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synced 2025-02-04 13:44:04 +00:00
Summary: Finally, a place where `Button` is properly introduced. This is based on the old Handling Touches guide, which has been simplified (with some content moved over to the scroll views tutorial). I've also updated the ordering of the guides into something that makes more sense to someone just getting started with React Native. Closes https://github.com/facebook/react-native/pull/14371 Differential Revision: D5201127 Pulled By: hramos fbshipit-source-id: 819192e2db9febb8a315f51693dae557752b6002
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id | title | layout | category | permalink | next | previous |
colors | Color Reference | docs | Guides | docs/colors.html | integration-with-existing-apps | direct-manipulation |
Components in React Native are styled using JavaScript. Color properties usually match how CSS works on the web.
React Native supports rgb()
and rgba()
in both hexadecimal and functional notation:
(#rgb) -
(#rrggbb) -
'rgb(255, 0, 255)'
'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)'
(#rgba) -
and hsla()
is supported in functional notation:
'hsl(360, 100%, 100%)'
'hsla(360, 100%, 100%, 1.0)'
This is a shortcut for rgba(0,0,0,0)
Named colors
You can also use color names as values. React Native follows the CSS3 specification:
- aliceblue (#f0f8ff)
- antiquewhite (#faebd7)
- aqua (#00ffff)
- aquamarine (#7fffd4)
- azure (#f0ffff)
- beige (#f5f5dc)
- bisque (#ffe4c4)
- black (#000000)
- blanchedalmond (#ffebcd)
- blue (#0000ff)
- blueviolet (#8a2be2)
- brown (#a52a2a)
- burlywood (#deb887)
- cadetblue (#5f9ea0)
- chartreuse (#7fff00)
- chocolate (#d2691e)
- coral (#ff7f50)
- cornflowerblue (#6495ed)
- cornsilk (#fff8dc)
- crimson (#dc143c)
- cyan (#00ffff)
- darkblue (#00008b)
- darkcyan (#008b8b)
- darkgoldenrod (#b8860b)
- darkgray (#a9a9a9)
- darkgreen (#006400)
- darkgrey (#a9a9a9)
- darkkhaki (#bdb76b)
- darkmagenta (#8b008b)
- darkolivegreen (#556b2f)
- darkorange (#ff8c00)
- darkorchid (#9932cc)
- darkred (#8b0000)
- darksalmon (#e9967a)
- darkseagreen (#8fbc8f)
- darkslateblue (#483d8b)
- darkslategrey (#2f4f4f)
- darkturquoise (#00ced1)
- darkviolet (#9400d3)
- deeppink (#ff1493)
- deepskyblue (#00bfff)
- dimgray (#696969)
- dimgrey (#696969)
- dodgerblue (#1e90ff)
- firebrick (#b22222)
- floralwhite (#fffaf0)
- forestgreen (#228b22)
- fuchsia (#ff00ff)
- gainsboro (#dcdcdc)
- ghostwhite (#f8f8ff)
- gold (#ffd700)
- goldenrod (#daa520)
- gray (#808080)
- green (#008000)
- greenyellow (#adff2f)
- grey (#808080)
- honeydew (#f0fff0)
- hotpink (#ff69b4)
- indianred (#cd5c5c)
- indigo (#4b0082)
- ivory (#fffff0)
- khaki (#f0e68c)
- lavender (#e6e6fa)
- lavenderblush (#fff0f5)
- lawngreen (#7cfc00)
- lemonchiffon (#fffacd)
- lightblue (#add8e6)
- lightcoral (#f08080)
- lightcyan (#e0ffff)
- lightgoldenrodyellow (#fafad2)
- lightgray (#d3d3d3)
- lightgreen (#90ee90)
- lightgrey (#d3d3d3)
- lightpink (#ffb6c1)
- lightsalmon (#ffa07a)
- lightseagreen (#20b2aa)
- lightskyblue (#87cefa)
- lightslategrey (#778899)
- lightsteelblue (#b0c4de)
- lightyellow (#ffffe0)
- lime (#00ff00)
- limegreen (#32cd32)
- linen (#faf0e6)
- magenta (#ff00ff)
- maroon (#800000)
- mediumaquamarine (#66cdaa)
- mediumblue (#0000cd)
- mediumorchid (#ba55d3)
- mediumpurple (#9370db)
- mediumseagreen (#3cb371)
- mediumslateblue (#7b68ee)
- mediumspringgreen (#00fa9a)
- mediumturquoise (#48d1cc)
- mediumvioletred (#c71585)
- midnightblue (#191970)
- mintcream (#f5fffa)
- mistyrose (#ffe4e1)
- moccasin (#ffe4b5)
- navajowhite (#ffdead)
- navy (#000080)
- oldlace (#fdf5e6)
- olive (#808000)
- olivedrab (#6b8e23)
- orange (#ffa500)
- orangered (#ff4500)
- orchid (#da70d6)
- palegoldenrod (#eee8aa)
- palegreen (#98fb98)
- paleturquoise (#afeeee)
- palevioletred (#db7093)
- papayawhip (#ffefd5)
- peachpuff (#ffdab9)
- peru (#cd853f)
- pink (#ffc0cb)
- plum (#dda0dd)
- powderblue (#b0e0e6)
- purple (#800080)
- rebeccapurple (#663399)
- red (#ff0000)
- rosybrown (#bc8f8f)
- royalblue (#4169e1)
- saddlebrown (#8b4513)
- salmon (#fa8072)
- sandybrown (#f4a460)
- seagreen (#2e8b57)
- seashell (#fff5ee)
- sienna (#a0522d)
- silver (#c0c0c0)
- skyblue (#87ceeb)
- slateblue (#6a5acd)
- slategray (#708090)
- snow (#fffafa)
- springgreen (#00ff7f)
- steelblue (#4682b4)
- tan (#d2b48c)
- teal (#008080)
- thistle (#d8bfd8)
- tomato (#ff6347)
- turquoise (#40e0d0)
- violet (#ee82ee)
- wheat (#f5deb3)
- white (#ffffff)
- whitesmoke (#f5f5f5)
- yellow (#ffff00)
- yellowgreen (#9acd32)