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The admob module allows you to display adverts in your app, using your account from AdMob by Google. RNFirebase allows you to display Banners, Interstitials, NativeExpress Ads & Rewarded Videos.


Before using any AdMob feature, ensure you call the initialize method. This only needs to be done once per the apps lifecycle. Initialize takes your AdMob App ID, where you can find on your AdMob dashboard.

For testing purposes, you can use AdMobs test app ID "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713".



Once initialized, you can debug ((Android)[]/(iOS)[]) your ads using the debug menu.




AdMob Banners in RNFirebase are exported as a usable React component, allowing you to integrate it easily into your existing app very easily.


Prop Type Default Description
size string (See Sizes) SMART_BANNER Returns a sized banner (automatically sets View style)
unitId string Your AdMob banner unit ID.
request AdRequest new AdRequest().addTestDevice().build() An instance of AdRequest to load with the Banner
onAdLoaded function Called when an ad is received.
onAdOpened function Called when an ad opens an overlay that covers the screen.
onAdLeftApplication function Called when an ad leaves the application (e.g., to go to the browser).
onAdClosed function Called when the user is about to return to the application after clicking on an ad.
onAdFailedToLoad function Called when an ad request failed. See Error Handling


const Banner = firebase.admob.Banner;
const AdRequest = firebase.admob.AdRequest;
const request = new AdRequest();
render() {
  return (
      onAdLoaded={() => {
        console.log('Advert loaded and is now visible');


An interstitial is a full screen advert which creates a new activity on top of React. As they need to be controlled, allowing the developer to choose when to display them they're not available as a component. Instead they're controlled via method calls.

A single interstitial instance can only be shown once. If you want to display another, create a new one.

To request an interstitial from AdMob, the loadAd method must be called with an instance of AdRequest (see below for full API):


Method Description
loadAd(AdRequest) Loads an advert with request config
on(event, callback) Listens to advert events. See Event Types for more information.
isLoaded() Returns a boolean value as to whether the advert is loaded and ready to show.
show() Show the advert on the device


const advert = firebase.admob().interstitial('ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1033173712');

const AdRequest = firebase.admob.AdRequest;
const request = new AdRequest();

// Load the advert with our AdRequest

advert.on('onAdLoaded', () => {
  console.log('Advert ready to show.');

// Simulate the interstitial being shown "sometime" later during the apps lifecycle
setTimeout(() => {
  if (advert.isLoaded()) {;
  } else {
    // Unable to show interstitial - not loaded yet.
}, 1000);

Native Express

An AdMob Native Express advert is much like a standard Banner, except it can be integrated seamlessly into your app using user predefined styling (background color, positions, font size etc). Native Express adverts are exported as a usable React component.


Prop Type Default Description
size string (See Sizes) SMART_BANNER TODO
unitId string Your AdMob banner unit ID.
request AdRequest new AdRequest().addTestDevice().build() An instance of AdRequest to load with the Banner
video AdRequest new VideoOptions().build() An instance of AdRequest to load with the Banner
onAdLoaded function Called when an ad is received.
onAdOpened function Called when an ad opens an overlay that covers the screen.
onAdLeftApplication function Called when an ad leaves the application (e.g., to go to the browser).
onAdClosed function Called when the user is about to return to the application after clicking on an ad.
onAdFailedToLoad function Called when an ad request failed. See Event PropTypes for more information.
onVideoEnd function Called if the advert video has ended (only called if the advert has a video).


const Banner = firebase.admob.Banner;
const NativeExpress = firebase.admob.NativeExpress;
const AdRequest = firebase.admob.AdRequest;

const request = new AdRequest();
render() {
  return (
      onAdLoaded={() => {
        console.log('Advert loaded and is now visible');

Rewarded Video

A rewarded video allows you to display a video to a user, whereby they're able to watch it to gain "rewards", or skip it and receive nothing. For example, when a user completes a level on your gaming app, show them a video which will give them in-game credit.

A single rewarded video instance can only be shown once. If you want to display another, create a new one.

?> It's recommended you begin loading the video as soon as possible.

To request an Rewarded Video from AdMob, the loadAd method must be called with an instance of AdRequest (see below for full API):


Method Description
loadAd(AdRequest) Loads an advert with request config
on(event, callback) Listens to advert events. See Event Types
isLoaded() Returns a boolean value as to whether the advert is loaded and ready to show
show() Show the advert on the device


const advert = firebase.admob().rewarded('ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1033173712');

const AdRequest = firebase.admob.AdRequest;
const request = new AdRequest();

// Load the advert with our AdRequest

advert.on('onAdLoaded', () => {
  console.log('Advert ready to show.');

advert.on('onRewarded', (event) => {
  console.log('The user watched the entire video and will now be rewarded!', event);


  .then(() => {
    if (advert.isLoaded()) {;
    } else {
      // skip...


The AdRequest class is used to create an object to be passed to each advert request. The request is handled on AdMob, and returns adverts tailored to the request options provided.

!> If no AdRequest is sent, the default request calls addTestDevice. Therefore, ensure a custom AdRequest object is passed through in production.


Builds the current request for AdMob to handle.

addTestDevice(device?: string)

Sets a device ID as a test device. If no device string is passed, a default emulator id is passed.

addKeyword(keyword: string)

Add a new keyword to relate the advert to.

setBirthday(date: Date)

Sets the user's birthday for targeting purposes.

setGender(gender: male | female | unknown)

Sets the user's gender for targeting purposes.


Sets the user's location for targeting purposes.

setRequestAgent(requestAgent: string)

Sets the request agent string to identify the ad request's origin. Third party libraries that reference the Mobile Ads SDK should call this method to denote the platform from which the ad request originated. For example, if a third party ad network called "CoolAds network" mediates requests to the Mobile Ads SDK, it should call this method with "CoolAds"

setContentUrl(url: string)

Sets the content URL for targeting purposes.

[android] setIsDesignedForFamilies(forFamilies: boolean)

If you set this value to true, you indicate that your app requires that the ad request should return a Designed for Families-compliant ad.

If you set this value to false, you indicate that your app does not require that the ad request should return a Designed for Families-compliant ad.

tagForChildDirectedTreatment(forChildren: boolean)


The VideoOptions class is used to create an object to be passed through to each advert request. If the advert returns a video, the options are used when displaying it on the application.

?> Currently NativeExpress only accepts VideoOptions. If no VideoOptions are sent, the default options call setStartMuted(true).


Builds the current options for AdMob to handle.

setStartMuted(muted: boolean)

If true, any returned video will not play sound when it starts. The end user can manually enable sound on the advert interface.

Prop Types

size: String

Sets the size of an Advert. Can be one of the following or a custom size:

Size Description
BANNER Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) banner ad size (320x50 density-independent pixels).
FULL_BANNER Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) full banner ad size (468x60 density-independent pixels).
LARGE_BANNER Large banner ad size (320x100 density-independent pixels).
LEADERBOARD Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) leaderboard ad size (728x90 density-independent pixels).
MEDIUM_RECTANGLE Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) medium rectangle ad size (300x250 density-independent pixels).
SMART_BANNER A dynamically sized banner that is full-width and auto-height.

To specify a custom size, pass a string with the width and height split by an "x" (follows the Regex pattern ([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)), e.g 320x150

?> Requesting an advert with a size which does not exist on the AdMob servers will return admob/error-code-internal-error.

unitId: String

The unit ID for the banner. Defaults to the testing unitId provided by Google for the advert type.

request: AdRequest

A built AdRequest object returned from

video: VideoOptions

A built VideoOptions object returned from


Every advert returns common event types. On component based adverts (e.g. Banner) they're available as props and on instance based adverts (e.g. Interstitial) they're available via the on method.

onAdLoaded(config: Object)

!> The config is not provided for Interstitial or Rewarded Video adverts.

On successful response from the AdMob servers. This is also called when a new banner is automatically loaded from the AdMob servers if the current one expires.

Returns an object of config data related to the loaded advert:

  hasVideoContent: boolean,
  width: number,
  height: number,

Called when the user presses the advert and it successfully opens.


Called if the opened advert causes the user to leave the application, for example opening a URL in the browser.


Called when the user returns back to the application after closing an advert.

onAdFailedToLoad(error: Error)

Called when an advert fails to load. Returns a JavaScript Error with one of the following error codes.

code message
admob/error-code-internal-error Something happened internally; for instance, an invalid response was received from the ad server.
admob/error-code-invalid-request The ad request was invalid; for instance, the ad unit ID was incorrect.
admob/error-code-network-error The ad request was unsuccessful due to network connectivity.
admob/error-code-no-fill The ad request was successful, but no ad was returned due to lack of ad inventory.
admob/os-version-too-low The current devices OS is below the minimum required version.
[NativeExpress] onVideoEnd()

Called when video playback finishes playing.

[NativeExpress] onVideoMute(config: Object)

Called when the video changes mute state.

  isMuted: boolean,
[NativeExpress] onVideoPause()

Called when video playback is paused.

[NativeExpress] onVideoPlay()

Called when video playback is playing.

[NativeExpress] onVideoStart()

alled when video playback first begins.

[RewardedVideo] onRewarded(reward: Object)

Called when the user has been rewarded (usually for watching an entire video). Returns a reward object:

  type: string,
  amount: number,
[RewardedVideo] onRewardedVideoStarted()

Called when a rewarded video has started to play.


The following statics are available on the firebase.admob instance.


Exports a React component to display an AdMob Banner.


Exports a React component to display an AdMob Native Express advert.


Used to build a request object to pass into AdMob requests.


Used to build an options object for how videos should be handled with adverts containing a video.


Returns all of the available advert event types.


Returns the extra event types for Rewarded Videos.


Returns the extra event types for Native Express adverts.