
3.5 KiB

Status Account


The core concept of an account in Status is a set of cryptographic keypairs. Namely, the combination of the following:

  1. a whisper chat identity keypair
  2. a set of cryptocurrency wallet keypairs

Everything else associated with the contact is either verified or derived from the above items, including:

  • Ethereum address (future verification, currently the same base keypair)
  • 3 word mnemonic name
  • identicon
  • message signatures

1 Initial Key Generation

1.1 Public/Private Keypairs

  • An ECDSA (secp256k1 curve) public/private keypair MUST be generated via a BIP43 derived path from a BIP39 mnemonic seed phrase.
  • The default paths are defined as such:
    • Whisper Chat Key (IK): m/43'/60'/1581'/0'/0 (post Multiaccount integration)
    • DB encryption Key (DBK): m/43'/60'/1581'/1'/0 (post Multiaccount integration)
    • Status Wallet paths: m/44'/60'/0'/0'/i starting at i=0
      • following BIP44
      • NOTE: this (i=0) is also the current (and only) path for Whisper key before Multiaccount integration

1.2 X3DH Prekey bundle creation

  • Status follows the X3DH prekey bundle scheme that Open Whisper Systems outlines in their documentation with the following exceptions:
    • Because there are no central servers, we do not publish one-time keys OPK or perform DH including them.
  • A client MUST create X3DH prekey bundles, each defined by the following items:
    • Identity Key: IK
    • Signed prekey: SPK
    • Prekey signature: Sig(IK, Encode(SPK))
    • Timestamp
  • These bundles are made available in a variety of ways, as defined in section 2.1.

1.3 Register at push notification system

  • TODO: Add this.

2 Account Broadcasting

  • A user is responsible for broadcasting certain information publicly so that others may contact them.

2.1 X3DH Prekey bundles

  • A client SHOULD regenerate a new X3DH prekey bundle every 24 hours. This MAY be done in a lazy way, such that a client that does not come online past this time period does not regenerate or broadcast bundles.
  • The current bundle MUST be broadcast on a whisper topic specific to his Identity Key, {IK}-contact-code, intermittently. This MAY be done every 6 hours.
  • A bundle MUST accompany every message sent.
  • TODO: retreival of long-time offline users bundle via {IK}-contact-code

3 Optional Account additions

3.1 ENS Username

  • A user MAY register a public username on the Ethereum Name System (ENS). This username is a user-chosen subdomain of the stateofus.eth ENS registration that maps to their whisper identity key (IK).

3.2 User Chosen Name

  • An account MAY create a display name to replace the IK generated 3-word pseudonym in chat screens. This chosen display name will become part of the publicly broadcasted profile of the account.

3.3 User Profile Picture

  • An account MAY edit the IK generated identicon with a chosen picture. This picture will become part of the publicly broadcasted profile of the account.

3.4 Tribute to Talk

  • TODO - Couched until later

3.5 Wallet Accounts

  • TODO (based in multiaccount)

Security Implications