2019-05-23 14:42:33 +03:00

262 lines
8.8 KiB

# Usage
You need to import Keycard object to interact with the card:
import Keycard from "react-native-status-keycard";
### Listen to keycard connect/disconnect events
import { DeviceEventEmitter } from 'react-native';
// Listen to connect/disconnect events
componentDidMount () {
DeviceEventEmitter.addListener("keyCardOnConnected", () => console.log("keycard connected"));
DeviceEventEmitter.addListener("keyCardOnDisconnected", () => console.log("keycard disconnected"));
### Errors
Library uses Promises for method calls, use `.catch` to get the error object.
Keycard.init("123456").then(info => console.log(info)).catch(error => console.log(error))
Error object example:
{"code": "EUNSPECIFIED",
"error": "Tag was lost."}
### Check NFC support on device
// Check if NFC is supported by device
Keycard.nfcIsSupported().then(isSupported => isSupported ? console.log("NFC is supported") : console.log("NFC is not supported"));
// Check if NFC is enabled on device
Keycard.nfcIsEnabled().then(isEnabled => isEnabled ? console.log("NFC is enabled") : console.log("NFC is not enabled"));
// Open device NFC settings
### Get keycard information
// If keycard was not paired before, use empty string as pairing
Keycard.getApplicationInfo("").then(info => console.log(info));
// If keycard is paired, use pairing key
const pairing = "AFFdkP01GywuaJRQkGDq+OyPHBE9nECEDDCfXhpfaxlo";
Keycard.getApplicationInfo(pairing).then(info => console.log(info));
Returns object like this:
{"free-pairing-slots": 2,
"app-version": "2.1",
"secure-channel-pub-key": "042bd559a6eb5843491f79150ccba6bcc04c5b6691079f7c7a0e2eea659960db1df67079b27fdf5df56a1092029a157c0dce7000af4d7c4c1131421623c0150d1c",
"instance-uid": "21c0ce19aa9a26efc02fd32078c08527",
"key-uid": "a88d46499e5690c6ad637e243e83cf51be3e2c67e48324b2b2def3e6a0492576",
"has-master-key?": false,
"paired?": false,
"initialized?": true}
`instance-uid` The instance UID of the applet. This ID never changes for the lifetime of the applet.
`key-uid` The UID of the master key on this card. Changes every time a different master key is stored. It has zero length if no key is on the card.
## Setup keycard
### Initialize the card
const pin = "123456";
Keycard.init(pin).then(secrets => console.log(secrets));
`secrets` object contains PIN, PUK and Pairing password. You will need password to pair the card to device.
{"pin": "123456",
"puk": "123456123456",
"password": "/xzPt+rEWVN3sMc5"}
### Pair
Pairs keycard to device.
Use password you get after keycard initialization (using `init`):
const password = "/xzPt+rEWVN3sMc5";
Keycard.pair(password).then(pairing => console.log(pairing));
`pairing` object contains pairing key as base64 string.
You will need pairing key to open secure channel for most keycard operations. More info on pairing https://status.im/keycard_api/sdk_securechannel.html
### Generate mnemonic phrase
const pairing = "AFFdkP01GywuaJRQkGDq+OyPHBE9nECEDDCfXhpfaxlo";
const words = "abandon\nability\nable\nabout\n..." // bip 39 words separated by new line
Keycard.generateMnemonic(pairing, words).then(mnemonic => console.log(mnemonic));
`mnemonic` is a string of 12 words separated by space:
"sure more foil soon pretty guilt run rail biology fine obey outside"
BIP39 words can be found here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bitcoin/bips/master/bip-0039/english.txt
### Generate and load master key
const pairing = "AFFdkP01GywuaJRQkGDq+OyPHBE9nECEDDCfXhpfaxlo";
const pin = "123456";
const mnemonic = "sure more foil soon pretty guilt run rail biology fine obey outside";
Keycard.generateAndLoadKey(mnemonic, pairing, pin).then(data => console.log(data));
`data` object returned:
{"wallet-address": "9726cbc67d170307dd80af6416ebe844e7b8eb1c",
"whisper-address": "438e576b638bff08b2872dd708cf0240811d79af",
"whisper-public-key": "04add221cb97dde8afbf3be27b0bfb3b6842071cb1052abfc3c34d45eba944dc10dcba5d4823fe69148ae17b12ed459237124365c2f46c2b46be9537ce6efa93c8",
"whisper-private-key": "073d77b952b3b92ba66947df53d03b23bc4cc8cf10cbba1060fe25a569c8ee6b",
"encryption-public-key": "04d36d64bea374b917bc097646cb4e81061c7b0ab0872207480b886e66fb52d53774e303e2aa07a1107776f312b94663566765a8a75cf0a92b0851017b28b356a1",
"instance-uid": "21c0ce19aa9a26efc02fd32078c08527",
`wallet-address` is ethereum address of key with derivation path `m/44'/60'/0'/0/0`
`whisper-address` is ethereum address of key with derivation path `m/43'/60'/1581'/0'/0`
`encryption-public-key` is public key with derivation path `m/43'/60'/1581'/1'/0`
More info about key derivation: https://status.im/keycard_api/sdk_derivation_sign.html
### Get keys from keycard
const pairing = "AFFdkP01GywuaJRQkGDq+OyPHBE9nECEDDCfXhpfaxlo";
const pin = "123456";
Keycard.getKeys(pairing, pin).then(data => console.log(data));
`data` object contains:
{"encryption-public-key": "04d36d64bea374b917bc097646cb4e81061c7b0ab0872207480b886e66fb52d53774e303e2aa07a1107776f312b94663566765a8a75cf0a92b0851017b28b356a1",
"whisper-public-key": "04add221cb97dde8afbf3be27b0bfb3b6842071cb1052abfc3c34d45eba944dc10dcba5d4823fe69148ae17b12ed459237124365c2f46c2b46be9537ce6efa93c8",
### Sign
const pairing = "AFFdkP01GywuaJRQkGDq+OyPHBE9nECEDDCfXhpfaxlo";
const pin = "123456";
const hash = "d81bbffb92157b72ceae3da72eb8224976ba42a49621822789edb0735a0e0395";
Keycard.sign(pairing, pin, hash).then(sig => console.log(sig));
Signature string returned. Example: ` d684afb4ec9ce59f2d112a9c9400bd04f5a5b2518b251dba4ad135448f2e75367c2ea6412893d8001ed9c9efeb7c7d37bc11f7dfcf27c4818cf0861da199de1900`
Signature consists of R, S and Recovery ID values concatenated (R+S+V).
For example:
R: `79ef184db3150519a9719a38a7939fae39bbea088758745482cabe40127c7efb`
S: `674932db2a7a5ae4b1d9d228b3542dba83ac9ac62524a45dd984e9650ceaa736`
Recovery ID: `0`
Would produce signature: `d684afb4ec9ce59f2d112a9c9400bd04f5a5b2518b251dba4ad135448f2e75367c2ea6412893d8001ed9c9efeb7c7d37bc11f7dfcf27c4818cf0861da199de1900`
More info about signing: https://status.im/keycard_api/sdk_derivation_sign.html
### Derive key
Changes derivation path:
const path = "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0"
const pairing = "AFFdkP01GywuaJRQkGDq+OyPHBE9nECEDDCfXhpfaxlo";
const pin = "123456";
Keycard.deriveKey(path, pairing, pin).then(path => console.log("path changed to " + path));
More information on key derivation: https://status.im/keycard_api/sdk_derivation_sign.html
### Remove key
Removes master key from keycard:
const pairing = "AFFdkP01GywuaJRQkGDq+OyPHBE9nECEDDCfXhpfaxlo";
const pin = "123456";
Keycard.removeKey(pairing, pin).then(() => console.log("key removed"));
### Unpair
Unpairs keycard from current device:
const pairing = "AFFdkP01GywuaJRQkGDq+OyPHBE9nECEDDCfXhpfaxlo";
const pin = "123456";
Keycard.unpair(pairing, pin).then(() => console.log("keycard unpaired"));
### Change PIN
const pairing = "AFFdkP01GywuaJRQkGDq+OyPHBE9nECEDDCfXhpfaxlo";
const currentPin = "123456";
const newPin = "111111";
Keycard.removeKey(pairing, currentPin, newPin).then(() => console.log("pin changed"));
### Unblock PIN
When wrong PIN is entered 3 times keycard becomes blocked. You can unblock it with PUK code:
const pairing = "AFFdkP01GywuaJRQkGDq+OyPHBE9nECEDDCfXhpfaxlo";
const puk = "123456123456";
const newPin = "111111";
Keycard.removeKey(pairing, puk, newPin).then(() => console.log("pin unblocked"));
### Verify PIN
Verifies PIN is valid:
const pairing = "AFFdkP01GywuaJRQkGDq+OyPHBE9nECEDDCfXhpfaxlo";
const pin = "123456";
Keycard.removeKey(pairing, pin).then(() => console.log("pin is valid"));
### Delete keycard
Deletes everything from keycard including key and the applet. Dangerous operation for advanced users only. You will need to install applet again to interact with keycard.
const pairing = "AFFdkP01GywuaJRQkGDq+OyPHBE9nECEDDCfXhpfaxlo";
const puk = "123456123456";
const newPin = "111111";
Keycard.removeKey(pairing, puk, newPin).then(() => console.log("pin unblocked"));
### Install applet
Keycard usually comes with installed applet. But if you have empty keycard without the applet, you can install applet with:
Keycard.installApplet().then(() => console.log("applet installed"));
### Keycard CLI
You can also interact with keycard (installing and removing applet, getting card info, etc) using [keycard cli](https://github.com/status-im/keycard-cli). You'll need a USB reader for that.