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💬 Question | For questions about using React Native in your app. |
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We use GitHub Issues exclusively for tracking bugs in React Native. If you need help with your React Native app, the right place to go depends on the type of help that you need.
Stack Overflow
Many members of the community use Stack Overflow to ask questions. Read through the existing questions tagged with react-native or ask your own!
Discussion Forum
For longer-form conversations about React Native, we’ve set up a discussion forum at discuss.reactjs.org. This forum is a great place for discussion about best practices and application architecture as well as the future of React Native. If you have an answerable code-level question, please post it to Stack Overflow instead.
Reactiflux Chat
If you need an answer right away, check out the Reactiflux Discord community. There are usually a number of React Native experts there who can help out or point you to somewhere you might want to look.