8.7 KiB

Command line options

You can pass any nimbus_beacon_node options to the prater and mainnet scripts. For example, if you want to launch Nimbus on mainnet with different base ports than the default 9000/udp and 9000/tcp, say 9100/udp and 9100/tcp, run:

./run-mainnet-beacon-node.sh --tcp-port=9100 --udp-port=9100

To see a list of the command line options availabe to you, with descriptions, run:

build/nimbus_beacon_node --help

You should see the following output:


nimbus_beacon_node [OPTIONS]... command

The following options are available:

     --config-file             Loads the configuration from a TOML file.
     --log-level               Sets the log level for process and topics (e.g. "DEBUG; TRACE:discv5,libp2p;
                               REQUIRED:none; DISABLED:none") [=INFO].
     --log-file                Specifies a path for the written Json log file (deprecated).
     --network                 The Eth2 network to join [=mainnet].
 -d, --data-dir                The directory where nimbus will store all blockchain data.
     --validators-dir          A directory containing validator keystores.
     --secrets-dir             A directory containing validator keystore passwords.
     --wallets-dir             A directory containing wallet files.
     --web3-url                One or more Web3 provider URLs used for obtaining deposit contract data.
     --non-interactive         Do not display interative prompts. Quit on missing configuration.
     --netkey-file             Source of network (secp256k1) private key file (random|<path>) [=random].
     --insecure-netkey-password  Use pre-generated INSECURE password for network private key file [=false].
     --agent-string            Node agent string which is used as identifier in network [=nimbus].
     --subscribe-all-subnets   Subscribe to all subnet topics when gossiping [=false].
     --num-threads             Number of worker threads ("0" = use as many threads as there are CPU cores
                               available) [=0].
 -b, --bootstrap-node          Specifies one or more bootstrap nodes to use when connecting to the network.
     --bootstrap-file          Specifies a line-delimited file of bootstrap Ethereum network addresses.
     --listen-address          Listening address for the Ethereum LibP2P and Discovery v5 traffic [=].
     --tcp-port                Listening TCP port for Ethereum LibP2P traffic [=9000].
     --udp-port                Listening UDP port for node discovery [=9000].
     --max-peers               The maximum number of peers to connect to [=160].
     --nat                     Specify method to use for determining public address. Must be one of: any, none,
                               upnp, pmp, extip:<IP> [=any].
     --enr-auto-update         Discovery can automatically update its ENR with the IP address and UDP port as
                               seen by other nodes it communicates with. This option allows to enable/disable
                               this functionality [=false].
     --weak-subjectivity-checkpoint  Weak subjectivity checkpoint in the format block_root:epoch_number.
     --finalized-checkpoint-state  SSZ file specifying a recent finalized state.
     --finalized-checkpoint-block  SSZ file specifying a recent finalized block.
     --node-name               A name for this node that will appear in the logs. If you set this to 'auto', a
                               persistent automatically generated ID will be selected for each --data-dir
     --graffiti                The graffiti value that will appear in proposed blocks. You can use a
                               0x-prefixed hex encoded string to specify raw bytes.
     --metrics                 Enable the metrics server [=false].
     --metrics-address         Listening address of the metrics server [=].
     --metrics-port            Listening HTTP port of the metrics server [=8008].
     --status-bar              Display a status bar at the bottom of the terminal screen [=true].
     --status-bar-contents     Textual template for the contents of the status bar.
     --rest                    Enable the REST server [=false].
     --rest-port               Port for the REST server [=5052].
     --rest-address            Listening address of the REST server [=].
     --rest-allow-origin       Limit the access to the REST API to a particular hostname (for CORS-enabled
                               clients such as browsers).
     --rest-statecache-size    The maximum number of recently accessed states that are kept in memory. Speeds
                               up requests obtaining information for consecutive slots or epochs. [=3].
     --rest-statecache-ttl     The number of seconds to keep recently accessed states in memory [=60].
     --rest-request-timeout    The number of seconds to wait until complete REST request will be received
     --rest-max-body-size      Maximum size of REST request body (kilobytes) [=16384].
     --rest-max-headers-size   Maximum size of REST request headers (kilobytes) [=64].
     --keymanager              Enable the REST keymanager API (BETA version) [=false].
     --keymanager-port         Listening port for the REST keymanager API [=5052].
     --keymanager-address      Listening port for the REST keymanager API [=].
     --keymanager-allow-origin  Limit the access to the Keymanager API to a particular hostname (for
                               CORS-enabled clients such as browsers).
     --keymanager-token-file   A file specifying the authorization token required for accessing the keymanager
     --in-process-validators   Disable the push model (the beacon node tells a signing process with the private
                               keys of the validators what to sign and when) and load the validators in the
                               beacon node itself [=true].
     --discv5                  Enable Discovery v5 [=true].
     --dump                    Write SSZ dumps of blocks, attestations and states to data dir [=false].
     --direct-peer             The list of priviledged, secure and known peers to connect and maintain the
                               connection to, this requires a not random netkey-file. In the complete
                               multiaddress format like: /ip4/<address>/tcp/<port>/p2p/<peerId-public-key>.
                               Peering agreements are established out of band and must be reciprocal..
     --doppelganger-detection  If enabled, the beacon node prudently listens for 2 epochs for attestations from
                               a validator with the same index (a doppelganger), before sending an attestation
                               itself. This protects against slashing (due to double-voting) but means you will
                               miss two attestations when restarting. [=true].
     --validator-monitor-auto  Automatically monitor locally active validators (BETA) [=false].
     --validator-monitor-pubkey  One or more validators to monitor - works best when --subscribe-all-subnets is
                               enabled (BETA).
     --validator-monitor-totals  Publish metrics to single 'totals' label for better collection performance when
                               monitoring many validators (BETA) [=false].


All command line options can also be provided in a TOML config file specified through the --config-file flag. Within the config file, you need to use the long names of all options. Please note that certain options such as web3-url, bootstrap-node, direct-peer, and validator-monitor-pubkey can be supplied more than once on the command line - in the TOML file, you need to supply them as arrays. There are also some minor differences in the parsing of certain option values in the TOML files in order to conform more closely to existing TOML standards. For example, you can freely use keywords such as on, off, yes and no on the command-line as synonyms for the canonical values true and false which are mandatory to use in TOML. Options affecting Nimbus sub-commands should appear in a section of the file matching the sub-command name.

Here is an example config file illustrating all of the above:

# nimbus-eth2-config.toml

doppelganger-detection = true
web3-url = ["ws://"]
num-threads = 0

trusted-node-url = ""

Exit Codes

Exit code Description
0 Successful exit
1 Generic failure or unspecified error
1031 Doppelganger detection; one might prefer not to restart automatically