2018-04-03 11:04:46 +03:00

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Raw Blame History




  • Reagent documentation is now maintained as part of the repository, in docs folder.
  • Default to React 16
  • Apply vector metadata to the outermost element when using nesting shorthard (#262)
  • Add :<> shorthand for React Fragments (#352])
  • Fix :class property with custom elements (#322)

0.8.0-alpha2 (2017-10-20)


  • Reagent still uses React 15 by default, but tests are now running and pass with React 16
  • :class property now supports collections of strings (#154)
  • Support for marking React components as synthetic-input, which will fix problems with cursor jumping around (#282)
    • Helps with e.g. Material-UI TextField
  • Added IWithMeta to RAtom (#314)

0.8.0-alpha1 (2017-07-31)


BREAKING: Requires ClojureScript version 1.9.854

This version changes how Reagent depends on React. New ClojureScript improves support for npm packages and also improves the way code can refer to objects from foreign-libs, making the transition from foreign libs, like Cljsjs packages, to npm easy: global exports

Previously Reagent required foreign-lib namespace cljsjs.react and a few others. This worked well when using Cljsjs React package, but in other environments, like Node, React-native and when using npm packages, users had to exclude Cljsjs packages and create empty files providing these cljsjs.* namespaces.

With global-exports, foreign-libs can be used like they were real namespaces:

(ns ... (:require [react-dom :as react-dom]))

(react-dom/render ...)

The same code will in all the environments, and is compiled different based on compile target and on how the dependency is provided. When targeting browser and using foreign libs, ClojureScript compiler uses the :global-exports definition to resolve the function from global JS var:

var a = window.ReactDOM;

When targeting browser but using node_modules with Closure module processing, the CommonJS (or ES6) module is converted to a Closure module, named by module$ and the path of the file, and the generated code is same as if this was a Cljs or Closure module:


Then targeting NodeJS the object is retrieved using require call:

var a = require("react-dom");

This change requires use of ClojureScript 1.9.854, using the latest Cljsjs React packages (15.6.1-1), and it is not yet sure how well other React libraries work with these changes, or how this will work with React-native. Currently it looks like all the Cljsjs React libraries need to be updated to use require react instead of cljsjs.react, as the foreign-lib namespace was renamed to match the npm package.

React-with-addons bundle has been deprecated and Cljsjs no longer provides new versions of that package. The latest React-with-addons version won't work with Reagent 0.8. For animation utils use react-transition-group package instead. React-dom/test-utils and react-addons-perf are not currently packaged as browserified files, so their use would require Webpack, or they might work with Closure module processing (TODO: Provide example).

Read 0.8 upgrade guide for more information.

Which libraries work together with Reagent 0.8:

JS library type Foreign library (Cljsjs) Node module
Library updated to require react, react-dom names Yes Yes
Library requiring cljsjs.react and cljsjs.react.dom names Yes No

Examples of libraries not yet updated: Devcards, Sablono. These will for now only work when using Cljsjs React.

0.7.0 (2017-06-27)


  • Fixed a warning with recent ClojureScript (1.9.660+) versions about a variadic method signature in reagent/impl/util.cljs.
    • reagent.core/partial and wrap used a bad deftype (#303)
  • React updated to 15.5.4 (#292)
    • Uses create-react-class instead of deprecated React.createClass
    • Reagent has now dependency on cljsjs/create-react-class, if you are using other methods to provide React, you need to exclude this Cljsjs dependency and provide the library yourself.
  • Self-host compatibility (#283)
    • Removed deprecated reagent.interop/.' and reagent.interop/.! macros
  • Improved assert messages all around (#301).

0.6.2 (2017-05-19)


0.6.1 (2017-03-10)


  • Fix :ref on inputs (#259)
  • React updated to 15.4.0 (#275, #276)
  • BREAKING: reagent.core no longer provides render-to-string or render-to-static-markup functions
    • reagent.dom.server includes the same functions
    • This is due to change in React packaging, including React-dom-server would increase the file size considerably, so now it is only included when reagent.dom.server is used


  • React updated to 15.2.1

  • Fix input on-change events in IE11


  • React updated to 15.1.0

  • Symbols and keywords are now allowed in Hiccup content. They are converted using name.

  • Any object hat satisfies IPrintWithWriter is also allowed, and is converted using pr-str.

  • Bug fixes, improved error handling/reporting, and lots of testing.


Breaking changes

  • Reagent now depends on cljsjs/react-dom and cljsjs/react-dom-server, rather than on cljsjs/react directly.

  • Reactions are now asynchronous, just like Reagent components. flush forces outstanding reactions to run.

  • Reactions now only trigger updates of dependent components if their value change, as reported by = (previously, identical? was used).

  • The macros .' and .! in reagent.interop have been renamed to $ and $! respectively.


  • React updated to 0.14.3

  • Added reagent.dom and reagent.dom.server namespaces, corresponding to new React packages.

  • create-class now returns a normal React class, that can be used directly from javascript.

  • Add track: turns a function call into a reactive value.

  • Add track!: eager version of track.

  • Add dispose!: stop the derefable returned by track! from updating.

  • Add with-let macro: simpler handling of lifecycle in components and reactions.

  • Add rswap!: works like swap!, except that recursive calls are allowed, and they always return nil.

  • cursor now shares state between all instances corresponding to a given set of parameters.

  • next-tick now evokes its argument function at a clearly defined time (immediately before rendering, which is in turn triggered using requestAnimationFrame).

  • after-update is a new function, similar to next-tick, except that the function is evoked immediately after rendering.

  • Support [:> nativeComp {:foo "bar"}]

  • Reagent now falls back to using require if global React is undefined, to simplify use with e.g webpack and node.js.


  • React updated to 0.13.3

  • Deprecate calling the result of create-class as a function (i.e always use hiccup forms to call Reagent components).

  • Hiccup syntax has been extended to allow nested elements to be defined using '>' as part of the keyword name.

  • Add force-update for completeness.

  • Try harder to maintain cursor position in inputs.

  • Simplify examples, taking advantage of new figwheel.

  • Better warnings and error messages.


  • React updated to 0.12.2

  • Reagent no longer bundles React. Instead it uses cljsjs/react as a dependency. This means that you should no longer specify React in :preamble in your project.clj.

  • ClojureScript 0.0-2816 or later is required.

  • adapt-react-class makes it easier to use "native" React components with Reagent.

  • reactify-component makes it easier to use Reagent components in JSX.

  • cursor is re-written, to be more efficient and flexible.

  • render now forces a deep update of all components, to make it more convenient to use with e.g. figwheel.

  • Renamed as-component to as-element, to match React's new terminology better (old name still works, though, for backward compatiblity).

  • Stop wrapping native components. This reduces the number of components created a lot, and can speed up some things substantially (especially render-to-string, that is not bound by browser performance). This is made possible by a new way of keeping track of which order to re-render dirty components.

  • Added create-element to make it easier to embed native React components in Reagent ones.

  • Arguments to components are now compared using simple =, instead of the old, rather complicated heuristics. NOTE: This means all arguments to a component function must be comparable with = (which means that they cannot be for example infinite seqs).

  • Reagent now creates all React components using React.createElement (required for React 0.12).

  • render-component is now render, and render-component-to-string is render-to-string, in order to match React 0.12 (but the old names still work).

  • Add render-to-static-markup. This works exactly like render-to-string, except that it doesn't produce data-react-id etc.

  • create-class now takes a Reagent-style render function (i.e with the same arguments you pass to the component), called :reagent-render.


  • React updated to 0.11.2

  • Add reagent.core/cursor

  • Add javascript interop macros .' and .!

  • Add force-update-all to make LightTable integration easier

  • Some performance optimizations


  • Allow multi-methods as component functions.

  • Tweak performance by avoiding clojure.core/memoize.

  • Bugfix: Allow on-change handler on controlled inputs to keep value unchanged.


  • Made Reagent compatible with ClojureScript 0.0-2173. reagent.core/atom now implements the necessary IAtom, ISwap and IReset protocols. Reagent should still be compatible with older ClojureScript versions, but you will get a lot of compilation warnings.


  • Breaking change: Component functions can get arbitrary arguments, and not just vectors and maps. This is a breaking change, but behaviour is unchanged if you pass a map as the first argument (as in all the examples in the old documentation).

  • React updated to 0.9.0.

  • You can now use any object that satisfies ifn? as a component function, and not just plain functions. That includes functions defined with deftype, defrecord, etc, as well as collections like maps.

  • reagent.core/set-state and reagent.core/replace-state are now implemented using a reagent.core/atom, and are consequently async.

  • Keys associated with items in a seq (e.g ”dynamic children” in React parlance) can now be specified with meta-data, as well as with a :key item in the first parameter as before. In other words, these two forms are now equivalent: ^{:key foo} [:li bar] and [:li {:key foo} bar].

  • Performance has been improved. For example, there is now practically no overhead for tracking derefs in components that dont use atoms. Allocations and memory use have also been reduced.

  • Intro and examples have been tweaked a little to take advantage of the new calling conventions.


  • Changes in application state are now rendered asynchronously, using requestAnimationFrame.

  • Reagent now does proper batching of updates corresponding to changed atoms, i.e parents are rendered before children, and children are only re-rendered once.

  • Add reagent.core/flush to render changes immediately.

  • Bugfix: Allow dynamic id with hiccup-style class names.


  • Bugfix: allow data-* and aria-* attributes to be passed through unchanged.


  • Rename Cloact to Reagent, due to popular disgust with the old name...