2022-01-28 04:17:45 +05:30

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Pie Chart props

Prop Type Description Default value
data Array of items An item object represents a section in the Pie chart. Descibed in the next table _
radius number Radius of the Pie chart 120
isThreeD Boolean If set to true, it rotates and translates the chart to give it a 3D effect false
shadow Boolean Shadow to the Pie chart, when set to true, it enhances the 3D effect false
shadowColor ColorValue Color of the shadow lightgray
shadowWidth number Width of the shadow radius*4/3
strokeWidth number Stroke (line) width for the Pie chart and its section 0
strokeColor ColorValue Stroke (line) color gray
backgroundColor ColorValue Background color of the container that contains the Pie chart white
showText Boolean When set to true, displays text on the Pie sections false
textColor ColorValue Color of the label texts random colors
textSize number Size of the label texts (max allowed: radius / 5) 16
fontStyle string Style of the text - 'normal', 'italic' or 'oblique' 'normal'
fontWeight string Weight of the text - 'bold', 'bolder', 'lighter', '100', '200' etc 'normal'
font string Font family of the text - 'Arial', 'Cursive', 'Comic Sans MS' etc 'Comic Sans MS'
showTextBackground Boolean When set to true, displays background for text on the Pie sections false
textBackgroundColor ColorValue Background color for the label texts white
textBackgroundRadius number Radius for the background of the text labels textSize
showValuesAsLabels Boolean When set to true, the values of the Pie sections are displayed as labels false
centerLabelComponent Function Component to be rendered at the center of the Pie chart _
semiCircle Boolean When set to true, renders the Pie Chart in a semi-circle. donut semiCircle charts look like a speed-meter false

Item description

Prop Type Description
value number Value of the item, representing a section of the Pie chart
shiftX number Translates (shifts) the particular section horizontally by given value
shiftY number Translates (shifts) the particular section vertically by given value
shiftTextX number Translates (shifts) the position of label text horizontally
shiftTextY number Translates (shifts) the position of label text vertically
color ColorValue Color (background color) of the section
text string Label text for the sections
textColor ColorValue Color of the text (label) inside the section
textSize number Size of the text (label) inside the section
fontStyle string Style of the text - 'normal', 'italic' or 'oblique'
fontWeight string Weight of the text - 'bold', 'bolder', 'lighter', '100', '200' etc
font string Font family of the text - 'Arial', 'Cursive', 'Comic Sans MS' etc
textBackgroundColor ColorValue Background color for the label text
textBackgroundRadius number Radius for the background of the text label
Prop Type Description Default value
donut Boolean When set to true, renders a Donut chart (makes an inner ring) false
innerRadius number Radius of the inner ring radius/2
innerCircleColor ColorValue Color of the inner ring white
innerCircleBorderWidth number Stroke (border) width of the inner ring props.innerCircleBorderColor ? 5 : 0
innerCircleBorderColor ColorValue Stroke (border) color of the inner ring gray
shiftInnerCenterX number Shifts the inner ring horizontally to enhance the 3D effect 0
shiftInnerCenterY number Shifts the inner ring vertically to enhance the 3D effect 0
tilt number The factor (between 0 annd 1) by which the chart should be tilted if threeD then 0.5 else 1