2023-01-09 17:57:55 +01:00

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Seeding data into the Portal history network

Building and seeding epoch accumulators into the Portal history network

Step 1: Building the epoch accumulators

  1. Set-up access to an Ethereum JSON-RPC endpoint (e.g. local geth instance) that can serve the data.

  2. Use the eth-data-exporter tool to download and store all block headers into *.e2s files arranged per epoch (8192 blocks):

make fluffy-tools

./build/eth_data_exporter exportEpochHeaders --data-dir:"./user_data_dir/"

This will store all block headers up till the merge block into *.e2s files in the assigned --data-dir.

Note: Currently only hardcoded address ws:// works for the Ethereum JSON-RPC endpoint.

  1. Build the master accumulator and the epoch accumulators:
./build/eth_data_exporter exportAccumulatorData --writeEpochAccumulators --data-dir:"./user_data_dir/"

Step 2: Seed the epoch accumulators into the Portal network

Run Fluffy and trigger the propagation of data with the portal_history_propagateEpochAccumulators JSON-RPC API call:

./build/fluffy --network:testnet0 --rpc --table-ip-limit:1024 --bucket-ip-limit:24

# From another terminal
curl -s -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1","method":"portal_history_propagateEpochAccumulators","params":["./user_data_dir/"]}' http://localhost:8545 | jq

Step 3 (Optional): Verify that all epoch accumulators are available

Run Fluffy and run the content_verifier tool to verify that all epoch accumulators are available on the history network:

Make sure you still have a fluffy instance running, if not run:

./build/fluffy --network:testnet0 --rpc --table-ip-limit:1024 --bucket-ip-limit:24

Run the content_verifier tool and see if all epoch accumulators are found:


Seeding block data into the Portal network

  1. Set-up access to an Ethereum JSON-RPC endpoint (e.g. local geth instance) that can serve the data.
  2. Use the eth-data-exporter tool to download history data through the JSON-RPC endpoint into the format which is suitable for reading data into Fluffy client and propagating into the network:
make fluffy-tools

./build/eth_data_exporter --initial-block:1 --end-block:10 --data-dir:"/user_data_dir/"

This will store blocks 1 to 10 into a json file located at ./user_data_dir/eth-history-data.json.

Note: Currently only hardcoded address ws:// works for the Ethereum JSON-RPC endpoint.

  1. Run Fluffy and trigger the propagation of data with the portal_history_propagate JSON-RPC API call:
./build/fluffy --network:testnet0 --table-ip-limit:1024 --bucket-ip-limit:24 --log-level:info --rpc

# From another shell
curl -s -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1","method":"portal_history_propagate","params":["./user_data_dir/eth-history-data.json"]}' http://localhost:8545 | jq