Realm is a mobile database that runs directly inside phones, tablets or wearables. This repository holds the source code for Realm's JavaScript bindings for integrating with mobile apps built using ReactNative and Apache Cordova (PhoneGap).
This repository uses submodules so you need to run `git submodule update --init --recursive` in the realm-js root directory before running any examples or including the project in your app.
Make sure your environment is set up to run react native applications. Follow the instructions here
The ReactNative example project is in the `examples/ReactExample` directory. You need to run `npm install` in this directory before running the example for the first time.
- Drag `RealmReact.framework` from the `Products` directory under `RealmJS.xcodeproj` into the `Embedded Binaries` section in the `General` tab for your app's target settings. This bundles the library with your app.
- In the `Build Phases` tab for your app's target settings, add `RealmReact.framework` in the `Target Dependencies` and `Link Binary with Library` build phases.
- In your app's `package.json` file, add the `realm` dependency with a path to the `realm-js/lib` folder like this: `"realm": "file:path/to/realm-js/lib"` (symlinks are not yet supported by the React Native packager, see [issue #637](
- You can now `require('realm')` in your app's JS to use Realm!
const realm = new Realm({schema: [personSchema]});
If you'd prefer your objects inherit from a prototype, you just need to define the `schema` on the `prototype` object and instead pass in the constructor when creating a `realm`:
When creating an object, values for all properties without default values need to be specified. In the example above, since the `points` property has a default property it can be omitted.
**Note:** If an uncaught exception occurs during a write transaction, then the write transaction will rollback and all object creations, deletions and modifications will be undone.
You can see more examples of how to use these APIs in the [ReactExample]( app and in the [JS test files](
When definining object `properties` in a `schema`, each should have a unique `name`, and the `type` of each property must be defined as either the name of an object type in the same schema **or** as one of the following:
-`Realm.Types.OBJECT` (requires `objectType`, is always `optional`)
-`Realm.Types.LIST` (requires `objectType`, is never `optional`)
You _may_ specify these property options as well:
-`default`– default value when property was not specified on creation
-`optional`– boolean indicating if this property may be assigned `null` or `undefined`
-`update`– optional – boolean signaling that an existing object (matching primary key) should be updated – only the primary key property and properties which should be updated need to be specified for the `props` arguments (all missing property values will remain unchanged)