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2023-11-01 10:32:09 +07:00
# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
2023-11-01 10:32:09 +07:00
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
# according to those terms.
eth/common/[keys, transaction_utils],
from std/sequtils import mapIt
BaseTx* = object of RootObj
recipient* : Opt[Address]
gasLimit* : GasInt
amount* : UInt256
payload* : seq[byte]
txType* : Opt[TxType]
gasTip* : GasInt
gasFee* : GasInt
blobGasFee*: UInt256
blobCount* : int
blobID* : BlobID
BigInitcodeTx* = object of BaseTx
initcodeLength*: int
padByte* : uint8
initcode* : seq[byte]
# Blob transaction creator
BlobTx* = object of BaseTx
TestAccount* = object
2023-10-31 10:18:37 +07:00
key* : PrivateKey
address*: Address
2023-10-31 10:18:37 +07:00
index* : int
TxSender* = ref object
accounts: seq[TestAccount]
nonceMap: Table[Address, uint64]
txSent : int
chainId : ChainId
MakeTxParams* = object
chainId*: ChainId
key* : PrivateKey
nonce* : AccountNonce
2023-10-31 10:18:37 +07:00
CustSig* = object
V*: uint64
2023-10-31 10:18:37 +07:00
R*: UInt256
S*: UInt256
CustomTransactionData* = object
nonce* : Opt[uint64]
gasPriceOrGasFeeCap*: Opt[GasInt]
gasTipCap* : Opt[GasInt]
gas* : Opt[GasInt]
blobGas* : Opt[UInt256]
to* : Opt[common.Address]
value* : Opt[UInt256]
data* : Opt[seq[byte]]
chainId* : Opt[ChainId]
signature* : Opt[CustSig]
TestAccountCount = 1000
gasPrice* = 30.gwei
gasTipPrice* = 1.gwei
blobGasPrice* = 1.gwei
func toAddress(key: PrivateKey): Address =
proc createAccount(idx: int): TestAccount =
seed = toBytesBE(idx.uint64)
seedHash = sha256.digest(seed)
result.index = idx
result.key = PrivateKey.fromRaw(seedHash.data).valueOr:
echo error
result.address = toAddress(result.key)
proc createAccounts(sender: TxSender, numAccounts: int) =
for i in 0..<numAccounts:
sender.accounts.add createAccount(i.int)
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proc getNextAccount*(sender: TxSender): TestAccount =
sender.accounts[sender.txSent mod sender.accounts.len]
proc getNextNonce(sender: TxSender, address: Address): uint64 =
let nonce = sender.nonceMap.getOrDefault(address, 0'u64)
sender.nonceMap[address] = nonce + 1
proc getLastNonce(sender: TxSender, address: Address): uint64 =
2023-11-01 17:30:47 +07:00
if sender.nonceMap.hasKey(address):
return 0
sender.nonceMap[address] - 1
proc fillBalance(sender: TxSender, params: NetworkParams) =
const balance = UInt256.fromHex("0x123450000000000000000")
for x in sender.accounts:
params.genesis.alloc[x.address] = GenesisAccount(
balance: balance,
proc new*(_: type TxSender, params: NetworkParams, numAccounts = TestAccountCount): TxSender =
result = TxSender(chainId: params.config.chainId)
proc getTxType(tc: BaseTx, nonce: uint64): TxType =
if tc.txType.isNone:
if nonce mod 2 == 0:
proc makeTxOfType(params: MakeTxParams, tc: BaseTx): PooledTransaction =
gasFeeCap = if tc.gasFee != 0.GasInt: tc.gasFee
else: gasPrice
gasTipCap = if tc.gasTip != 0.GasInt: tc.gasTip
else: gasTipPrice
let txType = tc.getTxType(params.nonce)
case txType
of TxLegacy:
tx: Transaction(
txType : TxLegacy,
nonce : params.nonce,
to : tc.recipient,
value : tc.amount,
gasLimit: tc.gasLimit,
gasPrice: gasPrice,
payload : tc.payload,
chainId : params.chainId,
of TxEip1559:
tx: Transaction(
txType : TxEip1559,
nonce : params.nonce,
gasLimit: tc.gasLimit,
maxFeePerGas: gasFeeCap,
maxPriorityFeePerGas: gasTipCap,
to : tc.recipient,
value : tc.amount,
payload : tc.payload,
chainId : params.chainId
of TxEip4844:
doAssert(tc.recipient.isSome, "recipient must be some")
blobCount = if tc.blobCount != 0: tc.blobCount
blobFeeCap = if tc.blobGasFee != 0.u256: tc.blobGasFee
else: blobGasPrice.u256
# Need tx wrap data that will pass blob verification
var blobData = blobDataGenerator(tc.blobID, blobCount)
#tc.blobID += BlobID(blobCount)
tx: Transaction(
txType : TxEip4844,
nonce : params.nonce,
chainId : params.chainId,
maxFeePerGas: gasFeeCap,
maxPriorityFeePerGas: gasTipCap,
gasLimit: tc.gasLimit,
to : tc.recipient,
value : tc.amount,
payload : tc.payload,
#AccessList: tc.AccessList,
maxFeePerBlobGas: blobFeeCap,
versionedHashes: system.move(blobData.hashes),
networkPayload: NetworkPayload(
blobs: blobData.blobs.mapIt(it.bytes),
commitments: blobData.commitments.mapIt(KzgCommitment it.bytes),
proofs: blobData.proofs.mapIt(KzgProof it.bytes),
raiseAssert "unsupported tx type"
proc makeTx(params: MakeTxParams, tc: BaseTx): PooledTransaction =
# Build the transaction depending on the specified type
let tx = makeTxOfType(params, tc)
tx: signTransaction(tx.tx, params.key),
networkPayload: tx.networkPayload)
proc makeTx(params: MakeTxParams, tc: BigInitcodeTx): PooledTransaction =
var tx = tc
if tx.payload.len == 0:
# Prepare initcode payload
if tx.initcode.len != 0:
doAssert(tx.initcode.len <= tx.initcodeLength, "invalid initcode (too big)")
tx.payload = tx.initcode
while tx.payload.len < tx.initcodeLength:
tx.payload.add tx.padByte
doAssert(tx.recipient.isNone, "invalid configuration for big contract tx creator")
proc makeTx*(
sender: TxSender, tc: BaseTx, nonce: AccountNonce): PooledTransaction =
let acc = sender.getNextAccount()
let params = MakeTxParams(
chainId: sender.chainId,
key: acc.key,
nonce: nonce
proc makeTx*(
sender: TxSender,
tc: BigInitcodeTx,
nonce: AccountNonce): PooledTransaction =
let acc = sender.getNextAccount()
let params = MakeTxParams(
chainId: sender.chainId,
key: acc.key,
nonce: nonce
proc makeNextTx*(sender: TxSender, tc: BaseTx): PooledTransaction =
acc = sender.getNextAccount()
nonce = sender.getNextNonce(acc.address)
params = MakeTxParams(
chainId: sender.chainId,
key: acc.key,
nonce: nonce
proc sendNextTx*(sender: TxSender, client: RpcClient, tc: BaseTx): bool =
let tx = sender.makeNextTx(tc)
let rr = client.sendTransaction(tx)
if rr.isErr:
2023-10-31 10:18:37 +07:00
error "sendNextTx: Unable to send transaction", msg=rr.error
return false
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inc sender.txSent
return true
proc sendTx*(sender: TxSender, client: RpcClient, tc: BaseTx, nonce: AccountNonce): bool =
acc = sender.getNextAccount()
params = MakeTxParams(
chainId: sender.chainId,
key: acc.key,
nonce: nonce
tx = params.makeTx(tc)
let rr = client.sendTransaction(tx)
if rr.isErr:
2023-10-31 10:18:37 +07:00
error "sendTx: Unable to send transaction", msg=rr.error
return false
2023-10-31 10:18:37 +07:00
inc sender.txSent
return true
proc sendTx*(sender: TxSender, client: RpcClient, tc: BigInitcodeTx, nonce: AccountNonce): bool =
acc = sender.getNextAccount()
params = MakeTxParams(
chainId: sender.chainId,
key: acc.key,
nonce: nonce
tx = params.makeTx(tc)
let rr = client.sendTransaction(tx)
if rr.isErr:
error "Unable to send transaction", msg=rr.error
return false
2023-10-31 10:18:37 +07:00
inc sender.txSent
return true
proc sendTx*(client: RpcClient, tx: PooledTransaction): bool =
let rr = client.sendTransaction(tx)
if rr.isErr:
error "Unable to send transaction", msg=rr.error
return false
return true
proc makeTx*(params: MakeTxParams, tc: BlobTx): PooledTransaction =
# Need tx wrap data that will pass blob verification
let data = blobDataGenerator(tc.blobID, tc.blobCount)
doAssert(tc.recipient.isSome, "nil recipient address")
gasFeeCap = if tc.gasFee != 0.GasInt: tc.gasFee
else: gasPrice
gasTipCap = if tc.gasTip != 0.GasInt: tc.gasTip
else: gasTipPrice
# Collect fields for transaction
let unsignedTx = Transaction(
txType : TxEip4844,
chainId : params.chainId,
nonce : params.nonce,
maxPriorityFeePerGas: gasTipCap,
maxFeePerGas: gasFeeCap,
gasLimit : tc.gasLimit,
to : tc.recipient,
value : tc.amount,
payload : tc.payload,
maxFeePerBlobGas: tc.blobGasFee,
versionedHashes: data.hashes,
tx: signTransaction(unsignedTx, params.key),
networkPayload: NetworkPayload(
blobs : data.blobs.mapIt(it.bytes),
commitments: data.commitments.mapIt(KzgCommitment it.bytes),
proofs : data.proofs.mapIt(KzgProof it.bytes),
proc getAccount*(sender: TxSender, idx: int): TestAccount =
proc sendTx*(
sender: TxSender,
acc: TestAccount,
client: RpcClient,
tc: BlobTx): Result[PooledTransaction, void] =
params = MakeTxParams(
chainId: sender.chainId,
key: acc.key,
nonce: sender.getNextNonce(acc.address),
tx = params.makeTx(tc)
let rr = client.sendTransaction(tx)
if rr.isErr:
error "Unable to send transaction", msg=rr.error
return err()
2023-10-31 10:18:37 +07:00
inc sender.txSent
return ok(tx)
proc replaceTx*(
sender: TxSender,
acc: TestAccount,
client: RpcClient,
tc: BlobTx): Result[PooledTransaction, void] =
params = MakeTxParams(
chainId: sender.chainId,
key: acc.key,
nonce: sender.getLastNonce(acc.address),
tx = params.makeTx(tc)
let rr = client.sendTransaction(tx)
if rr.isErr:
error "Unable to send transaction", msg=rr.error
return err()
2023-10-31 10:18:37 +07:00
inc sender.txSent
return ok(tx)
proc makeTx*(
sender: TxSender,
tc: BaseTx,
acc: TestAccount,
nonce: AccountNonce): PooledTransaction =
2023-10-31 10:18:37 +07:00
params = MakeTxParams(
chainId: sender.chainId,
2023-10-31 10:18:37 +07:00
key: acc.key,
nonce: nonce,
proc customizeTransaction*(sender: TxSender,
acc: TestAccount,
baseTx: Transaction,
custTx: CustomTransactionData): Transaction =
# Create a modified transaction base, from the base transaction and custTx mix
var modTx = baseTx
if custTx.nonce.isSome:
modTx.nonce = custTx.nonce.get.AccountNonce
if custTx.gasPriceOrGasFeeCap.isSome:
modTx.gasPrice = custTx.gasPriceOrGasFeeCap.get.GasInt
if custTx.gas.isSome:
modTx.gasLimit = custTx.gas.get.GasInt
if custTx.to.isSome:
modTx.to = custTx.to
if custTx.value.isSome:
modTx.value = custTx.value.get
if custTx.data.isSome:
modTx.payload = custTx.data.get
if custTx.chainId.isSome:
modTx.chainId = custTx.chainId.get
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if baseTx.txType in {TxEip1559, TxEip4844}:
if custTx.gasPriceOrGasFeeCap.isSome:
modTx.maxFeePerGas = custTx.gasPriceOrGasFeeCap.get.GasInt
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if custTx.gasTipCap.isSome:
modTx.maxPriorityFeePerGas = custTx.gasTipCap.get.GasInt
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if baseTx.txType == TxEip4844:
if modTx.to.isNone:
var address: Address
modTx.to = Opt.some(address)
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if custTx.blobGas.isSome:
doAssert(baseTx.txType == TxEip4844)
modTx.maxFeePerBlobGas = custTx.blobGas.get
if custTx.signature.isSome:
let signature = custTx.signature.get
modTx.V = signature.V
modTx.R = signature.R
modTx.S = signature.S
modTx.signature = modTx.sign(acc.key, eip155 = true)
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