Add Reagent to source dependencies

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Compton 2017-12-22 16:42:48 +13:00
parent 4e3fb7fae6
commit 9cfe463d02
18 changed files with 2264 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -52,12 +52,13 @@ We are using CSS preprocessing to isolate the panel styles, by namespacing the p
### Updating the internal version of re-frame used
We want to use re-frame, but we don't want to use the re-frame that the host is using, or tracing will get very messy. Instead, we use [mranderson]( to create source dependencies of re-frame.
We want to use re-frame, but we don't want to use the re-frame that the host is using, or tracing will get very messy. Instead, we use [mranderson]( to create source dependencies of re-frame and reagent.
$ lein do clean
$ lein with-profile mranderson source-deps
$ cp -r target/srcdeps/mranderson047 src
$ cp -r target/srcdeps/mranderson047 src
# Then delete the META-INF directories
### How does re-frame-trace build?? I don't see anything in the project.clj that looks like it will build.

View File

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
(defproject "0.1.15-SNAPSHOT"
:description "Tracing and developer tools for re-frame apps"
:url ""
:license {:name "MIT"}
:url ""
:license {:name "MIT"}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0"]
[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.9.671"]
[reagent "0.6.0" :scope "provided"]
[reagent "0.6.0" :scope "provided"]
[re-frame "0.10.3-alpha2" :scope "provided"]
[binaryage/devtools "0.9.4"]
[io.pyroclast/metamorphic "0.1.0-alpha1"]
[binaryage/devtools "0.9.4"]
[garden "1.3.3"]]
:plugins [[thomasa/mranderson "0.4.7"]
[lein-less "RELEASE"]]
:deploy-repositories {"releases" :clojars
:deploy-repositories {"releases" :clojars
"snapshots" :clojars}
;:source-paths ["target/srcdeps"]
@ -31,11 +31,17 @@
:target-path "resources/day8/re_frame/trace"}
:profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[binaryage/dirac "RELEASE"]]}
:mranderson {:dependencies [^:source-dep [re-frame "0.10.2" :scope "provided"
:exclusions [org.clojure/clojurescript
:mranderson {:dependencies ^:replace [^:source-dep [re-frame "0.10.2"
:exclusions [org.clojure/clojurescript
^:source-dep [reagent "0.6.0"
:exclusions [org.clojure/clojurescript

View File

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
(defn make-reaction
"On JVM Clojure, return a `deref`-able thing which invokes the given function
on every `deref`. That is, `make-reaction` here provides precisely none of the
benefits of `reagent.ratom/make-reaction` (which only invokes its function if
benefits of `mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.ratom/make-reaction` (which only invokes its function if
the reactions that the function derefs have changed value). But so long as `f`
only depends on other reactions (which also behave themselves), the only
difference is one of efficiency. That is, your tests should see no difference

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
(:require [goog.async.nextTick]
(def next-tick goog.async.nextTick)
(def empty-queue #queue [])
(def after-render reagent.core/after-render)
(def after-render mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.core/after-render)
;; Make sure the Google Closure compiler sees this as a boolean constant,
;; otherwise Dead Code Elimination won't happen in `:advanced` builds.
@ -16,23 +16,23 @@
(def ^boolean debug-enabled? "@define {boolean}" ^boolean js/goog.DEBUG)
(defn ratom [x]
(reagent.core/atom x))
(mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.core/atom x))
(defn ratom? [x]
(satisfies? reagent.ratom/IReactiveAtom x))
(satisfies? mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.ratom/IReactiveAtom x))
(defn deref? [x]
(satisfies? IDeref x))
(defn make-reaction [f]
(reagent.ratom/make-reaction f))
(mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.ratom/make-reaction f))
(defn add-on-dispose! [a-ratom f]
(reagent.ratom/add-on-dispose! a-ratom f))
(mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.ratom/add-on-dispose! a-ratom f))
(defn dispose! [a-ratom]
(reagent.ratom/dispose! a-ratom))
(mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.ratom/dispose! a-ratom))
(defn set-timeout! [f ms]
(js/setTimeout f ms))
@ -46,11 +46,11 @@
"Produces an id for reactive Reagent values
e.g. reactions, ratoms, cursors."
(when (implements? reagent.ratom/IReactiveAtom reactive-val)
(when (implements? mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.ratom/IReactiveAtom reactive-val)
(str (condp instance? reactive-val
reagent.ratom/RAtom "ra"
reagent.ratom/RCursor "rc"
reagent.ratom/Reaction "rx"
reagent.ratom/Track "tr"
mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.ratom/RAtom "ra"
mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.ratom/RCursor "rc"
mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.ratom/Reaction "rx"
mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.ratom/Track "tr"
(hash reactive-val))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
(ns mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.core
(:require [mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.ratom :as ra]))
(defmacro with-let [bindings & body]
"Bind variables as with let, except that when used in a component
the bindings are only evaluated once. Also takes an optional finally
clause at the end, that is executed when the component is
`(ra/with-let ~bindings ~@body))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
(ns mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.core
(:require-macros [mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.core])
(:refer-clojure :exclude [partial atom flush])
(:require [mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.impl.template :as tmpl]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.impl.component :as comp]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.impl.util :as util]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.impl.batching :as batch]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.ratom :as ratom]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.debug :as deb :refer-macros [dbg prn]]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.interop :refer-macros [$ $!]]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.dom :as dom]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.dom.server :as server]))
(def is-client util/is-client)
(def react util/react)
(defn create-element
"Create a native React element, by calling React.createElement directly.
That means the second argument must be a javascript object (or nil), and
that any Reagent hiccup forms must be processed with as-element. For example
like this:
(r/create-element \"div\" #js{:className \"foo\"}
\"Hi \" (r/as-element [:strong \"world!\"])
which is equivalent to
[ \"Hi\" [:strong \"world!\"]]"
(create-element type nil))
([type props]
(assert (not (map? props)))
($ react createElement type props))
([type props child]
(assert (not (map? props)))
($ react createElement type props child))
([type props child & children]
(assert (not (map? props)))
(apply ($ react :createElement) type props child children)))
(defn as-element
"Turns a vector of Hiccup syntax into a React element. Returns form
unchanged if it is not a vector."
(tmpl/as-element form))
(defn adapt-react-class
"Returns an adapter for a native React class, that may be used
just like a Reagent component function or class in Hiccup forms."
(assert c)
(tmpl/adapt-react-class c))
(defn reactify-component
"Returns an adapter for a Reagent component, that may be used from
React, for example in JSX. A single argument, props, is passed to
the component, converted to a map."
(assert c)
(comp/reactify-component c))
(defn render
"Render a Reagent component into the DOM. The first argument may be
either a vector (using Reagent's Hiccup syntax), or a React element.
The second argument should be a DOM node.
Optionally takes a callback that is called when the component is in place.
Returns the mounted component instance."
([comp container]
(dom/render comp container))
([comp container callback]
(dom/render comp container callback)))
(defn unmount-component-at-node
"Remove a component from the given DOM node."
(dom/unmount-component-at-node container))
(defn render-to-string
"Turns a component into an HTML string."
(server/render-to-string component))
;; For backward compatibility
(def as-component as-element)
(def render-component render)
(def render-component-to-string render-to-string)
(defn render-to-static-markup
"Turns a component into an HTML string, without data-react-id attributes, etc."
(server/render-to-static-markup component))
(defn ^:export force-update-all
"Force re-rendering of all mounted Reagent components. This is
probably only useful in a development environment, when you want to
update components in response to some dynamic changes to code.
Note that force-update-all may not update root components. This
happens if a component 'foo' is mounted with `(render [foo])` (since
functions are passed by value, and not by reference, in
ClojureScript). To get around this you'll have to introduce a layer
of indirection, for example by using `(render [#'foo])` instead."
(defn create-class
"Create a component, React style. Should be called with a map,
looking like this:
{:get-initial-state (fn [this])
:component-will-receive-props (fn [this new-argv])
:should-component-update (fn [this old-argv new-argv])
:component-will-mount (fn [this])
:component-did-mount (fn [this])
:component-will-update (fn [this new-argv])
:component-did-update (fn [this old-argv])
:component-will-unmount (fn [this])
:reagent-render (fn [args....])} ;; or :render (fn [this])
Everything is optional, except either :reagent-render or :render."
(comp/create-class spec))
(defn current-component
"Returns the current React component (a.k.a this) in a component
(defn state-atom
"Returns an atom containing a components state."
(assert (comp/reagent-component? this))
(comp/state-atom this))
(defn state
"Returns the state of a component, as set with replace-state or set-state.
Equivalent to (deref (r/state-atom this))"
(assert (comp/reagent-component? this))
(deref (state-atom this)))
(defn replace-state
"Set state of a component.
Equivalent to (reset! (state-atom this) new-state)"
[this new-state]
(assert (comp/reagent-component? this))
(assert (or (nil? new-state) (map? new-state)))
(reset! (state-atom this) new-state))
(defn set-state
"Merge component state with new-state.
Equivalent to (swap! (state-atom this) merge new-state)"
[this new-state]
(assert (comp/reagent-component? this))
(assert (or (nil? new-state) (map? new-state)))
(swap! (state-atom this) merge new-state))
(defn force-update
"Force a component to re-render immediately.
If the second argument is true, child components will also be
re-rendered, even is their arguments have not changed."
(force-update this false))
([this deep]
(util/force-update this deep)
(defn props
"Returns the props passed to a component."
(assert (comp/reagent-component? this))
(comp/get-props this))
(defn children
"Returns the children passed to a component."
(assert (comp/reagent-component? this))
(comp/get-children this))
(defn argv
"Returns the entire Hiccup form passed to the component."
(assert (comp/reagent-component? this))
(comp/get-argv this))
(defn dom-node
"Returns the root DOM node of a mounted component."
(dom/dom-node this))
(defn merge-props
"Utility function that merges two maps, handling :class and :style
specially, like React's transferPropsTo."
[defaults props]
(util/merge-props defaults props))
(defn flush
"Render dirty components immediately to the DOM.
Note that this may not work in event handlers, since React.js does
batching of updates there."
;; Ratom
(defn atom
"Like clojure.core/atom, except that it keeps track of derefs.
Reagent components that derefs one of these are automatically
([x] (ratom/atom x))
([x & rest] (apply ratom/atom x rest)))
(defn track
"Takes a function and optional arguments, and returns a derefable
containing the output of that function. If the function derefs
Reagent atoms (or track, etc), the value will be updated whenever
the atom changes.
In other words, @(track foo bar) will produce the same result
as (foo bar), but foo will only be called again when the atoms it
depends on changes, and will only trigger updates of components when
its result changes.
track is lazy, i.e the function is only evaluated on deref."
[f & args]
{:pre [(ifn? f)]}
(ratom/make-track f args))
(defn track!
"An eager version of track. The function passed is called
immediately, and continues to be called when needed, until stopped
with dispose!."
[f & args]
{:pre [(ifn? f)]}
(ratom/make-track! f args))
(defn dispose!
"Stop the result of track! from updating."
(ratom/dispose! x))
(defn wrap
"Provide a combination of value and callback, that looks like an atom.
The first argument can be any value, that will be returned when the
result is deref'ed.
The second argument should be a function, that is called with the
optional extra arguments provided to wrap, and the new value of the
resulting 'atom'.
Use for example like this:
(wrap (:foo @state)
swap! state assoc :foo)
Probably useful only for passing to child components."
[value reset-fn & args]
(assert (ifn? reset-fn))
(ratom/make-wrapper value reset-fn args))
;; RCursor
(defn cursor
"Provide a cursor into a Reagent atom.
Behaves like a Reagent atom but focuses updates and derefs to
the specified path within the wrapped Reagent atom. e.g.,
(let [c (cursor ra [:nested :content])]
... @c ;; equivalent to (get-in @ra [:nested :content])
... (reset! c 42) ;; equivalent to (swap! ra assoc-in [:nested :content] 42)
... (swap! c inc) ;; equivalence to (swap! ra update-in [:nested :content] inc)
The first parameter can also be a function, that should look
something like this:
(defn set-get
([k] (get-in @state k))
([k v] (swap! state assoc-in k v)))
The function will be called with one argument the path passed to
cursor when the cursor is deref'ed, and two arguments (path and
new value) when the cursor is modified.
Given that set-get function, (and that state is a Reagent atom, or
another cursor) these cursors are equivalent:
(cursor state [:foo]) and (cursor set-get [:foo]).
Note that a cursor is lazy: its value will not change until it is
used. This may be noticed with add-watch."
([src path]
(ratom/cursor src path)))
;; Utilities
(defn rswap!
"Swaps the value of a to be (apply f current-value-of-atom args).
rswap! works like swap!, except that recursive calls to rswap! on
the same atom are allowed and it always returns nil."
[a f & args]
{:pre [(satisfies? IAtom a)
(ifn? f)]}
(if a.rswapping
(-> (or a.rswapfs (set! a.rswapfs (array)))
(.push #(apply f % args)))
(do (set! a.rswapping true)
(try (swap! a (fn [state]
(loop [s (apply f state args)]
(if-some [sf (some-> a.rswapfs .shift)]
(recur (sf s))
(set! a.rswapping false)))))
(defn next-tick
"Run f using requestAnimationFrame or equivalent.
f will be called just before components are rendered."
(batch/do-before-flush f))
(defn after-render
"Run f using requestAnimationFrame or equivalent.
f will be called just after any queued renders in the next animation
frame (and even if no renders actually occur)."
(batch/do-after-render f))
(defn partial
"Works just like clojure.core/partial, except that it is an IFn, and
the result can be compared with ="
[f & args]
(util/partial-ifn. f args nil))
(defn component-path
;; Try to return the path of component c as a string.
;; Maybe useful for debugging and error reporting, but may break
;; with future versions of React (and return nil).
(comp/component-path c))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
(ns mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.debug
(:refer-clojure :exclude [prn println time]))
(defmacro log
"Print with console.log, if it exists."
[& forms]
`(when mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.debug.has-console
(.log js/console ~@forms)))
(defmacro warn
"Print with console.warn."
[& forms]
(when *assert*
`(when mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.debug.has-console
(.warn (if mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.debug.tracking
mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.debug.track-console js/console)
(str "Warning: " ~@forms)))))
(defmacro warn-unless
[cond & forms]
(when *assert*
`(when (not ~cond)
(warn ~@forms))))
(defmacro error
"Print with console.error."
[& forms]
(when *assert*
`(when mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.debug.has-console
(.error (if mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.debug.tracking
mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.debug.track-console js/console)
(str ~@forms)))))
(defmacro println
"Print string with console.log"
[& forms]
`(log (str ~@forms)))
(defmacro prn
"Like standard prn, but prints using console.log (so that we get
nice clickable links to source in modern browsers)."
[& forms]
`(log (pr-str ~@forms)))
(defmacro dbg
"Useful debugging macro that prints the source and value of x,
as well as package name and line number. Returns x."
(let [ns (str cljs.analyzer/*cljs-ns*)]
`(let [x# ~x]
(println (str "dbg "
~ns ":"
~(:line (meta &form))
": "
~(pr-str x)
": "
(pr-str x#)))
(defmacro dev?
"True if assertions are enabled."
(if *assert* true false))
(defmacro time [& forms]
(let [ns (str cljs.analyzer/*cljs-ns*)
label (str ns ":" (:line (meta &form)))]
`(let [label# ~label
res# (do
(js/console.time label#)
(js/console.timeEnd label#)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
(ns mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.debug
(:require-macros [mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.debug]))
(def ^:const has-console (exists? js/console))
(def ^boolean tracking false)
(defonce warnings (atom nil))
(defonce track-console
(let [o #js{}]
(set! (.-warn o)
(fn [& args]
(swap! warnings update-in [:warn] conj (apply str args))))
(set! (.-error o)
(fn [& args]
(swap! warnings update-in [:error] conj (apply str args))))
(defn track-warnings [f]
(set! tracking true)
(reset! warnings nil)
(let [warns @warnings]
(reset! warnings nil)
(set! tracking false)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
(ns mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.dom
(:require [cljsjs.react.dom]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.impl.util :as util]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.impl.template :as tmpl]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.impl.batching :as batch]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.ratom :as ratom]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.debug :refer-macros [dbg]]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.interop :refer-macros [$ $!]]))
(defonce ^:private imported nil)
(defn module []
(some? imported) imported
(exists? js/ReactDOM) (set! imported js/ReactDOM)
(exists? js/require) (or (set! imported (js/require "react-dom"))
(throw (js/Error. "require('react-dom') failed")))
(throw (js/Error. "js/ReactDOM is missing"))))
(defonce ^:private roots (atom {}))
(defn- unmount-comp [container]
(swap! roots dissoc container)
($ (module) unmountComponentAtNode container))
(defn- render-comp [comp container callback]
(binding [util/*always-update* true]
(->> ($ (module) render (comp) container
(fn []
(binding [util/*always-update* false]
(swap! roots assoc container [comp container])
(if (some? callback)
(defn- re-render-component [comp container]
(render-comp comp container nil))
(defn render
"Render a Reagent component into the DOM. The first argument may be
either a vector (using Reagent's Hiccup syntax), or a React element. The second argument should be a DOM node.
Optionally takes a callback that is called when the component is in place.
Returns the mounted component instance."
([comp container]
(render comp container nil))
([comp container callback]
(let [f (fn []
(tmpl/as-element (if (fn? comp) (comp) comp)))]
(render-comp f container callback))))
(defn unmount-component-at-node [container]
(unmount-comp container))
(defn dom-node
"Returns the root DOM node of a mounted component."
($ (module) findDOMNode this))
(defn force-update-all
"Force re-rendering of all mounted Reagent components. This is
probably only useful in a development environment, when you want to
update components in response to some dynamic changes to code.
Note that force-update-all may not update root components. This
happens if a component 'foo' is mounted with `(render [foo])` (since
functions are passed by value, and not by reference, in
ClojureScript). To get around this you'll have to introduce a layer
of indirection, for example by using `(render [#'foo])` instead."
(doseq [v (vals @roots)]
(apply re-render-component v))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
(ns mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.dom.server
(:require [cljsjs.react.dom.server]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.impl.util :as util]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.impl.template :as tmpl]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.ratom :as ratom]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.interop :refer-macros [$ $!]]))
(defonce ^:private imported nil)
(defn module []
(some? imported) imported
(exists? js/ReactDOMServer) (set! imported js/ReactDOMServer)
(exists? js/require) (or (set! imported (js/require "react-dom/server"))
(throw (js/Error.
"require('react-dom/server') failed")))
(throw (js/Error. "js/ReactDOMServer is missing"))))
(defn render-to-string
"Turns a component into an HTML string."
(binding [util/*non-reactive* true]
($ (module) renderToString (tmpl/as-element component))))
(defn render-to-static-markup
"Turns a component into an HTML string, without data-react-id attributes, etc."
(binding [util/*non-reactive* true]
($ (module) renderToStaticMarkup (tmpl/as-element component))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
(ns mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.impl.batching
(:refer-clojure :exclude [flush])
(:require [mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.debug :refer-macros [dbg]]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.interop :refer-macros [$ $!]]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.impl.util :refer [is-client]]
[clojure.string :as string]))
;;; Update batching
(defonce mount-count 0)
(defn next-mount-count []
(set! mount-count (inc mount-count)))
(defn fake-raf [f]
(js/setTimeout f 16))
(def next-tick
(if-not is-client
(let [w js/window]
(or ($ w :requestAnimationFrame)
($ w :webkitRequestAnimationFrame)
($ w :mozRequestAnimationFrame)
($ w :msRequestAnimationFrame)
(defn compare-mount-order [c1 c2]
(- ($ c1 :cljsMountOrder)
($ c2 :cljsMountOrder)))
(defn run-queue [a]
;; sort components by mount order, to make sure parents
;; are rendered before children
(.sort a compare-mount-order)
(dotimes [i (alength a)]
(let [c (aget a i)]
(when (true? ($ c :cljsIsDirty))
($ c forceUpdate)))))
;; Set from ratom.cljs
(defonce ratom-flush (fn []))
(deftype RenderQueue [^:mutable ^boolean scheduled?]
(enqueue [this k f]
(assert (some? f))
(when (nil? (aget this k))
(aset this k (array)))
(.push (aget this k) f)
(.schedule this))
(run-funs [this k]
(when-some [fs (aget this k)]
(aset this k nil)
(dotimes [i (alength fs)]
((aget fs i)))))
(schedule [this]
(when-not scheduled?
(set! scheduled? true)
(next-tick #(.run-queues this))))
(queue-render [this c]
(.enqueue this "componentQueue" c))
(add-before-flush [this f]
(.enqueue this "beforeFlush" f))
(add-after-render [this f]
(.enqueue this "afterRender" f))
(run-queues [this]
(set! scheduled? false)
(.flush-queues this))
(flush-after-render [this]
(.run-funs this "afterRender"))
(flush-queues [this]
(.run-funs this "beforeFlush")
(when-some [cs (aget this "componentQueue")]
(aset this "componentQueue" nil)
(run-queue cs))
(.flush-after-render this)))
(defonce render-queue (RenderQueue. false))
(defn flush []
(.flush-queues render-queue))
(defn flush-after-render []
(.flush-after-render render-queue))
(defn queue-render [c]
(when-not ($ c :cljsIsDirty)
($! c :cljsIsDirty true)
(.queue-render render-queue c)))
(defn mark-rendered [c]
($! c :cljsIsDirty false))
(defn do-before-flush [f]
(.add-before-flush render-queue f))
(defn do-after-render [f]
(.add-after-render render-queue f))
(defn schedule []
(when (false? (.-scheduled? render-queue))
(.schedule render-queue)))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
(ns mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.impl.component
(:require [mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.impl.util :as util]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.impl.batching :as batch]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.ratom :as ratom]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.interop :refer-macros [$ $!]]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.debug :refer-macros [dbg prn dev? warn error warn-unless]]))
(declare ^:dynamic *current-component*)
;;; Argv access
(defn shallow-obj-to-map [o]
(let [ks (js-keys o)
len (alength ks)]
(loop [m {} i 0]
(if (< i len)
(let [k (aget ks i)]
(recur (assoc m (keyword k) (aget o k)) (inc i)))
(defn extract-props [v]
(let [p (nth v 1 nil)]
(if (map? p) p)))
(defn extract-children [v]
(let [p (nth v 1 nil)
first-child (if (or (nil? p) (map? p)) 2 1)]
(if (> (count v) first-child)
(subvec v first-child))))
(defn props-argv [c p]
(if-some [a ($ p :argv)]
[(.-constructor c) (shallow-obj-to-map p)]))
(defn get-argv [c]
(props-argv c ($ c :props)))
(defn get-props [c]
(let [p ($ c :props)]
(if-some [v ($ p :argv)]
(extract-props v)
(shallow-obj-to-map p))))
(defn get-children [c]
(let [p ($ c :props)]
(if-some [v ($ p :argv)]
(extract-children v)
(->> ($ p :children)
($ util/react Children.toArray)
(into [])))))
(defn ^boolean reagent-class? [c]
(and (fn? c)
(some? (some-> c .-prototype ($ :reagentRender)))))
(defn ^boolean react-class? [c]
(and (fn? c)
(some? (some-> c .-prototype ($ :render)))))
(defn ^boolean reagent-component? [c]
(some? ($ c :reagentRender)))
(defn cached-react-class [c]
($ c :cljsReactClass))
(defn cache-react-class [c constructor]
($! c :cljsReactClass constructor))
;;; State
(defn state-atom [this]
(let [sa ($ this :cljsState)]
(if-not (nil? sa)
($! this :cljsState (ratom/atom nil)))))
;; avoid circular dependency: this gets set from template.cljs
(defonce as-element nil)
;;; Rendering
(defn wrap-render [c]
(let [f ($ c :reagentRender)
_ (assert (ifn? f))
res (if (true? ($ c :cljsLegacyRender))
(.call f c c)
(let [v (get-argv c)
n (count v)]
(case n
1 (.call f c)
2 (.call f c (nth v 1))
3 (.call f c (nth v 1) (nth v 2))
4 (.call f c (nth v 1) (nth v 2) (nth v 3))
5 (.call f c (nth v 1) (nth v 2) (nth v 3) (nth v 4))
(.apply f c (.slice (into-array v) 1)))))]
(vector? res) (as-element res)
(ifn? res) (let [f (if (reagent-class? res)
(fn [& args]
(as-element (apply vector res args)))
($! c :reagentRender f)
(recur c))
:else res)))
(declare comp-name)
(defn do-render [c]
(binding [*current-component* c]
(if (dev?)
;; Log errors, without using try/catch (and mess up call stack)
(let [ok (array false)]
(let [res (wrap-render c)]
(aset ok 0 true)
(when-not (aget ok 0)
(error (str "Error rendering component"
(wrap-render c))))
;;; Method wrapping
(def rat-opts {:no-cache true})
(def static-fns
(fn render []
(this-as c (if util/*non-reactive*
(do-render c)
(let [rat ($ c :cljsRatom)]
(batch/mark-rendered c)
(if (nil? rat)
(ratom/run-in-reaction #(do-render c) c "cljsRatom"
batch/queue-render rat-opts)
(._run rat false))))))})
(defn custom-wrapper [key f]
(case key
(assert false "getDefaultProps not supported")
(fn getInitialState []
(this-as c (reset! (state-atom c) (.call f c c))))
(fn componentWillReceiveProps [nextprops]
(this-as c (.call f c c (props-argv c nextprops))))
(fn shouldComponentUpdate [nextprops nextstate]
(or util/*always-update*
(this-as c
;; Don't care about nextstate here, we use forceUpdate
;; when only when state has changed anyway.
(let [old-argv ($ c :props.argv)
new-argv ($ nextprops :argv)
noargv (or (nil? old-argv) (nil? new-argv))]
(nil? f) (or noargv (not= old-argv new-argv))
noargv (.call f c c (get-argv c) (props-argv c nextprops))
:else (.call f c c old-argv new-argv))))))
(fn componentWillUpdate [nextprops]
(this-as c (.call f c c (props-argv c nextprops))))
(fn componentDidUpdate [oldprops]
(this-as c (.call f c c (props-argv c oldprops))))
(fn componentWillMount []
(this-as c
($! c :cljsMountOrder (batch/next-mount-count))
(when-not (nil? f)
(.call f c c))))
(fn componentDidMount []
(this-as c (.call f c c)))
(fn componentWillUnmount []
(this-as c
(some-> ($ c :cljsRatom)
(batch/mark-rendered c)
(when-not (nil? f)
(.call f c c))))
(defn get-wrapper [key f name]
(let [wrap (custom-wrapper key f)]
(when (and wrap f)
(assert (ifn? f)
(str "Expected function in " name key " but got " f)))
(or wrap f)))
(def obligatory {:shouldComponentUpdate nil
:componentWillMount nil
:componentWillUnmount nil})
(def dash-to-camel (util/memoize-1 util/dash-to-camel))
(defn camelify-map-keys [fun-map]
(reduce-kv (fn [m k v]
(assoc m (-> k dash-to-camel keyword) v))
{} fun-map))
(defn add-obligatory [fun-map]
(merge obligatory fun-map))
(defn wrap-funs [fmap]
(when (dev?)
(let [renders (select-keys fmap [:render :reagentRender :componentFunction])
render-fun (-> renders vals first)]
(assert (pos? (count renders)) "Missing reagent-render")
(assert (== 1 (count renders)) "Too many render functions supplied")
(assert (ifn? render-fun) (str "Render must be a function, not "
(pr-str render-fun)))))
(let [render-fun (or (:reagentRender fmap)
(:componentFunction fmap))
legacy-render (nil? render-fun)
render-fun (or render-fun
(:render fmap))
name (str (or (:displayName fmap)
(util/fun-name render-fun)))
name (case name
"" (str (gensym "reagent"))
fmap (reduce-kv (fn [m k v]
(assoc m k (get-wrapper k v name)))
{} fmap)]
(assoc fmap
:displayName name
:autobind false
:cljsLegacyRender legacy-render
:reagentRender render-fun
:render (:render static-fns))))
(defn map-to-js [m]
(reduce-kv (fn [o k v]
(doto o
(aset (name k) v)))
#js{} m))
(defn cljsify [body]
(-> body
(defn create-class [body]
{:pre [(map? body)]}
(->> body
($ util/react createClass)))
(defn component-path [c]
(let [elem (some-> (or (some-> c ($ :_reactInternalInstance))
($ :_currentElement))
name (some-> elem
($ :type)
($ :displayName))
path (some-> elem
($ :_owner)
(str " > "))
res (str path name)]
(when-not (empty? res) res)))
(defn comp-name []
(if (dev?)
(let [c *current-component*
n (or (component-path c)
(some-> c .-constructor util/fun-name))]
(if-not (empty? n)
(str " (in " n ")")
(defn fn-to-class [f]
(assert (ifn? f) (str "Expected a function, not " (pr-str f)))
(warn-unless (not (and (react-class? f)
(not (reagent-class? f))))
"Using native React classes directly in Hiccup forms "
"is not supported. Use create-element or "
"adapt-react-class instead: " (let [n (util/fun-name f)]
(if (empty? n) f n))
(if (reagent-class? f)
(cache-react-class f f)
(let [spec (meta f)
withrender (assoc spec :reagent-render f)
res (create-class withrender)]
(cache-react-class f res))))
(defn as-class [tag]
(if-some [cached-class (cached-react-class tag)]
(fn-to-class tag)))
(defn reactify-component [comp]
(if (react-class? comp)
(as-class comp)))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
(ns mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.impl.template
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[clojure.walk :refer [prewalk]]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.impl.util :as util :refer [is-client]]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.impl.component :as comp]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.impl.batching :as batch]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.ratom :as ratom]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.interop :refer-macros [$ $!]]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.debug :refer-macros [dbg prn println log dev?
warn warn-unless]]))
;; From Weavejester's Hiccup, via pump:
(def ^{:doc "Regular expression that parses a CSS-style id and class
from a tag name."}
re-tag #"([^\s\.#]+)(?:#([^\s\.#]+))?(?:\.([^\s#]+))?")
(deftype NativeWrapper [])
;;; Common utilities
(defn ^boolean named? [x]
(or (keyword? x)
(symbol? x)))
(defn ^boolean hiccup-tag? [x]
(or (named? x)
(string? x)))
(defn ^boolean valid-tag? [x]
(or (hiccup-tag? x)
(ifn? x)
(instance? NativeWrapper x)))
;;; Props conversion
(def prop-name-cache #js{:class "className"
:for "htmlFor"
:charset "charSet"})
(defn cache-get [o k]
(when ^boolean (.hasOwnProperty o k)
(aget o k)))
(defn cached-prop-name [k]
(if (named? k)
(if-some [k' (cache-get prop-name-cache (name k))]
(aset prop-name-cache (name k)
(util/dash-to-camel k)))
(defn ^boolean js-val? [x]
(not (identical? "object" (goog/typeOf x))))
(declare convert-prop-value)
(defn kv-conv [o k v]
(doto o
(aset (cached-prop-name k)
(convert-prop-value v))))
(defn convert-prop-value [x]
(cond (js-val? x) x
(named? x) (name x)
(map? x) (reduce-kv kv-conv #js{} x)
(coll? x) (clj->js x)
(ifn? x) (fn [& args]
(apply x args))
:else (clj->js x)))
(defn oset [o k v]
(doto (if (nil? o) #js{} o)
(aset k v)))
(defn oget [o k]
(if (nil? o) nil (aget o k)))
(defn set-id-class [p id-class]
(let [id ($ id-class :id)
p (if (and (some? id)
(nil? (oget p "id")))
(oset p "id" id)
(if-some [class ($ id-class :className)]
(let [old (oget p "className")]
(oset p "className" (if (nil? old)
(str class " " old))))
(defn convert-props [props id-class]
(-> props
(set-id-class id-class)))
;;; Specialization for input components
;; <input type="??" >
;; The properites 'selectionStart' and 'selectionEnd' only exist on some inputs
;; See:
(def these-inputs-have-selection-api #{"text" "textarea" "password" "search"
"tel" "url"})
(defn ^boolean has-selection-api?
(contains? these-inputs-have-selection-api input-type))
(defn input-set-value [this]
(when-some [node ($ this :cljsInputElement)]
($! this :cljsInputDirty false)
(let [rendered-value ($ this :cljsRenderedValue)
dom-value ($ this :cljsDOMValue)]
(when (not= rendered-value dom-value)
(if-not (and (identical? node ($ js/document :activeElement))
(has-selection-api? ($ node :type))
(string? rendered-value)
(string? dom-value))
;; just set the value, no need to worry about a cursor
($! this :cljsDOMValue rendered-value)
($! node :value rendered-value))
;; Setting "value" (below) moves the cursor position to the
;; end which gives the user a jarring experience.
;; But repositioning the cursor within the text, turns out to
;; be quite a challenge because changes in the text can be
;; triggered by various events like:
;; - a validation function rejecting a user inputted char
;; - the user enters a lower case char, but is transformed to
;; upper.
;; - the user selects multiple chars and deletes text
;; - the user pastes in multiple chars, and some of them are
;; rejected by a validator.
;; - the user selects multiple chars and then types in a
;; single new char to repalce them all.
;; Coming up with a sane cursor repositioning strategy hasn't
;; been easy ALTHOUGH in the end, it kinda fell out nicely,
;; and it appears to sanely handle all the cases we could
;; think of.
;; So this is just a warning. The code below is simple
;; enough, but if you are tempted to change it, be aware of
;; all the scenarios you have handle.
(let [node-value ($ node :value)]
(if (not= node-value dom-value)
;; IE has not notified us of the change yet, so check again later
(batch/do-after-render #(input-set-value this))
(let [existing-offset-from-end (- (count node-value)
($ node :selectionStart))
new-cursor-offset (- (count rendered-value)
($! this :cljsDOMValue rendered-value)
($! node :value rendered-value)
($! node :selectionStart new-cursor-offset)
($! node :selectionEnd new-cursor-offset)))))))))
(defn input-handle-change [this on-change e]
($! this :cljsDOMValue (-> e .-target .-value))
;; Make sure the input is re-rendered, in case on-change
;; wants to keep the value unchanged
(when-not ($ this :cljsInputDirty)
($! this :cljsInputDirty true)
(batch/do-after-render #(input-set-value this)))
(on-change e))
(defn input-render-setup [this jsprops]
;; Don't rely on React for updating "controlled inputs", since it
;; doesn't play well with async rendering (misses keystrokes).
(when (and (some? jsprops)
(.hasOwnProperty jsprops "onChange")
(.hasOwnProperty jsprops "value"))
(let [v ($ jsprops :value)
value (if (nil? v) "" v)
on-change ($ jsprops :onChange)]
(when (nil? ($ this :cljsInputElement))
;; set initial value
($! this :cljsDOMValue value))
($! this :cljsRenderedValue value)
(js-delete jsprops "value")
(doto jsprops
($! :defaultValue value)
($! :onChange #(input-handle-change this on-change %))
($! :ref #($! this :cljsInputElement %1))))))
(defn ^boolean input-component? [x]
(case x
("input" "textarea") true
(def reagent-input-class nil)
(declare make-element)
(def input-spec
{:display-name "ReagentInput"
:component-did-update input-set-value
(fn [argv comp jsprops first-child]
(let [this comp/*current-component*]
(input-render-setup this jsprops)
(make-element argv comp jsprops first-child)))})
(defn reagent-input []
(when (nil? reagent-input-class)
(set! reagent-input-class (comp/create-class input-spec)))
;;; Conversion from Hiccup forms
(defn parse-tag [hiccup-tag]
(let [[tag id class] (->> hiccup-tag name (re-matches re-tag) next)
class (when-not (nil? class)
(string/replace class #"\." " "))]
(assert tag (str "Invalid tag: '" hiccup-tag "'"
#js{:name tag
:id id
:className class}))
(defn try-get-key [x]
;; try catch to avoid clojurescript peculiarity with
;; sorted-maps with keys that are numbers
(try (get x :key)
(catch :default e)))
(defn get-key [x]
(when (map? x)
(try-get-key x)))
(defn key-from-vec [v]
(if-some [k (-> (meta v) get-key)]
(-> v (nth 1 nil) get-key)))
(defn reag-element [tag v]
(let [c (comp/as-class tag)
jsprops #js{:argv v}]
(when-some [key (key-from-vec v)]
($! jsprops :key key))
($ util/react createElement c jsprops)))
(defn adapt-react-class [c]
(doto (NativeWrapper.)
($! :name c)
($! :id nil)
($! :class nil)))
(def tag-name-cache #js{})
(defn cached-parse [x]
(if-some [s (cache-get tag-name-cache x)]
(aset tag-name-cache x (parse-tag x))))
(declare as-element)
(defn native-element [parsed argv first]
(let [comp ($ parsed :name)]
(let [props (nth argv first nil)
hasprops (or (nil? props) (map? props))
jsprops (convert-props (if hasprops props) parsed)
first-child (+ first (if hasprops 1 0))]
(if (input-component? comp)
(-> [(reagent-input) argv comp jsprops first-child]
(with-meta (meta argv))
(let [key (-> (meta argv) get-key)
p (if (nil? key)
(oset jsprops "key" key))]
(make-element argv comp p first-child))))))
(defn str-coll [coll]
(if (dev?)
(str (prewalk (fn [x]
(if (fn? x)
(let [n (util/fun-name x)]
(case n "" x (symbol n)))
x)) coll))
(str coll)))
(defn hiccup-err [v & msg]
(str (apply str msg) ": " (str-coll v) "\n" (comp/comp-name)))
(defn vec-to-elem [v]
(assert (pos? (count v)) (hiccup-err v "Hiccup form should not be empty"))
(let [tag (nth v 0 nil)]
(assert (valid-tag? tag) (hiccup-err v "Invalid Hiccup form"))
(hiccup-tag? tag)
(let [n (name tag)
pos (.indexOf n ">")]
(case pos
-1 (native-element (cached-parse n) v 1)
0 (let [comp (nth v 1 nil)]
;; Support [:> comp ...]
(assert (= ">" n) (hiccup-err v "Invalid Hiccup tag"))
(assert (or (string? comp) (fn? comp))
(hiccup-err v "Expected React component in"))
(native-element #js{:name comp} v 2))
;; Support extended hiccup syntax, i.e>
(recur [(subs n 0 pos)
(assoc v 0 (subs n (inc pos)))])))
(instance? NativeWrapper tag)
(native-element tag v 1)
:else (reag-element tag v))))
(declare expand-seq)
(declare expand-seq-check)
(defn as-element [x]
(cond (js-val? x) x
(vector? x) (vec-to-elem x)
(seq? x) (if (dev?)
(expand-seq-check x)
(expand-seq x))
(named? x) (name x)
(satisfies? IPrintWithWriter x) (pr-str x)
:else x))
(set! comp/as-element as-element)
(defn expand-seq [s]
(let [a (into-array s)]
(dotimes [i (alength a)]
(aset a i (as-element (aget a i))))
(defn expand-seq-dev [s o]
(let [a (into-array s)]
(dotimes [i (alength a)]
(let [val (aget a i)]
(when (and (vector? val)
(nil? (key-from-vec val)))
($! o :no-key true))
(aset a i (as-element val))))
(defn expand-seq-check [x]
(let [ctx #js{}
[res derefed] (ratom/check-derefs #(expand-seq-dev x ctx))]
(when derefed
(warn (hiccup-err x "Reactive deref not supported in lazy seq, "
"it should be wrapped in doall")))
(when ($ ctx :no-key)
(warn (hiccup-err x "Every element in a seq should have a unique :key")))
;; From
;; (def react-element-type (or (and (exists? js/Symbol)
;; ($ js/Symbol :for)
;; ($ js/Symbol for "react.element"))
;; 60103))
;; (defn make-element-fast [argv comp jsprops first-child]
;; (let [key (some-> jsprops ($ :key))
;; ref (some-> jsprops ($ :ref))
;; props (if (nil? jsprops) (js-obj) jsprops)]
;; ($! props :children
;; (case (- (count argv) first-child)
;; 0 nil
;; 1 (as-element (nth argv first-child))
;; (reduce-kv (fn [a k v]
;; (when (>= k first-child)
;; (.push a (as-element v)))
;; a)
;; #js[] argv)))
;; (js-obj "key" key
;; "ref" ref
;; "props" props
;; "$$typeof" react-element-type
;; "type" comp
;; ;; "_store" (js-obj)
;; )))
(defn make-element [argv comp jsprops first-child]
(case (- (count argv) first-child)
;; Optimize cases of zero or one child
0 ($ util/react createElement comp jsprops)
1 ($ util/react createElement comp jsprops
(as-element (nth argv first-child nil)))
(.apply ($ util/react :createElement) nil
(reduce-kv (fn [a k v]
(when (>= k first-child)
(.push a (as-element v)))
#js[comp jsprops] argv))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
(ns mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.impl.util
(:require [cljsjs.react]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.debug :refer-macros [dbg log warn]]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.interop :refer-macros [$ $!]]
[clojure.string :as string]))
(defonce react
(cond (exists? js/React) js/React
(exists? js/require) (or (js/require "react")
(throw (js/Error. "require('react') failed")))
:else (throw (js/Error. "js/React is missing"))))
(def is-client (and (exists? js/window)
(-> js/window ($ :document) nil? not)))
(def ^:dynamic ^boolean *non-reactive* false)
;;; Props accessors
;; Misc utilities
(defn memoize-1 [f]
(let [mem (atom {})]
(fn [arg]
(let [v (get @mem arg)]
(if-not (nil? v)
(let [ret (f arg)]
(swap! mem assoc arg ret)
(def dont-camel-case #{"aria" "data"})
(defn capitalize [s]
(if (< (count s) 2)
(string/upper-case s)
(str (string/upper-case (subs s 0 1)) (subs s 1))))
(defn dash-to-camel [dashed]
(if (string? dashed)
(let [name-str (name dashed)
[start & parts] (string/split name-str #"-")]
(if (dont-camel-case start)
(apply str start (map capitalize parts))))))
(defn fun-name [f]
(let [n (or (and (fn? f)
(or ($ f :displayName)
($ f :name)))
(and (implements? INamed f)
(name f))
(let [m (meta f)]
(if (map? m)
(:name m))))]
(-> n
(clojure.string/replace "$" "."))))
(deftype partial-ifn [f args ^:mutable p]
(-invoke [_ & a]
(or p (set! p (apply clojure.core/partial f args)))
(apply p a))
(-equiv [_ other]
(and (= f (.-f other)) (= args (.-args other))))
(-hash [_] (hash [f args])))
(defn- merge-class [p1 p2]
(let [class (when-let [c1 (:class p1)]
(when-let [c2 (:class p2)]
(str c1 " " c2)))]
(if (nil? class)
(assoc p2 :class class))))
(defn- merge-style [p1 p2]
(let [style (when-let [s1 (:style p1)]
(when-let [s2 (:style p2)]
(merge s1 s2)))]
(if (nil? style)
(assoc p2 :style style))))
(defn merge-props [p1 p2]
(if (nil? p1)
(assert (map? p1))
(merge-style p1 (merge-class p1 (merge p1 p2))))))
(def ^:dynamic *always-update* false)
(defn force-update [comp deep]
(if deep
(binding [*always-update* true]
($ comp forceUpdate))
($ comp forceUpdate)))

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@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
(ns mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.interop
(:require [clojure.string :as string :refer [join]]
[ :as io]))
(defn- js-call [f args]
(let [argstr (->> (repeat (count args) "~{}")
(join ","))]
(list* 'js* (str "~{}(" argstr ")") f args)))
(defn- dot-args [object member]
(assert (or (symbol? member)
(keyword? member))
(str "Symbol or keyword expected, not " member))
(assert (or (not (symbol? object))
(not (re-find #"\." (name object))))
(str "Dot not allowed in " object))
(let [n (name member)
field? (or (keyword? member)
(= (subs n 0 1) "-"))
names (-> (if (symbol? member)
(string/replace n #"^-" "")
(string/split #"\."))]
[field? names]))
(defmacro $
"Access member in a javascript object, in a Closure-safe way.
'member' is assumed to be a field if it is a keyword or if
the name starts with '-', otherwise the named function is
called with the optional args.
'member' may contain '.', to allow access in nested objects.
If 'object' is a symbol it is not allowed contain '.'.
($ o :foo) is equivalent to (.-foo o), except that it gives
the same result under advanced compilation.
($ o foo arg1 arg2) is the same as (.foo o arg1 arg2)."
[object member & args]
(let [[field names] (dot-args object member)]
(if field
(assert (empty? args)
(str "Passing args to field doesn't make sense: " member))
`(aget ~object ~@names))
(js-call (list* 'aget object names) args))))
(defmacro $!
"Set field in a javascript object, in a Closure-safe way.
'field' should be a keyword or a symbol starting with '-'.
'field' may contain '.', to allow access in nested objects.
If 'object' is a symbol it is not allowed contain '.'.
($! o :foo 1) is equivalent to (set! (.-foo o) 1), except that it
gives the same result under advanced compilation."
[object field value]
(let [[field names] (dot-args object field)]
(assert field (str "Field name must start with - in " field))
`(aset ~object ~@names ~value)))
(defmacro .' [& args]
;; Deprecated since names starting with . cause problems with bootstrapped cljs.
(let [ns (str cljs.analyzer/*cljs-ns*)
line (:line (meta &form))]
(binding [*out* *err*]
(println "WARNING: mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.interop/.' is deprecated in " ns " line " line
". Use mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.interop/$ instead.")))
`($ ~@args))
(defmacro .! [& args]
;; Deprecated since names starting with . cause problems with bootstrapped cljs.
(let [ns (str cljs.analyzer/*cljs-ns*)
line (:line (meta &form))]
(binding [*out* *err*]
(println "WARNING: mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.interop/.! is deprecated in " ns " line " line
". Use mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.interop/$! instead.")))
`($! ~@args))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
(ns mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.interop
(:require-macros [mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.interop]))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
(ns mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.ratom
(:refer-clojure :exclude [run!])
(:require [mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.debug :as d]))
(defmacro reaction [& body]
(fn [] ~@body)))
(defmacro run!
"Runs body immediately, and runs again whenever atoms deferenced in the body change. Body should side effect."
[& body]
`(let [co# (mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.ratom/make-reaction (fn [] ~@body)
:auto-run true)]
(deref co#)
(defmacro with-let [bindings & body]
(assert (vector? bindings))
(let [v (gensym "with-let")
k (keyword v)
init (gensym "init")
bs (into [init `(zero? (alength ~v))]
(map-indexed (fn [i x]
(if (even? i)
(let [j (quot i 2)]
`(if ~init
(aset ~v ~j ~x)
(aget ~v ~j)))))
[forms destroy] (let [fin (last body)]
(if (and (list? fin)
(= 'finally (first fin)))
[(butlast body) `(fn [] ~@(rest fin))]
[body nil]))
add-destroy (when destroy
`(let [destroy# ~destroy]
(if (mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.ratom/reactive?)
(when (nil? (.-destroy ~v))
(set! (.-destroy ~v) destroy#))
asserting (if *assert* true false)]
`(let [~v (mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.ratom/with-let-values ~k)]
(when ~asserting
(when-some [c# mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.ratom/*ratom-context*]
(when (== (.-generation ~v) (.-ratomGeneration c#))
(d/error "Warning: The same with-let is being used more "
"than once in the same reactive context."))
(set! (.-generation ~v) (.-ratomGeneration c#))))
(let ~bs
(let [res# (do ~@forms)]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
(ns mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.ratom
(:refer-clojure :exclude [atom])
(:require-macros [mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.ratom :refer [with-let]])
(:require [mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.impl.util :as util]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.debug :refer-macros [dbg log warn error dev? time]]
[mranderson047.reagent.v0v6v0.reagent.impl.batching :as batch]
[clojure.set :as s]))
(declare ^:dynamic *ratom-context*)
(defonce ^boolean debug false)
(defonce ^:private generation 0)
(defonce ^:private -running (clojure.core/atom 0))
(defn ^boolean reactive? []
(some? *ratom-context*))
;;; Utilities
(defn running []
(+ @-running))
(defn- ^number arr-len [x]
(if (nil? x) 0 (alength x)))
(defn- ^boolean arr-eq [x y]
(let [len (arr-len x)]
(and (== len (arr-len y))
(loop [i 0]
(or (== i len)
(if (identical? (aget x i) (aget y i))
(recur (inc i))
(defn- in-context [obj f]
(binding [*ratom-context* obj]
(defn- deref-capture [f r]
(set! (.-captured r) nil)
(when (dev?)
(set! (.-ratomGeneration r) (set! generation (inc generation))))
(let [res (in-context r f)
c (.-captured r)]
(set! (.-dirty? r) false)
;; Optimize common case where derefs occur in same order
(when-not (arr-eq c (.-watching r))
(._update-watching r c))
(defn- notify-deref-watcher! [derefed]
(when-some [r *ratom-context*]
(let [c (.-captured r)]
(if (nil? c)
(set! (.-captured r) (array derefed))
(.push c derefed)))))
(defn- check-watches [old new]
(when debug
(swap! -running + (- (count new) (count old))))
(defn- add-w [this key f]
(let [w (.-watches this)]
(set! (.-watches this) (check-watches w (assoc w key f)))
(set! (.-watchesArr this) nil)))
(defn- remove-w [this key]
(let [w (.-watches this)]
(set! (.-watches this) (check-watches w (dissoc w key)))
(set! (.-watchesArr this) nil)))
(defn- notify-w [this old new]
(let [w (.-watchesArr this)
a (if (nil? w)
;; Copy watches to array for speed
(->> (.-watches this)
(reduce-kv #(doto %1 (.push %2) (.push %3)) #js[])
(set! (.-watchesArr this)))
(let [len (alength a)]
(loop [i 0]
(when (< i len)
(let [k (aget a i)
f (aget a (inc i))]
(f k this old new))
(recur (+ 2 i)))))))
(defn- pr-atom [a writer opts s]
(-write writer (str "#<" s " "))
(pr-writer (binding [*ratom-context* nil] (-deref a)) writer opts)
(-write writer ">"))
;;; Queueing
(defonce ^:private rea-queue nil)
(defn- rea-enqueue [r]
(when (nil? rea-queue)
(set! rea-queue (array))
(.push rea-queue r))
(defn flush! []
(loop []
(let [q rea-queue]
(when-not (nil? q)
(set! rea-queue nil)
(dotimes [i (alength q)]
(._queued-run (aget q i)))
(set! batch/ratom-flush flush!)
;;; Atom
(defprotocol IReactiveAtom)
(deftype RAtom [^:mutable state meta validator ^:mutable watches]
(-equiv [o other] (identical? o other))
(-deref [this]
(notify-deref-watcher! this)
(-reset! [a new-value]
(when-not (nil? validator)
(assert (validator new-value) "Validator rejected reference state"))
(let [old-value state]
(set! state new-value)
(when-not (nil? watches)
(notify-w a old-value new-value))
(-swap! [a f] (-reset! a (f state)))
(-swap! [a f x] (-reset! a (f state x)))
(-swap! [a f x y] (-reset! a (f state x y)))
(-swap! [a f x y more] (-reset! a (apply f state x y more)))
(-meta [_] meta)
(-pr-writer [a w opts] (pr-atom a w opts "Atom:"))
(-notify-watches [this old new] (notify-w this old new))
(-add-watch [this key f] (add-w this key f))
(-remove-watch [this key] (remove-w this key))
(-hash [this] (goog/getUid this)))
(defn atom
"Like clojure.core/atom, except that it keeps track of derefs."
([x] (RAtom. x nil nil nil))
([x & {:keys [meta validator]}] (RAtom. x meta validator nil)))
;;; track
(declare make-reaction)
(def ^{:private true :const true} cache-key "reagReactionCache")
(defn- cached-reaction [f o k obj destroy]
(let [m (aget o cache-key)
m (if (nil? m) {} m)
r (m k nil)]
(some? r) (-deref r)
(nil? *ratom-context*) (f)
:else (let [r (make-reaction
f :on-dispose (fn [x]
(when debug (swap! -running dec))
(as-> (aget o cache-key) _
(dissoc _ k)
(aset o cache-key _))
(when (some? obj)
(set! (.-reaction obj) nil))
(when (some? destroy)
(destroy x))))
v (-deref r)]
(aset o cache-key (assoc m k r))
(when debug (swap! -running inc))
(when (some? obj)
(set! (.-reaction obj) r))
(deftype Track [f args ^:mutable reaction]
(-deref [this]
(if-some [r reaction]
(-deref r)
(cached-reaction #(apply f args) f args this nil)))
(-equiv [_ other]
(and (instance? Track other)
(= f (.-f other))
(= args (.-args other))))
(-hash [_] (hash [f args]))
(-pr-writer [a w opts] (pr-atom a w opts "Track:")))
(defn make-track [f args]
(Track. f args nil))
(defn make-track! [f args]
(let [t (make-track f args)
r (make-reaction #(-deref t)
:auto-run true)]
(defn track [f & args]
{:pre [(ifn? f)]}
(make-track f args))
(defn track! [f & args]
{:pre [(ifn? f)]}
(make-track! f args))
;;; cursor
(deftype RCursor [ratom path ^:mutable reaction
^:mutable state ^:mutable watches]
(-equiv [_ other]
(and (instance? RCursor other)
(= path (.-path other))
(= ratom (.-ratom other))))
(_peek [this]
(binding [*ratom-context* nil]
(-deref this)))
(_set-state [this oldstate newstate]
(when-not (identical? oldstate newstate)
(set! state newstate)
(when (some? watches)
(notify-w this oldstate newstate))))
(-deref [this]
(let [oldstate state
newstate (if-some [r reaction]
(-deref r)
(let [f (if (satisfies? IDeref ratom)
#(get-in @ratom path)
#(ratom path))]
(cached-reaction f ratom path this nil)))]
(._set-state this oldstate newstate)
(-reset! [this new-value]
(let [oldstate state]
(._set-state this oldstate new-value)
(if (satisfies? IDeref ratom)
(if (= path [])
(reset! ratom new-value)
(swap! ratom assoc-in path new-value))
(ratom path new-value))
(-swap! [a f] (-reset! a (f (._peek a))))
(-swap! [a f x] (-reset! a (f (._peek a) x)))
(-swap! [a f x y] (-reset! a (f (._peek a) x y)))
(-swap! [a f x y more] (-reset! a (apply f (._peek a) x y more)))
(-pr-writer [a w opts] (pr-atom a w opts (str "Cursor: " path)))
(-notify-watches [this old new] (notify-w this old new))
(-add-watch [this key f] (add-w this key f))
(-remove-watch [this key] (remove-w this key))
(-hash [_] (hash [ratom path])))
(defn cursor
[src path]
(assert (or (satisfies? IReactiveAtom src)
(and (ifn? src)
(not (vector? src))))
(str "src must be a reactive atom or a function, not "
(pr-str src)))
(RCursor. src path nil nil nil))
;;; with-let support
(defn with-let-destroy [v]
(when-some [f (.-destroy v)]
(defn with-let-values [key]
(if-some [c *ratom-context*]
(cached-reaction array c key
nil with-let-destroy)
;;;; reaction
(defprotocol IDisposable
(dispose! [this])
(add-on-dispose! [this f]))
(defprotocol IRunnable
(run [this]))
(defn- handle-reaction-change [this sender old new]
(._handle-change this sender old new))
(deftype Reaction [f ^:mutable state ^:mutable ^boolean dirty? ^boolean nocache?
^:mutable watching ^:mutable watches ^:mutable auto-run
^:mutable caught]
(-notify-watches [this old new] (notify-w this old new))
(-add-watch [this key f] (add-w this key f))
(-remove-watch [this key]
(let [was-empty (empty? watches)]
(remove-w this key)
(when (and (not was-empty)
(empty? watches)
(nil? auto-run))
(dispose! this))))
(-reset! [a newval]
(assert (fn? (.-on-set a)) "Reaction is read only.")
(let [oldval state]
(set! state newval)
(.on-set a oldval newval)
(notify-w a oldval newval)
(-swap! [a f] (-reset! a (f (._peek-at a))))
(-swap! [a f x] (-reset! a (f (._peek-at a) x)))
(-swap! [a f x y] (-reset! a (f (._peek-at a) x y)))
(-swap! [a f x y more] (-reset! a (apply f (._peek-at a) x y more)))
(_peek-at [this]
(binding [*ratom-context* nil]
(-deref this)))
(_handle-change [this sender oldval newval]
(when-not (or (identical? oldval newval)
(if (nil? auto-run)
(set! dirty? true)
(rea-enqueue this))
(if (true? auto-run)
(._run this false)
(auto-run this)))))
(_update-watching [this derefed]
(let [new (set derefed)
old (set watching)]
(set! watching derefed)
(doseq [w (s/difference new old)]
(-add-watch w this handle-reaction-change))
(doseq [w (s/difference old new)]
(-remove-watch w this))))
(_queued-run [this]
(when (and dirty? (some? watching))
(._run this true)))
(_try-capture [this f]
(set! caught nil)
(deref-capture f this)
(catch :default e
(set! state e)
(set! caught e)
(set! dirty? false))))
(_run [this check]
(let [oldstate state
res (if check
(._try-capture this f)
(deref-capture f this))]
(when-not nocache?
(set! state res)
;; Use = to determine equality from reactions, since
;; they are likely to produce new data structures.
(when-not (or (nil? watches)
(= oldstate res))
(notify-w this oldstate res)))
(_set-opts [this {:keys [auto-run on-set on-dispose no-cache]}]
(when (some? auto-run)
(set! (.-auto-run this) auto-run))
(when (some? on-set)
(set! (.-on-set this) on-set))
(when (some? on-dispose)
(set! (.-on-dispose this) on-dispose))
(when (some? no-cache)
(set! (.-nocache? this) no-cache)))
(run [this]
(._run this false))
(-deref [this]
(when-some [e caught]
(throw e))
(let [non-reactive (nil? *ratom-context*)]
(when non-reactive
(if (and non-reactive (nil? auto-run))
(when dirty?
(let [oldstate state]
(set! state (f))
(when-not (or (nil? watches) (= oldstate state))
(notify-w this oldstate state))))
(notify-deref-watcher! this)
(when dirty?
(._run this false)))))
(dispose! [this]
(let [s state
wg watching]
(set! watching nil)
(set! state nil)
(set! auto-run nil)
(set! dirty? true)
(doseq [w (set wg)]
(-remove-watch w this))
(when (some? (.-on-dispose this))
(.on-dispose this s))
(when-some [a (.-on-dispose-arr this)]
(dotimes [i (alength a)]
((aget a i) this)))))
(add-on-dispose! [this f]
;; f is called with the reaction as argument when it is no longer active
(if-some [a (.-on-dispose-arr this)]
(.push a f)
(set! (.-on-dispose-arr this) (array f))))
(-equiv [o other] (identical? o other))
(-pr-writer [a w opts] (pr-atom a w opts (str "Reaction " (hash a) ":")))
(-hash [this] (goog/getUid this)))
(defn make-reaction [f & {:keys [auto-run on-set on-dispose]}]
(let [reaction (Reaction. f nil true false nil nil nil nil)]
(._set-opts reaction {:auto-run auto-run
:on-set on-set
:on-dispose on-dispose})
(def ^:private temp-reaction (make-reaction nil))
(defn run-in-reaction [f obj key run opts]
(let [r temp-reaction
res (deref-capture f r)]
(when-not (nil? (.-watching r))
(set! temp-reaction (make-reaction nil))
(._set-opts r opts)
(set! (.-f r) f)
(set! (.-auto-run r) #(run obj))
(aset obj key r))
(defn check-derefs [f]
(let [ctx (js-obj)
res (in-context ctx f)]
[res (some? (.-captured ctx))]))
;;; wrap
(deftype Wrapper [^:mutable state callback ^:mutable ^boolean changed
^:mutable watches]
(-deref [this]
(when (dev?)
(when (and changed (some? *ratom-context*))
(warn "derefing stale wrap: "
(pr-str this))))
(-reset! [this newval]
(let [oldval state]
(set! changed true)
(set! state newval)
(when (some? watches)
(notify-w this oldval newval))
(callback newval)
(-swap! [a f] (-reset! a (f state)))
(-swap! [a f x] (-reset! a (f state x)))
(-swap! [a f x y] (-reset! a (f state x y)))
(-swap! [a f x y more] (-reset! a (apply f state x y more)))
(-equiv [_ other]
(and (instance? Wrapper other)
;; If either of the wrappers have changed, equality
;; cannot be relied on.
(not changed)
(not (.-changed other))
(= state (.-state other))
(= callback (.-callback other))))
(-notify-watches [this old new] (notify-w this old new))
(-add-watch [this key f] (add-w this key f))
(-remove-watch [this key] (remove-w this key))
(-pr-writer [a w opts] (pr-atom a w opts "Wrap:")))
(defn make-wrapper [value callback-fn args]
(Wrapper. value
(util/partial-ifn. callback-fn args nil)
false nil))
(defn ratom-perf []
(set! debug false)
(dotimes [_ 10]
(let [nite 100000
a (atom 0)
f (fn []
(quot @a 10))
mid (make-reaction f)
res (track! (fn []
;; (with-let [x 1])
;; @(track f)
(inc @mid)
(time (dotimes [x nite]
(swap! a inc)
(dispose! res))))