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synced 2025-03-01 12:20:49 +00:00
* Refactor TxPool: leaner and simpler * Rewrite test_txpool Reduce number of tables used, from 5 to 2. Reduce number of files. If need to modify the price rule or other filters, now is far more easier because only one table to work with(sender/nonce). And the other table is just a map from txHash to TxItemRef. Removing transactions from txPool either because of producing new block or syncing became much easier. Removing expired transactions also simple. Explicit Tx Pending, Staged, or Packed status is removed. The status of the transactions can be inferred implicitly. Developer new to TxPool can easily follow the logic. But the most important is we can revive the test_txpool without dirty trick and remove usage of getCanonicalHead furthermore to prepare for better integration with ForkedChain.
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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
# according to those terms.
eth/common/[keys, transaction_utils],
from std/sequtils import mapIt
BaseTx* = object of RootObj
recipient* : Opt[Address]
gasLimit* : GasInt
amount* : UInt256
payload* : seq[byte]
txType* : Opt[TxType]
gasTip* : GasInt
gasFee* : GasInt
blobGasFee*: UInt256
blobCount* : int
blobID* : BlobID
BigInitcodeTx* = object of BaseTx
initcodeLength*: int
padByte* : uint8
initcode* : seq[byte]
# Blob transaction creator
BlobTx* = object of BaseTx
TestAccount* = object
key* : PrivateKey
address*: Address
index* : int
TxSender* = ref object
accounts: seq[TestAccount]
nonceMap: Table[Address, uint64]
txSent : int
chainId : ChainId
MakeTxParams* = object
chainId*: ChainId
key* : PrivateKey
nonce* : AccountNonce
CustSig* = object
V*: uint64
R*: UInt256
S*: UInt256
CustomTransactionData* = object
nonce* : Opt[uint64]
gasPriceOrGasFeeCap*: Opt[GasInt]
gasTipCap* : Opt[GasInt]
gas* : Opt[GasInt]
blobGas* : Opt[UInt256]
to* : Opt[common.Address]
value* : Opt[UInt256]
data* : Opt[seq[byte]]
chainId* : Opt[ChainId]
signature* : Opt[CustSig]
TestAccountCount = 1000
gasPrice* = 30.gwei
gasTipPrice* = 1.gwei
blobGasPrice* = 1.gwei
func toAddress(key: PrivateKey): Address =
proc createAccount(idx: int): TestAccount =
seed = toBytesBE(idx.uint64)
seedHash = sha256.digest(seed)
result.index = idx
result.key = PrivateKey.fromRaw(seedHash.data).valueOr:
echo error
result.address = toAddress(result.key)
proc createAccounts(sender: TxSender, numAccounts: int) =
for i in 0..<numAccounts:
sender.accounts.add createAccount(i.int)
proc getNextAccount*(sender: TxSender): TestAccount =
sender.accounts[sender.txSent mod sender.accounts.len]
proc getNextNonce(sender: TxSender, address: Address): uint64 =
let nonce = sender.nonceMap.getOrDefault(address, 0'u64)
sender.nonceMap[address] = nonce + 1
proc getLastNonce(sender: TxSender, address: Address): uint64 =
if sender.nonceMap.hasKey(address):
return 0
sender.nonceMap[address] - 1
proc fillBalance(sender: TxSender, params: NetworkParams) =
const balance = UInt256.fromHex("0x123450000000000000000")
for x in sender.accounts:
params.genesis.alloc[x.address] = GenesisAccount(
balance: balance,
proc new*(_: type TxSender, params: NetworkParams, numAccounts = TestAccountCount): TxSender =
result = TxSender(chainId: params.config.chainId)
proc getTxType(tc: BaseTx, nonce: uint64): TxType =
if tc.txType.isNone:
if nonce mod 2 == 0:
proc makeTxOfType(params: MakeTxParams, tc: BaseTx): PooledTransaction =
gasFeeCap = if tc.gasFee != 0.GasInt: tc.gasFee
else: gasPrice
gasTipCap = if tc.gasTip != 0.GasInt: tc.gasTip
else: gasTipPrice
let txType = tc.getTxType(params.nonce)
case txType
of TxLegacy:
tx: Transaction(
txType : TxLegacy,
nonce : params.nonce,
to : tc.recipient,
value : tc.amount,
gasLimit: tc.gasLimit,
gasPrice: gasPrice,
payload : tc.payload,
chainId : params.chainId,
of TxEip1559:
tx: Transaction(
txType : TxEip1559,
nonce : params.nonce,
gasLimit: tc.gasLimit,
maxFeePerGas: gasFeeCap,
maxPriorityFeePerGas: gasTipCap,
to : tc.recipient,
value : tc.amount,
payload : tc.payload,
chainId : params.chainId
of TxEip4844:
doAssert(tc.recipient.isSome, "recipient must be some")
blobCount = if tc.blobCount != 0: tc.blobCount
blobFeeCap = if tc.blobGasFee != 0.u256: tc.blobGasFee
else: blobGasPrice.u256
# Need tx wrap data that will pass blob verification
var blobData = blobDataGenerator(tc.blobID, blobCount)
#tc.blobID += BlobID(blobCount)
tx: Transaction(
txType : TxEip4844,
nonce : params.nonce,
chainId : params.chainId,
maxFeePerGas: gasFeeCap,
maxPriorityFeePerGas: gasTipCap,
gasLimit: tc.gasLimit,
to : tc.recipient,
value : tc.amount,
payload : tc.payload,
#AccessList: tc.AccessList,
maxFeePerBlobGas: blobFeeCap,
versionedHashes: system.move(blobData.hashes),
networkPayload: NetworkPayload(
blobs: blobData.blobs.mapIt(it.bytes),
commitments: blobData.commitments.mapIt(KzgCommitment it.bytes),
proofs: blobData.proofs.mapIt(KzgProof it.bytes),
raiseAssert "unsupported tx type"
proc makeTx(params: MakeTxParams, tc: BaseTx): PooledTransaction =
# Build the transaction depending on the specified type
let tx = makeTxOfType(params, tc)
tx: signTransaction(tx.tx, params.key),
networkPayload: tx.networkPayload)
proc makeTx(params: MakeTxParams, tc: BigInitcodeTx): PooledTransaction =
var tx = tc
if tx.payload.len == 0:
# Prepare initcode payload
if tx.initcode.len != 0:
doAssert(tx.initcode.len <= tx.initcodeLength, "invalid initcode (too big)")
tx.payload = tx.initcode
while tx.payload.len < tx.initcodeLength:
tx.payload.add tx.padByte
doAssert(tx.recipient.isNone, "invalid configuration for big contract tx creator")
proc makeTx*(
sender: TxSender, tc: BaseTx, nonce: AccountNonce): PooledTransaction =
let acc = sender.getNextAccount()
let params = MakeTxParams(
chainId: sender.chainId,
key: acc.key,
nonce: nonce
proc makeTx*(
sender: TxSender,
tc: BigInitcodeTx,
nonce: AccountNonce): PooledTransaction =
let acc = sender.getNextAccount()
let params = MakeTxParams(
chainId: sender.chainId,
key: acc.key,
nonce: nonce
proc makeNextTx*(sender: TxSender, tc: BaseTx): PooledTransaction =
acc = sender.getNextAccount()
nonce = sender.getNextNonce(acc.address)
params = MakeTxParams(
chainId: sender.chainId,
key: acc.key,
nonce: nonce
proc sendNextTx*(sender: TxSender, client: RpcClient, tc: BaseTx): bool =
let tx = sender.makeNextTx(tc)
let rr = client.sendTransaction(tx)
if rr.isErr:
error "sendNextTx: Unable to send transaction", msg=rr.error
return false
inc sender.txSent
return true
proc sendTx*(sender: TxSender, client: RpcClient, tc: BaseTx, nonce: AccountNonce): bool =
acc = sender.getNextAccount()
params = MakeTxParams(
chainId: sender.chainId,
key: acc.key,
nonce: nonce
tx = params.makeTx(tc)
let rr = client.sendTransaction(tx)
if rr.isErr:
error "sendTx: Unable to send transaction", msg=rr.error
return false
inc sender.txSent
return true
proc sendTx*(sender: TxSender, client: RpcClient, tc: BigInitcodeTx, nonce: AccountNonce): bool =
acc = sender.getNextAccount()
params = MakeTxParams(
chainId: sender.chainId,
key: acc.key,
nonce: nonce
tx = params.makeTx(tc)
let rr = client.sendTransaction(tx)
if rr.isErr:
error "Unable to send transaction", msg=rr.error
return false
inc sender.txSent
return true
proc sendTx*(client: RpcClient, tx: PooledTransaction): bool =
let rr = client.sendTransaction(tx)
if rr.isErr:
error "Unable to send transaction", msg=rr.error
return false
return true
proc makeTx*(params: MakeTxParams, tc: BlobTx): PooledTransaction =
# Need tx wrap data that will pass blob verification
let data = blobDataGenerator(tc.blobID, tc.blobCount)
doAssert(tc.recipient.isSome, "nil recipient address")
gasFeeCap = if tc.gasFee != 0.GasInt: tc.gasFee
else: gasPrice
gasTipCap = if tc.gasTip != 0.GasInt: tc.gasTip
else: gasTipPrice
# Collect fields for transaction
let unsignedTx = Transaction(
txType : TxEip4844,
chainId : params.chainId,
nonce : params.nonce,
maxPriorityFeePerGas: gasTipCap,
maxFeePerGas: gasFeeCap,
gasLimit : tc.gasLimit,
to : tc.recipient,
value : tc.amount,
payload : tc.payload,
maxFeePerBlobGas: tc.blobGasFee,
versionedHashes: data.hashes,
tx: signTransaction(unsignedTx, params.key),
networkPayload: NetworkPayload(
blobs : data.blobs.mapIt(it.bytes),
commitments: data.commitments.mapIt(KzgCommitment it.bytes),
proofs : data.proofs.mapIt(KzgProof it.bytes),
proc getAccount*(sender: TxSender, idx: int): TestAccount =
proc sendTx*(
sender: TxSender,
acc: TestAccount,
client: RpcClient,
tc: BlobTx): Result[PooledTransaction, void] =
params = MakeTxParams(
chainId: sender.chainId,
key: acc.key,
nonce: sender.getNextNonce(acc.address),
tx = params.makeTx(tc)
let rr = client.sendTransaction(tx)
if rr.isErr:
error "Unable to send transaction", msg=rr.error
return err()
inc sender.txSent
return ok(tx)
proc replaceTx*(
sender: TxSender,
acc: TestAccount,
client: RpcClient,
tc: BlobTx): Result[PooledTransaction, void] =
params = MakeTxParams(
chainId: sender.chainId,
key: acc.key,
nonce: sender.getLastNonce(acc.address),
tx = params.makeTx(tc)
let rr = client.sendTransaction(tx)
if rr.isErr:
error "Unable to send transaction", msg=rr.error
return err()
inc sender.txSent
return ok(tx)
proc makeTx*(
sender: TxSender,
tc: BaseTx,
acc: TestAccount,
nonce: AccountNonce): PooledTransaction =
params = MakeTxParams(
chainId: sender.chainId,
key: acc.key,
nonce: nonce,
proc customizeTransaction*(sender: TxSender,
acc: TestAccount,
baseTx: Transaction,
custTx: CustomTransactionData): Transaction =
# Create a modified transaction base, from the base transaction and custTx mix
var modTx = baseTx
if custTx.nonce.isSome:
modTx.nonce = custTx.nonce.get.AccountNonce
if custTx.gasPriceOrGasFeeCap.isSome:
modTx.gasPrice = custTx.gasPriceOrGasFeeCap.get.GasInt
if custTx.gas.isSome:
modTx.gasLimit = custTx.gas.get.GasInt
if custTx.to.isSome:
modTx.to = custTx.to
if custTx.value.isSome:
modTx.value = custTx.value.get
if custTx.data.isSome:
modTx.payload = custTx.data.get
if custTx.chainId.isSome:
modTx.chainId = custTx.chainId.get
if baseTx.txType in {TxEip1559, TxEip4844}:
if custTx.gasPriceOrGasFeeCap.isSome:
modTx.maxFeePerGas = custTx.gasPriceOrGasFeeCap.get.GasInt
if custTx.gasTipCap.isSome:
modTx.maxPriorityFeePerGas = custTx.gasTipCap.get.GasInt
if baseTx.txType == TxEip4844:
if modTx.to.isNone:
var address: Address
modTx.to = Opt.some(address)
if custTx.blobGas.isSome:
doAssert(baseTx.txType == TxEip4844)
modTx.maxFeePerBlobGas = custTx.blobGas.get
if custTx.signature.isSome:
let signature = custTx.signature.get
modTx.V = signature.V
modTx.R = signature.R
modTx.S = signature.S
modTx.signature = modTx.sign(acc.key, eip155 = true)