| value | number | Value of the item representing representing its position |
| label | string | Label text appearing under the X axis |
| labelTextStyle | object | Style object for the label text appearing under the X axis |
| labelComponent | Function | custom label component appearing under the X axis |
| yAxisLabelText | string | Y axis label text |
| dataPointText | string | Text appearing near the data points |
| textShiftX | number | To shift the dataPointText text horizontally |
| textShiftY | number | To shift the dataPointText text vertically |
| textColor | ColorValue | Color of the dataPointText |
| textFontSize | number | Font size of the dataPointText |
| dataPointHeight | number | Height of the data point (when data point's shape is rectangular) |
| dataPointWidth | number | Width of the data point (when data point's shape is rectangular) |
| dataPointRadius | number | Radius of the data point (when data points' shape is circular) |
| dataPointColor | ColorValue | Color of the data point |
| dataPointShape | string | Shape of the data point (rectangular or circular) defaults to circular |
| hideDataPoint | Boolean | To hide the data point |
| showVerticalLine | Boolean | When set to true, a vertical line will be displayed along that data point |
| verticalLineColor | ColorValue | Color of the vertical Line displayed along the data point |
| verticalLineThickness | number | Thickness of the vertical Line displayed along the data point |
| dataPointLabelWidth | number | width of the label shown beside a data point |
| dataPointLabelShiftX | number | horizontal shift of a label from its corresponding data point |
| dataPointLabelShiftY | number | vertical shift of a label from its corresponding data point |
| dataPointLabelComponent | Function | custom component rendered above a data point |
| focusedDataPointLabelComponent | Function | custom component rendered above a data point only when focused/selected (when the user presses) |
| showStrip | Boolean | To show a vertical strip along the data point (even if it's not focused/selected) |
| stripHeight | number | Height of the vertical strip that becomes visible on pressing the corresponding area of the chart, or when showStrip is set to true |
| stripWidth | number | Width of the vertical strip that becomes visible on pressing the corresponding area of the chart, or when showStrip is set to true |
| stripColor | ColorValue | Color of the vertical strip that becomes visible on pressing the corresponding area of the chart, or when showStrip is set to true |
| stripOpacity | number | Opacity of the vertical strip that becomes visible on pressing the corresponding area of the chart, or when showStrip is set to true |
When you are using the `dataPointLabelComponent`, make sure to provide the `dataPointsHeight` and `dataPointsWidth` values too (either in the corresponding item object, or directly as a props of the <LineChart> component). Otherwise the data points might appear shifted from their intended positions.
To achieve this the `pressEnabled` props must be set to true. In addition, use below props like `focusedDataPointShape`, `focusedDataPointColor`, `focusedDataPointRadius` to focus the pressed data point. The prop `onPress` can be used to pass a function that will be called when the press event is triggered.
| pressEnabled | Boolean | If set true, allows users to press on the chart (press event can be then handled using the `onPress` prop) | false |
| showDataPointOnPress | Boolean | If set true, it shows the data point corresponding to the pressed area of the chart | false |
| showStripOnPress | Boolean | If set true, it shows a vertical strip corresponding to the pressed area of the chart | false |
| showTextOnPress | Boolean | If set true, it shows the data point text corresponding to the pressed area of the chart | false |
| stripHeight | number | Height of the vertical strip that becomes visible on pressing the corresponding area of the chart | height of the data point |
| stripWidth | number | Width of the vertical strip that becomes visible on pressing the corresponding area of the chart | 2 |
| stripColor | ColorValue | Color of the vertical strip that becomes visible on pressing the corresponding area of the chart | color of the line |
| stripOpacity | number | Opacity of the vertical strip that becomes visible on pressing the corresponding area of the chart | (startOpacity+endOpacity)/2 |
| onPress | Function | The callback function that handles the press event. `item` and `index` are received as props | \_ |
| unFocusOnPressOut | Boolean | If set true, it unselects/unfocuses the focused/selected data point | true |
| delayBeforeUnFocus | number | Delay (in milliseconds) between the release of the press and ghe unfocusing of the data point | 300 |
| focusedDataPointShape | String | Shape of the data points when focused due to press event | item.dataPointsShape OR dataPointsShape |
| focusedDataPointWidth | number | Width of the data points when focused due to press event | item.dataPointsWidth OR dataPointsWidth |
| focusedDataPointHeight | number | Height of the data points when focused due to press event | item.dataPointsHeight OR dataPointsHeight |
| focusedDataPointColor | ColorValue | Color of the data points when focused due to press event | item.dataPointsColor OR dataPointsColor |
| focusedDataPointRadius | number | Radius of the data points when focused due to press event | item.dataPointsRadius OR dataPointsRadius |
| focusedCustomDataPoint | Function | Custom data point when focused due to press event | item.customDataPoint OR customDataPoint |
Above code changes the pressed data point's color and radius. Since in this example, we are changing the data on the onPress event, the data must be a state variable.