Added props documentation

This commit is contained in:
Abhinandan Kushwaha 2021-08-03 17:54:08 +05:30
parent 4c8c59b334
commit 6bd19c402f
3 changed files with 156 additions and 28 deletions

View File

@ -2,18 +2,19 @@
### Basic props
| Prop | Type | Description | Default value |
| --------------- | -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------- |
| data | Array of items | An item object represents a bar in the bar chart. The item object is described in the next table. | \_ |
| width | number | Width of the Bar chart | width of the parent |
| height | number | Height of the Bar chart (excluding the bottom label) | 200 |
| noOfSections | number | Number of sections in the Y axis | 10 |
| maxValue | number | Maximum value shown in the Y axis | 200 |
| stepHeight | number | Height of 1 step/section in the Y axis | 20 |
| stepValue | number | Value of 1 step/section in the Y axis | 20 |
| spacing | number | Distance between 2 consecutive bars in the Bar chart | 20 |
| backgroundColor | ColorValue | Background color of the Bar chart | \_ |
| disableScroll | Boolean | To disable horizontal scroll | false |
| Prop | Type | Description | Default value |
| ------------------- | -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------- |
| data | Array of items | An item object represents a bar in the bar chart. It is described in the next table. | \_ |
| width | number | Width of the Bar chart | width of the parent |
| height | number | Height of the Bar chart (excluding the bottom label) | 200 |
| noOfSections | number | Number of sections in the Y axis | 10 |
| maxValue | number | Maximum value shown in the Y axis | 200 |
| stepHeight | number | Height of 1 step/section in the Y axis | 20 |
| stepValue | number | Value of 1 step/section in the Y axis | 20 |
| spacing | number | Distance between 2 consecutive bars in the Bar chart | 20 |
| backgroundColor | ColorValue | Background color of the Bar chart | \_ |
| disableScroll | Boolean | To disable horizontal scroll | false |
| showScrollIndicator | Boolean | To show horizontal scroll indicator | false |
### Item description
@ -21,7 +22,7 @@
| ---------------------- | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| value | number | Value of the item representing height of the bar |
| barWidth | number | Width of the bar |
| onPress | function | Function called on click of the bar |
| onPress | function | Function called on pressing the bar |
| disablePress | Boolean | Prop to disable the press action, defaults to false |
| frontColor | ColorValue | Color of the bar |
| sideColor | ColorValue | Color of the side view of the bar, only for 3 D |
@ -67,18 +68,31 @@
| yAxisIndicesWidth | number | Width of the pointers on the Y axis | 4 |
| yAxisIndicesColor | ColorValue | Color of the pointers on the X axis | black |
| yAxisIndicesColor | Boolean | To hide axes, rules, labels altogether | false |
| rotateLabel | Boolean | To rotate the X axis labels (by 60deg) | false |
### Bar related props
| Prop | Type | Description | Default value |
| ------------- | ---------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------ |
| barWidth | number | Width of the bar | 30 |
| isThreeD | Boolean | Prop to render 3 dimensional bars | false |
| frontColor | ColorValue | Color of the bar | black for 2D, red for 3D |
| sideColor | ColorValue | Color of the side view of the bar, only for 3 D | red |
| topColor | ColorValue | Color of the top view of the bar, only for 3 D | red |
| showGradient | Boolean | Prop to enable linear gradient for the bar color | false |
| gradientColor | ColorValue | Along with frontColor, gradientColor constitutes the 2 colors for gradient | white |
| roundedTop | Boolean | To show rounded top | white |
| roundedBottom | Boolean | To show rounded bottom | white |
| activeOpacity | number | activeOpacity on pressing the bar | 0.2 |
| disablePress | Boolean | Prop to disable the bar press action | false |
#### Animation related props
| Prop | Type | Description | Default value |
| ----------------- | ------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |
| isAnimated | Boolean | To show animates BarChart. Animation occurs onLoad and on valu change | false |
| animationDuration | number | Duration of the animations | 800 |
| animationEasing | Easing | Easing applied to the animation | Easing.ease |
#### Bar related props for making Capped Bar chart
@ -88,3 +102,11 @@
| capThickness | number | Thickness of the bar caps | 6 |
| capColor | ColorValue | Color of the bar caps | gray |
| capRadius | number | Border radius of the bar caps | 0 |
#### Props for horizontal BarChart
| Prop | Type | Description | Default value |
| -------------- | ------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |
| horizontal | Boolean | Render horizontal BarChart | false |
| yAxisAtTop | Boolean | In horizontal BarCharts the Y axis appears at bottom by default. Set it to true for otherwise | false |
| intactTopLabel | Boolean | To rotate the top label component to make it intact with the Bars | false |

View File

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
# Line Chart props
### Basic props
| Prop | Type | Description | Default value |
| ------------------- | -------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------- |
| data | Array of items | An item object represents a point in the line chart. It is described in the next table. | \_ |
| data2 | Array of items | Second set of dataPoint for the second line | \_ |
| width | number | Width of the Bar chart | width of the parent |
| height | number | Height of the Bar chart (excluding the bottom label) | 200 |
| noOfSections | number | Number of sections in the Y axis | 10 |
| maxValue | number | Maximum value shown in the Y axis | 200 |
| stepHeight | number | Height of 1 step/section in the Y axis | 20 |
| stepValue | number | Value of 1 step/section in the Y axis | 20 |
| spacing | number | Distance between 2 consecutive bars in the Bar chart | 20 |
| backgroundColor | ColorValue | Background color of the Bar chart | \_ |
| disableScroll | Boolean | To disable horizontal scroll | false |
| showScrollIndicator | Boolean | To show horizontal scroll indicator | false |
### Item description
| Key | Value type | Description |
| -------------- | ---------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
| value | number | Value of the item representing representing its position |
| label | string | Label text appearing under the X axis |
| labelTextStyle | object | Style object for the label text appearing under the X axis |
| dataPointText | string | Text appearing near the data points |
| textShiftX | number | To shift the dataPointText text horizontally |
| textShiftY | number | To shift the dataPointText text vertically |
| textColor | ColorValue | Color of the dataPointText |
| textFontSize | number | Font size of the dataPointText |
### Axes and rules related props
| Prop | Type | Description | Default value |
| ---------------------- | ---------- | -------------------------------------------- | ------------- |
| xAxisColor | ColorValue | X axis color | black |
| xAxisThickness | number | X axis thickness | 1 |
| yAxisColor | ColorValue | Y axis color | black |
| yAxisThickness | number | Y axis thickness | 1 |
| yAxisLabelWidth | number | Width of the Y axis Label container | 35 |
| yAxisTextStyle | object | Style object for the Y axis text style | \_ |
| showFractionalValues | Boolean | Allow fractional values for the Y axis label | false |
| hideYAxisText | Boolean | To hide Y axis label text | false |
| rulesColor | ColorValue | Color of the horizontal rules | lightgray |
| rulesThickness | number | Thickness of the horizontal rules | 1 |
| hideRules | Boolean | To hide the horizontal rules | false |
| showVerticalLines | Boolean | To show vertical lines | false |
| verticalLinesColor | ColorValue | Color of the vertical lines | lightgray |
| verticallinesThickness | number | Thickness of the vertical lines | 1 |
| verticalLinesZIndex | number | Z index of the vertical lines | -1 |
| showXAxisIndices | Boolean | To show the pointers on the X axis | false |
| xAxisIndicesHeight | number | Height of the pointers on the X axis | 2 |
| xAxisIndicesWidth | number | Width of the pointers on the X axis | 4 |
| xAxisIndicesColor | ColorValue | Color of the pointers on the X axis | black |
| showYAxisIndices | Boolean | To show the pointers on the Y axis | false |
| yAxisIndicesHeight | number | Height of the pointers on the Y axis | 2 |
| yAxisIndicesWidth | number | Width of the pointers on the Y axis | 4 |
| yAxisIndicesColor | ColorValue | Color of the pointers on the X axis | black |
| yAxisIndicesColor | Boolean | To hide axes, rules, labels altogether | false |
| rotateLabel | Boolean | To rotate the X axis labels (by 60deg) | false |
### Line related props
| Prop | Type | Description | Default value |
| ---------- | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---------------------- |
| color | ColorValue | Color of the lines joining the data points | black |
| color1 | ColorValue | Color of the lines joining the first set of data points | color (from props) |
| color2 | ColorValue | Color of the lines joining the second set of data points | color (from props) |
| thickness | number | Thickness of the lines joining the data points | 2 |
| thickness1 | number | Thickness of the lines joining the first set of data points | thickness (from props) |
| thickness2 | number | Thickness of the lines joining the second set of data points | thickness (from props) |
| curved | Boolean | To show curved line joining the data points | false |
### Data points related props
| Prop | Type | Description | Default value |
| ----------------- | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |
| hideDataPoints | Boolean | To hide data points | false |
| dataPointsHeight | number | Height of data points (when data points' shape is rectangular) | 2 |
| dataPointsWidth | number | Width of data points (when data points' shape is rectangular) | 2 |
| dataPointsRadius | number | Radius of data points (when data points' shape is circular) | 3 |
| dataPointsColor | ColorValue | Color of the data points | black |
| dataPointsShape | string | Shape of the data points (_'rectangular'_ or _'circular'_) | 'circular' |
| hideDataPoints1 | Boolean | To hide data points for the first set of data | false |
| dataPointsHeight1 | number | Height of data points for the first dataset (when data points' shape is rectangular) | 2 |
| dataPointsWidth1 | number | Width of data points for the first dataset (when data points' shape is rectangular) | 2 |
| dataPointsRadius1 | number | Radius of data points for the first dataset (when data points' shape is circular) | 3 |
| dataPointsColor1 | ColorValue | Color of data points for the first dataset | black |
| dataPointsShape1 | string | Shape of data points for the first dataset | 'circular' |
| hideDataPoints2 | Boolean | To hide data points for the second set of data | false |
| dataPointsHeight2 | number | Height of data points for the second dataset (when data points' shape is rectangular) | 2 |
| dataPointsWidth2 | number | Width of data points for the second dataset (when data points' shape is rectangular) | 2 |
| dataPointsRadius2 | number | Radius of data points for the second dataset (when data points' shape is circular) | 3 |
| dataPointsColor2 | ColorValue | Color of data points for the second dataset | blue |
| dataPointsShape2 | string | Shape of data points for the second dataset (_'rectangular'_ or _'circular'_) | 'circular' |
### Props for Area Chart
| Prop | Type | Description | Default value |
| ----------------- | ---------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |
| areaChart | Boolean | If set true, renders area chart instead of line chart | false |
| startFillColor | ColorValue | Start gradient color for the area chart | gray |
| endFillColor | ColorValue | End gradient color for the area chart | white |
| startOpacity | number | Start gradient opacity for the area chart | 1 |
| endOpacity | number | End gradient opacity for the area chart | 1 |
| startFillColor1 | ColorValue | Start gradient color for the first dataset of the area chart | gray |
| endFillColor1 | ColorValue | End gradient color for the first dataset of the area chart | white |
| startOpacity1 | number | Start gradient opacity for the first dataset of the area chart | 1 |
| endOpacity1 | number | End gradient opacity for the first dataset of the area chart | 1 |
| startFillColor2 | ColorValue | Start gradient color for the second dataset of the area chart | gray |
| endFillColor2 | ColorValue | End gradient color for the second dataset of the area chart | white |
| startOpacity2 | number | Start gradient color for the second dataset of the area chart | 1 |
| endOpacity2 | number | End gradient opacity for the second dataset of the area chart | 1 |
| gradientDirection | string | Direction of the gradient (_'horizontal'_ or _'vertical'_) | 'vertical' |

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ type propTypes = {
stepValue?: number;
spacing?: number;
initialSpacing?: number;
data?: any;
data?: Array<itemType>;
data2?: any;
thickness?: number;
thickness1?: number;
@ -120,18 +120,9 @@ type propTypes = {
type itemType = {
value?: number;
onPress?: any;
frontColor?: ColorValue;
sideColor?: ColorValue;
topColor?: ColorValue;
showGradient?: Boolean;
gradientColor?: any;
label: String;
labelTextStyle?: any;
topLabelComponent?: Function;
topLabelContainerStyle?: any;
disablePress?: any;
text?: string;
dataPointText?: string;
textShiftX?: number;
textShiftY?: number;
textColor?: string;
@ -675,7 +666,7 @@ export const LineChart = (props: propTypes) => {
{item.text && (
{item.dataPointText && (
fill={item.textColor || textColor}
fontSize={item.textFontSize || textFontSize}
@ -692,7 +683,7 @@ export const LineChart = (props: propTypes) => {
(item.value * containerHeight) / maxValue +
(item.textShiftY || 0)
@ -708,7 +699,7 @@ export const LineChart = (props: propTypes) => {
{item.text && (
{item.dataPointText && (
fill={item.textColor || textColor}
fontSize={item.textFontSize || textFontSize}
@ -725,7 +716,7 @@ export const LineChart = (props: propTypes) => {
(item.value * containerHeight) / maxValue +
(item.textShiftY || 0)