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# Changelog
## 0.6.0
- React updated to 15.2.1
- Fix input on-change events in IE11
## 0.6.0-rc
- React updated to 15.1.0
- Symbols and keywords are now allowed in Hiccup content. They are converted using `name`.
- Any object hat satisfies IPrintWithWriter is also allowed, and is converted using `pr-str`.
- Bug fixes, improved error handling/reporting, and lots of testing.
## 0.6.0-alpha
### Breaking changes
- Reagent now depends on `cljsjs/react-dom` and `cljsjs/react-dom-server`, rather than on `cljsjs/react` directly.
- Reactions are now asynchronous, just like Reagent components. `flush` forces outstanding reactions to run.
- Reactions now only trigger updates of dependent components if their value change, as reported by `=` (previously, `identical?` was used).
- The macros `.'` and `.!` in `reagent.interop` have been renamed to `$` and `$!` respectively.
### News
- React updated to 0.14.3
- Added `reagent.dom` and `reagent.dom.server` namespaces, corresponding to new React packages.
- `create-class` now returns a normal React class, that can be used directly from javascript.
- Add `track`: turns a function call into a reactive value.
- Add `track!`: eager version of `track`.
- Add `dispose!`: stop the derefable returned by `track!` from updating.
- Add `with-let` macro: simpler handling of lifecycle in components and reactions.
- Add `rswap!`: works like `swap!`, except that recursive calls are allowed, and they always return nil.
- `cursor` now shares state between all instances corresponding to a given set of parameters.
- `next-tick` now evokes its argument function at a clearly defined time (immediately before rendering, which is in turn triggered using requestAnimationFrame).
- `after-update` is a new function, similar to `next-tick`, except that the function is evoked immediately after rendering.
- Support `[:> nativeComp {:foo "bar"}]`
- Reagent now falls back to using `require` if global `React` is undefined, to simplify use with e.g webpack and node.js.
## 0.5.1
- React updated to 0.13.3
- Deprecate calling the result of `create-class` as a function (i.e always use hiccup forms to call Reagent components).
- Hiccup syntax has been extended to allow nested elements to be defined using '>' as part of the keyword name.
- Add `force-update` for completeness.
- Try harder to maintain cursor position in inputs.
- Simplify examples, taking advantage of new figwheel.
- Better warnings and error messages.
## 0.5.0
- React updated to 0.12.2
- Reagent no longer bundles React. Instead it uses cljsjs/react as a dependency. This means that you should no longer specify React in `:preamble` in your project.clj.
- ClojureScript 0.0-2816 or later is required.
- `adapt-react-class` makes it easier to use "native" React components with Reagent.
- `reactify-component` makes it easier to use Reagent components in JSX.
- `cursor` is re-written, to be more efficient and flexible.
- `render` now forces a deep update of all components, to make it more convenient to use with e.g. figwheel.
- Renamed `as-component` to `as-element`, to match React's new terminology better (old name still works, though, for backward compatiblity).
- Stop wrapping native components. This reduces the number of components created a lot, and can speed up some things substantially (especially render-to-string, that is not bound by browser performance). This is made possible by a new way of keeping track of which order to re-render dirty components.
- Added `create-element` to make it easier to embed native React
components in Reagent ones.
- Arguments to components are now compared using simple `=`, instead of the old, rather complicated heuristics. **NOTE**: This means all arguments to a component function must be comparable with `=` (which means that they cannot be for example infinite `seq`s).
- Reagent now creates all React components using `React.createElement` (required for React 0.12).
- `render-component` is now render, and `render-component-to-string` is `render-to-string`, in order to match React 0.12 (but the old names still work).
- Add `render-to-static-markup`. This works exactly like `render-to-string`, except that it doesn't produce `data-react-id` etc.
- `create-class` now takes a Reagent-style render function (i.e with the same arguments you pass to the component), called `:reagent-render`.
## 0.4.3
- React updated to 0.11.2
- Add reagent.core/cursor
- Add javascript interop macros .' and .!
- Add force-update-all to make LightTable integration easier
- Some performance optimizations
## 0.4.2
- Allow multi-methods as component functions.
- Tweak performance by avoiding `clojure.core/memoize`.
- Bugfix: Allow on-change handler on controlled inputs to keep value unchanged.
## 0.4.1
- Made Reagent compatible with ClojureScript 0.0-2173. `reagent.core/atom` now implements the necessary IAtom, ISwap and IReset protocols. Reagent should still be compatible with older ClojureScript versions, but you will get a lot of compilation warnings.
## 0.4.0
- Breaking change: Component functions can get arbitrary arguments, and not just vectors and maps. This is a breaking change, but behaviour is unchanged if you pass a map as the first argument (as in all the examples in the old documentation).
- React updated to 0.9.0.
- You can now use any object that satisfies `ifn?` as a component function, and not just plain functions. That includes functions defined with deftype, defrecord, etc, as well as collections like maps.
- `reagent.core/set-state` and `reagent.core/replace-state` are now implemented using a `reagent.core/atom`, and are consequently async.
- Keys associated with items in a seq (e.g ”dynamic children” in React parlance) can now be specified with meta-data, as well as with a `:key` item in the first parameter as before. In other words, these two forms are now equivalent: `^{:key foo} [:li bar]` and `[:li {:key foo} bar]`.
- Performance has been improved. For example, there is now practically no overhead for tracking derefs in components that don’t use atoms. Allocations and memory use have also been reduced.
- Intro and examples have been tweaked a little to take advantage of the new calling conventions.
## 0.3.0
- Changes in application state are now rendered asynchronously, using requestAnimationFrame.
- Reagent now does proper batching of updates corresponding to changed atoms, i.e parents are rendered before children, and children are only re-rendered once.
- Add `reagent.core/flush` to render changes immediately.
- Bugfix: Allow dynamic id with hiccup-style class names.
## 0.2.1
- Bugfix: allow data-* and aria-* attributes to be passed through unchanged.
## 0.2.0
- Rename Cloact to Reagent, due to popular disgust with the old name...