* 'master' of https://github.com/ngrj/react-native-fs:
added a function called getAllExternalFilesDirs to get application-specific directories on all shared/external storage devices
* ptelad-master:
completeHandlerIOS now return a promise so you can await for it
Update RNFSManager.m
better background downloads
readme update to reflect that resume is only supported on iOS
Added resumeDownload(), isResumable() and the ‘resume’ callback to downloadFile
# New methods
* `getFileUri()` that returns Uri for any passed path (with or without file:// prefix or with content:// prefix)
* `getInputStream()` that returns InputStream for any Uri passed
* `getOutputStream()` that returns OutputStream for any Uri passed
* `getInputStreamBytes()` that reads the whole content of an InputStream and returns it as a byte array
# Modified methods
Added content uri support to:
* `readFile()`
* `writeFile()`
* `appendFile()`
* `write()` - Note: random access (position>=0) is not supported for content uris
* `read()`
* `copyFile()` - both source and destination can be content uris
* `copyInputStream()` - output stream can be a content uri
# Others
* IORejectionException - an exception that accepts a code besides a message
* 'master' of github.com:itinance/react-native-fs: (25 commits)
fix touch() error on android
Fixed Mtime
Add missing flow annotations
v2.5.2 (cocoapods related only)
removed osx-version from Podspec
added a note for cocoapods that we can't support it yet
added a note for cocoapods that we can't support it yet
Changes to the Podspec
Changelog for README
Version 2.5.0 - compat with RN 0.47.0
Added back for Backward-Compat but without @override
Version bump 2.4.0
removed createJSModules method (RN 0.47 breaking change)
Add `createJSModules()` to be compatible with latest React.
Update SDK compile and build tools to version 26.
update README
add read method with lenght and position params
add `touch` method for changing file timestamps
Remove createJSModules from package
pod file path error