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synced 2025-03-03 12:30:34 +00:00
feat: create right side content of manage validator Create DepositStatusPieChart.tsx Create RightPanel.tsx Create DepositStatus.tsx fix(deposit status): adjust innerRadius Create Header.tsx Create ValidatorInfo.tsx feat(manage validator): refactor feat(manage validator): add validator info components Create DepositStepper.module.css Create DepositStepper.tsx feat(deposit status): use exported component style(validator-info): style validator info Create ValidatorBalance.tsx Create diamond.svg Create suit-guy.png fix:style deposit status feat: add validatorBalance feat: add all components to validator balance Create ValidatorToolsCards.tsx Create ValidatorToolCard.tsx Update ManageValidator.tsx fix(validator tools): fix spacing Create broken-chain.png Create hand-key.png Create pig.png Create ValidatorDataCards.tsx Create ValidatorDataCard.tsx Update ManageValidator.tsx Update ValidatorBalance.tsx Update ValidatorToolsCards.tsx Update constants.ts Create ValidatorDataTabs.tsx Create ValidatorTable.tsx Create ValidatorTableBody.tsx Create ValidatorTableHeader.tsx Create ValidatorTableRow.tsx fix(manage validator): import table into parent Delete validatorManagement.css Create validatorManagement.module.css fix(validator-management): fix classes Delete ManagementTable.css Create ManagementTable.module.css fix: differentiate tables in validator management feat: (manage-validator): organize code Create ValidatorPeersCard.tsx feat: create Peers pie chart Create ValidatorGraffiti.tsx fix(validator graffiti): fix spaces fix(deposit stepper): fix style Create Footer.tsx feat(manage validator): add footer to parent feat(footer): import external icon Create beacon-chain.svg fix(footer): style footer properly Create cross.svg feat:(validator info): add days in validator info component Create eth-logo-blue.png fix(validator balance): use correct sizes feat: add manage validator table data feat(manageValidatorTab): create redux Update store.ts fix(validator row): render rows from constant feat(validator header): render headers from constant fix(validator data tabs): implement logic for tabs format fix: fix build errors
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