Supports `onLayout` for Touchable*` by piping onLayout
through to the native component inside since only native components support
it by default.
Now that UITextViews have a delegate, they consume the "tap to scroll to top" gesture. This diff restores the original behavior of letting the top-level scroll view (if any) scroll to top instead.
I tried exposing scrollsToTop as a prop and was semi-successful in that I could turn scroll-to-top on and off for the top-level scroll view scroll, but the text view itself would never scroll to top. So instead of exposing it as a prop, this diff sets scrollsToTop always to NO, which is how TextInput behaved previously.
Github Author: James Ide <>
1) Makes params more intuitive (only one now, bounciness, which maps intuitively to number of oscillations).
2) Satisfies boundary conditions (f(0) = 0, f(1) = 1) so animation actually goes where you tell it (before it would finish at a random location depending on the input params).
3) Simple test to verify boundary conditions.
This will throw an error message with the problematic callback module/method. Previously we would get an invariant in this case when we try to access `callback.apply` later in the method.
TabBarItemIOS supports setting the scale for base64-encoded images using an optional scale parameter, however this was broken due to the JS code only passing the uri, not the whole source object, to the native side.
We want to be able to access the touch data within our components' event handlers, so we need to thread the event object all the way through to them.
require('./image.jpg') returns a number and therefore the propType is wrong. Adding it to the propType to fix the warning and dealing with flow which is completely broken for this.
The test runner relied on checking the current error message in the RCTRedbox, which is a singleton (yay, shared mutable state!). This lead to some tests that worked individually but failed when run together due to error messages in RCTRedBox left over from previous tests.
I've replaced the call to -[RCTRedBox currentErrorMessage] by injecting a custom logging function to intercept the errors at source, which is a much more reliable solution.
There's no good reason for initialProperties to be mutable after the RCTRootView has been created. Passing it in through the constructor means we can skip one dispatch_async.