946 B
The re-frame Logo
Created by the mysterious @martinklepsch
Some say he appears on high value stamps in Germany and that he once punched a horse to the ground. Others say that he loves recursion so much that in his wallet he keeps a photograph of his wallet.
But you should probably take no notice - nature has a way of filling a vacuum with rumor.
All we know for certain is that he wields Sketch.app like Bruce Lee wielded nunchucks.
Genesis Theories
While we wouldn't presume to fathom the cavernous depths of Martin's creativity, some have speculated the re-frame logo was created by blending the cljs logo with re-frame's official architecture diagram.
You be the judge.
Use Sketch.app to update the re-frame-logo.sketch
Unfortunately the gradients are not exported properly so we can't provide an SVG here for now.