Filippo Cucchetto 5c42890e5b Updated the doc
2019-10-01 23:56:29 +02:00

8.3 KiB

:Authors: Filippo Cucchetto

Will Szumski <>

:Version: 0.7.7 :Date: 2019/10/01


The NimQml module adds Qt Qml bindings to the Nim programming language allowing you to create new modern UI by mixing the Qml declarative syntax and the Nim imperative language.

You will need:

  • The DOtherSide C++ shared library
  • The NimQml Nim module

This first component implements the glue code necessary for communicating with the Qt C++ library, the latter module wraps the libDOtherSide exported symbols in Nim

Building the C++ DOtherSide bindings

At the time of writing the DOtherSide C++ library must be compiled and installed manually from source.

First clone the DOtherSide git repo :: git clone

than you can proceed with the common CMake build steps

:: mkdir build cd build cmake .. make make install

Installation of NimQml module

The installation is not mandatory, in fact you could try the built-in examples in the following way :: cd path/to/repo/nimqml cd examples/helloworld export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=path/to/ nim c -r main

Alternatively you can use the nimble package manager :: nimble install NimQml

or :: cd to/build/dir/Nim/NimQml nimble install

Example 1: HelloWorld

As usual lets start with an HelloWorld example. Most of the NimQml projects are made by one or more nim and qml files. Usually the .nim files contains your app logic and data layer. The qml files contain the presentation layer and expose the data in your nim files.


.. code-block:: nim :file: ../examples/helloworld/main.nim


.. code-block:: qml :file: ../examples/helloworld/main.qml

The example shows the mandatory steps of each NimQml app

  1. Create the QApplication for initializing the Qt runtime
  2. Create the QQmlApplicationEngine and load your main .qml file
  3. Call the exec proc of the QApplication instance for starting the Qt event loop

Example 2: exposing data to Qml

The previous example shown how to startup the Qt event loop to create an application with a window.

It's time to explore how to pass data to Qml but lets see the example code first:


.. code-block:: nim :file: ../examples/simpledata/main.nim


.. code-block:: qml :file: ../examples/simpledata/main.qml

The example shows how to expose simple values to Qml:

  1. Create a QVariant and set its value.
  2. Set a property in the Qml root context with a given name.

Once a property is set through the setContextProperty proc, it's available globally in all the Qml script loaded by the current engine (see the official Qt documentation for more details about the engine and context objects)

At the time of writing the QVariant class support the following types:

  • int
  • string
  • bool
  • float
  • QObject derived classes

Example 3: exposing complex data and procedures to Qml

As seen by the second example, simple data is fine. However most applications need to expose complex data, functions and update the view when something changes in the data layer. This is achieved by creating an object that derives from QObject.

A QObject is made of :

  1. slots: functions that could be called from the qml engine and/or connected to Qt signals
  2. signals: functions for sending events and to which slots connect
  3. properties: properties allow the passing of data to the Qml view and make it aware of changes in the data layer

A QObject property is made of three things:

  • a read slot: a method that returns the current value of the property
  • a write slot: a method that sets the value of the property
  • a notify signal: emitted when the current value of the property is changed

We'll start by looking at the main.nim file


.. code-block:: nim :file: ../examples/slotsandproperties/main.nim

We can see:

  1. The creation of a Contact object
  2. The injection of the Contact object to the Qml root context using the setContextProperty as seen in the previous example

The Qml file is as follows:


.. code-block:: qml :file: ../examples/slotsandproperties/main.qml

The qml is made up of: a Label, a TextInput widget, and a button. The label displays the contact name - this automatically updates when the contact name changes.

When clicked, the button updates the contact name with the text from the TextInput widget.

So where's the magic?

The magic is in the Contact.nim file


.. code-block:: nim :file: ../examples/slotsandproperties/contact.nim

A Contact is a subtype derived from QObject

Defining a QObject is done using the nim QtObject macro

.. code-block:: nim QtObject: type Contact* = ref object of QObject m_name: string

Inside the QtObject just define your subclass as your would normally do in Nim.

Since Nim doesn't support automatic invocation of base class constructors and destructors you need to call manually the base class setup and delete functions.

.. code-block:: nim proc delete*(self: Contact) = self.QObject.delete

proc setup(self: Contact) = self.QObject.setup

Don't forget to call the setup function and delete in your exported constructor procedure

.. code-block:: nim proc newContact*(): Contact = new(result, delete) result.m_name = "InitialName" result.setup

The creation of a property is done in the following way:

.. code-block:: nim QtProperty[string] name: read = getName write = setName notify = nameChanged

A QtProperty is defined by a:

  1. type, in this case string
  2. name, in this case name
  3. read slot, in this case getName
  4. write slot, in this case setName
  5. notify signal, in this case nameChanged

Looking at the getName`, `setName, nameChanged procs, show that slots and signals are nothing more than standard procedures annotated with {.slot.} and {.signal.}

Example 4: ContactApp

The last example tries to show you all the stuff presented in the previous chapters and gives you an introduction to how to expose lists to qml.

Qt models are a huge topic and explaining in detail how they work is out of scope. For further information please read the official Qt documentation.

The main file follows the basic logic of creating a qml engine and exposing a QObject derived object "ApplicationLogic" through a global "logic" property


.. code-block:: nim :file: ../examples/contactapp/main.nim

The qml file shows a simple app with a central tableview


.. code-block:: qml :file: ../examples/contactapp/main.qml

The important things to notice are:

  1. The menubar load, save and exit items handlers call the logic load, save and exit slots
  2. The TableView model is retrieved by the logic.contactList property
  3. The delete and add buttons call the del and add slots of the logic.contactList model

The ApplicationLogic object is as follows:


.. code-block:: nim :file: ../examples/contactapp/applicationlogic.nim

The ApplicationLogic object,

  1. expose some slots for handling the qml menubar triggered signals
  2. expose a contactList property that return a QAbstractListModel derived object that manage the list of contacts

The ContactList object is as follows:


.. code-block:: nim :file: ../examples/contactapp/contactlist.nim

The ContactList object:

  1. overrides the rowCount method for returning the number of rows stored in the model
  2. overrides the data method for returning the value for the exported roles
  3. overrides the roleNames method for returning the names of the roles of the model. This name are then available in the qml item delegates
  4. defines two slots add and del that add or delete a Contact. During this operations the model execute the beginInsertRows and beginRemoveRows for notifing the view of an upcoming change. Once the add or delete operations are done the model execute the endInsertRows and endRemoveRows.