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synced 2025-02-19 07:17:22 +00:00
Introduce set-state, replace-state and state functions instead. Since we already have our own atom, it doesn't make any sense to duplicate functionality. Also, the implementation was necessarily very messy, and fragile.
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118 lines
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# Cloact
A simple [ClojureScript](http://github.com/clojure/clojurescript) interface to [React](http://facebook.github.io/react/).
Cloact provides a way to write efficient React components using (almost) nothing but plain ClojureScript functions.
To use Cloact you just add this to your `project.clj`:
[cloact "0.0.3"]
## Examples
Cloact uses [Hiccup-like](https://github.com/weavejester/hiccup) markup instead of React's sort-of html. It looks like this:
(defn some-component []
[:h3 "I am a component!"]
"I have " [:strong "bold"]
[:span {:style {:color "red"}} " and red"]
" text."]])
You can use one component inside another:
(defn calling-component []
[:div "Parent component"
And pass properties from one component to another:
(defn child [props]
[:p "Hi, I am "
(:name props)])
(defn childcaller []
[child {:name "Foo"}])
You mount the component into the DOM like this:
(defn mountit []
(cloact/render-component [childcaller]
(.-body js/document)))
assuming we have imported Cloact like this:
(ns example
(:require [cloact.core :as cloact :refer [atom]]))
State is handled using Cloact's version of `atom`, like this:
(def click-count (atom 0))
(defn state-ful-with-atom []
[:div {:on-click #(swap! click-count inc)}
"I have been clicked " @click-count " times."])
Any component that dereferences a `cloact.core/atom` will be automatically re-rendered.
If you want do some setting up when the component is first created, the component function can return a new function that will be called to do the actual rendering:
(defn timer-component []
(let [seconds-elapsed (atom 0)]
(fn []
(js/setTimeout #(swap! seconds-elapsed inc) 1000)
"Seconds Elapsed: " @seconds-elapsed])))
This way you can avoid using React's lifecycle callbacks like `getInitialState` and `componentWillMount` most of the time.
But you can still use them if you want to, either using `cloact.core/create-class` or by attaching meta-data to a component function:
(def my-html (atom ""))
(defn plain-component [props this]
[:p "My html is " @my-html])
(def component-with-callback
(with-meta plain-component
(fn [this]
(reset! my-html (.-innerHTML (cloact/dom-node this))))}))
See the examples directory for more examples.
## Performance
React is pretty darn fast, and so is Cloact. It should even be faster than plain old javascript React a lot of the time, since ClojureScript allows us to skip a lot of unnecessary rendering (through judicious use of React's `shouldComponentUpdate`).
The ClojureScript overhead is kept down, thanks to lots of caching.
Code size is a little bigger than React.js, but still quite small. The todomvc example clocks in at roughly 56K gzipped, using advanced compilation.
## About
The idea and some of the code for making components atom-like comes from [pump](https://github.com/piranha/pump). The reactive-atom idea (and some code) comes from [reflex](https://github.com/lynaghk/reflex).
The license is MIT.