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Getting Started

Welcome to the 'Authentication with Firebase' Codorial using the react-native-firebase library. The various steps of the Codorial will cover how to setup your application to require both email/password login and social login using Facebook, to handling the users authenticated state using the popular redux library whilst also considering integrate routing using react-navigation.


This Codorial assumes you know the basics of the following topics:

  • ES6 JavaScript.
  • Starting your app using an emulator on Android/iOS.
  • Understand how to setup a new Firebase project.
  • Debugging with React Native.
  • Managing your project using Android Stuido and/or XCode.
  • Installation of the react-native-firebase library (see "Creating a base project" below).

This Codorial was created with React Native version 0.53.0.

Creating a base project

This project will take a bare bones React Native setup and explain every step required to implement a solid authentication flow in your application. To start we need a base project to work from.

Both options below require you to setup a new Firebase project and add the configuration file to your project - check out the documentation on how to do that if needed.

Option 1: Using react-native init

You can quickly create a base React Native project using react-native init by following the React Native documentation.

Ensure you follow the "Building Projects with Native Code" tab, as the project won't work using Expo due to requiring native modules.

Once installed, you need to install the react-native-firebase library. Ensure you've also installed the Authentication module on your platform (Android or iOS)!

Option 2: Using react-native-firebase-starter

A starter kit has been created to help you get up and running with minimal setup needed. If you're new to React Native this will be perfect starting point.

Keep in mind every Firebase module is installed in this starter kit. You can refer to the react-native-firebase documentation if you want to remove any unwanted modules.