Jacek Sieka 4207b127f9
era: load blocks and states (#3394)
* era: load blocks and states

Era files contain finalized history and can be thought of as an
alternative source for block and state data that allows clients to avoid
syncing this information from the P2P network - the P2P network is then
used to "top up" the client with the most recent data. They can be
freely shared in the community via whatever means (http, torrent, etc)
and serve as a permanent cold store of consensus data (and, after the
merge, execution data) for history buffs and bean counters alike.

This PR gently introduces support for loading blocks and states in two
cases: block requests from rest/p2p and frontfilling when doing
checkpoint sync.

The era files are used as a secondary source if the information is not
found in the database - compared to the database, there are a few key

* the database stores the block indexed by block root while the era file
indexes by slot - the former is used only in rest, while the latter is
used both by p2p and rest.
* when loading blocks from era files, the root is no longer trivially
available - if it is needed, it must either be computed (slow) or cached
(messy) - the good news is that for p2p requests, it is not needed
* in era files, "framed" snappy encoding is used while in the database
we store unframed snappy - for p2p2 requests, the latter requires
recompression while the former could avoid it
* front-filling is the process of using era files to replace backfilling
- in theory this front-filling could happen from any block and
front-fills with gaps could also be entertained, but our backfilling
algorithm cannot take advantage of this because there's no (simple) way
to tell it to "skip" a range.
* front-filling, as implemented, is a bit slow (10s to load mainnet): we
load the full BeaconState for every era to grab the roots of the blocks
- it would be better to partially load the state - as such, it would
also be good to be able to partially decompress snappy blobs
* lookups from REST via root are served by first looking up a block
summary in the database, then using the slot to load the block data from
the era file - however, there needs to be an option to create the
summary table from era files to fully support historical queries

To test this, `ncli_db` has an era file exporter: the files it creates
should be placed in an `era` folder next to `db` in the data directory.
What's interesting in particular about this setup is that `db` remains
as the source of truth for security purposes - it stores the latest
synced head root which in turn determines where a node "starts" its
consensus participation - the era directory however can be freely shared
between nodes / people without any (significant) security implications,
assuming the era files are consistent / not broken.

There's lots of future improvements to be had:

* we can drop the in-memory `BlockRef` index almost entirely - at this
point, resident memory usage of Nimbus should drop to a cool 500-600 mb
* we could serve era files via REST trivially: this would drop backfill
times to whatever time it takes to download the files - unlike the
current implementation that downloads block by block, downloading an era
at a time almost entirely cuts out request overhead
* we can "reasonably" recreate detailed state history from almost any
point in time, turning an O(slot) process into O(1) effectively - we'll
still need caches and indices to do this with sufficient efficiency for
the rest api, but at least it cuts the whole process down to minutes
instead of hours, for arbitrary points in time

* CI: ignore failures with Nim-1.6 (temporary)

* test fixes

Co-authored-by: Ștefan Talpalaru <>
2022-03-23 09:58:17 +01:00
request_manager.nim harden and speed up block sync (#3358) 2022-02-07 19:20:10 +02:00
sync_manager.nim era: load blocks and states (#3394) 2022-03-23 09:58:17 +01:00
sync_protocol.nim serve libp2p protocol for light client sync (#3341) 2022-03-22 21:23:36 +01:00
sync_queue.nim avoid re-requesting finalized blocks during sync (#3461) 2022-03-15 18:56:56 +01:00

Block syncing

This folder holds all modules related to block syncing

Block syncing uses ETH2 RPC protocol.

Reference diagram

Block flow

Eth2 RPC in

Blocks are requested during sync by the SyncManager.

Blocks are received by batch:

  • syncStep(SyncManager, index, peer)
  • in case of success:
    • push(SyncQueue, SyncRequest, seq[SignedBeaconBlock]) is called to handle a successful sync step. It calls validate(SyncQueue, SignedBeaconBlock)` on each block retrieved one-by-one
    • validate only enqueues the block in the SharedBlockQueue AsyncQueue[BlockEntry] but does no extra validation only the GossipSub case
  • in case of failure:
    • push(SyncQueue, SyncRequest) is called to reschedule the sync request.

Every second when sync is not in progress, the beacon node will ask the RequestManager to download all missing blocks currently in quarantaine.

  • via handleMissingBlocks
  • which calls fetchAncestorBlocks
  • which asynchronously enqueue the request in the SharedBlockQueue AsyncQueue[BlockEntry].

The RequestManager runs an event loop:

  • that calls fetchAncestorBlocksFromNetwork
  • which RPC calls peers with beaconBlocksByRoot
  • and calls validate(RequestManager, SignedBeaconBlock) on each block retrieved one-by-one
  • validate only enqueues the block in the AsyncQueue[BlockEntry] but does no extra validation only the GossipSub case

Weak subjectivity sync

Not implemented!


The validate procedure name for SyncManager and RequestManager as no P2P validation actually occurs.

Sync vs Steady State

During sync:

  • The RequestManager is deactivated
  • The syncManager is working full speed ahead
  • Gossip is deactivated

Bottlenecks during sync

During sync:

  • The bottleneck is clearing the SharedBlockQueue AsyncQueue[BlockEntry] via storeBlock which requires full verification (state transition + cryptography)


The SyncManager handles backpressure by ensuring that current_queue_slot <= request.slot <= current_queue_slot + sq.queueSize * sq.chunkSize.

  • queueSize is -1, unbounded, by default according to comment but all init paths uses 1 (?)
  • chunkSize is SLOTS_PER_EPOCH = 32

However the shared AsyncQueue[BlockEntry] itself is unbounded. Concretely:

  • The shared AsyncQueue[BlockEntry] is bounded for sync
  • The shared AsyncQueue[BlockEntry] is unbounded for validated gossip blocks

RequestManager and Gossip are deactivated during sync and so do not contribute to pressure.