samyoul-notes/todos/2024-11 Migrating to Discuss Feature Request from Feature
2024-11-12 13:31:59 +00:00

2.8 KiB

Stage 1: Reactivating Feature Request and Staging

  • Find out who the admins for Status Discuss are
  • Be granted admin powers on Status Discuss
  • Reactivate our Feature Request functionality
    • Move the Feature Request category out of Archive
  • Upgrade our feature voting functionality to allow voting from the list
  • Ask Jo if we can downgrade our Feature Upvote account to a rolling monthly subscription.
    • This will give us more time to migrate and phase Feature Upvote out
  • Ask Jo to export our Feature Upvote data
  • Until we stop using Feature Upvote maintain the admin credentials in BitWarden
  • Perform a usability test of the new feature voting process
    • Gather feedback from a few community members / CCs to identify pain points
    • Make any minor adjustments based on feedback before launching widely

Stage 2: Migration Preparation

  • Recover exported features from Feature Upvote
    • If possible into Discourse
    • If not into GitHub issues
  • Identify all places that Feature Upvote is mentioned:
    • In the website
    • In our Discourse forum
    • In our apps
    • In our designs
  • Develop a process for ongoing feature requests within Discourse
    • Define categories/tags for feature discussions
    • Set up guidelines for community feedback and voting
    • Assign moderators
    • Train moderators on new workflows
  • Prepare comms for updating our community about the correct place to submit feature requests.

Stage 3: Migrate

  • Repoint all instances of Feature Upvote to Discourse:
    • In the website
    • In our Discourse forum
    • In our apps
    • In our designs
  • Review existing feature requests for relevance
    • Filter or merge any duplicate requests
    • Update and/or close the status of older requests, if still relevant
  • Update documentation and FAQ
    • Add a new section on how to use the upgraded feature voting functionality
    • Provide a brief overview of the decision to move from Feature Upvote to Discourse
  • Release prepared comms to community

Stage 4: Clean up

  • Remove Feature Upvote entirely
    • Export any new features discussions since the first export
    • Ensure all references to the feature upvote page are removed from our apps, site and forum.
    • Cancel our subscription to Feature Upvote
  • Schedule post-migration review meeting
    • Assess overall satisfaction and any final adjustments needed
    • Create a roadmap for any planned improvements based on feedback

Stage 5: Post-Clean up

  • Investigate integrating Discourse with other relevant platforms
    • Evaluate plugins or APIs to connect Discourse with internal systems
    • Set up notifications or summaries to keep teams informed of popular requests