2021-08-05 16:04:05 +05:30

11 KiB

Bar Chart Props

Basic props

Prop Type Description Default value
data Array of items An item object represents a bar in the bar chart. It is described in the next table. _
width number Width of the Bar chart width of the parent
height number Height of the Bar chart (excluding the bottom label) 200
maxValue number Maximum value shown in the Y axis 200
noOfSections number Number of sections in the Y axis 10
stepValue number Value of 1 step/section in the Y axis 20
stepHeight number Height of 1 step/section in the Y axis 20
spacing number Distance between 2 consecutive bars in the Bar chart 20
backgroundColor ColorValue Background color of the Bar chart _
disableScroll Boolean To disable horizontal scroll false
showScrollIndicator Boolean To show horizontal scroll indicator false

These props are correlated:

  1. maxValue
  2. noOfSections
  3. stepValue

They must follow the relation:

maxValue = noOfSections * stepValue

So, all the three must be used together. Using any 1 or 2 of them may produce absurd results

Item description

Key Value type Description
value number Value of the item representing height of the bar
barWidth number Width of the bar
onPress function Function called on pressing the bar
disablePress Boolean Prop to disable the press action, defaults to false
frontColor ColorValue Color of the bar
sideColor ColorValue Color of the side view of the bar, only for 3 D
topColor ColorValue Color of the top view of the bar, only for 3 D
showGradient Boolean Prop to enable linear gradient for the bar color, defaults to false
gradientColor ColorValue Along with frontColor, this prop constitutes the 2 colors for gradient
initialSpacing number distance of the first bar from the Y axis
label string Label text appearing below the bar (under the X axis)
labelTextStyle object Style object for the label text appearing below the bar
labelComponent Component Custom label component appearing below the bar
topLabelComponent Component Custom component appearing above the bar
topLabelContainerStyle object Style object for the container of the custom component appearing above the bar
cappedBars Boolean To show caps on the top of bar
capThickness number Thickness of the bar cap
capColor ColorValue Color of the bar cap
capRadius number Border radius of the bar cap
Prop Type Description Default value
xAxisColor ColorValue X axis color black
xAxisThickness number X axis thickness 1
yAxisColor ColorValue Y axis color black
yAxisThickness number Y axis thickness 1
yAxisLabelWidth number Width of the Y axis Label container 35
yAxisTextStyle object Style object for the Y axis text style _
showFractionalValues Boolean Allow fractional values for the Y axis label false
hideYAxisText Boolean To hide Y axis label text false
rulesColor ColorValue Color of the horizontal rules lightgray
rulesThickness number Thickness of the horizontal rules 1
hideRules Boolean To hide the horizontal rules false
showVerticalLines Boolean To show vertical lines false
verticalLinesColor ColorValue Color of the vertical lines lightgray
verticallinesThickness number Thickness of the vertical lines 1
verticalLinesZIndex number Z index of the vertical lines -1
showXAxisIndices Boolean To show the pointers on the X axis false
xAxisIndicesHeight number Height of the pointers on the X axis 2
xAxisIndicesWidth number Width of the pointers on the X axis 4
xAxisIndicesColor ColorValue Color of the pointers on the X axis black
showYAxisIndices Boolean To show the pointers on the Y axis false
yAxisIndicesHeight number Height of the pointers on the Y axis 2
yAxisIndicesWidth number Width of the pointers on the Y axis 4
yAxisIndicesColor ColorValue Color of the pointers on the X axis black
yAxisIndicesColor Boolean To hide axes, rules, labels altogether false
rotateLabel Boolean To rotate the X axis labels (by 60deg) false
Prop Type Description Default value
barWidth number Width of the bar 30
isThreeD Boolean Prop to render 3 dimensional bars false
frontColor ColorValue Color of the bar black for 2D, red for 3D
sideColor ColorValue Color of the side view of the bar, only for 3 D red
topColor ColorValue Color of the top view of the bar, only for 3 D red
showGradient Boolean Prop to enable linear gradient for the bar color false
gradientColor ColorValue Along with frontColor, gradientColor constitutes the 2 colors for gradient white
roundedTop Boolean To show rounded top white
roundedBottom Boolean To show rounded bottom white
activeOpacity number activeOpacity on pressing the bar 0.2
disablePress Boolean Prop to disable the bar press action false
Prop Type Description Default value
isAnimated Boolean To show animates BarChart. Animation occurs onLoad and on valu change false
animationDuration number Duration of the animations 800
animationEasing Easing Easing applied to the animation Easing.ease
Prop Type Description Default value
cappedBars Boolean To show caps on the top of bars false
capThickness number Thickness of the bar caps 6
capColor ColorValue Color of the bar caps gray
capRadius number Border radius of the bar caps 0

Props for horizontal BarChart

Prop Type Description Default value
horizontal Boolean Render horizontal BarChart false
yAxisAtTop Boolean In horizontal BarCharts the Y axis appears at bottom by default. Set it to true for otherwise false
intactTopLabel Boolean To rotate the top label component to make it intact with the Bars false