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# beacon_chain
# Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
{.push raises: [Defect].}
options, tables, sets, macros,
chronicles, chronos, stew/ranges/bitranges, libp2p/switch,
../spec/datatypes/[phase0, altair],
../spec/[helpers, forks, network],
".."/[beacon_node_types, beacon_clock],
topics = "sync"
blockByRootLookupCost = allowedOpsPerSecondCost(50)
blockResponseCost = allowedOpsPerSecondCost(100)
blockByRangeLookupCost = allowedOpsPerSecondCost(20)
2020-04-20 14:59:18 +00:00
StatusMsg* = object
forkDigest*: ForkDigest
finalizedRoot*: Eth2Digest
finalizedEpoch*: Epoch
headRoot*: Eth2Digest
headSlot*: Slot
ValidatorSetDeltaFlags {.pure.} = enum
Activation = 0
Exit = 1
ValidatorChangeLogEntry* = object
case kind*: ValidatorSetDeltaFlags
of Activation:
2018-11-29 01:08:34 +00:00
pubkey: ValidatorPubKey
index: uint32
BeaconSyncNetworkState* = ref object
dag*: ChainDAGRef
getBeaconTime*: GetBeaconTimeFn
2019-02-18 10:34:39 +00:00
BeaconSyncPeerState* = ref object
statusLastTime*: chronos.Moment
2020-04-20 14:59:18 +00:00
statusMsg*: StatusMsg
BlockRootSlot* = object
blockRoot: Eth2Digest
slot: Slot
BlockRootsList* = List[Eth2Digest, Limit MAX_REQUEST_BLOCKS]
proc readChunkPayload*(conn: Connection, peer: Peer,
MsgType: type ForkedSignedBeaconBlock): Future[NetRes[ForkedSignedBeaconBlock]] {.async.} =
var contextBytes: ForkDigest
await conn.readExactly(addr contextBytes, sizeof contextBytes)
except CatchableError as e:
return neterr UnexpectedEOF
if contextBytes ==
let res = await readChunkPayload(conn, peer, phase0.SignedBeaconBlock)
if res.isOk:
return ok ForkedSignedBeaconBlock(
kind: BeaconBlockFork.Phase0,
phase0Block: res.get)
return err(res.error)
elif contextBytes ==
let res = await readChunkPayload(conn, peer, altair.SignedBeaconBlock)
if res.isOk:
return ok ForkedSignedBeaconBlock(
kind: BeaconBlockFork.Altair,
altairBlock: res.get)
return err(res.error)
return neterr InvalidContextBytes
proc sendResponseChunk*(response: UntypedResponse,
val: ForkedSignedBeaconBlock): Future[void] =
inc response.writtenChunks
case val.kind
of BeaconBlockFork.Phase0: ResponseCode.Success,
of BeaconBlockFork.Altair: ResponseCode.Success,
func shortLog*(s: StatusMsg): auto =
forkDigest: s.forkDigest,
finalizedRoot: shortLog(s.finalizedRoot),
finalizedEpoch: shortLog(s.finalizedEpoch),
headRoot: shortLog(s.headRoot),
headSlot: shortLog(s.headSlot)
chronicles.formatIt(StatusMsg): shortLog(it)
func disconnectReasonName(reason: uint64): string =
# haha, nim doesn't support uint64 in `case`!
if reason == uint64(ClientShutDown): "Client shutdown"
elif reason == uint64(IrrelevantNetwork): "Irrelevant network"
elif reason == uint64(FaultOrError): "Fault or error"
else: "Disconnected (" & $reason & ")"
proc getCurrentStatus*(state: BeaconSyncNetworkState): StatusMsg {.gcsafe.} =
dag = state.dag
headBlock = dag.head
wallTimeSlot = state.getBeaconTime().slotOrZero
forkDigest: state.dag.forkDigestAtEpoch(wallTimeSlot.epoch),
getStateField(, finalized_checkpoint).root,
getStateField(, finalized_checkpoint).epoch,
headRoot: headBlock.root,
headSlot: headBlock.slot)
proc handleStatus(peer: Peer,
state: BeaconSyncNetworkState,
ourStatus: StatusMsg,
theirStatus: StatusMsg): Future[void] {.gcsafe.}
proc setStatusMsg(peer: Peer, statusMsg: StatusMsg) {.gcsafe.}
{.pop.} # TODO fix p2p macro for raises
2018-11-29 01:08:34 +00:00
p2pProtocol BeaconSync(version = 1,
networkState = BeaconSyncNetworkState,
peerState = BeaconSyncPeerState):
2019-02-18 10:34:39 +00:00
onPeerConnected do (peer: Peer, incoming: bool) {.async.}:
2020-06-11 05:14:26 +00:00
debug "Peer connected",
peer, peerInfo = shortLog(, incoming
# Per the eth2 protocol, whoever dials must send a status message when
# connected for the first time, but because of how libp2p works, there may
# be a race between incoming and outgoing connections and disconnects that
# makes the incoming flag unreliable / obsolete by the time we get to
# this point - instead of making assumptions, we'll just send a status
# message redundantly.
# TODO(zah)
# the spec does not prohibit sending the extra status message on
# incoming connections, but it should not be necessary - this would
# need a dedicated flow in libp2p that resolves the race conditions -
# this needs more thinking around the ordering of events and the
# given incoming flag
ourStatus = peer.networkState.getCurrentStatus()
theirStatus = await peer.status(ourStatus, timeout = RESP_TIMEOUT)
if theirStatus.isOk:
await peer.handleStatus(peer.networkState,
ourStatus, theirStatus.get())
debug "Status response not received in time",
peer, errorKind = theirStatus.error.kind
await peer.disconnect(FaultOrError)
2019-02-18 10:34:39 +00:00
proc status(peer: Peer,
theirStatus: StatusMsg,
response: SingleChunkResponse[StatusMsg])
{.async, libp2pProtocol("status", 1).} =
let ourStatus = peer.networkState.getCurrentStatus()
trace "Sending status message", peer = peer, status = ourStatus
await response.send(ourStatus)
await peer.handleStatus(peer.networkState, ourStatus, theirStatus)
proc ping(peer: Peer, value: uint64): uint64
{.libp2pProtocol("ping", 1).} =
proc getMetaData(peer: Peer): phase0.MetaData
{.libp2pProtocol("metadata", 1).} =
proc getMetadata_v2(peer: Peer): altair.MetaData
{.libp2pProtocol("metadata", 2).} =
proc beaconBlocksByRange(
peer: Peer,
startSlot: Slot,
reqCount: uint64,
reqStep: uint64,
response: MultipleChunksResponse[phase0.SignedBeaconBlock])
{.async, libp2pProtocol("beacon_blocks_by_range", 1).} =
trace "got range request", peer, startSlot,
count = reqCount, step = reqStep
if reqCount > 0'u64 and reqStep > 0'u64:
var blocks: array[MAX_REQUEST_BLOCKS, BlockRef]
dag = peer.networkState.dag
# Limit number of blocks in response
count = int min(reqCount, blocks.lenu64)
endIndex = count - 1
startIndex =
dag.getBlockRange(startSlot, reqStep,
blocks.toOpenArray(0, endIndex))
blockByRangeLookupCost +
max(0, endIndex - startIndex + 1).float * blockResponseCost)
2019-02-18 10:34:39 +00:00
for i in startIndex..endIndex:
doAssert not blocks[i].isNil, "getBlockRange should return non-nil blocks only"
trace "wrote response block",
slot = blocks[i].slot, roor = shortLog(blocks[i].root)
let blk = dag.get(blocks[i]).data
case blk.kind
of BeaconBlockFork.Phase0:
await response.write(blk.phase0Block.asSigned)
of BeaconBlockFork.Altair:
# Skipping all subsequent blocks should be OK because the spec says:
# "Clients MAY limit the number of blocks in the response."
# Also, our response would be indistinguishable from a node
# that have been synced exactly to the altair transition slot.
debug "Block range request done",
peer, startSlot, count, reqStep, found = count - startIndex
raise newException(InvalidInputsError, "Empty range requested")
proc beaconBlocksByRoot(
peer: Peer,
# Please note that the SSZ list here ensures that the
# spec constant MAX_REQUEST_BLOCKS is enforced:
blockRoots: BlockRootsList,
response: MultipleChunksResponse[phase0.SignedBeaconBlock])
{.async, libp2pProtocol("beacon_blocks_by_root", 1).} =
if blockRoots.len == 0:
raise newException(InvalidInputsError, "No blocks requested")
dag = peer.networkState.dag
count = blockRoots.len
peer.updateRequestQuota(count.float * blockByRootLookupCost)
var found = 0
for i in 0..<count:
let blockRef = dag.getRef(blockRoots[i])
if not isNil(blockRef):
let blk = dag.get(blockRef).data
case blk.kind
of BeaconBlockFork.Phase0:
await response.write(blk.phase0Block.asSigned)
inc found
of BeaconBlockFork.Altair:
# Skipping this block should be fine because the spec says:
# "Clients MAY limit the number of blocks in the response."
# Also, our response would be indistinguishable from a node
# that have been synced exactly to the altair transition slot.
peer.updateRequestQuota(found.float * blockResponseCost)
debug "Block root request done",
peer, roots = blockRoots.len, count, found
proc beaconBlocksByRange_v2(
peer: Peer,
startSlot: Slot,
reqCount: uint64,
reqStep: uint64,
response: MultipleChunksResponse[ForkedSignedBeaconBlock])
{.async, libp2pProtocol("beacon_blocks_by_range", 2).} =
trace "got range request", peer, startSlot,
count = reqCount, step = reqStep
if reqCount > 0'u64 and reqStep > 0'u64:
var blocks: array[MAX_REQUEST_BLOCKS, BlockRef]
dag = peer.networkState.dag
# Limit number of blocks in response
count = int min(reqCount, blocks.lenu64)
endIndex = count - 1
startIndex =
dag.getBlockRange(startSlot, reqStep,
blocks.toOpenArray(0, endIndex))
blockByRangeLookupCost +
max(0, endIndex - startIndex + 1).float * blockResponseCost)
for i in startIndex..endIndex:
doAssert not blocks[i].isNil, "getBlockRange should return non-nil blocks only"
trace "wrote response block",
slot = blocks[i].slot, roor = shortLog(blocks[i].root)
let blk = dag.getForkedBlock(blocks[i])
await response.write(blk.asSigned)
debug "Block range request done",
peer, startSlot, count, reqStep, found = count - startIndex
raise newException(InvalidInputsError, "Empty range requested")
proc beaconBlocksByRoot_v2(
peer: Peer,
# Please note that the SSZ list here ensures that the
# spec constant MAX_REQUEST_BLOCKS is enforced:
blockRoots: BlockRootsList,
response: MultipleChunksResponse[ForkedSignedBeaconBlock])
{.async, libp2pProtocol("beacon_blocks_by_root", 2).} =
if blockRoots.len == 0:
raise newException(InvalidInputsError, "No blocks requested")
dag = peer.networkState.dag
count = blockRoots.len
peer.updateRequestQuota(count.float * blockByRootLookupCost)
var found = 0
for i in 0..<count:
let blockRef = dag.getRef(blockRoots[i])
if not isNil(blockRef):
let blk = dag.getForkedBlock(blockRef)
await response.write(blk.asSigned)
inc found
peer.updateRequestQuota(found.float * blockResponseCost)
debug "Block root request done",
peer, roots = blockRoots.len, count, found
proc goodbye(peer: Peer,
reason: uint64)
{.async, libp2pProtocol("goodbye", 1).} =
debug "Received Goodbye message", reason = disconnectReasonName(reason), peer
proc useSyncV2*(state: BeaconSyncNetworkState): bool =
wallTimeSlot = state.getBeaconTime().slotOrZero
wallTimeSlot.epoch >= state.dag.cfg.ALTAIR_FORK_EPOCH
proc useSyncV2*(peer: Peer): bool =
proc setStatusMsg(peer: Peer, statusMsg: StatusMsg) =
debug "Peer status", peer, statusMsg
peer.state(BeaconSync).statusMsg = statusMsg
peer.state(BeaconSync).statusLastTime =
proc updateStatus*(peer: Peer): Future[bool] {.async.} =
## Request `status` of remote peer ``peer``.
nstate = peer.networkState(BeaconSync)
ourStatus = getCurrentStatus(nstate)
let theirFut = awaitne peer.status(ourStatus, timeout = RESP_TIMEOUT)
if theirFut.failed():
return false
let theirStatus =
if theirStatus.isOk:
return true
return false
proc getHeadSlot*(peer: Peer): Slot =
## Returns head slot for specific peer ``peer``.
proc handleStatus(peer: Peer,
state: BeaconSyncNetworkState,
ourStatus: StatusMsg,
theirStatus: StatusMsg) {.async, gcsafe.} =
Implement split preset/config support (#2710) * Implement split preset/config support This is the initial bulk refactor to introduce runtime config values in a number of places, somewhat replacing the existing mechanism of loading network metadata. It still needs more work, this is the initial refactor that introduces runtime configuration in some of the places that need it. The PR changes the way presets and constants work, to match the spec. In particular, a "preset" now refers to the compile-time configuration while a "cfg" or "RuntimeConfig" is the dynamic part. A single binary can support either mainnet or minimal, but not both. Support for other presets has been removed completely (can be readded, in case there's need). There's a number of outstanding tasks: * `SECONDS_PER_SLOT` still needs fixing * loading custom runtime configs needs redoing * checking constants against YAML file * yeerongpilly support `build/nimbus_beacon_node --network=yeerongpilly --discv5:no --log-level=DEBUG` * load fork epoch from config * fix fork digest sent in status * nicer error string for request failures * fix tools * one more * fixup * fixup * fixup * use "standard" network definition folder in local testnet Files are loaded from their standard locations, including genesis etc, to conform to the format used in the `eth2-networks` repo. * fix launch scripts, allow unknown config values * fix base config of rest test * cleanups * bundle mainnet config using common loader * fix spec links and names * only include supported preset in binary * drop yeerongpilly, add altair-devnet-0, support boot_enr.yaml
2021-07-12 13:01:38 +00:00
if theirStatus.forkDigest != ourStatus.forkDigest:
debug "Irrelevant peer", peer, theirStatus, ourStatus
await peer.disconnect(IrrelevantNetwork)
if peer.connectionState == Connecting:
# As soon as we get here it means that we passed handshake succesfully. So
# we can add this peer to PeerPool.
await peer.handlePeer()
2019-12-02 15:38:18 +00:00
proc initBeaconSync*(network: Eth2Node, dag: ChainDAGRef,
getBeaconTime: GetBeaconTimeFn) =
var networkState = network.protocolState(BeaconSync)
networkState.dag = dag
networkState.getBeaconTime = getBeaconTime