present in task data", extra=scope.log_info({'data': scope.data}))
return default
data = data[part] # move down the path
return data
return op
def is_number(text):
x = int(text)
return False
return True
class Operator(Term):
Abstract base class for all operators.
def __init__(self, *args):
if len(args) == 0:
raise TypeError("Too few arguments")
self.args = args
def _get_values(self, task):
values = []
for arg in self.args:
values.append(str(valueof(task, arg)))
return values
def _matches(self, task):
raise Exception("Abstract class, do not call")
def serialize(self, serializer):
Serializes the instance using the provided serializer.
:type serializer: :class:`SpiffWorkflow.serializer.base.Serializer`
:param serializer: The serializer to use.
:rtype: object
:returns: The serialized object.
return serializer.serialize_operator(self)
def deserialize(cls, serializer, s_state):
Serializes the instance using the provided serializer.
:type serializer: :class:`SpiffWorkflow.serializer.base.Serializer`
:param serializer: The serializer to use.
:rtype: object
:returns: The serialized object.
return serializer.deserialize_operator(s_state)
class Equal(Operator):
This class represents the EQUAL operator.
def _matches(self, task):
values = self._get_values(task)
last = values[0]
for value in values:
if value != last:
return False
last = value
return True
def serialize(self, serializer):
return serializer.serialize_operator_equal(self)
def deserialize(cls, serializer, s_state):
return serializer.deserialize_operator_equal(s_state)
class NotEqual(Operator):
This class represents the NOT EQUAL operator.
def _matches(self, task):
values = self._get_values(task)
last = values[0]
for value in values:
if value != last:
return True
last = value
return False
def serialize(self, serializer):
return serializer.serialize_operator_not_equal(self)
def deserialize(cls, serializer, s_state):
return serializer.deserialize_operator_not_equal(s_state)
class GreaterThan(Operator):
This class represents the GREATER THAN operator.
def __init__(self, left, right):
Operator.__init__(self, left, right)
def _matches(self, task):
left, right = self._get_values(task)
return int(left) > int(right)
def serialize(self, serializer):
return serializer.serialize_operator_greater_than(self)
def deserialize(cls, serializer, s_state):
return serializer.deserialize_operator_greater_than(s_state)
class LessThan(Operator):
This class represents the LESS THAN operator.
def __init__(self, left, right):
Operator.__init__(self, left, right)
def _matches(self, task):
left, right = self._get_values(task)
return int(left) < int(right)
def serialize(self, serializer):
return serializer.serialize_operator_less_than(self)
def deserialize(cls, serializer, s_state):
return serializer.deserialize_operator_less_than(s_state)
class Match(Operator):
This class represents the regular expression match operator.
def __init__(self, regex, *args):
Operator.__init__(self, *args)
self.regex = re.compile(regex)
def _matches(self, task):
for value in self._get_values(task):
if not self.regex.search(value):
return False
return True
def serialize(self, serializer):
return serializer.serialize_operator_match(self)
def deserialize(cls, serializer, s_state):
return serializer.deserialize_operator_match(s_state)

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from builtins import object
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
class Serializer(object):
def serialize_workflow_spec(self, wf_spec, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError(
"You must implement the serialize_workflow_spec method.")
def deserialize_workflow_spec(self, s_state, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError(
"You must implement the deserialize_workflow_spec method.")
def serialize_workflow(self, workflow, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError(
"You must implement the serialize_workflow method.")
def deserialize_workflow(self, s_state, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError(
"You must implement the deserialize_workflow method.")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,727 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
from builtins import str
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
import pickle
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
from ..workflow import Workflow
from ..util.impl import get_class
from ..task import Task
from ..operators import (Attrib, PathAttrib, Equal, NotEqual,
Operator, GreaterThan, LessThan, Match)
from ..specs import (Cancel, AcquireMutex, CancelTask, Celery, Choose,
ExclusiveChoice, Execute, Gate, Join, MultiChoice,
MultiInstance, ReleaseMutex, Simple, WorkflowSpec,
TaskSpec, SubWorkflow, StartTask, ThreadMerge,
ThreadSplit, ThreadStart, Merge, Trigger, LoopResetTask)
from .base import Serializer
from .exceptions import TaskNotSupportedError, MissingSpecError
import warnings
class DictionarySerializer(Serializer):
def __init__(self):
# When deserializing, this is a set of specs for sub-workflows.
# This prevents us from serializing a copy of the same spec many
# times, which can create very large files.
self.SPEC_STATES = {}
def serialize_dict(self, thedict):
return dict(
(str(k), b64encode(pickle.dumps(v,
for k, v in list(thedict.items()))
def deserialize_dict(self, s_state):
return dict((k, pickle.loads(b64decode(v)))
for k, v in list(s_state.items()))
def serialize_list(self, thelist):
return [b64encode(pickle.dumps(v, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL))
for v in thelist]
def deserialize_list(self, s_state):
return [pickle.loads(b64decode(v)) for v in s_state]
def serialize_attrib(self, attrib):
return attrib.name
def deserialize_attrib(self, s_state):
return Attrib(s_state)
def serialize_pathattrib(self, pathattrib):
return pathattrib.path
def deserialize_pathattrib(self, s_state):
return PathAttrib(s_state)
def serialize_operator(self, op):
return [self.serialize_arg(a) for a in op.args]
def deserialize_operator(self, s_state):
return [self.deserialize_arg(c) for c in s_state]
def serialize_operator_equal(self, op):
return self.serialize_operator(op)
def deserialize_operator_equal(self, s_state):
return Equal(*[self.deserialize_arg(c) for c in s_state])
def serialize_operator_not_equal(self, op):
return self.serialize_operator(op)
def deserialize_operator_not_equal(self, s_state):
return NotEqual(*[self.deserialize_arg(c) for c in s_state])
def serialize_operator_greater_than(self, op):
return self.serialize_operator(op)
def deserialize_operator_greater_than(self, s_state):
return GreaterThan(*[self.deserialize_arg(c) for c in s_state])
def serialize_operator_less_than(self, op):
return self.serialize_operator(op)
def deserialize_operator_less_than(self, s_state):
return LessThan(*[self.deserialize_arg(c) for c in s_state])
def serialize_operator_match(self, op):
return self.serialize_operator(op)
def deserialize_operator_match(self, s_state):
return Match(*[self.deserialize_arg(c) for c in s_state])
def serialize_arg(self, arg):
if isinstance(arg, Attrib):
return 'Attrib', self.serialize_attrib(arg)
elif isinstance(arg, PathAttrib):
return 'PathAttrib', self.serialize_pathattrib(arg)
elif isinstance(arg, Operator):
module = arg.__class__.__module__
arg_type = module + '.' + arg.__class__.__name__
return arg_type, arg.serialize(self)
return 'value', arg
def deserialize_arg(self, s_state):
arg_type, arg = s_state
if arg_type == 'Attrib':
return self.deserialize_attrib(arg)
elif arg_type == 'PathAttrib':
return self.deserialize_pathattrib(arg)
elif arg_type == 'value':
return arg
arg_cls = get_class(arg_type)
ret = arg_cls.deserialize(self, arg)
if isinstance(ret,list):
return arg_cls(*ret)
return ret
def serialize_task_spec(self, spec):
s_state = dict(id=spec.id,
module_name = spec.__class__.__module__
s_state['class'] = module_name + '.' + spec.__class__.__name__
s_state['inputs'] = [t.id for t in spec.inputs]
s_state['outputs'] = [t.id for t in spec.outputs]
s_state['data'] = self.serialize_dict(spec.data)
if hasattr(spec, 'position'):
s_state['position'] = self.serialize_dict(spec.position)
s_state['defines'] = self.serialize_dict(spec.defines)
s_state['pre_assign'] = self.serialize_list(spec.pre_assign)
s_state['post_assign'] = self.serialize_list(spec.post_assign)
s_state['locks'] = spec.locks[:]
# Note: Events are not serialized; this is documented in
# the TaskSpec API docs.
return s_state
def deserialize_task_spec(self, wf_spec, s_state, spec):
spec.id = s_state.get('id', None)
spec.description = s_state.get('description', '')
spec.manual = s_state.get('manual', False)
spec.internal = s_state.get('internal', False)
spec.lookahead = s_state.get('lookahead', 2)
spec.data = self.deserialize_dict(s_state.get('data', {}))
if 'position' in s_state.keys():
spec.position = self.deserialize_dict(s_state.get('position', {}))
spec.defines = self.deserialize_dict(s_state.get('defines', {}))
spec.pre_assign = self.deserialize_list(s_state.get('pre_assign', []))
spec.post_assign = self.deserialize_list(
s_state.get('post_assign', []))
spec.locks = s_state.get('locks', [])[:]
# We can't restore inputs and outputs yet because they may not be
# deserialized yet. So keep the names, and resolve them in the end.
spec.inputs = s_state.get('inputs', [])[:]
spec.outputs = s_state.get('outputs', [])[:]
return spec
def serialize_acquire_mutex(self, spec):
s_state = self.serialize_task_spec(spec)
s_state['mutex'] = spec.mutex
return s_state
def deserialize_acquire_mutex(self, wf_spec, s_state):
spec = AcquireMutex(wf_spec, s_state['name'], s_state['mutex'])
self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, s_state, spec=spec)
spec.mutex = s_state['mutex']
return spec
def serialize_cancel(self, spec):
s_state = self.serialize_task_spec(spec)
s_state['cancel_successfully'] = spec.cancel_successfully
return s_state
def deserialize_cancel(self, wf_spec, s_state):
spec = Cancel(wf_spec, s_state['name'],
success=s_state.get('cancel_successfully', False))
self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, s_state, spec=spec)
return spec
def serialize_cancel_task(self, spec):
return self.serialize_trigger(spec)
def deserialize_cancel_task(self, wf_spec, s_state):
spec = CancelTask(wf_spec,
self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, s_state, spec=spec)
return spec
def serialize_celery(self, spec):
args = self.serialize_list(spec.args)
kwargs = self.serialize_dict(spec.kwargs)
s_state = self.serialize_task_spec(spec)
s_state['call'] = spec.call
s_state['args'] = args
s_state['kwargs'] = kwargs
s_state['result_key'] = spec.result_key
return s_state
def deserialize_celery(self, wf_spec, s_state):
args = self.deserialize_list(s_state['args'])
kwargs = self.deserialize_dict(s_state.get('kwargs', {}))
spec = Celery(wf_spec, s_state['name'], s_state['call'],
self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, s_state, spec)
return spec
def serialize_choose(self, spec):
s_state = self.serialize_task_spec(spec)
s_state['context'] = spec.context
# despite the various documentation suggesting that choice ought to be
# a collection of objects, here it is a collection of strings. The
# handler in MultiChoice.py converts it to TaskSpecs. So instead of:
# s_state['choice'] = [c.name for c in spec.choice]
# we have:
s_state['choice'] = spec.choice
return s_state
def deserialize_choose(self, wf_spec, s_state):
spec = Choose(wf_spec,
self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, s_state, spec=spec)
return spec
def serialize_exclusive_choice(self, spec):
s_state = self.serialize_multi_choice(spec)
s_state['default_task_spec'] = spec.default_task_spec
return s_state
def deserialize_exclusive_choice(self, wf_spec, s_state):
spec = ExclusiveChoice(wf_spec, s_state['name'])
self.deserialize_multi_choice(wf_spec, s_state, spec=spec)
spec.default_task_spec = s_state['default_task_spec']
return spec
def serialize_execute(self, spec):
s_state = self.serialize_task_spec(spec)
s_state['args'] = spec.args
return s_state
def deserialize_execute(self, wf_spec, s_state):
spec = Execute(wf_spec, s_state['name'], s_state['args'])
self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, s_state, spec=spec)
return spec
def serialize_gate(self, spec):
s_state = self.serialize_task_spec(spec)
s_state['context'] = spec.context
return s_state
def deserialize_gate(self, wf_spec, s_state):
spec = Gate(wf_spec, s_state['name'], s_state['context'])
self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, s_state, spec=spec)
return spec
def serialize_loop_reset_task(self, spec):
s_state = self.serialize_task_spec(spec)
s_state['destination_id'] = spec.destination_id
s_state['destination_spec_name'] = spec.destination_spec_name
return s_state
def deserialize_loop_reset_task(self, wf_spec, s_state):
spec = LoopResetTask(wf_spec, s_state['name'], s_state['destination_id'],
self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, s_state, spec=spec)
return spec
def serialize_join(self, spec):
s_state = self.serialize_task_spec(spec)
s_state['split_task'] = spec.split_task
s_state['threshold'] = b64encode(
pickle.dumps(spec.threshold, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL))
s_state['cancel_remaining'] = spec.cancel_remaining
return s_state
def deserialize_join(self, wf_spec, s_state, cls=Join):
if isinstance(s_state['threshold'],dict):
byte_payload = s_state['threshold']['__bytes__']
byte_payload = s_state['threshold']
spec = cls(wf_spec,
self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, s_state, spec=spec)
return spec
def serialize_multi_choice(self, spec):
s_state = self.serialize_task_spec(spec)
s_state['cond_task_specs'] = thestate = []
for condition, spec_name in spec.cond_task_specs:
cond = self.serialize_arg(condition)
thestate.append((cond, spec_name))
# spec.choice is actually a list of strings in MultiChoice: see
# _predict_hook. So, instead of
# s_state['choice'] = spec.choice and spec.choice.name or None
s_state['choice'] = spec.choice or None
return s_state
def deserialize_multi_choice(self, wf_spec, s_state, spec=None):
if spec is None:
spec = MultiChoice(wf_spec, s_state['name'])
if s_state.get('choice') is not None:
# this is done in _predict_hook: it's kept as a string for now.
# spec.choice = wf_spec.get_task_spec_from_name(s_state['choice'])
spec.choice = s_state['choice']
for cond, spec_name in s_state['cond_task_specs']:
condition = self.deserialize_arg(cond)
spec.cond_task_specs.append((condition, spec_name))
self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, s_state, spec=spec)
return spec
def serialize_multi_instance(self, spec):
s_state = self.serialize_task_spec(spec)
# here we need to add in all of the things that would get serialized
# for other classes that the MultiInstance could be -
if isinstance(spec, SubWorkflow):
br_state = self.serialize_sub_workflow(spec)
s_state['file'] = br_state['file']
s_state['in_assign'] = br_state['in_assign']
s_state['out_assign'] = br_state['out_assign']
s_state['times'] = self.serialize_arg(spec.times)
s_state['prevtaskclass'] = spec.prevtaskclass
return s_state
def deserialize_multi_instance(self, wf_spec, s_state, cls=None):
if cls == None:
cls = MultiInstance(wf_spec,
if isinstance(s_state['times'],list):
s_state['times'] = self.deserialize_arg(s_state['times'])
cls.times = s_state['times']
if isinstance(cls, SubWorkflow):
if s_state.get('file'):
cls.file = self.deserialize_arg(s_state['file'])
cls.file = None
cls.in_assign = self.deserialize_list(s_state['in_assign'])
cls.out_assign = self.deserialize_list(s_state['out_assign'])
self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, s_state, spec=cls)
return cls
def serialize_release_mutex(self, spec):
s_state = self.serialize_task_spec(spec)
s_state['mutex'] = spec.mutex
return s_state
def deserialize_release_mutex(self, wf_spec, s_state):
spec = ReleaseMutex(wf_spec, s_state['name'], s_state['mutex'])
self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, s_state, spec=spec)
return spec
def serialize_simple(self, spec):
assert isinstance(spec, TaskSpec)
return self.serialize_task_spec(spec)
def deserialize_simple(self, wf_spec, s_state):
assert isinstance(wf_spec, WorkflowSpec)
spec = Simple(wf_spec, s_state['name'])
self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, s_state, spec=spec)
return spec
def deserialize_generic(self, wf_spec, s_state,newclass):
assert isinstance(wf_spec, WorkflowSpec)
spec = newclass(wf_spec, s_state['name'])
self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, s_state, spec=spec)
return spec
def serialize_start_task(self, spec):
return self.serialize_task_spec(spec)
def deserialize_start_task(self, wf_spec, s_state):
spec = StartTask(wf_spec)
self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, s_state, spec=spec)
return spec
def serialize_sub_workflow(self, spec):
warnings.warn("SubWorkflows cannot be safely serialized as they only" +
" store a reference to the subworkflow specification " +
" as a path to an external XML file.")
s_state = self.serialize_task_spec(spec)
s_state['file'] = spec.file
s_state['in_assign'] = self.serialize_list(spec.in_assign)
s_state['out_assign'] = self.serialize_list(spec.out_assign)
return s_state
def deserialize_sub_workflow(self, wf_spec, s_state):
warnings.warn("SubWorkflows cannot be safely deserialized as they " +
"only store a reference to the subworkflow " +
"specification as a path to an external XML file.")
spec = SubWorkflow(wf_spec, s_state['name'], s_state['file'])
self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, s_state, spec=spec)
spec.in_assign = self.deserialize_list(s_state['in_assign'])
spec.out_assign = self.deserialize_list(s_state['out_assign'])
return spec
def serialize_thread_merge(self, spec):
return self.serialize_join(spec)
def deserialize_thread_merge(self, wf_spec, s_state):
spec = ThreadMerge(wf_spec, s_state['name'], s_state['split_task'])
# while ThreadMerge is a Join, the _deserialise_join isn't what we want
# here: it makes a join from scratch which we don't need (the
# ThreadMerge constructor does it all). Just task_spec it.
self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, s_state, spec=spec)
return spec
def serialize_thread_split(self, spec):
s_state = self.serialize_task_spec(spec)
s_state['times'] = self.serialize_arg(spec.times)
return s_state
def deserialize_thread_split(self, wf_spec, s_state):
spec = ThreadSplit(wf_spec,
self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, s_state, spec=spec)
return spec
def serialize_thread_start(self, spec):
return self.serialize_task_spec(spec)
def deserialize_thread_start(self, wf_spec, s_state):
spec = ThreadStart(wf_spec)
self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, s_state, spec=spec)
return spec
def deserialize_merge(self, wf_spec, s_state):
spec = Merge(wf_spec, s_state['name'], s_state['split_task'])
self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, s_state, spec=spec)
return spec
def serialize_trigger(self, spec):
s_state = self.serialize_task_spec(spec)
s_state['context'] = spec.context
s_state['times'] = self.serialize_arg(spec.times)
s_state['queued'] = spec.queued
return s_state
def deserialize_trigger(self, wf_spec, s_state):
spec = Trigger(wf_spec,
self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, s_state, spec=spec)
return spec
def serialize_workflow_spec(self, spec, **kwargs):
s_state = dict(name=spec.name,
if 'Root' not in spec.task_specs:
# This is to fix up the case when we
# load in a task spec and there is no root object.
# it causes problems when we deserialize and then re-serialize
# because the deserialize process adds a root.
root = Simple(spec, 'Root')
spec.task_specs['Root'] = root
mylist = [(k, v.serialize(self)) for k, v in list(spec.task_specs.items())]
# As we serialize back up, keep only one copy of any sub_workflow
s_state['sub_workflows'] = {}
for name, task in mylist:
if 'spec' in task:
spec = json.loads(task['spec'])
if 'sub_workflows' in spec:
del spec['sub_workflows']
if spec['name'] not in s_state['sub_workflows']:
s_state['sub_workflows'][spec['name']] = json.dumps(spec)
task['spec_name'] = spec['name']
del task['spec']
if hasattr(spec,'end'):
s_state['task_specs'] = dict(mylist)
return s_state
def _deserialize_workflow_spec_task_spec(self, spec, task_spec, name):
task_spec.inputs = [spec.get_task_spec_from_id(t) for t in task_spec.inputs]
task_spec.outputs = [spec.get_task_spec_from_id(t) for t in task_spec.outputs]
def _prevtaskclass_bases(self, oldtask):
return (oldtask)
def deserialize_workflow_spec(self, s_state, **kwargs):
spec = WorkflowSpec(s_state['name'], filename=s_state['file'])
spec.description = s_state['description']
# Handle Start Task
spec.start = None
# Store all sub-workflows so they can be referenced.
if 'sub_workflows' in s_state:
# Hate the whole json dumps thing, why do we do this?
del spec.task_specs['Start']
start_task_spec_state = s_state['task_specs']['Start']
start_task_spec = StartTask.deserialize(
self, spec, start_task_spec_state)
spec.start = start_task_spec
spec.task_specs['Start'] = start_task_spec
for name, task_spec_state in list(s_state['task_specs'].items()):
if name == 'Start':
prevtask = task_spec_state.get('prevtaskclass', None)
if prevtask:
oldtask = get_class(prevtask)
task_spec_cls = type(task_spec_state['class'],
self._prevtaskclass_bases(oldtask), {})
task_spec_cls = get_class(task_spec_state['class'])
task_spec = task_spec_cls.deserialize(self, spec, task_spec_state)
spec.task_specs[name] = task_spec
for name, task_spec in list(spec.task_specs.items()):
self._deserialize_workflow_spec_task_spec(spec, task_spec, name)
if s_state.get('end', None):
spec.end = spec.get_task_spec_from_id(s_state['end'])
assert spec.start is spec.get_task_spec_from_name('Start')
return spec
def serialize_workflow(self, workflow, include_spec=True, **kwargs):
assert isinstance(workflow, Workflow)
s_state = dict()
if include_spec:
s_state['wf_spec'] = self.serialize_workflow_spec(workflow.spec,
# data
s_state['data'] = self.serialize_dict(workflow.data)
# last_node
value = workflow.last_task
s_state['last_task'] = value.id if value is not None else None
# outer_workflow
# s_state['outer_workflow'] = workflow.outer_workflow.id
# success
s_state['success'] = workflow.success
# task_tree
s_state['task_tree'] = self.serialize_task(workflow.task_tree)
return s_state
def deserialize_workflow(self, s_state, wf_class=Workflow,
read_only=False, wf_spec=None, **kwargs):
"""It is possible to override the workflow class, and specify a
workflow_spec, otherwise the spec is assumed to be serialized in the
if wf_spec is None:
wf_spec = self.deserialize_workflow_spec(s_state['wf_spec'], **kwargs)
workflow = wf_class(wf_spec)
workflow.read_only = read_only
# data
workflow.data = self.deserialize_dict(s_state['data'])
# outer_workflow
# workflow.outer_workflow =
# find_workflow_by_id(remap_workflow_id(s_state['outer_workflow']))
# success
workflow.success = s_state['success']
# workflow
workflow.spec = wf_spec
# task_tree
workflow.task_tree = self.deserialize_task(
workflow, s_state['task_tree'])
# Re-connect parents
tasklist = list(workflow.get_tasks())
for task in tasklist:
task.parent = workflow.get_task(task.parent,tasklist)
# last_task
workflow.last_task = workflow.get_task(s_state['last_task'],tasklist)
# task_mapping
return workflow
def serialize_task(self, task, skip_children=False, allow_subs=False):
:param allow_subs: Allows sub-serialization to take place, otherwise
assumes that the subworkflow is stored in internal data and raises an error.
assert isinstance(task, Task)
# Please note, the BPMN Serializer DOES allow sub-workflows. This is
# for backwards compatibility and support of the original parsers.
if not allow_subs and isinstance(task.task_spec, SubWorkflow):
raise TaskNotSupportedError(
"Subworkflow tasks cannot be serialized (due to their use of" +
" internal_data to store the subworkflow).")
s_state = dict()
# id
s_state['id'] = task.id
# workflow
s_state['workflow_name'] = task.workflow.name
# parent
s_state['parent'] = task.parent.id if task.parent is not None else None
# children
if not skip_children:
s_state['children'] = [
self.serialize_task(child) for child in task.children]
# state
s_state['state'] = task.state
s_state['triggered'] = task.triggered
# task_spec
s_state['task_spec'] = task.task_spec.name
# last_state_change
s_state['last_state_change'] = task.last_state_change
# data
s_state['data'] = self.serialize_dict(task.data)
# internal_data
s_state['internal_data'] = task.internal_data
return s_state
def deserialize_task(self, workflow, s_state):
assert isinstance(workflow, Workflow)
splits = s_state['task_spec'].split('_')
oldtaskname = s_state['task_spec']
task_spec = workflow.get_task_spec_from_name(oldtaskname)
if task_spec is None:
raise MissingSpecError("Unknown task spec: " + oldtaskname)
task = Task(workflow, task_spec)
if getattr(task_spec,'isSequential',False) and \
s_state['internal_data'].get('splits') is not None:
task.task_spec.expanded = s_state['internal_data']['splits']
# id
task.id = s_state['id']
# parent
# as the task_tree might not be complete yet
# keep the ids so they can be processed at the end
task.parent = s_state['parent']
# children
task.children = self._deserialize_task_children(task, s_state)
# state
task._state = s_state['state']
task.triggered = s_state['triggered']
# last_state_change
task.last_state_change = s_state['last_state_change']
# data
task.data = self.deserialize_dict(s_state['data'])
# internal_data
task.internal_data = s_state['internal_data']
return task
def _deserialize_task_children(self, task, s_state):
"""This may need to be overridden if you need to support
deserialization of sub-workflows"""
return [self.deserialize_task(task.workflow, c)
for c in s_state['children']]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
# requires: https://github.com/stricaud/gvgen
import gvgen
from .base import Serializer
class dotVisualizer(Serializer):
def serialize_workflow_spec(self, wf_spec):
nodes = set()
linked = set()
graph = gvgen.GvGen()
parent = graph.newItem("Workflow")
# these built in shapes are available:
# http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/shapes.html
graph.styleAppend("Cancel", "shape", "oval")
graph.styleAppend("CancelTask", "shape", "oval")
graph.styleAppend("Choose", "shape", "diamond")
graph.styleAppend("ExclusiveChoice", "shape", "diamond")
graph.styleAppend("Execute", "shape", "rect")
graph.styleAppend("Gate", "shape", "trapezium")
graph.styleAppend("Join", "shape", "invtriangle")
graph.styleAppend("Merge", "shape", "invtriangle")
graph.styleAppend("MultiChoice", "shape", "diamond")
graph.styleAppend("MultiInstance", "shape", "box")
graph.styleAppend("ReleaseMutex", "shape", "diamond")
graph.styleAppend("Simple", "shape", "rect")
graph.styleAppend("StartTask", "shape", "oval")
graph.styleAppend("SubWorkflow", "shape", "invhouse")
graph.styleAppend("ThreadMerge", "shape", "invtriangle")
graph.styleAppend("ThreadSplit", "shape", "triangle")
graph.styleAppend("ThreadStart", "shape", "oval")
graph.styleAppend("Transform", "shape", "rect")
graph.styleAppend("Trigger", "shape", "oval")
# build graph with all the nodes first
def recurisvelyAddNodes(task_spec):
if task_spec in nodes:
task_spec.gv = graph.newItem(task_spec.name, parent)
# add a default style for this class so that if we don't have one
# when we apply it doesn't break the GvGen library
graph.styleAppend(task_spec.__class__.__name__, "ignore", "this")
graph.styleApply(task_spec.__class__.__name__, task_spec.gv)
sub_specs = ([task_spec.spec.start] if hasattr(
task_spec, 'spec') else []) + task_spec.outputs
for t in sub_specs:
# then link all the nodes together
def recursive_linking(task_spec):
if task_spec in linked:
sub_specs = ([task_spec.spec.start] if hasattr(
task_spec, 'spec') else []) + task_spec.outputs
for i, t in enumerate(sub_specs):
graph.newLink(task_spec.gv, t.gv)
return (graph.dot() if graph.dot() else '')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
class TaskSpecNotSupportedError(ValueError):
class TaskNotSupportedError(ValueError):
class MissingSpecError(ValueError):

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
import json
import uuid
from ..operators import Attrib
from .dict import DictionarySerializer
class JSONSerializer(DictionarySerializer):
def serialize_workflow_spec(self, wf_spec, **kwargs):
thedict = super(JSONSerializer, self).serialize_workflow_spec(
wf_spec, **kwargs)
return self._dumps(thedict)
def deserialize_workflow_spec(self, s_state, **kwargs):
thedict = self._loads(s_state)
return super(JSONSerializer, self).deserialize_workflow_spec(
thedict, **kwargs)
def serialize_workflow(self, workflow, **kwargs):
thedict = super(JSONSerializer, self).serialize_workflow(
workflow, **kwargs)
return self._dumps(thedict)
def deserialize_workflow(self, s_state, **kwargs):
thedict = self._loads(s_state)
return super(JSONSerializer, self).deserialize_workflow(
thedict, **kwargs)
def _object_hook(self, dct):
if '__uuid__' in dct:
return uuid.UUID(dct['__uuid__'])
if '__bytes__' in dct:
return dct['__bytes__'].encode('ascii')
if '__attrib__' in dct:
return Attrib(dct['__attrib__'])
return dct
def _jsonableHandler(self, obj):
if hasattr(obj, 'jsonable'):
return obj.jsonable()
raise 'Object of type %s with value of %s is not JSON serializable' % (
type(obj), repr(obj))
def _default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, uuid.UUID):
return {'__uuid__': obj.hex}
if isinstance(obj, bytes):
return {'__bytes__': obj.decode('ascii')}
if isinstance(obj, Attrib):
return {'__attrib__': obj.name}
raise TypeError('%r is not JSON serializable' % obj)
def _loads(self, text):
return json.loads(text, object_hook=lambda o: self._object_hook(o))
def _dumps(self, dct):
return json.dumps(dct, sort_keys=True, default=lambda o:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Samuel Abels
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
import re
import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
from .. import operators, specs
from ..exceptions import StorageException
from .base import Serializer
# Create a list of tag names out of the spec names.
_spec_map = dict()
for name in dir(specs):
if name.startswith('_'):
module = specs.__dict__[name]
name = re.sub(r'(.)([A-Z])', r'\1-\2', name).lower()
_spec_map[name] = module
_spec_map['task'] = specs.Simple
_op_map = {'equals': operators.Equal,
'not-equals': operators.NotEqual,
'less-than': operators.LessThan,
'greater-than': operators.GreaterThan,
'matches': operators.Match}
_exc = StorageException
class XmlSerializer(Serializer):
Parses XML into a WorkflowSpec object.
def deserialize_assign(self, workflow, start_node):
Reads the "pre-assign" or "post-assign" tag from the given node.
start_node -- the xml node (xml.dom.minidom.Node)
name = start_node.getAttribute('name')
attrib = start_node.getAttribute('field')
value = start_node.getAttribute('value')
kwargs = {}
if name == '':
_exc('name attribute required')
if attrib != '' and value != '':
_exc('Both, field and right-value attributes found')
elif attrib == '' and value == '':
_exc('field or value attribute required')
elif value != '':
kwargs['right'] = value
kwargs['right_attribute'] = attrib
return operators.Assign(name, **kwargs)
def deserialize_data(self, workflow, start_node):
Reads a "data" or "define" tag from the given node.
start_node -- the xml node (xml.dom.minidom.Node)
name = start_node.getAttribute('name')
value = start_node.getAttribute('value')
return name, value
def deserialize_assign_list(self, workflow, start_node):
Reads a list of assignments from the given node.
workflow -- the workflow
start_node -- the xml structure (xml.dom.minidom.Node)
# Collect all information.
assignments = []
for node in start_node.childNodes:
if node.nodeType != minidom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if node.nodeName.lower() == 'assign':
assignments.append(self.deserialize_assign(workflow, node))
_exc('Unknown node: %s' % node.nodeName)
return assignments
def deserialize_logical(self, node):
Reads the logical tag from the given node, returns a Condition object.
node -- the xml node (xml.dom.minidom.Node)
term1_attrib = node.getAttribute('left-field')
term1_value = node.getAttribute('left-value')
op = node.nodeName.lower()
term2_attrib = node.getAttribute('right-field')
term2_value = node.getAttribute('right-value')
if op not in _op_map:
_exc('Invalid operator')
if term1_attrib != '' and term1_value != '':
_exc('Both, left-field and left-value attributes found')
elif term1_attrib == '' and term1_value == '':
_exc('left-field or left-value attribute required')
elif term1_value != '':
left = term1_value
left = operators.Attrib(term1_attrib)
if term2_attrib != '' and term2_value != '':
_exc('Both, right-field and right-value attributes found')
elif term2_attrib == '' and term2_value == '':
_exc('right-field or right-value attribute required')
elif term2_value != '':
right = term2_value
right = operators.Attrib(term2_attrib)
return _op_map[op](left, right)
def deserialize_condition(self, workflow, start_node):
Reads the conditional statement from the given node.
workflow -- the workflow with which the concurrence is associated
start_node -- the xml structure (xml.dom.minidom.Node)
# Collect all information.
condition = None
spec_name = None
for node in start_node.childNodes:
if node.nodeType != minidom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if node.nodeName.lower() == 'successor':
if spec_name is not None:
_exc('Duplicate task name %s' % spec_name)
if node.firstChild is None:
_exc('Successor tag without a task name')
spec_name = node.firstChild.nodeValue
elif node.nodeName.lower() in _op_map:
if condition is not None:
_exc('Multiple conditions are not yet supported')
condition = self.deserialize_logical(node)
_exc('Unknown node: %s' % node.nodeName)
if condition is None:
_exc('Missing condition in conditional statement')
if spec_name is None:
_exc('A %s has no task specified' % start_node.nodeName)
return condition, spec_name
def deserialize_task_spec(self, workflow, start_node, read_specs):
Reads the task from the given node and returns a tuple
(start, end) that contains the stream of objects that model
the behavior.
workflow -- the workflow with which the task is associated
start_node -- the xml structure (xml.dom.minidom.Node)
# Extract attributes from the node.
nodetype = start_node.nodeName.lower()
name = start_node.getAttribute('name').lower()
context = start_node.getAttribute('context').lower()
mutex = start_node.getAttribute('mutex').lower()
cancel = start_node.getAttribute('cancel').lower()
success = start_node.getAttribute('success').lower()
times = start_node.getAttribute('times').lower()
times_field = start_node.getAttribute('times-field').lower()
threshold = start_node.getAttribute('threshold').lower()
threshold_field = start_node.getAttribute('threshold-field').lower()
file_name = start_node.getAttribute('file').lower()
file_field = start_node.getAttribute('file-field').lower()
kwargs = {'lock': [],
'data': {},
'defines': {},
'pre_assign': [],
'post_assign': []}
if nodetype not in _spec_map:
_exc('Invalid task type "%s"' % nodetype)
if nodetype == 'start-task':
name = 'start'
if name == '':
_exc('Invalid task name "%s"' % name)
if name in read_specs:
_exc('Duplicate task name "%s"' % name)
if cancel != '' and cancel != '0':
kwargs['cancel'] = True
if success != '' and success != '0':
kwargs['success'] = True
if times != '':
kwargs['times'] = int(times)
if times_field != '':
kwargs['times'] = operators.Attrib(times_field)
if threshold != '':
kwargs['threshold'] = int(threshold)
if threshold_field != '':
kwargs['threshold'] = operators.Attrib(threshold_field)
if file_name != '':
kwargs['file'] = file_name
if file_field != '':
kwargs['file'] = operators.Attrib(file_field)
if nodetype == 'choose':
kwargs['choice'] = []
if nodetype == 'trigger':
context = [context]
if mutex != '':
context = mutex
# Walk through the children of the node.
successors = []
for node in start_node.childNodes:
if node.nodeType != minidom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if node.nodeName == 'description':
kwargs['description'] = node.firstChild.nodeValue
elif node.nodeName == 'successor' \
or node.nodeName == 'default-successor':
if node.firstChild is None:
_exc('Empty %s tag' % node.nodeName)
successors.append((None, node.firstChild.nodeValue))
elif node.nodeName == 'conditional-successor':
successors.append(self.deserialize_condition(workflow, node))
elif node.nodeName == 'define':
key, value = self.deserialize_data(workflow, node)
kwargs['defines'][key] = value
# "property" tag exists for backward compatibility.
elif node.nodeName == 'data' or node.nodeName == 'property':
key, value = self.deserialize_data(workflow, node)
kwargs['data'][key] = value
elif node.nodeName == 'pre-assign':
self.deserialize_assign(workflow, node))
elif node.nodeName == 'post-assign':
self.deserialize_assign(workflow, node))
elif node.nodeName == 'in':
kwargs['in_assign'] = self.deserialize_assign_list(
workflow, node)
elif node.nodeName == 'out':
kwargs['out_assign'] = self.deserialize_assign_list(
workflow, node)
elif node.nodeName == 'cancel':
if node.firstChild is None:
_exc('Empty %s tag' % node.nodeName)
if context == '':
context = []
elif not isinstance(context, list):
context = [context]
elif node.nodeName == 'lock':
if node.firstChild is None:
_exc('Empty %s tag' % node.nodeName)
elif node.nodeName == 'pick':
if node.firstChild is None:
_exc('Empty %s tag' % node.nodeName)
_exc('Unknown node: %s' % node.nodeName)
# Create a new instance of the task spec.
module = _spec_map[nodetype]
if nodetype == 'start-task':
spec = module(workflow, **kwargs)
elif nodetype == 'multi-instance' or nodetype == 'thread-split':
if times == '' and times_field == '':
_exc('Missing "times" or "times-field" in "%s"' % name)
elif times != '' and times_field != '':
_exc('Both, "times" and "times-field" in "%s"' % name)
spec = module(workflow, name, **kwargs)
elif context == '':
spec = module(workflow, name, **kwargs)
spec = module(workflow, name, context, **kwargs)
read_specs[name] = spec, successors
def deserialize_workflow_spec(self, s_state, filename=None):
Reads the workflow from the given XML structure and returns a
WorkflowSpec instance.
dom = minidom.parseString(s_state)
node = dom.getElementsByTagName('process-definition')[0]
name = node.getAttribute('name')
if name == '':
_exc('%s without a name attribute' % node.nodeName)
# Read all task specs and create a list of successors.
workflow_spec = specs.WorkflowSpec(name, filename)
del workflow_spec.task_specs['Start']
end = specs.Simple(workflow_spec, 'End'), []
read_specs = dict(end=end)
for child_node in node.childNodes:
if child_node.nodeType != minidom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if child_node.nodeName == 'name':
workflow_spec.name = child_node.firstChild.nodeValue
elif child_node.nodeName == 'description':
workflow_spec.description = child_node.firstChild.nodeValue
elif child_node.nodeName.lower() in _spec_map:
workflow_spec, child_node, read_specs)
_exc('Unknown node: %s' % child_node.nodeName)
# Remove the default start-task from the workflow.
workflow_spec.start = read_specs['start'][0]
# Connect all task specs.
for name in read_specs:
spec, successors = read_specs[name]
for condition, successor_name in successors:
if successor_name not in read_specs:
_exc('Unknown successor: "%s"' % successor_name)
successor, foo = read_specs[successor_name]
if condition is None:
spec.connect_if(condition, successor)
return workflow_spec

View File

@ -0,0 +1,810 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from builtins import str
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
import re
import warnings
from lxml import etree
from lxml.etree import SubElement
from ..workflow import Workflow
from .. import specs, operators
from ..task import Task, TaskStateNames
from ..operators import (Attrib, Assign, PathAttrib, Equal, NotEqual,
GreaterThan, LessThan, Match)
from ..specs import (Cancel, AcquireMutex, CancelTask, Celery, Choose,
ExclusiveChoice, Execute, Gate, Join, MultiChoice,
MultiInstance, ReleaseMutex, Simple, WorkflowSpec,
SubWorkflow, StartTask, ThreadMerge,
ThreadSplit, ThreadStart, Merge, Trigger, LoopResetTask)
from .base import Serializer
from .exceptions import TaskNotSupportedError
# Create a list of tag names out of the spec names.
_spec_map = dict()
for name in dir(specs):
if name.startswith('_'):
module = specs.__dict__[name]
name = re.sub(r'(.)([A-Z])', r'\1-\2', name).lower()
_spec_map[name] = module
_spec_map['task'] = specs.Simple
_op_map = {'equals': operators.Equal,
'not-equals': operators.NotEqual,
'less-than': operators.LessThan,
'greater-than': operators.GreaterThan,
'matches': operators.Match}
class XmlSerializer(Serializer):
def serialize_attrib(self, op):
Serializer for :meth:`SpiffWorkflow.operators.Attrib`.
elem = etree.Element('attribute')
elem.text = op.name
return elem
def deserialize_attrib(self, elem):
return Attrib(str(elem.text))
def serialize_pathattrib(self, op):
Serializer for :meth:`SpiffWorkflow.operators.PathAttrib`.
elem = etree.Element('path')
elem.text = op.path
return elem
def deserialize_pathattrib(self, elem):
return PathAttrib(str(elem.text))
def serialize_assign(self, op):
Serializer for :meth:`SpiffWorkflow.operators.Assign`.
elem = etree.Element('assign')
self.serialize_value(SubElement(elem, 'name'), op.left_attribute)
if op.right:
self.serialize_value(SubElement(elem, 'value'), op.right)
if op.right_attribute:
SubElement(elem, 'value-attribute'), op.right_attribute)
return elem
def deserialize_assign(self, elem):
name = elem.findtext('name')
value = elem.findtext('value')
value_attribute = elem.findtext('value-attribute')
return Assign(left_attribute=name,
def serialize_value(self, parent_elem, value):
Serializes str, Attrib, or PathAttrib objects.
if isinstance(value, (str, int)) or type(value).__name__ == 'str':
parent_elem.text = str(value)
elif value is None:
parent_elem.text = None
def deserialize_value(self, value_elem):
value = value_elem.text
if value is not None:
return str(value)
value = value_elem[0]
if value.tag == 'attribute':
return Attrib.deserialize(self, value)
elif value.tag == 'path':
return PathAttrib.deserialize(self, value)
elif value.tag == 'assign':
return Assign.deserialize(self, value)
raise ValueError('unsupported tag:', value.tag)
def serialize_value_map(self, map_elem, thedict):
Serializes a dictionary of key/value pairs, where the values are
either strings, or Attrib, or PathAttrib objects.
for key, value in sorted((str(k), v) for (k, v) in thedict.items()):
var_elem = SubElement(map_elem, 'variable')
SubElement(var_elem, 'name').text = str(key)
value_elem = SubElement(var_elem, 'value')
self.serialize_value(value_elem, value)
return map_elem
def deserialize_value_map(self, map_elem):
themap = {}
for var_elem in map_elem:
name = str(var_elem.find('name').text)
value_elem = var_elem.find('value')
themap[name] = self.deserialize_value(value_elem)
return themap
def serialize_value_list(self, list_elem, thelist):
Serializes a list, where the values are objects of type
str, Attrib, or PathAttrib.
for value in thelist:
value_elem = SubElement(list_elem, 'value')
self.serialize_value(value_elem, value)
return list_elem
def deserialize_value_list(self, elem):
thelist = []
for value_elem in elem:
return thelist
def serialize_operator_equal(self, op):
Serializer for :meth:`SpiffWorkflow.operators.Equal`.
elem = etree.Element('equals')
return self.serialize_value_list(elem, op.args)
def deserialize_operator_equal(self, elem):
return Equal(*self.deserialize_value_list(elem))
def serialize_operator_not_equal(self, op):
Serializer for :meth:`SpiffWorkflow.operators.NotEqual`.
elem = etree.Element('not-equals')
return self.serialize_value_list(elem, op.args)
def deserialize_operator_not_equal(self, elem):
return NotEqual(*self.deserialize_value_list(elem))
def serialize_operator_greater_than(self, op):
Serializer for :meth:`SpiffWorkflow.operators.NotEqual`.
elem = etree.Element('greater-than')
return self.serialize_value_list(elem, op.args)
def deserialize_operator_greater_than(self, elem):
return GreaterThan(*self.deserialize_value_list(elem))
def serialize_operator_less_than(self, op):
Serializer for :meth:`SpiffWorkflow.operators.NotEqual`.
elem = etree.Element('less-than')
return self.serialize_value_list(elem, op.args)
def deserialize_operator_less_than(self, elem):
return LessThan(*self.deserialize_value_list(elem))
def serialize_operator_match(self, op):
Serializer for :meth:`SpiffWorkflow.operators.NotEqual`.
elem = etree.Element('matches')
return self.serialize_value_list(elem, op.args)
def deserialize_operator_match(self, elem):
return Match(*self.deserialize_value_list(elem))
def deserialize_operator(self, elem):
cls = _op_map[elem.tag]
return cls.deserialize(self, elem)
def serialize_task_spec(self, spec, elem):
Serializes common attributes of :meth:`SpiffWorkflow.specs.TaskSpec`.
if spec.id is not None:
SubElement(elem, 'id').text = str(spec.id)
SubElement(elem, 'name').text = spec.name
if spec.description:
SubElement(elem, 'description').text = spec.description
if spec.manual:
SubElement(elem, 'manual')
if spec.internal:
SubElement(elem, 'internal')
SubElement(elem, 'lookahead').text = str(spec.lookahead)
inputs = [t.name for t in spec.inputs]
outputs = [t.name for t in spec.outputs]
self.serialize_value_list(SubElement(elem, 'inputs'), inputs)
self.serialize_value_list(SubElement(elem, 'outputs'), outputs)
self.serialize_value_map(SubElement(elem, 'data'), spec.data)
self.serialize_value_map(SubElement(elem, 'defines'), spec.defines)
self.serialize_value_list(SubElement(elem, 'pre-assign'),
self.serialize_value_list(SubElement(elem, 'post-assign'),
# Note: Events are not serialized; this is documented in
# the TaskSpec API docs.
return elem
def deserialize_task_spec(self, wf_spec, elem, spec_cls, **kwargs):
name = elem.findtext('name')
spec = spec_cls(wf_spec, name, **kwargs)
theid = elem.findtext('id')
spec.id = theid if theid is not None else None
spec.description = elem.findtext('description', spec.description)
spec.manual = elem.findtext('manual', spec.manual)
spec.internal = elem.find('internal') is not None
spec.lookahead = int(elem.findtext('lookahead', spec.lookahead))
data_elem = elem.find('data')
if data_elem is not None:
spec.data = self.deserialize_value_map(data_elem)
defines_elem = elem.find('defines')
if defines_elem is not None:
spec.defines = self.deserialize_value_map(defines_elem)
pre_assign_elem = elem.find('pre-assign')
if pre_assign_elem is not None:
spec.pre_assign = self.deserialize_value_list(pre_assign_elem)
post_assign_elem = elem.find('post-assign')
if post_assign_elem is not None:
spec.post_assign = self.deserialize_value_list(post_assign_elem)
# We can't restore inputs and outputs yet because they may not be
# deserialized yet. So keep the names, and resolve them in the
# workflowspec deserializer.
spec.inputs = self.deserialize_value_list(elem.find('inputs'))
spec.outputs = self.deserialize_value_list(elem.find('outputs'))
return spec
def serialize_acquire_mutex(self, spec):
Serializer for :meth:`SpiffWorkflow.specs.AcquireMutex`.
elem = etree.Element('acquire-mutex')
self.serialize_task_spec(spec, elem)
SubElement(elem, 'mutex').text = spec.mutex
return elem
def deserialize_acquire_mutex(self, wf_spec, elem, cls=AcquireMutex,
mutex = elem.findtext('mutex')
return self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec,
def serialize_cancel(self, spec):
elem = etree.Element('cancel')
self.serialize_task_spec(spec, elem)
SubElement(elem, 'cancel-successfully')
return elem
def deserialize_cancel(self, wf_spec, elem, cls=Cancel,
success = elem.find('cancel-successfully') is not None
return self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec,
def serialize_cancel_task(self, spec):
elem = etree.Element('cancel-task')
return self.serialize_trigger(spec, elem)
def deserialize_cancel_task(self, wf_spec, elem, cls=CancelTask, **kwargs):
return self.deserialize_trigger(wf_spec, elem, cls, **kwargs)
def serialize_celery(self, spec, elem=None):
if elem is None:
elem = etree.Element('celery')
SubElement(elem, 'call').text = spec.call
args_elem = SubElement(elem, 'args')
self.serialize_value_list(args_elem, spec.args)
kwargs_elem = SubElement(elem, 'kwargs')
self.serialize_value_map(kwargs_elem, spec.kwargs)
if spec.merge_results:
SubElement(elem, 'merge-results')
SubElement(elem, 'result-key').text = spec.result_key
return self.serialize_task_spec(spec, elem)
def deserialize_celery(self, wf_spec, elem, cls=Celery, **kwargs):
call = elem.findtext('call')
args = self.deserialize_value_list(elem.find('args'))
result_key = elem.findtext('call')
merge_results = elem.find('merge-results') is not None
spec = self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec,
spec.kwargs = self.deserialize_value_map(elem.find('kwargs'))
return spec
def serialize_choose(self, spec, elem=None):
if elem is None:
elem = etree.Element('choose')
elem = self.serialize_task_spec(spec, elem)
SubElement(elem, 'context').text = spec.context
choice_elem = SubElement(elem, 'choice')
self.serialize_value_list(choice_elem, spec.choice)
return elem
def deserialize_choose(self, wf_spec, elem, cls=Choose, **kwargs):
choice = self.deserialize_value_list(elem.find('choice'))
context = elem.findtext('context')
return self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, elem, cls, choice=choice,
context=context, **kwargs)
def serialize_exclusive_choice(self, spec, elem=None):
if elem is None:
elem = etree.Element('exclusive-choice')
self.serialize_multi_choice(spec, elem)
SubElement(elem, 'default_task_spec').text = spec.default_task_spec
return elem
def deserialize_exclusive_choice(self, wf_spec, elem, cls=ExclusiveChoice,
spec = self.deserialize_multi_choice(wf_spec, elem, cls, **kwargs)
spec.default_task_spec = elem.findtext('default_task_spec')
return spec
def serialize_execute(self, spec, elem=None):
if elem is None:
elem = etree.Element('execute')
self.serialize_value_list(SubElement(elem, 'args'), spec.args)
return self.serialize_task_spec(spec, elem)
def deserialize_execute(self, wf_spec, elem, cls=Execute, **kwargs):
args = self.deserialize_value_list(elem.find('args'))
return self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, elem, cls, args=args,
def serialize_gate(self, spec, elem=None):
if elem is None:
elem = etree.Element('gate')
SubElement(elem, 'context').text = spec.context
return self.serialize_task_spec(spec, elem)
def deserialize_gate(self, wf_spec, elem, cls=Gate, **kwargs):
context = elem.findtext('context')
return self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, elem, cls, context=context,
def serialize_join(self, spec, elem=None):
if elem is None:
elem = etree.Element('join')
if spec.split_task:
SubElement(elem, 'split-task').text = spec.split_task
if spec.threshold is not None:
self.serialize_value(SubElement(elem, 'threshold'), spec.threshold)
if spec.cancel_remaining:
SubElement(elem, 'cancel-remaining')
return self.serialize_task_spec(spec, elem)
def deserialize_join(self, wf_spec, elem, cls=Join, **kwargs):
split_task = elem.findtext('split-task')
if elem.find('threshold') is None:
threshold = None
threshold = self.deserialize_value(elem.find('threshold'))
cancel = elem.find('cancel-remaining') is not None
return self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, elem, cls,
def serialize_multi_choice(self, spec, elem=None):
if elem is None:
elem = etree.Element('multi-choice')
if spec.choice:
self.serialize_value_list(SubElement(elem, 'choice'), spec.choice)
options = SubElement(elem, 'options')
for condition, spec_name in spec.cond_task_specs:
option_elem = SubElement(options, 'option')
if condition is not None:
cond_elem = SubElement(option_elem, 'condition')
SubElement(option_elem, 'output').text = spec_name
return self.serialize_task_spec(spec, elem)
def deserialize_multi_choice(self, wf_spec, elem, cls=MultiChoice,
spec = self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, elem, cls, **kwargs)
if elem.find('choice') is not None:
spec.choice = self.deserialize_value_list(elem.find('choice'))
if elem.find('options') is not None:
for option_elem in elem.find('options'):
condition_elem = option_elem.find('condition')
if condition_elem is not None:
condition = self.deserialize_operator(condition_elem[0])
condition = None
spec_name = option_elem.findtext('output')
spec.cond_task_specs.append((condition, spec_name))
return spec
def serialize_multi_instance(self, spec):
elem = etree.Element('multi-instance')
self.serialize_value(SubElement(elem, 'times'), spec.times)
return self.serialize_task_spec(spec, elem)
def deserialize_multi_instance(self, wf_spec, elem, cls=None,
if cls == None:
cls = MultiInstance
#cls = MultiInstance(wf_spec,elem.find('name'),elem.find('times'))
times = self.deserialize_value(elem.find('times'))
return self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, elem, cls, times=times,
def serialize_release_mutex(self, spec):
elem = etree.Element('release-mutex')
SubElement(elem, 'mutex').text = spec.mutex
return self.serialize_task_spec(spec, elem)
def deserialize_release_mutex(self, wf_spec, elem, cls=ReleaseMutex,
mutex = elem.findtext('mutex')
return self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, elem, cls, mutex=mutex,
def serialize_simple(self, spec):
elem = etree.Element('simple')
return self.serialize_task_spec(spec, elem)
def deserialize_simple(self, wf_spec, elem, cls=Simple, **kwargs):
return self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, elem, cls, **kwargs)
def serialize_start_task(self, spec):
elem = etree.Element('start-task')
return self.serialize_task_spec(spec, elem)
def deserialize_start_task(self, wf_spec, elem, cls=StartTask, **kwargs):
return self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, elem, cls, **kwargs)
def serialize_sub_workflow(self, spec):
warnings.warn("SubWorkflows cannot be safely serialized as they only" +
" store a reference to the subworkflow specification " +
" as a path to an external XML file.")
elem = etree.Element('sub-workflow')
SubElement(elem, 'filename').text = spec.file
in_elem = SubElement(elem, 'in-assign')
self.serialize_value_list(in_elem, spec.in_assign)
out_elem = SubElement(elem, 'out-assign')
self.serialize_value_list(out_elem, spec.out_assign)
return self.serialize_task_spec(spec, elem)
def deserialize_sub_workflow(self, wf_spec, elem, cls=SubWorkflow,
warnings.warn("SubWorkflows cannot be safely deserialized as they " +
"only store a reference to the subworkflow " +
"specification as a path to an external XML file.")
filename = elem.findtext('filename')
in_elem = elem.find('in-assign')
in_assign = self.deserialize_value_list(in_elem)
out_elem = elem.find('out-assign')
out_assign = self.deserialize_value_list(out_elem)
return self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, elem, cls, file=filename,
out_assign=out_assign, **kwargs)
def serialize_thread_merge(self, spec, elem=None):
if elem is None:
elem = etree.Element('thread-merge')
return self.serialize_join(spec, elem)
def deserialize_thread_merge(self, wf_spec, elem, cls=ThreadMerge,
return self.deserialize_join(wf_spec, elem, cls, **kwargs)
def serialize_thread_split(self, spec, elem=None):
if elem is None:
elem = etree.Element('thread-split')
self.serialize_value(SubElement(elem, 'times'), spec.times)
return self.serialize_task_spec(spec, elem)
def deserialize_thread_split(self, wf_spec, elem, cls=ThreadSplit,
times_elem = elem.find('times')
if times_elem is not None:
times = self.deserialize_value(times_elem)
times = 1
return self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, elem, cls, times=times,
def serialize_thread_start(self, spec, elem=None):
if elem is None:
elem = etree.Element('thread-start')
return self.serialize_task_spec(spec, elem)
def deserialize_thread_start(self, wf_spec, elem, cls=ThreadStart,
return self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, elem, cls, **kwargs)
def serialize_merge(self, spec, elem=None):
if elem is None:
elem = etree.Element('merge')
SubElement(elem, 'split-task').text = spec.split_task
return self.serialize_task_spec(spec, elem)
def deserialize_merge(self, wf_spec, elem, cls=Merge, **kwargs):
split_task = elem.findtext('split-task')
return self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, elem, cls,
split_task=split_task, **kwargs)
def serialize_trigger(self, spec, elem=None):
if elem is None:
elem = etree.Element('trigger')
self.serialize_value_list(SubElement(elem, 'context'), spec.context)
self.serialize_value(SubElement(elem, 'times'), spec.times)
SubElement(elem, 'queued').text = str(spec.queued)
return self.serialize_task_spec(spec, elem)
def deserialize_trigger(self, wf_spec, elem, cls=Trigger, **kwargs):
context = self.deserialize_value_list(elem.find('context'))
times = self.deserialize_value(elem.find('times'))
spec = self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, elem, cls, context=context,
times=times, **kwargs)
spec.queued = int(elem.findtext('queued'))
except ValueError:
return spec
def serialize_workflow_spec(self, spec, **kwargs):
wf_elem = etree.Element('workflow')
SubElement(wf_elem, 'name').text = spec.name
SubElement(wf_elem, 'description').text = spec.description
if spec.file:
SubElement(wf_elem, 'filename').text = spec.file
tasks_elem = SubElement(wf_elem, 'tasks')
for task_name, task_spec in sorted(spec.task_specs.items()):
return wf_elem
def deserialize_workflow_spec(self, elem, **kwargs):
name = elem.findtext('name')
filename = elem.findtext('filename')
spec = WorkflowSpec(name, filename=filename, nostart=True)
spec.description = elem.findtext('description')
# Add all tasks.
tasks_elem = elem.find('tasks')
for task_elem in tasks_elem:
cls = _spec_map[task_elem.tag]
task_spec = cls.deserialize(self, spec, task_elem)
spec.task_specs[task_spec.name] = task_spec
spec.start = spec.task_specs['Start']
# Connect the tasks.
for name, task_spec in list(spec.task_specs.items()):
task_spec.inputs = [spec.get_task_spec_from_name(t)
for t in task_spec.inputs]
task_spec.outputs = [spec.get_task_spec_from_name(t)
for t in task_spec.outputs]
return spec
def serialize_workflow(self, workflow, **kwargs):
assert isinstance(workflow, Workflow)
elem = etree.Element('workflow')
wf_spec_elem = self.serialize_workflow_spec(workflow.spec)
wf_spec_elem.tag = 'spec'
data_elem = SubElement(elem, 'data')
self.serialize_value_map(data_elem, workflow.data)
if workflow.last_task is not None:
SubElement(elem, 'last-task').text = str(workflow.last_task.id)
# outer_workflow
# SubElement(elem, 'outer-workflow').text = workflow.outer_workflow.id
if workflow.success:
SubElement(elem, 'success')
task_tree_elem = SubElement(elem, 'task-tree')
return elem
def deserialize_workflow(self, elem, **kwargs):
wf_spec_elem = elem.find('spec')
wf_spec = self.deserialize_workflow_spec(wf_spec_elem, **kwargs)
workflow = Workflow(wf_spec)
workflow.data = self.deserialize_value_map(elem.find('data'))
workflow.success = elem.find('success') is not None
# outer_workflow
# workflow.outer_workflow =
# find_workflow_by_id(remap_workflow_id(elem['outer_workflow']))
task_tree_elem = elem.find('task-tree')
workflow.task_tree = self.deserialize_task(workflow, task_tree_elem[0])
# Re-connect parents
for task in workflow.get_tasks():
task.parent = workflow.get_task(task.parent)
# last_task
last_task = elem.findtext('last-task')
if last_task is not None:
workflow.last_task = workflow.get_task(last_task)
return workflow
def serialize_loop_reset_task(self, spec):
elem = etree.Element('loop-reset-task')
SubElement(elem, 'destination_id').text = str(spec.destination_id)
SubElement(elem, 'destination_spec_name').text = str(spec.destination_spec_name)
return self.serialize_task_spec(spec, elem)
def deserialize_loop_reset_task(self, wf_spec, elem, cls=LoopResetTask, **kwargs):
destination_id = elem.findtext('destination_id')
destination_spec_name = elem.findtext('destination_spec_name')
task = self.deserialize_task_spec(wf_spec, elem, cls,
return task
def serialize_task(self, task, skip_children=False):
assert isinstance(task, Task)
if isinstance(task.task_spec, SubWorkflow):
raise TaskNotSupportedError(
"Subworkflow tasks cannot be serialized (due to their use of" +
" internal_data to store the subworkflow).")
# We are not serializing task.workflow; the deserializer accepts
# an already-deserialized Workflow instead.
elem = etree.Element('task')
if task.id is not None:
SubElement(elem, 'id').text = str(task.id)
if task.parent is not None:
SubElement(elem, 'parent').text = str(task.parent.id)
if not skip_children:
children_elem = SubElement(elem, 'children')
for child in task.children:
child_elem = self.serialize_task(child)
SubElement(elem, 'state').text = task.get_state_name()
if task.triggered:
SubElement(elem, 'triggered')
SubElement(elem, 'spec').text = task.task_spec.name
SubElement(elem, 'last-state-change').text = str(
self.serialize_value_map(SubElement(elem, 'data'), task.data)
internal_data_elem = SubElement(elem, 'internal-data')
self.serialize_value_map(internal_data_elem, task.internal_data)
return elem
def deserialize_task(self, workflow, elem):
assert isinstance(workflow, Workflow)
task_spec_name = elem.findtext('spec')
task_spec = workflow.get_task_spec_from_name(task_spec_name)
task = Task(workflow, task_spec)
task.id = elem.findtext('id')
# The parent is later resolved by the workflow deserializer
task.parent = elem.findtext('parent')
for child_elem in elem.find('children'):
child_task = self.deserialize_task(workflow, child_elem)
state_name = elem.findtext('state')
found = False
for key, value in list(TaskStateNames.items()):
if value == state_name:
task._state = key
found = True
assert found
task.triggered = elem.find('triggered') is not None
task.last_state_change = float(elem.findtext('last-state-change'))
task.data = self.deserialize_value_map(elem.find('data'))
internal_data_elem = elem.find('internal-data')
task.internal_data = self.deserialize_value_map(internal_data_elem)
return task

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
from .tasks import CallActivityParser

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.parser.BpmnParser import BpmnParser
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.parser.ValidationException import ValidationException
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.parser.util import xpath_eval
class SignavioBpmnParser(BpmnParser):
def add_bpmn_xml(self, bpmn, filename=None):
# signavio sometimes disconnects a BoundaryEvent from it's owning task
# They then show up as intermediateCatchEvents without any incoming
# sequence flows. Check for this case before parsing the XML.
xpath = xpath_eval(bpmn)
for catch_event in xpath('.//bpmn:intermediateCatchEvent'):
incoming = xpath('.//bpmn:sequenceFlow[@targetRef="%s"]' % catch_event.get('id'))
if not incoming:
raise ValidationException(
'Intermediate Catch Event has no incoming sequences. '
'This might be a Boundary Event that has been '
node=catch_event, filename=filename)
return super().add_bpmn_xml(bpmn, filename)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.parser.task_parsers import TaskParser
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.parser.ValidationException import ValidationException
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.parser.util import one, xpath_eval
SIGNAVIO_NS = 'http://www.signavio.com'
class CallActivityParser(TaskParser):
"""Parses a CallActivity node."""
def create_task(self):
subworkflow_spec = self.get_subprocess_spec()
return self.spec_class(
self.spec, self.get_task_spec_name(), subworkflow_spec,
description=self.node.get('name', None))
def get_subprocess_spec(self):
called_element = self.node.get('calledElement', None) or self._fix_call_activities()
parser = self.process_parser.parser.get_process_parser(called_element)
if parser is None:
raise ValidationException(
f"The process '{called_element}' was not found. Did you mean one of the following: "
f"{', '.join(self.process_parser.parser.get_process_ids())}?",
return parser.get_id()
def _fix_call_activities(self):
Signavio produces slightly invalid BPMN for call activity nodes... It
is supposed to put a reference to the id of the called process in to
the calledElement attribute. Instead it stores a string (which is the
name of the process - not its ID, in our interpretation) in an
extension tag.
signavio_meta_data = xpath_eval(self.node, extra_ns={
'signavio': SIGNAVIO_NS})(
if not signavio_meta_data:
raise ValidationException(
'No Signavio "Subprocess reference" specified.',
node=self.node, filename=self.filename)
return one(signavio_meta_data).get('metaValue')

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