You need both the re-frame-trace project _and_ a test project to develop it against. For example, you can use the [todo-mvc]( project.
- Clone `re-frame-trace` to your machine:
git clone
- Go into the root folder of the test project you're using to develop re-frame-trace with.
- Still in the test project, create a folder called `checkouts`, then enter the folder:
mkdir checkouts
cd checkouts
- Create a [relative symlink]( from your local re-frame-trace project in the checkouts folder. For example:
- If you're using figwheel in the test project, you need to add the checkouts folder (`checkouts/re-frame-trace/src`) to `:cljsbuild :source-paths` in the `project.clj` file. If you're having trouble locating the right place to put this, it might help to look to a sample [project.clj]( for inspiration. For example:
We want to use re-frame, but we don't want to use the re-frame that the host is using, or tracing will get very messy. Instead, we use [mranderson]( to create source dependencies of re-frame and reagent.
### How does re-frame-trace build?? I don't see anything in the project.clj that looks like it will build.
When you add a path to the :source-paths of the test project used to develop the trace panel against, figwheel in the test project will know to watch and build it too.
### I'm developing against the re-frame todomvc project. Why are changes in my local re-frame repo reflected in the example project? Shouldn't it be pulling from clojars?
The re-frame todomvc depends on the source paths of the re-frame project in the same repo. It does this by adding adding `"../../src"` to `:source-paths`.