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0.8 Upgrade guide

The necessary changes depend on what environment you target, and how you want to provide React.

Build Browser Node
Cljsjs :none Supported Requires Cljs 1.10.145+
Cljsjs :advanced Supported Requires Cljs 1.10.145+
node modules :none Supported Supported
node modules :advanced Supported Partially supported
(ReactDOM/server currently broken)

Browser - Cljsjs

Using Reagent with Cljsjs packages doesn't require changes, other than making sure you update Cljsjs React dependencies, if you have direct dependencies to them.

Browser - node modules

If react, react-dom and create-react-class are available in node_modules directory, ClojureScript compiler will use these with Reagent. To disable this by adding :npm-deps false compiler option.

If you don't want to call npm and manage package.json, you can use :npm-deps and :install-deps compiler options to install the packages automatically.

You can use :process-shim compiler option to provide process.env.NODE_ENV constant which is used by JS code to enable development and production builds. ClojureScript compiler will automatically set this constant to production value when using :advanced optimizations. This enables the React production build.

Browser - loading React from CDNJS or custom Webpack bundle

TODO: Not tested properly

If you want to load React.js yourself from external JS file (CDN) or from custom bundle, it should be possible to override the Cljsjs foreign-libs, while still using externs from Cljsjs packages. To override the foreign-libs, you can provide following compiler option:

 [{:file "empty.js",
   :provides ["react" "react-dom" "create-react-class" "react-dom/server"],
   :requires [],
   :global-exports {react React
                    react-dom ReactDOM
                    create-react-class createReactClass
                    react-dom/server ReactDOMServer}}]

You'll also need to create the mentioned empty.js file (FIXME: relative to project.clj?).

If your bundle provides other libraries, you could extern :provides and :global-exports (e.g. prop-types).

NodeJS - Cljsjs

Requires f7d611d87f

Available in 1.0.46+

Reagent should use Cljsjs libraries by default even when running on Node.

NodeJS - node modules

Install react, react-dom and create-react-class npm packages, and ClojureScript should automatically use require to load React for Reagent.




Common Problems

Mismatch with Cljsjs and npm packages

If you have one npm package installed, e.g. react, you also need to provide others (react-dom and create-react-class), else Cljsjs packages would be used for these, and packages from different sources don't work together.