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(ns re-frame.router
(:refer-clojure :exclude [flush])
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go-loop go]])
(:require [reagent.core :refer [flush]]
[re-frame.handlers :refer [handle]]
[re-frame.utils :refer [warn error]]
[cljs.core.async :refer [chan put! <! timeout close!]]
;; -- The Event Conveyor Belt --------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Moves events from "dispatch" to the router loop.
;; Using core.async means we can have the aysnc handling of events.
(def ^:private event-chan (chan)) ;; TODO: set buffer size?
(defn purge-chan
"read all pending events from the channel and drop them on the floor"
#_(loop [] ;; TODO commented out until poll! is a part of the core.asyc API
(when (go (poll! event-chan)) ;; progress:
;; -- router loop ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2015-04-18 11:15:53 +00:00
;; In a perpetual loop, read events from "event-chan", and call the right handler.
;; Because handlers occupy the CPU, before each event is handled, hand
;; back control to the browser, via a (<! (yield)) call.
2015-04-18 11:15:53 +00:00
;; In some cases, we need to pause for an entire animationFrame, to ensure that
;; the DOM is fully flushed, before then calling a handler known to hog the CPU
;; for an extended period. In such a case, the event should be laballed with metadata
;; Example usage (notice the ":flush-dom" metadata):
;; (dispatch ^:flush-dom [:event-id other params])
(defn yield
"Yields control to the browser. Faster than (timeout 0).
(let [ch (chan)]
(goog.async.nextTick #(close! ch))
(defn router-loop
(go-loop []
(let [event-v (<! event-chan) ;; wait for an event
_ (if (:flush-dom (meta event-v)) ;; check the event for metadata
(do (flush) (<! (timeout 20))) ;; wait just over one annimation frame (16ms), to rensure all pending GUI work is flushed to the DOM.
(<! (yield)))] ;; just in case we are handling one dispatch after an other, give the browser back control to do its stuff
(handle event-v)
2015-05-08 05:49:48 +00:00
;; If the handler throws:
;; - allow the exception to bubble up because the app, in production,
;; may have hooked window.onerror and perform special processing.
2015-05-08 05:49:48 +00:00
;; - But an exception which bubbles up will break the enclosing go-loop.
;; So we'll need to start another one.
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;; - purge any pending events, because they are probably related to the
;; event which just fell in a screaming heap. Not sane to handle further
;; events if the prior event failed.
(catch js/Object e
;; try to recover from this (probably uncaught) error as best we can
(purge-chan) ;; get rid of any pending events
(router-loop) ;; Exception throw will cause termination of go-loop. So, start another.
(throw e))))) ;; re-throw so the rest of the app's infrastructure (window.onerror?) gets told
;; start event processing
;; -- dispatch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn dispatch
"Send an event to be processed by the registered handler.
Usage example:
(dispatch [:delete-item 42])
(if (nil? event-v)
(error "re-frame: \"dispatch\" is ignoring a nil event.") ;; nil would close the channel
(put! event-chan event-v))
2015-04-07 23:12:47 +00:00
nil) ;; Ensure nil return. See
(defn dispatch-sync
"Send an event to be processed by the registered handler, but avoid the async-inducing
use of core.async/chan.
Usage example:
(dispatch-sync [:delete-item 42])"
(handle event-v)
2015-04-07 23:12:47 +00:00
nil) ;; Ensure nil return. See