always increase nonce, but log for diagnostics

This commit is contained in:
Martin Klepsch 2018-04-17 21:59:16 +02:00
parent c7b2f12c4f
commit 0d7ac5637d
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 1A35E702AD48A9F6

View File

@ -51,6 +51,12 @@
(throw (ex-info "Make sure you provided proper credentials in appropriate resources/config.edn"
{:password password :file-path file-path}))))))
(defn get-web3j-nonce [web3j-instance]
(.. (.ethGetTransactionCount web3j-instance (env :eth-account) DefaultBlockParameterName/LATEST)
(defprotocol INonceTracker
"The reason we need this is that we might send mutliple identical
transactions (e.g. bounty contract deploy with same owner) shortly
@ -71,23 +77,20 @@
(defrecord NonceTracker [state]
(get-nonce [this internal-tx-id]
(or (get @state internal-tx-id)
(let [nonces (set (vals @state))
web3j-tx-count (.. (.ethGetTransactionCount
(env :eth-account)
nonce (if (contains? nonces web3j-tx-count)
(inc (apply max nonces))
;; TODO this is a memory leak since tracking state is never pruned
;; Since we're not doing 1000s of transactions every day yet we can
;; probably defer worrying about this until a bit later
(swap! state assoc internal-tx-id nonce)
(let [prev-nonce (get @state internal-tx-id)
web3j-nonce (get-web3j-nonce @web3j-obj)
nonces (set (vals @state))
nonce (if (seq nonces)
(inc (apply max nonces))
(when prev-nonce
(log/warnf "%s: tx will be retried (prev-nonce: %s, new-nonce: %s, web3j-nonce: %s)"
internal-tx-id prev-nonce nonce web3j-nonce))
;; TODO this is a memory leak since tracking state is never pruned
;; Since we're not doing 1000s of transactions every day yet we can
;; probably defer worrying about this until a bit later
(swap! state assoc internal-tx-id nonce)
(def nonce-tracker
(->NonceTracker (atom {})))
@ -95,13 +98,12 @@
(defn get-signed-tx [{:keys [gas-price gas-limit to data internal-tx-id]}]
"Create a sign a raw transaction. 'From' argument is not needed as it's already encoded in credentials.
(let [nonce (get-nonce nonce-tracker internal-tx-id)
tx (RawTransaction/createTransaction (biginteger nonce) gas-price gas-limit to data)
signed (TransactionEncoder/signMessage tx (creds))
hex-string (Numeric/toHexString signed)]
(log/infof "Signing TX %s: nonce: %s, gas-price: %s, gas-limit: %s, data: %s"
internal-tx-id nonce gas-price gas-limit data)
(let [nonce (get-nonce nonce-tracker internal-tx-id)]
(log/infof "%s: Signing nonce: %s, gas-price: %s, gas-limit: %s"
internal-tx-id nonce gas-price gas-limit)
(-> (RawTransaction/createTransaction (biginteger nonce) gas-price gas-limit to data)
(TransactionEncoder/signMessage (creds))
(defn eth-gasstation-gas-price
"Get max of average and average_calc from gas station and use that
@ -156,7 +158,8 @@
(atom 0))
(defn eth-rpc
[method params]
[{:keys [method params internal-tx-id]}]
{:pre [(string? method) (some? params)]}
(let [request-id (swap! req-id-tracker inc)
body {:jsonrpc "2.0"
:method method
@ -166,9 +169,9 @@
:body (json/write-str body)}
response @(post (eth-rpc-url) options)
result (safe-read-str (:body response))]
(log/infof "eth-rpc req(%s) body: %s\neth-rpc req(%s) result: %s"
request-id body request-id result)
(log/infof "%s: eth-rpc %s" (or internal-tx-id "(no-tx-id)") method)
(log/debugf "eth-rpc req(%s) body: %s\neth-rpc req(%s) result: %s"
request-id body request-id result)
;; Ignore any responses that have mismatching request ID
(not= (:id result) request-id)
@ -176,7 +179,10 @@
;; If request ID matches but contains error, throw
(:error result)
(throw (ex-info "Error submitting transaction via eth-rpc" (:error result)))
(ex-info (format "%s: Error submitting transaction via eth-rpc %s"
(or internal-tx-id "(no-tx-id)") (:error result))
(:error result)))
(:result result))))
@ -238,7 +244,8 @@
(defn get-balance-hex
(eth-rpc "eth_getBalance" [account "latest"]))
(eth-rpc {:method "eth_getBalance"
:params [account "latest"]}))
(defn get-balance-wei
@ -257,7 +264,8 @@
(defn get-transaction-receipt
(eth-rpc "eth_getTransactionReceipt" [hash]))
(eth-rpc {:method "eth_getTransactionReceipt"
:params [hash]}))
(defn format-call-params
[method-id & params]
@ -267,7 +275,8 @@
(defn call
[contract method-id & params]
(let [data (apply format-call-params method-id params)]
(eth-rpc "eth_call" [{:to contract :data data} "latest"])))
(eth-rpc {:method "eth_call"
:params [{:to contract :data data} "latest"]})))
(defn execute
[{:keys [from contract method-id gas-limit params internal-tx-id]}]
@ -292,11 +301,13 @@
(assoc params :gas gas))]
(if (offline-signing?)
{:method "eth_sendRawTransaction"
:params [params]
:internal-tx-id internal-tx-id})
[params (eth-password)]))))
{:method "personal_sendTransaction"
:params [params (eth-password)]
:internal-tx-id internal-tx-id}))))
(defn hex-ch->num