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colors | Colors | docs | Guides | docs/colors.html | platform-specific-code | images |
Components in React Native are styled using JavaScript. Color properties usually match how CSS works on the web.
React Native supports rgb()
and rgba()
in both hexadecimal and functional notation:
(#rgb) -
(#rrggbb) -
'rgb(255, 0, 255)'
'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)'
(#rgba) -
and hsla()
is supported in functional notation:
'hsl(360, 100%, 100%)'
'hsla(360, 100%, 100%, 1.0)'
This is a shortcut for rgba(0,0,0,0)
Named colors
You can also use color names as values. React Native follows the CSS3 specification:
- aliceblue (#f0f8ff)
- antiquewhite (#faebd7)
- aqua (#00ffff)
- aquamarine (#7fffd4)
- azure (#f0ffff)
- beige (#f5f5dc)
- bisque (#ffe4c4)
- black (#000000)
- blanchedalmond (#ffebcd)
- blue (#0000ff)
- blueviolet (#8a2be2)
- brown (#a52a2a)
- burlywood (#deb887)
- cadetblue (#5f9ea0)
- chartreuse (#7fff00)
- chocolate (#d2691e)
- coral (#ff7f50)
- cornflowerblue (#6495ed)
- cornsilk (#fff8dc)
- crimson (#dc143c)
- cyan (#00ffff)
- darkblue (#00008b)
- darkcyan (#008b8b)
- darkgoldenrod (#b8860b)
- darkgray (#a9a9a9)
- darkgreen (#006400)
- darkgrey (#a9a9a9)
- darkkhaki (#bdb76b)
- darkmagenta (#8b008b)
- darkolivegreen (#556b2f)
- darkorange (#ff8c00)
- darkorchid (#9932cc)
- darkred (#8b0000)
- darksalmon (#e9967a)
- darkseagreen (#8fbc8f)
- darkslateblue (#483d8b)
- darkslategrey (#2f4f4f)
- darkturquoise (#00ced1)
- darkviolet (#9400d3)
- deeppink (#ff1493)
- deepskyblue (#00bfff)
- dimgray (#696969)
- dimgrey (#696969)
- dodgerblue (#1e90ff)
- firebrick (#b22222)
- floralwhite (#fffaf0)
- forestgreen (#228b22)
- fuchsia (#ff00ff)
- gainsboro (#dcdcdc)
- ghostwhite (#f8f8ff)
- gold (#ffd700)
- goldenrod (#daa520)
- gray (#808080)
- green (#008000)
- greenyellow (#adff2f)
- grey (#808080)
- honeydew (#f0fff0)
- hotpink (#ff69b4)
- indianred (#cd5c5c)
- indigo (#4b0082)
- ivory (#fffff0)
- khaki (#f0e68c)
- lavender (#e6e6fa)
- lavenderblush (#fff0f5)
- lawngreen (#7cfc00)
- lemonchiffon (#fffacd)
- lightblue (#add8e6)
- lightcoral (#f08080)
- lightcyan (#e0ffff)
- lightgoldenrodyellow (#fafad2)
- lightgray (#d3d3d3)
- lightgreen (#90ee90)
- lightgrey (#d3d3d3)
- lightpink (#ffb6c1)
- lightsalmon (#ffa07a)
- lightseagreen (#20b2aa)
- lightskyblue (#87cefa)
- lightslategrey (#778899)
- lightsteelblue (#b0c4de)
- lightyellow (#ffffe0)
- lime (#00ff00)
- limegreen (#32cd32)
- linen (#faf0e6)
- magenta (#ff00ff)
- maroon (#800000)
- mediumaquamarine (#66cdaa)
- mediumblue (#0000cd)
- mediumorchid (#ba55d3)
- mediumpurple (#9370db)
- mediumseagreen (#3cb371)
- mediumslateblue (#7b68ee)
- mediumspringgreen (#00fa9a)
- mediumturquoise (#48d1cc)
- mediumvioletred (#c71585)
- midnightblue (#191970)
- mintcream (#f5fffa)
- mistyrose (#ffe4e1)
- moccasin (#ffe4b5)
- navajowhite (#ffdead)
- navy (#000080)
- oldlace (#fdf5e6)
- olive (#808000)
- olivedrab (#6b8e23)
- orange (#ffa500)
- orangered (#ff4500)
- orchid (#da70d6)
- palegoldenrod (#eee8aa)
- palegreen (#98fb98)
- paleturquoise (#afeeee)
- palevioletred (#db7093)
- papayawhip (#ffefd5)
- peachpuff (#ffdab9)
- peru (#cd853f)
- pink (#ffc0cb)
- plum (#dda0dd)
- powderblue (#b0e0e6)
- purple (#800080)
- rebeccapurple (#663399)
- red (#ff0000)
- rosybrown (#bc8f8f)
- royalblue (#4169e1)
- saddlebrown (#8b4513)
- salmon (#fa8072)
- sandybrown (#f4a460)
- seagreen (#2e8b57)
- seashell (#fff5ee)
- sienna (#a0522d)
- silver (#c0c0c0)
- skyblue (#87ceeb)
- slateblue (#6a5acd)
- slategray (#708090)
- snow (#fffafa)
- springgreen (#00ff7f)
- steelblue (#4682b4)
- tan (#d2b48c)
- teal (#008080)
- thistle (#d8bfd8)
- tomato (#ff6347)
- turquoise (#40e0d0)
- violet (#ee82ee)
- wheat (#f5deb3)
- white (#ffffff)
- whitesmoke (#f5f5f5)
- yellow (#ffff00)
- yellowgreen (#9acd32)