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How can I inspect the contents of app-db? Perhaps from figwheel.

Short Answer

If at a REPL, inspect: re-frame.db/app-db.

If at the js console, that's window.re_frame.db.app_db.state.

You are using clj-devtools, right? If not, stop everything and immediately make that happen.

Better Answer

Are you sure you need to?

First, you seldom want to inspect all of app-db. And, second, inspecting via figwheel will be clumsy.

Instead, you probably want to inspect a part of app-db. And you probably want to inspect it in the GUI itself.

Here is a useful technique from @escherize. Add something like this to the hiccup of your view ...

[:pre (with-out-str (pprint @interesting))] 

This assumes that @interesting is the value (ratom or subscription) you want to observe (note the @ in front).

pprint output is nice to read, but not compact. For a more compact view, do this:

[:pre (pr-str @some-atom)]      ;; using pr-str instead of pprint

If you choose to use pprint then you'll need to require it in at the top of your view.cljs:

[cljs.pprint :refer [pprint]]

@yogthos' excellent json-html library has an even slicker presentation (at the expense of more screen real estate, and the need to include specific CSS).

Finally, combining the short and long answers, you could even do this:

[:pre (with-out-str (pprint @re-frame.db/app-db))]    ;; see everything!


[:pre (with-out-str (pprint (:part @re-frame.db/app-db)))]    ;; see a part of it!

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