Jordan Hrycaj d53eacb854
Prep for full sync after snap (#1253)
* Split fetch accounts into sub-modules

  There will be separated modules for accounts snapshot, storage snapshot,
  and healing for either.

* Allow to rebase pivot before negotiated header

  Peers seem to have not too many snapshots available. By setting back the
  pivot block header slightly, the chances might be higher to find more
  peers to serve this pivot. Experiment on mainnet showed that setting back
  too much (tested with 1024), the chances to find matching snapshot peers
  seem to decrease.

* Add accounts healing

* Update variable/field naming in `worker_desc` for readability

* Handle leaf nodes in accounts healing

  There is no need to fetch accounts when they had been added by the
  healing process. On the flip side, these accounts must be checked for
  storage data and the batch queue updated, accordingly.

* Reorganising accounts hash ranges batch queue

  The aim is to formally cover as many accounts as possible for different
  pivot state root environments. Formerly, this was tried by starting the
  accounts batch queue at a random value for each pivot (and wrapping

  Now, each pivot environment starts with an interval set mutually
  disjunct from any interval set retrieved with other pivot state roots.

  Stop fishing for more pivots in `worker` if 100% download is reached

* Reorganise/update accounts healing

  Error handling was wrong and the (math. complexity of) whole process
  could be better managed.

  Much of the algorithm is now documented at the top of the file
2022-10-08 18:20:50 +01:00

205 KiB



+ BerlinToLondonTransition.json                                   OK
+ initialVal.json                                                 OK
+ londonUncles.json                                               OK

OK: 3/3 Fail: 0/3 Skip: 0/3


+ BlockGasLimit2p63m1.json                                        OK
+ GasUsedHigherThanBlockGasLimitButNotWithRefundsSuicideFirst.jso OK
+ GasUsedHigherThanBlockGasLimitButNotWithRefundsSuicideLast.json OK
+ SuicideTransaction.json                                         OK
+ TransactionGasHigherThanLimit2p63m1.json                        OK
+ TransactionGasHigherThanLimit2p63m1_2.json                      OK

OK: 6/6 Fail: 0/6 Skip: 0/6


+ ConstantinopleFixTransition.json                                OK

OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1


+ badBlocks.json                                                  OK
+ badUncles.json                                                  OK
+ baseFee.json                                                    OK
+ besuBaseFeeBug.json                                             OK
+ burnVerify.json                                                 OK
+ checkGasLimit.json                                              OK
+ feeCap.json                                                     OK
+ gasLimit20m.json                                                OK
+ gasLimit40m.json                                                OK
+ highDemand.json                                                 OK
+ intrinsic.json                                                  OK
+ intrinsicOrFail.json                                            OK
+ intrinsicTip.json                                               OK
+ lowDemand.json                                                  OK
+ medDemand.json                                                  OK
+ tips.json                                                       OK
+ transFail.json                                                  OK
+ transType.json                                                  OK
+ valCausesOOF.json                                               OK

OK: 19/19 Fail: 0/19 Skip: 0/19


+ ByzantiumTransition.json                                        OK

OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1


+ basefeeExample.json                                             OK

OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1


  DelegateCallSpam.json                                           Skip
+ ShanghaiLove.json                                               OK
+ StrangeContractCreation.json                                    OK
+ SuicideIssue.json                                               OK

OK: 3/4 Fail: 0/4 Skip: 1/4


+ bcBlockRLPAsList.json                                           OK
+ bcBlockRLPPrefixed0000.json                                     OK
+ bcBlockRLPRandomByte.json                                       OK
+ bcBlockRLPTooLarge.json                                         OK
+ bcBlockRLPZeroByte.json                                         OK
+ bcForkBlockTest.json                                            OK
+ bcInvalidRLPTest_BLOCK.json                                     OK
+ bcInvalidRLPTest_TRANSACT.json                                  OK
+ bcTransactRLPRandomByte.json                                    OK
+ bcTransactRLPTooLarge.json                                      OK
+ bcTransactRLPZeroByte.json                                      OK

OK: 11/11 Fail: 0/11 Skip: 0/11


+ AmIOnEIP150.json                                                OK
+ ForkStressTest.json                                             OK

OK: 2/2 Fail: 0/2 Skip: 0/2


+ CallContractThatCreateContractBeforeAndAfterSwitchover.json     OK
+ ContractCreationFailsOnHomestead.json                           OK
+ HomesteadOverrideFrontier.json                                  OK
+ UncleFromFrontierInHomestead.json                               OK
+ UnclePopulation.json                                            OK
+ blockChainFrontierWithLargerTDvsHomesteadBlockchain.json        OK
+ blockChainFrontierWithLargerTDvsHomesteadBlockchain2.json       OK

OK: 7/7 Fail: 0/7 Skip: 0/7


+ RPC_API_Test.json                                               OK
+ highGasUsage.json                                               OK
+ notxs.json                                                      OK

OK: 3/3 Fail: 0/3 Skip: 0/3


+ DaoTransactions.json                                            OK
+ DaoTransactions_EmptyTransactionAndForkBlocksAhead.json         OK
+ DaoTransactions_UncleExtradata.json                             OK
+ DaoTransactions_XBlockm1.json                                   OK

OK: 4/4 Fail: 0/4 Skip: 0/4


+ EIP150Transition.json                                           OK

OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1


+ DifferentExtraData1025.json                                     OK
+ DifficultyIsZero.json                                           OK
+ ExtraData1024.json                                              OK
+ ExtraData33.json                                                OK
+ GasLimitHigherThan2p63m1.json                                   OK
+ GasLimitIsZero.json                                             OK
+ badTimestamp.json                                               OK
+ log1_wrongBlockNumber.json                                      OK
+ log1_wrongBloom.json                                            OK
+ timeDiff0.json                                                  OK
+ wrongCoinbase.json                                              OK
+ wrongDifficulty.json                                            OK
+ wrongGasLimit.json                                              OK
+ wrongGasUsed.json                                               OK
+ wrongNumber.json                                                OK
+ wrongParentHash.json                                            OK
+ wrongParentHash2.json                                           OK
+ wrongReceiptTrie.json                                           OK
+ wrongStateRoot.json                                             OK
+ wrongTimestamp.json                                             OK
+ wrongTransactionsTrie.json                                      OK
+ wrongUncleHash.json                                             OK

OK: 22/22 Fail: 0/22 Skip: 0/22


+ CallContractFromNotBestBlock.json                               OK
+ ChainAtoChainB.json                                             OK
+ ChainAtoChainBCallContractFormA.json                            OK
+ ChainAtoChainB_BlockHash.json                                   OK
+ ChainAtoChainB_difficultyB.json                                 OK
+ ChainAtoChainBtoChainA.json                                     OK
+ ChainAtoChainBtoChainAtoChainB.json                             OK
+ UncleFromSideChain.json                                         OK

OK: 8/8 Fail: 0/8 Skip: 0/8


+ randomStatetest109BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest113BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest127BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest128BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest132BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest140BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest141BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest152BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest165BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest168BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest181BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest182BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest186BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest193BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest203BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest213BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest218BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest21BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest224BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest234BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest235BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest239BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest240BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest253BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest255BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest256BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest258BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest262BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest272BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest277BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest284BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest289BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest314BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest317BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest319BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest330BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest331BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest344BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest34BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest35BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest373BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest374BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest390BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest392BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest394BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest400BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest403BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest40BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest427BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest431BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest432BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest434BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest44BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest453BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest459BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest463BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest479BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest486BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest490BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest492BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest515BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest522BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest529BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest530BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest540BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest551BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest557BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest561BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest568BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest56BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest570BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest590BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest591BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest593BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest595BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest598BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest606BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest613BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest614BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest617BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest61BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest622BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest623BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest631BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest634BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest65BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest68BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest70BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest71BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest76BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest79BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest86BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest8BC.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest91BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest93BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest99BC.json                                        OK

OK: 96/96 Fail: 0/96 Skip: 0/96


+ BLOCKHASH_Bounds.json                                           OK
+ BadStateRootTxBC.json                                           OK
+ CreateTransactionReverted.json                                  OK
+ EmptyTransaction.json                                           OK
+ EmptyTransaction2.json                                          OK
+ NotEnoughCashContractCreation.json                              OK
+ OOGStateCopyContainingDeletedContract.json                      OK
+ OverflowGasRequire.json                                         OK
+ RefundOverflow.json                                             OK
+ RefundOverflow2.json                                            OK
+ SuicidesMixingCoinbase.json                                     OK
+ TransactionFromCoinbaseHittingBlockGasLimit1.json               OK
+ TransactionFromCoinbaseNotEnoughFounds.json                     OK
+ TransactionNonceCheck.json                                      OK
+ TransactionNonceCheck2.json                                     OK
+ TransactionToItselfNotEnoughFounds.json                         OK
+ UserTransactionGasLimitIsTooLowWhenZeroCost.json                OK
+ UserTransactionZeroCost.json                                    OK
+ UserTransactionZeroCost2.json                                   OK
+ UserTransactionZeroCostWithData.json                            OK
+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALL_OOGRevert.json                        OK
+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALL_ToEmpty_OOGRevert.json                OK
+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALL_ToNonZeroBalance_OOGRevert.json       OK
+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALL_ToOneStorageKey_OOGRevert.json        OK
+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData_OOGRevert.json                OK
+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData_ToEmpty_OOGRevert.json        OK
+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData_ToEmpty_OOGRevert_Istanbul.js OK
+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData_ToNonZeroBalance_OOGRevert.js OK
+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData_ToOneStorageKey_OOGRevert.jso OK
+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData_ToOneStorageKey_OOGRevert_Ist OK
+ blockhashNonConstArg.json                                       OK
+ blockhashTests.json                                             OK
+ callcodeOutput1.json                                            OK
+ callcodeOutput2.json                                            OK
+ callcodeOutput3partial.json                                     OK
+ create2collisionwithSelfdestructSameBlock.json                  OK
+ createNameRegistratorPerTxsNotEnoughGasAfter.json               OK
+ createNameRegistratorPerTxsNotEnoughGasAt.json                  OK
+ createNameRegistratorPerTxsNotEnoughGasBefore.json              OK
+ extCodeHashOfDeletedAccount.json                                OK
+ extCodeHashOfDeletedAccountDynamic.json                         OK
+ extcodehashEmptySuicide.json                                    OK
+ logRevert.json                                                  OK
+ multimpleBalanceInstruction.json                                OK
+ randomStatetest123.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest136.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest160.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest170.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest223.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest229.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest241.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest324.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest328.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest375.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest377.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest38.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest441.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest46.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest549.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest594.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest619.json                                         OK
  randomStatetest94.json                                          Skip
+ simpleSuicide.json                                              OK
+ suicideCoinbase.json                                            OK
+ suicideCoinbaseState.json                                       OK
+ suicideStorageCheck.json                                        OK
+ suicideStorageCheckVCreate.json                                 OK
+ suicideStorageCheckVCreate2.json                                OK
+ suicideThenCheckBalance.json                                    OK
+ testOpcode_00.json                                              OK
+ testOpcode_10.json                                              OK
+ testOpcode_20.json                                              OK
+ testOpcode_30.json                                              OK
+ testOpcode_40.json                                              OK
+ testOpcode_50.json                                              OK
+ testOpcode_60.json                                              OK
+ testOpcode_70.json                                              OK
+ testOpcode_80.json                                              OK
+ testOpcode_90.json                                              OK
+ testOpcode_A0.json                                              OK
+ testOpcode_B0.json                                              OK
+ testOpcode_C0.json                                              OK
+ testOpcode_D0.json                                              OK
+ testOpcode_E0.json                                              OK
+ testOpcode_F0.json                                              OK
+ transactionFromNotExistingAccount.json                          OK
+ transactionFromSelfDestructedContract.json                      OK
+ txCost-sec73.json                                               OK

OK: 87/88 Fail: 0/88 Skip: 1/88


+ lotsOfBranchesOverrideAtTheEnd.json                             OK
+ lotsOfBranchesOverrideAtTheMiddle.json                          OK
+ lotsOfLeafs.json                                                OK
+ newChainFrom4Block.json                                         OK
+ newChainFrom5Block.json                                         OK
+ newChainFrom6Block.json                                         OK
+ sideChainWithMoreTransactions.json                              OK
+ sideChainWithMoreTransactions2.json                             OK
+ sideChainWithNewMaxDifficultyStartingFromBlock3AfterBlock4.json OK
+ uncleBlockAtBlock3AfterBlock3.json                              OK
+ uncleBlockAtBlock3afterBlock4.json                              OK

OK: 11/11 Fail: 0/11 Skip: 0/11


+ correct.json                                                    OK
+ diffTooHigh.json                                                OK
+ diffTooLow.json                                                 OK
+ diffTooLow2.json                                                OK
+ gasLimitLTGasUsageUncle.json                                    OK
+ gasLimitTooHigh.json                                            OK
+ gasLimitTooHighExactBound.json                                  OK
+ gasLimitTooLow.json                                             OK
+ gasLimitTooLowExactBound.json                                   OK
+ gasLimitTooLowExactBound2.json                                  OK
+ gasLimitTooLowExactBoundLondon.json                             OK
+ incorrectUncleNumber0.json                                      OK
+ incorrectUncleNumber1.json                                      OK
+ incorrectUncleNumber500.json                                    OK
+ incorrectUncleTimestamp.json                                    OK
+ incorrectUncleTimestamp2.json                                   OK
+ incorrectUncleTimestamp3.json                                   OK
+ incorrectUncleTimestamp4.json                                   OK
+ incorrectUncleTimestamp5.json                                   OK
+ pastUncleTimestamp.json                                         OK
+ timestampTooHigh.json                                           OK
+ timestampTooLow.json                                            OK
+ unknownUncleParentHash.json                                     OK
+ wrongParentHash.json                                            OK
+ wrongStateRoot.json                                             OK

OK: 25/25 Fail: 0/25 Skip: 0/25


+ futureUncleTimestamp2.json                                      OK
+ futureUncleTimestamp3.json                                      OK
+ futureUncleTimestampDifficultyDrop.json                         OK
+ futureUncleTimestampDifficultyDrop2.json                        OK
+ futureUncleTimestampDifficultyDrop3.json                        OK
+ futureUncleTimestampDifficultyDrop4.json                        OK
+ uncleBloomNot0.json                                             OK
+ uncleBloomNot0_2.json                                           OK
+ uncleBloomNot0_3.json                                           OK

OK: 9/9 Fail: 0/9 Skip: 0/9


+ EqualUncleInTwoDifferentBlocks.json                             OK
+ InChainUncle.json                                               OK
+ InChainUncleFather.json                                         OK
+ InChainUncleGrandPa.json                                        OK
+ InChainUncleGreatGrandPa.json                                   OK
+ InChainUncleGreatGreatGrandPa.json                              OK
+ InChainUncleGreatGreatGreatGrandPa.json                         OK
+ InChainUncleGreatGreatGreatGreatGrandPa.json                    OK
+ UncleIsBrother.json                                             OK
+ oneUncle.json                                                   OK
+ oneUncleGeneration2.json                                        OK
+ oneUncleGeneration3.json                                        OK
+ oneUncleGeneration4.json                                        OK
+ oneUncleGeneration5.json                                        OK
+ oneUncleGeneration6.json                                        OK
+ oneUncleGeneration7.json                                        OK
+ threeUncle.json                                                 OK
+ twoEqualUncle.json                                              OK
+ twoUncle.json                                                   OK
+ uncleHeaderAtBlock2.json                                        OK
+ uncleHeaderWithGeneration0.json                                 OK
+ uncleWithSameBlockNumber.json                                   OK

OK: 22/22 Fail: 0/22 Skip: 0/22


+ ExtraData32.json                                                OK
+ RecallSuicidedContract.json                                     OK
+ RecallSuicidedContractInOneBlock.json                           OK
+ SimpleTx.json                                                   OK
+ SimpleTx3LowS.json                                              OK
+ callRevert.json                                                 OK
+ createRevert.json                                               OK
+ dataTx.json                                                     OK
+ dataTx2.json                                                    OK
+ diff1024.json                                                   OK
+ eip2930.json                                                    OK
+ gasLimitTooHigh.json                                            OK
+ gasLimitTooHigh2.json                                           OK
+ gasPrice0.json                                                  OK
+ log1_correct.json                                               OK
+ timeDiff12.json                                                 OK
+ timeDiff13.json                                                 OK
+ timeDiff14.json                                                 OK

OK: 18/18 Fail: 0/18 Skip: 0/18


+ wallet2outOf3txs.json                                           OK
+ wallet2outOf3txs2.json                                          OK
+ wallet2outOf3txsRevoke.json                                     OK
+ wallet2outOf3txsRevokeAndConfirmAgain.json                      OK
+ walletReorganizeOwners.json                                     OK

OK: 5/5 Fail: 0/5 Skip: 0/5


+ addNonConst.json                                                OK
+ addmodNonConst.json                                             OK
+ andNonConst.json                                                OK
+ balanceNonConst.json                                            OK
+ byteNonConst.json                                               OK
+ callNonConst.json                                               OK
+ callcodeNonConst.json                                           OK
+ calldatacopyNonConst.json                                       OK
+ calldataloadNonConst.json                                       OK
+ codecopyNonConst.json                                           OK
+ createNonConst.json                                             OK
+ delegatecallNonConst.json                                       OK
+ divNonConst.json                                                OK
+ eqNonConst.json                                                 OK
+ expNonConst.json                                                OK
+ extcodecopyNonConst.json                                        OK
+ extcodesizeNonConst.json                                        OK
+ gtNonConst.json                                                 OK
+ iszeroNonConst.json                                             OK
+ jumpNonConst.json                                               OK
+ jumpiNonConst.json                                              OK
+ log0NonConst.json                                               OK
+ log1NonConst.json                                               OK
+ log2NonConst.json                                               OK
+ log3NonConst.json                                               OK
+ ltNonConst.json                                                 OK
+ mloadNonConst.json                                              OK
+ modNonConst.json                                                OK
+ mstore8NonConst.json                                            OK
+ mstoreNonConst.json                                             OK
+ mulNonConst.json                                                OK
+ mulmodNonConst.json                                             OK
+ notNonConst.json                                                OK
+ orNonConst.json                                                 OK
+ returnNonConst.json                                             OK
+ sdivNonConst.json                                               OK
+ sgtNonConst.json                                                OK
+ sha3NonConst.json                                               OK
+ signextNonConst.json                                            OK
+ sloadNonConst.json                                              OK
+ sltNonConst.json                                                OK
+ smodNonConst.json                                               OK
+ sstoreNonConst.json                                             OK
+ subNonConst.json                                                OK
+ suicideNonConst.json                                            OK
+ xorNonConst.json                                                OK

OK: 46/46 Fail: 0/46 Skip: 0/46


  ContractCreationSpam.json                                       Skip
+ CrashingTransaction.json                                        OK

OK: 1/2 Fail: 0/2 Skip: 1/2


+ badOpcodes.json                                                 OK
+ eip2315NotRemoved.json                                          OK
+ invalidAddr.json                                                OK
+ invalidDiffPlaces.json                                          OK
+ measureGas.json                                                 OK
+ opc0CDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc0DDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc0EDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc0FDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc1EDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc1FDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc21DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc22DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc23DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc24DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc25DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc26DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc27DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc28DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc29DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc2ADiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc2BDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc2CDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc2DDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc2EDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc2FDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc49DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc4ADiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc4BDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc4CDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc4DDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc4EDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc4FDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc5CDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc5DDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc5EDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opc5FDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcA5DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcA6DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcA7DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcA8DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcA9DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcAADiffPlaces.json                                            OK
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+ opcACDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcADDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcAEDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcAFDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcB0DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcB1DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcB2DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcB3DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcB4DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcB5DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcB6DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcB7DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcB8DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcB9DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcBADiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcBBDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcBCDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcBDDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcBEDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcBFDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcC0DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcC1DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcC2DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcC3DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcC4DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcC5DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcC6DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcC7DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcC8DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcC9DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcCADiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcCBDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcCCDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcCDDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcCEDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcCFDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcD0DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcD1DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcD2DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcD3DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcD4DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcD5DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcD6DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcD7DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcD8DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcD9DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcDADiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcDBDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcDCDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcDDDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcDEDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcDFDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcE0DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcE1DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcE2DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcE3DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcE4DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcE5DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcE6DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcE7DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcE8DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcE9DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcEADiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcEBDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcECDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcEDDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcEEDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcEFDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcF6DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcF7DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcF8DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcF9DiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcFBDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcFCDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ opcFEDiffPlaces.json                                            OK
+ operationDiffGas.json                                           OK
+ undefinedOpcodeFirstByte.json                                   OK

OK: 121/121 Fail: 0/121 Skip: 0/121


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+ randomStatetestDEFAULT-Tue_07_58_41-15153-575192_london.json    OK
+ returndatacopyPythonBug_Tue_03_48_41-1432.json                  OK
+ staticcall_createfails.json                                     OK

OK: 5/5 Fail: 0/5 Skip: 0/5


+ call_OOG_additionalGasCosts1.json                               OK
+ call_OOG_additionalGasCosts2.json                               OK
+ callcall_00.json                                                OK
+ callcall_00_OOGE.json                                           OK
+ callcall_00_OOGE_valueTransfer.json                             OK
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+ callcallcall_000.json                                           OK
+ callcallcall_000_OOGE.json                                      OK
+ callcallcall_000_OOGMAfter.json                                 OK
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+ callcallcall_000_SuicideMiddle.json                             OK
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+ callcallcallcode_001_SuicideEnd.json                            OK
+ callcallcallcode_001_SuicideMiddle.json                         OK
  callcallcallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                            Skip
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+ callcallcodecall_010_SuicideEnd.json                            OK
+ callcallcodecall_010_SuicideMiddle.json                         OK
  callcallcodecall_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                            Skip
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+ callcallcodecallcode_011_OOGE.json                              OK
+ callcallcodecallcode_011_OOGMAfter.json                         OK
+ callcallcodecallcode_011_OOGMBefore.json                        OK
+ callcallcodecallcode_011_SuicideEnd.json                        OK
+ callcallcodecallcode_011_SuicideMiddle.json                     OK
  callcallcodecallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                        Skip
+ callcodeDynamicCode.json                                        OK
+ callcodeDynamicCode2SelfCall.json                               OK
+ callcodeEmptycontract.json                                      OK
+ callcodeInInitcodeToEmptyContract.json                          OK
+ callcodeInInitcodeToExisContractWithVTransferNEMoney.json       OK
+ callcodeInInitcodeToExistingContract.json                       OK
+ callcodeInInitcodeToExistingContractWithValueTransfer.json      OK
+ callcode_checkPC.json                                           OK
+ callcodecall_10.json                                            OK
+ callcodecall_10_OOGE.json                                       OK
+ callcodecall_10_SuicideEnd.json                                 OK
+ callcodecallcall_100.json                                       OK
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+ callcodecallcall_100_OOGMAfter.json                             OK
+ callcodecallcall_100_OOGMBefore.json                            OK
+ callcodecallcall_100_SuicideEnd.json                            OK
+ callcodecallcall_100_SuicideMiddle.json                         OK
  callcodecallcall_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                            Skip
+ callcodecallcallcode_101.json                                   OK
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+ callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGMAfter.json                         OK
+ callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGMBefore.json                        OK
+ callcodecallcallcode_101_SuicideEnd.json                        OK
+ callcodecallcallcode_101_SuicideMiddle.json                     OK
  callcodecallcallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                        Skip
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+ callcodecallcode_11_SuicideEnd.json                             OK
+ callcodecallcodecall_110.json                                   OK
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+ callcodecallcodecall_110_OOGMAfter.json                         OK
+ callcodecallcodecall_110_OOGMBefore.json                        OK
+ callcodecallcodecall_110_SuicideEnd.json                        OK
+ callcodecallcodecall_110_SuicideMiddle.json                     OK
  callcodecallcodecall_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                        Skip
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+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_OOGE.json                          OK
+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_OOGMAfter.json                     OK
+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_OOGMBefore.json                    OK
+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_SuicideEnd.json                    OK
+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_SuicideMiddle.json                 OK
  callcodecallcodecallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                    Skip

OK: 72/79 Fail: 0/79 Skip: 7/79


  Call1024BalanceTooLow.json                                      Skip
  Call1024OOG.json                                                Skip
  Call1024PreCalls.json                                           Skip
+ CallLoseGasOOG.json                                             OK
  CallRecursiveBombPreCall.json                                   Skip
  Callcode1024BalanceTooLow.json                                  Skip
  Callcode1024OOG.json                                            Skip
+ CallcodeLoseGasOOG.json                                         OK
+ callOutput1.json                                                OK
+ callOutput2.json                                                OK
+ callOutput3.json                                                OK
+ callOutput3Fail.json                                            OK
+ callOutput3partial.json                                         OK
+ callOutput3partialFail.json                                     OK
+ callWithHighValue.json                                          OK
+ callWithHighValueAndGasOOG.json                                 OK
+ callWithHighValueAndOOGatTxLevel.json                           OK
+ callWithHighValueOOGinCall.json                                 OK
+ callcodeOutput1.json                                            OK
+ callcodeOutput2.json                                            OK
+ callcodeOutput3.json                                            OK
+ callcodeOutput3Fail.json                                        OK
+ callcodeOutput3partial.json                                     OK
+ callcodeOutput3partialFail.json                                 OK
+ callcodeWithHighValue.json                                      OK
+ callcodeWithHighValueAndGasOOG.json                             OK
+ contractCreationMakeCallThatAskMoreGasThenTransactionProvided.j OK
+ createFailBalanceTooLow.json                                    OK
+ createInitFailBadJumpDestination.json                           OK
+ createInitFailBadJumpDestination2.json                          OK
+ createInitFailStackSizeLargerThan1024.json                      OK
+ createInitFailStackUnderflow.json                               OK
+ createInitFailUndefinedInstruction.json                         OK
+ createInitFailUndefinedInstruction2.json                        OK
+ createInitFail_OOGduringInit.json                               OK
+ createInitFail_OOGduringInit2.json                              OK
+ createInitOOGforCREATE.json                                     OK
+ createJS_ExampleContract.json                                   OK
+ createJS_NoCollision.json                                       OK
+ createNameRegistratorPerTxs.json                                OK
+ createNameRegistratorPerTxsNotEnoughGas.json                    OK
+ createNameRegistratorPreStore1NotEnoughGas.json                 OK
+ createNameRegistratorendowmentTooHigh.json                      OK

OK: 37/43 Fail: 0/43 Skip: 6/43


+ callcallcallcode_001.json                                       OK
+ callcallcallcode_001_OOGE.json                                  OK
+ callcallcallcode_001_OOGMAfter.json                             OK
+ callcallcallcode_001_OOGMBefore.json                            OK
+ callcallcallcode_001_SuicideEnd.json                            OK
+ callcallcallcode_001_SuicideMiddle.json                         OK
  callcallcallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                            Skip
+ callcallcode_01.json                                            OK
+ callcallcode_01_OOGE.json                                       OK
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+ callcallcodecall_010.json                                       OK
+ callcallcodecall_010_OOGE.json                                  OK
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+ callcallcodecall_010_OOGMBefore.json                            OK
+ callcallcodecall_010_SuicideEnd.json                            OK
+ callcallcodecall_010_SuicideMiddle.json                         OK
  callcallcodecall_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                            Skip
+ callcallcodecallcode_011.json                                   OK
+ callcallcodecallcode_011_OOGE.json                              OK
+ callcallcodecallcode_011_OOGMAfter.json                         OK
+ callcallcodecallcode_011_OOGMBefore.json                        OK
+ callcallcodecallcode_011_SuicideEnd.json                        OK
+ callcallcodecallcode_011_SuicideMiddle.json                     OK
  callcallcodecallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                        Skip
+ callcodecall_10.json                                            OK
+ callcodecall_10_OOGE.json                                       OK
+ callcodecall_10_SuicideEnd.json                                 OK
+ callcodecallcall_100.json                                       OK
+ callcodecallcall_100_OOGE.json                                  OK
+ callcodecallcall_100_OOGMAfter.json                             OK
+ callcodecallcall_100_OOGMBefore.json                            OK
+ callcodecallcall_100_SuicideEnd.json                            OK
+ callcodecallcall_100_SuicideMiddle.json                         OK
  callcodecallcall_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                            Skip
+ callcodecallcallcode_101.json                                   OK
+ callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGE.json                              OK
+ callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGMAfter.json                         OK
+ callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGMBefore.json                        OK
+ callcodecallcallcode_101_SuicideEnd.json                        OK
+ callcodecallcallcode_101_SuicideMiddle.json                     OK
  callcodecallcallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                        Skip
+ callcodecallcode_11.json                                        OK
+ callcodecallcode_11_OOGE.json                                   OK
+ callcodecallcode_11_SuicideEnd.json                             OK
+ callcodecallcodecall_110.json                                   OK
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+ callcodecallcodecall_110_OOGMBefore.json                        OK
+ callcodecallcodecall_110_SuicideEnd.json                        OK
+ callcodecallcodecall_110_SuicideMiddle.json                     OK
  callcodecallcodecall_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                        Skip
+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111.json                               OK
+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_OOGE.json                          OK
+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_OOGMAfter.json                     OK
+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_OOGMBefore.json                    OK
+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_SuicideEnd.json                    OK
+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_SuicideMiddle.json                 OK
  callcodecallcodecallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                    Skip

OK: 51/58 Fail: 0/58 Skip: 7/58


+ callcallcallcode_001.json                                       OK
+ callcallcallcode_001_OOGE.json                                  OK
+ callcallcallcode_001_OOGMAfter.json                             OK
+ callcallcallcode_001_OOGMBefore.json                            OK
+ callcallcallcode_001_SuicideEnd.json                            OK
+ callcallcallcode_001_SuicideMiddle.json                         OK
  callcallcallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                            Skip
+ callcallcode_01.json                                            OK
+ callcallcode_01_OOGE.json                                       OK
+ callcallcode_01_SuicideEnd.json                                 OK
+ callcallcodecall_010.json                                       OK
+ callcallcodecall_010_OOGE.json                                  OK
+ callcallcodecall_010_OOGMAfter.json                             OK
+ callcallcodecall_010_OOGMBefore.json                            OK
+ callcallcodecall_010_SuicideEnd.json                            OK
+ callcallcodecall_010_SuicideMiddle.json                         OK
  callcallcodecall_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                            Skip
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+ callcallcodecallcode_011_OOGE.json                              OK
+ callcallcodecallcode_011_OOGMAfter.json                         OK
+ callcallcodecallcode_011_OOGMBefore.json                        OK
+ callcallcodecallcode_011_SuicideEnd.json                        OK
+ callcallcodecallcode_011_SuicideMiddle.json                     OK
  callcallcodecallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                        Skip
+ callcodecall_10.json                                            OK
+ callcodecall_10_OOGE.json                                       OK
+ callcodecall_10_SuicideEnd.json                                 OK
+ callcodecallcall_100.json                                       OK
+ callcodecallcall_100_OOGE.json                                  OK
+ callcodecallcall_100_OOGMAfter.json                             OK
+ callcodecallcall_100_OOGMBefore.json                            OK
+ callcodecallcall_100_SuicideEnd.json                            OK
+ callcodecallcall_100_SuicideMiddle.json                         OK
  callcodecallcall_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                            Skip
+ callcodecallcallcode_101.json                                   OK
+ callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGE.json                              OK
+ callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGMAfter.json                         OK
+ callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGMBefore.json                        OK
+ callcodecallcallcode_101_SuicideEnd.json                        OK
+ callcodecallcallcode_101_SuicideMiddle.json                     OK
  callcodecallcallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                        Skip
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+ callcodecallcode_11_SuicideEnd.json                             OK
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+ callcodecallcodecall_110_OOGMAfter.json                         OK
+ callcodecallcodecall_110_OOGMBefore.json                        OK
+ callcodecallcodecall_110_SuicideEnd.json                        OK
+ callcodecallcodecall_110_SuicideMiddle.json                     OK
  callcodecallcodecall_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                        Skip
+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111.json                               OK
+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_OOGE.json                          OK
+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_OOGMAfter.json                     OK
+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_OOGMBefore.json                    OK
+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_SuicideEnd.json                    OK
+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_SuicideMiddle.json                 OK
  callcodecallcodecallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                    Skip

OK: 51/58 Fail: 0/58 Skip: 7/58


+ chainId.json                                                    OK
+ chainIdGasCost.json                                             OK

OK: 2/2 Fail: 0/2 Skip: 0/2


+ ExtCodeCopyTargetRangeLongerThanCodeTests.json                  OK
+ ExtCodeCopyTests.json                                           OK

OK: 2/2 Fail: 0/2 Skip: 0/2


+ codesizeInit.json                                               OK
+ codesizeOOGInvalidSize.json                                     OK
+ codesizeValid.json                                              OK
+ create2CodeSizeLimit.json                                       OK
+ createCodeSizeLimit.json                                        OK

OK: 5/5 Fail: 0/5 Skip: 0/5


+ CREATE2_Bounds.json                                             OK
+ CREATE2_Bounds2.json                                            OK
+ CREATE2_Bounds3.json                                            OK
+ CREATE2_ContractSuicideDuringInit_ThenStoreThenReturn.json      OK
+ CREATE2_EOF1.json                                               OK
+ CREATE2_FirstByte_loop.json                                     OK
+ CREATE2_HighNonce.json                                          OK
+ CREATE2_HighNonceDelegatecall.json                              OK
+ CREATE2_HighNonceMinus1.json                                    OK
+ CREATE2_Suicide.json                                            OK
+ Create2OOGFromCallRefunds.json                                  OK
+ Create2OOGafterInitCode.json                                    OK
+ Create2OOGafterInitCodeReturndata.json                          OK
+ Create2OOGafterInitCodeReturndata2.json                         OK
+ Create2OOGafterInitCodeReturndata3.json                         OK
+ Create2OOGafterInitCodeReturndataSize.json                      OK
+ Create2OOGafterInitCodeRevert.json                              OK
+ Create2OOGafterInitCodeRevert2.json                             OK
+ Create2OnDepth1023.json                                         OK
+ Create2OnDepth1024.json                                         OK
  Create2Recursive.json                                           Skip
+ CreateMessageReverted.json                                      OK
+ CreateMessageRevertedOOGInInit.json                             OK
+ RevertDepthCreate2OOG.json                                      OK
+ RevertDepthCreate2OOGBerlin.json                                OK
+ RevertDepthCreateAddressCollision.json                          OK
+ RevertDepthCreateAddressCollisionBerlin.json                    OK
+ RevertInCreateInInitCreate2.json                                OK
+ RevertOpcodeCreate.json                                         OK
+ RevertOpcodeInCreateReturnsCreate2.json                         OK
+ call_outsize_then_create2_successful_then_returndatasize.json   OK
+ call_then_create2_successful_then_returndatasize.json           OK
+ create2InitCodes.json                                           OK
+ create2SmartInitCode.json                                       OK
+ create2callPrecompiles.json                                     OK
+ create2checkFieldsInInitcode.json                               OK
+ create2collisionBalance.json                                    OK
+ create2collisionCode.json                                       OK
+ create2collisionCode2.json                                      OK
+ create2collisionNonce.json                                      OK
+ create2collisionSelfdestructed.json                             OK
+ create2collisionSelfdestructed2.json                            OK
+ create2collisionSelfdestructedOOG.json                          OK
+ create2collisionSelfdestructedRevert.json                       OK
+ create2collisionStorage.json                                    OK
+ create2noCash.json                                              OK
+ returndatacopy_0_0_following_successful_create.json             OK
+ returndatacopy_afterFailing_create.json                         OK
+ returndatacopy_following_create.json                            OK
+ returndatacopy_following_revert_in_create.json                  OK
+ returndatacopy_following_successful_create.json                 OK
+ returndatasize_following_successful_create.json                 OK

OK: 51/52 Fail: 0/52 Skip: 1/52


+ CREATE_AcreateB_BSuicide_BStore.json                            OK
+ CREATE_ContractRETURNBigOffset.json                             OK
+ CREATE_ContractSSTOREDuringInit.json                            OK
+ CREATE_ContractSuicideDuringInit.json                           OK
+ CREATE_ContractSuicideDuringInit_ThenStoreThenReturn.json       OK
+ CREATE_ContractSuicideDuringInit_WithValue.json                 OK
+ CREATE_ContractSuicideDuringInit_WithValueToItself.json         OK
+ CREATE_EContractCreateEContractInInit_Tr.json                   OK
+ CREATE_EContractCreateNEContractInInitOOG_Tr.json               OK
+ CREATE_EContractCreateNEContractInInit_Tr.json                  OK
+ CREATE_EContract_ThenCALLToNonExistentAcc.json                  OK
+ CREATE_EOF1.json                                                OK
+ CREATE_EmptyContract.json                                       OK
+ CREATE_EmptyContractAndCallIt_0wei.json                         OK
+ CREATE_EmptyContractAndCallIt_1wei.json                         OK
+ CREATE_EmptyContractWithBalance.json                            OK
+ CREATE_EmptyContractWithStorage.json                            OK
+ CREATE_EmptyContractWithStorageAndCallIt_0wei.json              OK
+ CREATE_EmptyContractWithStorageAndCallIt_1wei.json              OK
+ CREATE_FirstByte_loop.json                                      OK
+ CREATE_HighNonce.json                                           OK
+ CREATE_HighNonceMinus1.json                                     OK
+ CREATE_empty000CreateinInitCode_Transaction.json                OK
+ CodeInConstructor.json                                          OK
+ CreateCollisionResults.json                                     OK
+ CreateCollisionToEmpty.json                                     OK
+ CreateOOGFromCallRefunds.json                                   OK
+ CreateOOGFromEOARefunds.json                                    OK
+ CreateOOGafterInitCode.json                                     OK
+ CreateOOGafterInitCodeReturndata.json                           OK
+ CreateOOGafterInitCodeReturndata2.json                          OK
+ CreateOOGafterInitCodeReturndata3.json                          OK
+ CreateOOGafterInitCodeReturndataSize.json                       OK
+ CreateOOGafterInitCodeRevert.json                               OK
+ CreateOOGafterInitCodeRevert2.json                              OK
+ CreateOOGafterMaxCodesize.json                                  OK
+ CreateResults.json                                              OK
+ TransactionCollisionToEmpty.json                                OK
+ TransactionCollisionToEmptyButCode.json                         OK
+ TransactionCollisionToEmptyButNonce.json                        OK
+ createFailResult.json                                           OK

OK: 41/41 Fail: 0/41 Skip: 0/41


  Call1024BalanceTooLow.json                                      Skip
  Call1024OOG.json                                                Skip
  Call1024PreCalls.json                                           Skip
+ CallLoseGasOOG.json                                             OK
  CallRecursiveBombPreCall.json                                   Skip
+ CallcodeLoseGasOOG.json                                         OK
  Delegatecall1024.json                                           Skip
  Delegatecall1024OOG.json                                        Skip
+ callOutput1.json                                                OK
+ callOutput2.json                                                OK
+ callOutput3.json                                                OK
+ callOutput3partial.json                                         OK
+ callOutput3partialFail.json                                     OK
+ callWithHighValueAndGasOOG.json                                 OK
+ callcodeOutput3.json                                            OK
+ callcodeWithHighValueAndGasOOG.json                             OK
+ deleagateCallAfterValueTransfer.json                            OK
+ delegatecallAndOOGatTxLevel.json                                OK
+ delegatecallBasic.json                                          OK
+ delegatecallEmptycontract.json                                  OK
+ delegatecallInInitcodeToEmptyContract.json                      OK
+ delegatecallInInitcodeToExistingContract.json                   OK
+ delegatecallInInitcodeToExistingContractOOG.json                OK
+ delegatecallOOGinCall.json                                      OK
+ delegatecallSenderCheck.json                                    OK
+ delegatecallValueCheck.json                                     OK
+ delegatecodeDynamicCode.json                                    OK
+ delegatecodeDynamicCode2SelfCall.json                           OK

OK: 22/28 Fail: 0/28 Skip: 6/28


+ CallAndCallcodeConsumeMoreGasThenTransactionHas.json            OK
+ CallAskMoreGasOnDepth2ThenTransactionHas.json                   OK
+ CallGoesOOGOnSecondLevel.json                                   OK
+ CallGoesOOGOnSecondLevel2.json                                  OK
+ CreateAndGasInsideCreate.json                                   OK
+ DelegateCallOnEIP.json                                          OK
+ ExecuteCallThatAskForeGasThenTrabsactionHas.json                OK
+ NewGasPriceForCodes.json                                        OK
+ SuicideToExistingContract.json                                  OK
+ SuicideToNotExistingContract.json                               OK
+ Transaction64Rule_d64e0.json                                    OK
+ Transaction64Rule_d64m1.json                                    OK
+ Transaction64Rule_d64p1.json                                    OK

OK: 13/13 Fail: 0/13 Skip: 0/13


+ RawBalanceGas.json                                              OK
+ RawCallCodeGas.json                                             OK
+ RawCallCodeGasAsk.json                                          OK
+ RawCallCodeGasMemory.json                                       OK
+ RawCallCodeGasMemoryAsk.json                                    OK
+ RawCallCodeGasValueTransfer.json                                OK
+ RawCallCodeGasValueTransferAsk.json                             OK
+ RawCallCodeGasValueTransferMemory.json                          OK
+ RawCallCodeGasValueTransferMemoryAsk.json                       OK
+ RawCallGas.json                                                 OK
+ RawCallGasAsk.json                                              OK
+ RawCallGasValueTransfer.json                                    OK
+ RawCallGasValueTransferAsk.json                                 OK
+ RawCallGasValueTransferMemory.json                              OK
+ RawCallGasValueTransferMemoryAsk.json                           OK
+ RawCallMemoryGas.json                                           OK
+ RawCallMemoryGasAsk.json                                        OK
+ RawCreateFailGasValueTransfer.json                              OK
+ RawCreateFailGasValueTransfer2.json                             OK
+ RawCreateGas.json                                               OK
+ RawCreateGasMemory.json                                         OK
+ RawCreateGasValueTransfer.json                                  OK
+ RawCreateGasValueTransferMemory.json                            OK
+ RawDelegateCallGas.json                                         OK
+ RawDelegateCallGasAsk.json                                      OK
+ RawDelegateCallGasMemory.json                                   OK
+ RawDelegateCallGasMemoryAsk.json                                OK
+ RawExtCodeCopyGas.json                                          OK
+ RawExtCodeCopyMemoryGas.json                                    OK
+ RawExtCodeSizeGas.json                                          OK
+ eip2929-ff.json                                                 OK
+ eip2929.json                                                    OK
+ eip2929OOG.json                                                 OK
+ gasCost.json                                                    OK
+ gasCostBerlin.json                                              OK
+ gasCostExp.json                                                 OK
+ gasCostJump.json                                                OK
+ gasCostMemSeg.json                                              OK
+ gasCostMemory.json                                              OK
+ gasCostReturn.json                                              OK

OK: 40/40 Fail: 0/40 Skip: 0/40


+ baseFeeDiffPlaces.json                                          OK
+ gasPriceDiffPlaces.json                                         OK
+ intrinsic.json                                                  OK
+ lowFeeCap.json                                                  OK
+ lowGasLimit.json                                                OK
+ lowGasPriceOldTypes.json                                        OK
+ outOfFunds.json                                                 OK
+ outOfFundsOldTypes.json                                         OK
+ tipTooHigh.json                                                 OK
+ transactionIntinsicBug.json                                     OK
+ typeTwoBerlin.json                                              OK
+ valCausesOOF.json                                               OK

OK: 12/12 Fail: 0/12 Skip: 0/12


+ CALL_OneVCallSuicide.json                                       OK
+ CALL_ZeroVCallSuicide.json                                      OK
+ EXP_Empty.json                                                  OK
+ EXTCODESIZE_toEpmty.json                                        OK
+ EXTCODESIZE_toNonExistent.json                                  OK
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OK: 7/7 Fail: 0/7 Skip: 0/7


+ addressOpcodes.json                                             OK
+ coinbaseT01.json                                                OK
+ coinbaseT2.json                                                 OK
+ manualCreate.json                                               OK
+ storageCosts.json                                               OK
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+ variedContext.json                                              OK

OK: 7/7 Fail: 0/7 Skip: 0/7


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+ transactionCollidingWithNonEmptyAccount_calls.json              OK
+ transactionCollidingWithNonEmptyAccount_callsItself.json        OK
+ transactionCollidingWithNonEmptyAccount_init.json               OK
+ transactionCollidingWithNonEmptyAccount_send.json               OK

OK: 5/5 Fail: 0/5 Skip: 0/5


+ accessListExample.json                                          OK
+ add11.json                                                      OK
+ add11_yml.json                                                  OK
+ basefeeExample.json                                             OK
+ eip1559.json                                                    OK
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+ invalidTr.json                                                  OK
+ labelsExample.json                                              OK
+ rangesExample.json                                              OK
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+ yulExample.json                                                 OK

OK: 11/11 Fail: 0/11 Skip: 0/11


+ callToNonExistent.json                                          OK
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+ codeCopyZero.json                                               OK
+ createEmptyThenExtcodehash.json                                 OK
+ dynamicAccountOverwriteEmpty.json                               OK
+ extCodeCopyBounds.json                                          OK
+ extCodeHashAccountWithoutCode.json                              OK
+ extCodeHashCALL.json                                            OK
+ extCodeHashCALLCODE.json                                        OK
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+ extCodeHashCreatedAndDeletedAccount.json                        OK
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+ extCodeHashCreatedAndDeletedAccountStaticCall.json              OK
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+ extCodeHashDeletedAccount.json                                  OK
+ extCodeHashDeletedAccount1.json                                 OK
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+ extCodeHashMaxCodeSize.json                                     OK
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+ extCodeHashNonExistingAccount.json                              OK
+ extCodeHashPrecompiles.json                                     OK
+ extCodeHashSTATICCALL.json                                      OK
+ extCodeHashSelf.json                                            OK
+ extCodeHashSelfInInit.json                                      OK
+ extCodeHashSubcallOOG.json                                      OK
+ extCodeHashSubcallSuicide.json                                  OK
+ extcodehashEmpty.json                                           OK

OK: 32/32 Fail: 0/32 Skip: 0/32


+ contractCreationOOGdontLeaveEmptyContract.json                  OK
+ contractCreationOOGdontLeaveEmptyContractViaTransaction.json    OK
+ createContractViaContract.json                                  OK
+ createContractViaContractOOGInitCode.json                       OK
+ createContractViaTransactionCost53000.json                      OK

OK: 5/5 Fail: 0/5 Skip: 0/5


+ CallContractToCreateContractAndCallItOOG.json                   OK
+ CallContractToCreateContractNoCash.json                         OK
+ CallContractToCreateContractOOG.json                            OK
+ CallContractToCreateContractOOGBonusGas.json                    OK
+ CallContractToCreateContractWhichWouldCreateContractIfCalled.js OK
+ CallContractToCreateContractWhichWouldCreateContractInInitCode. OK
+ CallRecursiveContract.json                                      OK
+ CallTheContractToCreateEmptyContract.json                       OK
+ OutOfGasContractCreation.json                                   OK
+ OutOfGasPrefundedContractCreation.json                          OK
+ ReturnTest.json                                                 OK
+ ReturnTest2.json                                                OK
+ StackUnderFlowContractCreation.json                             OK
+ TransactionCreateAutoSuicideContract.json                       OK
+ TransactionCreateRandomInitCode.json                            OK
+ TransactionCreateStopInInitcode.json                            OK
+ TransactionCreateSuicideInInitcode.json                         OK

OK: 17/17 Fail: 0/17 Skip: 0/17


+ log0_emptyMem.json                                              OK
+ log0_logMemStartTooHigh.json                                    OK
+ log0_logMemsizeTooHigh.json                                     OK
+ log0_logMemsizeZero.json                                        OK
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+ log1_Caller.json                                                OK
+ log1_MaxTopic.json                                              OK
+ log1_emptyMem.json                                              OK
+ log1_logMemStartTooHigh.json                                    OK
+ log1_logMemsizeTooHigh.json                                     OK
+ log1_logMemsizeZero.json                                        OK
+ log1_nonEmptyMem.json                                           OK
+ log1_nonEmptyMem_logMemSize1.json                               OK
+ log1_nonEmptyMem_logMemSize1_logMemStart31.json                 OK
+ log2_Caller.json                                                OK
+ log2_MaxTopic.json                                              OK
+ log2_emptyMem.json                                              OK
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+ log3_Caller.json                                                OK
+ log3_MaxTopic.json                                              OK
+ log3_PC.json                                                    OK
+ log3_emptyMem.json                                              OK
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+ log4_Caller.json                                                OK
+ log4_MaxTopic.json                                              OK
+ log4_PC.json                                                    OK
+ log4_emptyMem.json                                              OK
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+ log4_nonEmptyMem.json                                           OK
+ log4_nonEmptyMem_logMemSize1.json                               OK
+ log4_nonEmptyMem_logMemSize1_logMemStart31.json                 OK
+ logInOOG_Call.json                                              OK

OK: 46/46 Fail: 0/46 Skip: 0/46


+ CallAndCallcodeConsumeMoreGasThenTransactionHasWithMemExpanding OK
+ CallAskMoreGasOnDepth2ThenTransactionHasWithMemExpandingCalls.j OK
+ CallGoesOOGOnSecondLevel2WithMemExpandingCalls.json             OK
+ CallGoesOOGOnSecondLevelWithMemExpandingCalls.json              OK
+ CreateAndGasInsideCreateWithMemExpandingCalls.json              OK
+ DelegateCallOnEIPWithMemExpandingCalls.json                     OK
+ ExecuteCallThatAskMoreGasThenTransactionHasWithMemExpandingCall OK
+ NewGasPriceForCodesWithMemExpandingCalls.json                   OK
+ OOGinReturn.json                                                OK

OK: 9/9 Fail: 0/9 Skip: 0/9


  CALLCODE_Bounds.json                                            Skip
  CALLCODE_Bounds2.json                                           Skip
  CALLCODE_Bounds3.json                                           Skip
  CALLCODE_Bounds4.json                                           Skip
  CALL_Bounds.json                                                Skip
  CALL_Bounds2.json                                               Skip
  CALL_Bounds2a.json                                              Skip
  CALL_Bounds3.json                                               Skip
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+ CREATE_Bounds2.json                                             OK
+ CREATE_Bounds3.json                                             OK
  DELEGATECALL_Bounds.json                                        Skip
  DELEGATECALL_Bounds2.json                                       Skip
  DELEGATECALL_Bounds3.json                                       Skip
+ DUP_Bounds.json                                                 OK
+ FillStack.json                                                  OK
+ JUMPI_Bounds.json                                               OK
+ JUMP_Bounds.json                                                OK
+ JUMP_Bounds2.json                                               OK
+ MLOAD_Bounds.json                                               OK
+ MLOAD_Bounds2.json                                              OK
+ MLOAD_Bounds3.json                                              OK
+ MSTORE_Bounds.json                                              OK
+ MSTORE_Bounds2.json                                             OK
+ MSTORE_Bounds2a.json                                            OK
+ POP_Bounds.json                                                 OK
+ RETURN_Bounds.json                                              OK
+ SLOAD_Bounds.json                                               OK
+ SSTORE_Bounds.json                                              OK
+ mload32bitBound.json                                            OK
+ mload32bitBound2.json                                           OK
+ mload32bitBound_Msize.json                                      OK
+ mload32bitBound_return.json                                     OK
+ mload32bitBound_return2.json                                    OK
+ static_CALL_Bounds.json                                         OK
+ static_CALL_Bounds2.json                                        OK
+ static_CALL_Bounds2a.json                                       OK
+ static_CALL_Bounds3.json                                        OK

OK: 27/38 Fail: 0/38 Skip: 11/38


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+ mstroe8_dejavu.json                                             OK
+ oog.json                                                        OK
+ sha3_dejavu.json                                                OK
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+ stackLimitGas_1024.json                                         OK
+ stackLimitGas_1025.json                                         OK
+ stackLimitPush31_1023.json                                      OK
+ stackLimitPush31_1024.json                                      OK
+ stackLimitPush31_1025.json                                      OK
+ stackLimitPush32_1023.json                                      OK
+ stackLimitPush32_1024.json                                      OK
+ stackLimitPush32_1025.json                                      OK

OK: 71/71 Fail: 0/71 Skip: 0/71


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+ NonZeroValue_TransactionCALL_ToEmpty.json                       OK
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+ NonZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData.json                       OK
+ NonZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData_ToEmpty.json               OK
+ NonZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData_ToNonNonZeroBalance.json   OK
+ NonZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData_ToOneStorageKey.json       OK

OK: 24/24 Fail: 0/24 Skip: 0/24


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OK: 8/8 Fail: 0/8 Skip: 0/8


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+ CALLCODEIdentity_2.json                                         OK
+ CALLCODEIdentity_3.json                                         OK
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+ CALLCODEIdentity_4_gas18.json                                   OK
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+ CallEcrecover0.json                                             OK
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+ CallEcrecover0_gas3000.json                                     OK
+ CallEcrecover0_overlappingInputOutput.json                      OK
+ CallEcrecover1.json                                             OK
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+ CallEcrecover3.json                                             OK
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+ CallIdentity_4_gas18.json                                       OK
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+ CallRipemd160_1.json                                            OK
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+ CallRipemd160_5.json                                            OK
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+ CallSha256_1.json                                               OK
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+ CallSha256_4.json                                               OK
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OK: 99/99 Fail: 0/99 Skip: 0/99


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  QuadraticComplexitySolidity_CallDataCopy.json                   Skip
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OK: 0/16 Fail: 0/16 Skip: 16/16


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+ randomStatetest329.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest33.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest332.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest333.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest334.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest335.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest336.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest337.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest338.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest339.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest340.json                                         OK
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+ randomStatetest342.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest343.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest345.json                                         OK
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  randomStatetest347.json                                         Skip
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+ randomStatetest349.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest350.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest351.json                                         OK
  randomStatetest352.json                                         Skip
+ randomStatetest353.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest354.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest355.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest356.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest357.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest358.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest359.json                                         OK
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+ randomStatetest361.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest362.json                                         OK
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+ randomStatetest364.json                                         OK
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+ randomStatetest366.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest367.json                                         OK
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+ randomStatetest37.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest370.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest371.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest372.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest376.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest378.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest379.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest380.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest381.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest382.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest383.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest384.json                                         OK
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+ randomStatetest42.json                                          OK
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+ randomStatetest48.json                                          OK
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+ randomStatetest50.json                                          OK
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+ randomStatetest52.json                                          OK
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+ randomStatetest57.json                                          OK
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+ randomStatetest62.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest63.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest64.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest66.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest67.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest69.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest7.json                                           OK
+ randomStatetest72.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest73.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest74.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest75.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest77.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest78.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest80.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest81.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest82.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest83.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest84.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest85.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest87.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest88.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest89.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest9.json                                           OK
+ randomStatetest90.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest92.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest95.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest96.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest97.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest98.json                                          OK

OK: 310/314 Fail: 0/314 Skip: 4/314


+ 201503110226PYTHON_DUP6.json                                    OK
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+ randomStatetest384.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest385.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest386.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest387.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest388.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest389.json                                         OK
  randomStatetest393.json                                         Skip
+ randomStatetest395.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest396.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest397.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest398.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest399.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest401.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest402.json                                         OK
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+ randomStatetest405.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest406.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest407.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest408.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest409.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest410.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest411.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest412.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest413.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest414.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest415.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest416.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest417.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest418.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest419.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest420.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest421.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest422.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest423.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest424.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest425.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest426.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest428.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest429.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest430.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest433.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest435.json                                         OK
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+ randomStatetest437.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest438.json                                         OK
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+ randomStatetest440.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest442.json                                         OK
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+ randomStatetest444.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest445.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest446.json                                         OK
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+ randomStatetest448.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest449.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest450.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest451.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest452.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest454.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest455.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest456.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest457.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest458.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest460.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest461.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest462.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest464.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest465.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest466.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest467.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest468.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest469.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest470.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest471.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest472.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest473.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest474.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest475.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest476.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest477.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest478.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest480.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest481.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest482.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest483.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest484.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest485.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest487.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest488.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest489.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest491.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest493.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest494.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest495.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest496.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest497.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest498.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest499.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest500.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest501.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest502.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest503.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest504.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest505.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest506.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest507.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest508.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest509.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest510.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest511.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest512.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest513.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest514.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest516.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest517.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest518.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest519.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest520.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest521.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest523.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest524.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest525.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest526.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest527.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest528.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest531.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest532.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest533.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest534.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest535.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest536.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest537.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest538.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest539.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest541.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest542.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest543.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest544.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest545.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest546.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest547.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest548.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest550.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest552.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest553.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest554.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest555.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest556.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest558.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest559.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest560.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest562.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest563.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest564.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest565.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest566.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest567.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest569.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest571.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest572.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest573.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest574.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest575.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest576.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest577.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest578.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest579.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest580.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest581.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest582.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest583.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest584.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest585.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest586.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest587.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest588.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest589.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest592.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest596.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest597.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest599.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest600.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest601.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest602.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest603.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest604.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest605.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest607.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest608.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest609.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest610.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest611.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest612.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest615.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest616.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest618.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest620.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest621.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest624.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest625.json                                         OK
  randomStatetest626.json                                         Skip
+ randomStatetest627.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest628.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest629.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest630.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest632.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest633.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest635.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest636.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest637.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest638.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest639.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest640.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest641.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest642.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest643.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest644.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest645.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest646.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest647.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest648.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest649.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest650.json                                         OK

OK: 223/225 Fail: 0/225 Skip: 2/225


+ recursiveCreate.json                                            OK
  recursiveCreateReturnValue.json                                 Skip

OK: 1/2 Fail: 0/2 Skip: 1/2


+ refund50_1.json                                                 OK
+ refund50_2.json                                                 OK
+ refund50percentCap.json                                         OK
+ refund600.json                                                  OK
+ refundFF.json                                                   OK
+ refundMax.json                                                  OK
+ refundSSTORE.json                                               OK
+ refundSuicide50procentCap.json                                  OK
+ refund_CallA.json                                               OK
+ refund_CallA_OOG.json                                           OK
+ refund_CallA_notEnoughGasInCall.json                            OK
+ refund_CallToSuicideNoStorage.json                              OK
+ refund_CallToSuicideStorage.json                                OK
+ refund_CallToSuicideTwice.json                                  OK
+ refund_NoOOG_1.json                                             OK
+ refund_OOG.json                                                 OK
+ refund_TxToSuicide.json                                         OK
+ refund_TxToSuicideOOG.json                                      OK
+ refund_changeNonZeroStorage.json                                OK
+ refund_getEtherBack.json                                        OK
+ refund_multimpleSuicide.json                                    OK
+ refund_singleSuicide.json                                       OK

OK: 22/22 Fail: 0/22 Skip: 0/22


+ call_ecrec_success_empty_then_returndatasize.json               OK
+ call_outsize_then_create_successful_then_returndatasize.json    OK
+ call_then_call_value_fail_then_returndatasize.json              OK
+ call_then_create_successful_then_returndatasize.json            OK
+ clearReturnBuffer.json                                          OK
+ create_callprecompile_returndatasize.json                       OK
+ modexp_modsize0_returndatasize.json                             OK
+ returndatacopy_0_0_following_successful_create.json             OK
+ returndatacopy_afterFailing_create.json                         OK
+ returndatacopy_after_failing_callcode.json                      OK
+ returndatacopy_after_failing_delegatecall.json                  OK
+ returndatacopy_after_failing_staticcall.json                    OK
+ returndatacopy_after_revert_in_staticcall.json                  OK
+ returndatacopy_after_successful_callcode.json                   OK
+ returndatacopy_after_successful_delegatecall.json               OK
+ returndatacopy_after_successful_staticcall.json                 OK
+ returndatacopy_following_call.json                              OK
+ returndatacopy_following_create.json                            OK
+ returndatacopy_following_failing_call.json                      OK
+ returndatacopy_following_revert.json                            OK
+ returndatacopy_following_revert_in_create.json                  OK
+ returndatacopy_following_successful_create.json                 OK
+ returndatacopy_following_too_big_transfer.json                  OK
+ returndatacopy_initial.json                                     OK
+ returndatacopy_initial_256.json                                 OK
+ returndatacopy_initial_big_sum.json                             OK
+ returndatacopy_overrun.json                                     OK
+ returndatasize_after_failing_callcode.json                      OK
+ returndatasize_after_failing_delegatecall.json                  OK
+ returndatasize_after_failing_staticcall.json                    OK
+ returndatasize_after_oog_after_deeper.json                      OK
+ returndatasize_after_successful_callcode.json                   OK
+ returndatasize_after_successful_delegatecall.json               OK
+ returndatasize_after_successful_staticcall.json                 OK
+ returndatasize_bug.json                                         OK
+ returndatasize_following_successful_create.json                 OK
+ returndatasize_initial.json                                     OK
+ returndatasize_initial_zero_read.json                           OK
+ revertRetDataSize.json                                          OK
+ subcallReturnMoreThenExpected.json                              OK
+ tooLongReturnDataCopy.json                                      OK

OK: 41/41 Fail: 0/41 Skip: 0/41


  LoopCallsDepthThenRevert.json                                   Skip
  LoopCallsDepthThenRevert2.json                                  Skip
  LoopCallsDepthThenRevert3.json                                  Skip
  LoopCallsThenRevert.json                                        Skip
  LoopDelegateCallsDepthThenRevert.json                           Skip
+ NashatyrevSuicideRevert.json                                    OK
+ PythonRevertTestTue201814-1430.json                             OK
+ RevertDepth2.json                                               OK
+ RevertDepthCreateAddressCollision.json                          OK
+ RevertDepthCreateOOG.json                                       OK
+ RevertInCallCode.json                                           OK
+ RevertInCreateInInit.json                                       OK
+ RevertInDelegateCall.json                                       OK
+ RevertInStaticCall.json                                         OK
+ RevertOnEmptyStack.json                                         OK
+ RevertOpcode.json                                               OK
+ RevertOpcodeCalls.json                                          OK
+ RevertOpcodeCreate.json                                         OK
+ RevertOpcodeDirectCall.json                                     OK
+ RevertOpcodeInCallsOnNonEmptyReturnData.json                    OK
+ RevertOpcodeInCreateReturns.json                                OK
+ RevertOpcodeInInit.json                                         OK
+ RevertOpcodeMultipleSubCalls.json                               OK
+ RevertOpcodeReturn.json                                         OK
+ RevertOpcodeWithBigOutputInInit.json                            OK
+ RevertPrecompiledTouch.json                                     OK
+ RevertPrecompiledTouchExactOOG.json                             OK
+ RevertPrecompiledTouch_nonce.json                               OK
+ RevertPrecompiledTouch_noncestorage.json                        OK
+ RevertPrecompiledTouch_storage.json                             OK
+ RevertPrefound.json                                             OK
+ RevertPrefoundCall.json                                         OK
+ RevertPrefoundCallOOG.json                                      OK
+ RevertPrefoundEmpty.json                                        OK
+ RevertPrefoundEmptyCall.json                                    OK
+ RevertPrefoundEmptyCallOOG.json                                 OK
+ RevertPrefoundEmptyOOG.json                                     OK
+ RevertPrefoundOOG.json                                          OK
+ RevertRemoteSubCallStorageOOG.json                              OK
+ RevertSubCallStorageOOG.json                                    OK
+ RevertSubCallStorageOOG2.json                                   OK
+ TouchToEmptyAccountRevert.json                                  OK
+ TouchToEmptyAccountRevert2.json                                 OK
+ TouchToEmptyAccountRevert3.json                                 OK
+ costRevert.json                                                 OK
+ stateRevert.json                                                OK

OK: 41/46 Fail: 0/46 Skip: 5/46


+ sloadGasCost.json                                               OK

OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1


+ InitCollision.json                                              OK
+ InitCollisionNonZeroNonce.json                                  OK
+ SstoreCallToSelfSubRefundBelowZero.json                         OK
+ sstoreGas.json                                                  OK
+ sstore_0to0.json                                                OK
+ sstore_0to0to0.json                                             OK
+ sstore_0to0toX.json                                             OK
+ sstore_0toX.json                                                OK
+ sstore_0toXto0.json                                             OK
+ sstore_0toXto0toX.json                                          OK
+ sstore_0toXtoX.json                                             OK
+ sstore_0toXtoY.json                                             OK
+ sstore_Xto0.json                                                OK
+ sstore_Xto0to0.json                                             OK
+ sstore_Xto0toX.json                                             OK
+ sstore_Xto0toXto0.json                                          OK
+ sstore_Xto0toY.json                                             OK
+ sstore_XtoX.json                                                OK
+ sstore_XtoXto0.json                                             OK
+ sstore_XtoXtoX.json                                             OK
+ sstore_XtoXtoY.json                                             OK
+ sstore_XtoY.json                                                OK
+ sstore_XtoYto0.json                                             OK
+ sstore_XtoYtoX.json                                             OK
+ sstore_XtoYtoY.json                                             OK
+ sstore_XtoYtoZ.json                                             OK
+ sstore_changeFromExternalCallInInitCode.json                    OK
+ sstore_gasLeft.json                                             OK

OK: 28/28 Fail: 0/28 Skip: 0/28


+ diffPlaces.json                                                 OK
+ selfBalance.json                                                OK
+ selfBalanceCallTypes.json                                       OK
+ selfBalanceEqualsBalance.json                                   OK
+ selfBalanceGasCost.json                                         OK
+ selfBalanceUpdate.json                                          OK

OK: 6/6 Fail: 0/6 Skip: 0/6


+ sar00.json                                                      OK
+ sar01.json                                                      OK
+ sar10.json                                                      OK
+ sar11.json                                                      OK
+ sar_0_256-1.json                                                OK
+ sar_2^254_254.json                                              OK
+ sar_2^255-1_248.json                                            OK
+ sar_2^255-1_254.json                                            OK
+ sar_2^255-1_255.json                                            OK
+ sar_2^255-1_256.json                                            OK
+ sar_2^255_1.json                                                OK
+ sar_2^255_255.json                                              OK
+ sar_2^255_256.json                                              OK
+ sar_2^255_257.json                                              OK
+ sar_2^256-1_0.json                                              OK
+ sar_2^256-1_1.json                                              OK
+ sar_2^256-1_255.json                                            OK
+ sar_2^256-1_256.json                                            OK
+ shiftCombinations.json                                          OK
+ shiftSignedCombinations.json                                    OK
+ shl01-0100.json                                                 OK
+ shl01-0101.json                                                 OK
+ shl01-ff.json                                                   OK
+ shl01.json                                                      OK
+ shl10.json                                                      OK
+ shl11.json                                                      OK
+ shl_-1_0.json                                                   OK
+ shl_-1_1.json                                                   OK
+ shl_-1_255.json                                                 OK
+ shl_-1_256.json                                                 OK
+ shl_2^255-1_1.json                                              OK
+ shr01.json                                                      OK
+ shr10.json                                                      OK
+ shr11.json                                                      OK
+ shr_-1_0.json                                                   OK
+ shr_-1_1.json                                                   OK
+ shr_-1_255.json                                                 OK
+ shr_-1_256.json                                                 OK
+ shr_2^255_1.json                                                OK
+ shr_2^255_255.json                                              OK
+ shr_2^255_256.json                                              OK
+ shr_2^255_257.json                                              OK

OK: 42/42 Fail: 0/42 Skip: 0/42


+ AmbiguousMethod.json                                            OK
+ ByZero.json                                                     OK
+ CallInfiniteLoop.json                                           OK
+ CallLowLevelCreatesSolidity.json                                OK
+ CallRecursiveMethods.json                                       OK
+ ContractInheritance.json                                        OK
+ CreateContractFromMethod.json                                   OK
+ RecursiveCreateContracts.json                                   OK
+ RecursiveCreateContractsCreate4Contracts.json                   OK
+ SelfDestruct.json                                               OK
+ TestBlockAndTransactionProperties.json                          OK
+ TestContractInteraction.json                                    OK
+ TestContractSuicide.json                                        OK
+ TestCryptographicFunctions.json                                 OK
+ TestKeywords.json                                               OK
+ TestOverflow.json                                               OK
+ TestStoreGasPrices.json                                         OK
+ TestStructuresAndVariabless.json                                OK

OK: 18/18 Fail: 0/18 Skip: 0/18


+ FailedCreateRevertsDeletion.json                                OK
  JUMPDEST_Attack.json                                            Skip
  JUMPDEST_AttackwithJump.json                                    Skip
+ OverflowGasMakeMoney.json                                       OK
+ StackDepthLimitSEC.json                                         OK
+ block504980.json                                                OK
+ deploymentError.json                                            OK
+ failed_tx_xcf416c53.json                                        OK
+ gasPrice0.json                                                  OK
+ makeMoney.json                                                  OK
+ push32withoutByte.json                                          OK
+ selfdestructEIP2929.json                                        OK
+ sha3_deja.json                                                  OK
+ tx_e1c174e2.json                                                OK

OK: 12/14 Fail: 0/14 Skip: 2/14


+ shallowStack.json                                               OK
+ stackOverflow.json                                              OK
+ stackOverflowDUP.json                                           OK
+ stackOverflowM1.json                                            OK
+ stackOverflowM1DUP.json                                         OK
+ stackOverflowM1PUSH.json                                        OK
+ stackOverflowPUSH.json                                          OK
+ stackOverflowSWAP.json                                          OK
+ stacksanitySWAP.json                                            OK
+ underflowTest.json                                              OK

OK: 10/10 Fail: 0/10 Skip: 0/10


+ StaticcallToPrecompileFromCalledContract.json                   OK
+ StaticcallToPrecompileFromContractInitialization.json           OK
+ StaticcallToPrecompileFromTransaction.json                      OK
+ static_ABAcalls0.json                                           OK
+ static_ABAcalls1.json                                           OK
+ static_ABAcalls2.json                                           OK
+ static_ABAcalls3.json                                           OK
+ static_ABAcallsSuicide0.json                                    OK
+ static_ABAcallsSuicide1.json                                    OK
+ static_CALL_OneVCallSuicide.json                                OK
+ static_CALL_ZeroVCallSuicide.json                               OK
+ static_CREATE_ContractSuicideDuringInit.json                    OK
+ static_CREATE_ContractSuicideDuringInit_ThenStoreThenReturn.jso OK
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OK: 274/286 Fail: 0/286 Skip: 12/286


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OK: 13/13 Fail: 0/13 Skip: 0/13


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  CallRecursiveBomb2.json                                         Skip
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  CallRecursiveBombLog.json                                       Skip
  CallRecursiveBombLog2.json                                      Skip
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+ callerAccountBalance.json                                       OK
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+ suicideNotExistingAccount.json                                  OK
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OK: 56/66 Fail: 0/66 Skip: 10/66


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OK: 12/14 Fail: 0/14 Skip: 2/14


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+ ContractStoreClearsSuccess.json                                 OK
+ CreateMessageReverted.json                                      OK
+ CreateMessageSuccess.json                                       OK
+ CreateTransactionEOF1.json                                      OK
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OK: 32/32 Fail: 0/32 Skip: 0/32


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+ createNameRegistratorPerTxsAt.json                              OK
+ createNameRegistratorPerTxsBefore.json                          OK
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OK: 6/6 Fail: 0/6 Skip: 0/6


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OK: 42/42 Fail: 0/42 Skip: 0/42


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OK: 16/16 Fail: 0/16 Skip: 0/16


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+ ZeroValue_DELEGATECALL_ToOneStorageKey.json                     OK
+ ZeroValue_SUICIDE.json                                          OK
+ ZeroValue_SUICIDE_ToEmpty.json                                  OK
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+ ZeroValue_SUICIDE_ToOneStorageKey.json                          OK
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+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData_ToEmpty.json                  OK
+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData_ToNonZeroBalance.json         OK
+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData_ToOneStorageKey.json          OK

OK: 24/24 Fail: 0/24 Skip: 0/24


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+ ecmul_1-3_2_28000_96.json                                       OK
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+ ecmul_1-3_5617_21000_96.json                                    OK
+ ecmul_1-3_5617_28000_128.json                                   OK
+ ecmul_1-3_5617_28000_96.json                                    OK
+ ecmul_1-3_9935_21000_128.json                                   OK
+ ecmul_1-3_9935_21000_96.json                                    OK
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+ ecmul_1-3_9_21000_96.json                                       OK
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+ ecmul_1-3_9_28000_96.json                                       OK
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+ ecmul_7827-6598_0_21000_80.json                                 OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_0_21000_96.json                                 OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_0_28000_128.json                                OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_0_28000_64.json                                 OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_0_28000_80.json                                 OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_0_28000_96.json                                 OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_1456_21000_128.json                             OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_1456_21000_80.json                              OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_1456_21000_96.json                              OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_1456_28000_128.json                             OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_1456_28000_80.json                              OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_1456_28000_96.json                              OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_1_21000_128.json                                OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_1_21000_96.json                                 OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_1_28000_128.json                                OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_1_28000_96.json                                 OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_2_21000_128.json                                OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_2_21000_96.json                                 OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_2_28000_128.json                                OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_2_28000_96.json                                 OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_5616_21000_128.json                             OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_5616_21000_96.json                              OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_5616_28000_128.json                             OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_5616_28000_96.json                              OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_5617_21000_128.json                             OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_5617_21000_96.json                              OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_5617_28000_128.json                             OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_5617_28000_96.json                              OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_9935_21000_128.json                             OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_9935_21000_96.json                              OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_9935_28000_128.json                             OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_9935_28000_96.json                              OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_9_21000_128.json                                OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_9_21000_96.json                                 OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_9_28000_128.json                                OK
+ ecmul_7827-6598_9_28000_96.json                                 OK
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+ ecpairing_bad_length_193.json                                   OK
+ ecpairing_empty_data.json                                       OK
+ ecpairing_empty_data_insufficient_gas.json                      OK
+ ecpairing_one_point_fail.json                                   OK
+ ecpairing_one_point_insufficient_gas.json                       OK
+ ecpairing_one_point_not_in_subgroup.json                        OK
+ ecpairing_one_point_with_g1_zero.json                           OK
+ ecpairing_one_point_with_g2_zero.json                           OK
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+ ecpairing_perturb_g2_by_curve_order.json                        OK
+ ecpairing_perturb_g2_by_field_modulus.json                      OK
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+ ecpairing_perturb_zeropoint_by_curve_order.json                 OK
+ ecpairing_perturb_zeropoint_by_field_modulus.json               OK
+ ecpairing_perturb_zeropoint_by_one.json                         OK
+ ecpairing_three_point_fail_1.json                               OK
+ ecpairing_three_point_match_1.json                              OK
+ ecpairing_two_point_fail_1.json                                 OK
+ ecpairing_two_point_fail_2.json                                 OK
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+ ecpairing_two_point_match_2.json                                OK
+ ecpairing_two_point_match_3.json                                OK
+ ecpairing_two_point_match_4.json                                OK
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+ ecpairing_two_points_with_one_g2_zero.json                      OK
+ pairingTest.json                                                OK
+ pointAdd.json                                                   OK
+ pointAddTrunc.json                                              OK
+ pointMulAdd.json                                                OK
+ pointMulAdd2.json                                               OK

OK: 133/133 Fail: 0/133 Skip: 0/133


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+ ecadd_0-0_0-0_21000_128.json                                    OK
+ ecadd_0-0_0-0_21000_192.json                                    OK
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+ ecadd_6-9_19274124-124124_21000_128.json                        OK
+ ecadd_6-9_19274124-124124_25000_128.json                        OK
+ ecmul_0-0_0_21000_0.json                                        OK
+ ecmul_0-0_0_21000_128.json                                      OK
+ ecmul_0-0_0_21000_40.json                                       OK
+ ecmul_0-0_0_21000_64.json                                       OK
+ ecmul_0-0_0_21000_80.json                                       OK
+ ecmul_0-0_0_21000_96.json                                       OK
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+ ecmul_0-0_0_28000_96.json                                       OK
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+ ecmul_0-0_1_21000_96.json                                       OK
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+ ecmul_0-0_1_28000_96.json                                       OK
+ ecmul_0-0_2_21000_128.json                                      OK
+ ecmul_0-0_2_21000_96.json                                       OK
+ ecmul_0-0_2_28000_128.json                                      OK
+ ecmul_0-0_2_28000_96.json                                       OK
+ ecmul_0-0_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_21000_128.jso OK
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+ ecmul_0-0_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_21000_96.json OK
+ ecmul_0-0_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_28000_128.jso OK
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+ ecmul_0-0_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_28000_96.json OK
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+ ecmul_0-0_5616_28000_128.json                                   OK
+ ecmul_0-0_5616_28000_96.json                                    OK
+ ecmul_0-0_5617_21000_128.json                                   OK
+ ecmul_0-0_5617_21000_96.json                                    OK
+ ecmul_0-0_5617_28000_128.json                                   OK
+ ecmul_0-0_5617_28000_96.json                                    OK
+ ecmul_0-0_9935_21000_128.json                                   OK
+ ecmul_0-0_9935_21000_96.json                                    OK
+ ecmul_0-0_9935_28000_128.json                                   OK
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+ ecmul_0-0_9_21000_96.json                                       OK
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+ ecmul_0-0_9_28000_96.json                                       OK
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+ ecmul_0-3_0_21000_64.json                                       OK
+ ecmul_0-3_0_21000_80.json                                       OK
+ ecmul_0-3_0_21000_96.json                                       OK
+ ecmul_0-3_0_28000_128.json                                      OK
+ ecmul_0-3_0_28000_64.json                                       OK
+ ecmul_0-3_0_28000_80.json                                       OK
+ ecmul_0-3_0_28000_96.json                                       OK
+ ecmul_0-3_1_21000_128.json                                      OK
+ ecmul_0-3_1_21000_96.json                                       OK
+ ecmul_0-3_1_28000_128.json                                      OK
+ ecmul_0-3_1_28000_96.json                                       OK
+ ecmul_0-3_2_21000_128.json                                      OK
+ ecmul_0-3_2_21000_96.json                                       OK
+ ecmul_0-3_2_28000_128.json                                      OK
+ ecmul_0-3_2_28000_96.json                                       OK
+ ecmul_0-3_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_21000_128.jso OK
+ ecmul_0-3_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_21000_80.json OK
+ ecmul_0-3_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_21000_96.json OK
+ ecmul_0-3_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_28000_128.jso OK
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+ ecmul_0-3_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_28000_96.json OK
+ ecmul_0-3_5616_21000_128.json                                   OK
+ ecmul_0-3_5616_21000_96.json                                    OK
+ ecmul_0-3_5616_28000_128.json                                   OK
+ ecmul_0-3_5616_28000_96.json                                    OK
+ ecmul_0-3_5617_21000_128.json                                   OK
+ ecmul_0-3_5617_21000_96.json                                    OK
+ ecmul_0-3_5617_28000_128.json                                   OK
+ ecmul_0-3_5617_28000_96.json                                    OK
+ ecmul_0-3_9935_21000_128.json                                   OK
+ ecmul_0-3_9935_21000_96.json                                    OK
+ ecmul_0-3_9935_28000_128.json                                   OK
+ ecmul_0-3_9935_28000_96.json                                    OK
+ ecmul_0-3_9_21000_128.json                                      OK
+ ecmul_0-3_9_21000_96.json                                       OK
+ ecmul_0-3_9_28000_128.json                                      OK
+ ecmul_0-3_9_28000_96.json                                       OK
+ ecmul_1-2_0_21000_128.json                                      OK
+ ecmul_1-2_0_21000_64.json                                       OK
+ ecmul_1-2_0_21000_80.json                                       OK
+ ecmul_1-2_0_21000_96.json                                       OK
+ ecmul_1-2_0_28000_128.json                                      OK
+ ecmul_1-2_0_28000_64.json                                       OK
+ ecmul_1-2_0_28000_80.json                                       OK
+ ecmul_1-2_0_28000_96.json                                       OK
+ ecmul_1-2_1_21000_128.json                                      OK
+ ecmul_1-2_1_21000_96.json                                       OK
+ ecmul_1-2_1_28000_128.json                                      OK
+ ecmul_1-2_1_28000_96.json                                       OK
+ ecmul_1-2_2_21000_128.json                                      OK
+ ecmul_1-2_2_21000_96.json                                       OK

OK: 130/130 Fail: 0/130 Skip: 0/130


+ add.json                                                        OK
+ addmod.json                                                     OK
+ arith.json                                                      OK
+ div.json                                                        OK
+ divByZero.json                                                  OK
+ exp.json                                                        OK
+ expPower2.json                                                  OK
+ expPower256.json                                                OK
+ expPower256Of256.json                                           OK
+ fib.json                                                        OK
+ mod.json                                                        OK
+ mul.json                                                        OK
+ mulmod.json                                                     OK
+ not.json                                                        OK
+ sdiv.json                                                       OK
+ signextend.json                                                 OK
+ smod.json                                                       OK
+ sub.json                                                        OK
+ twoOps.json                                                     OK

OK: 19/19 Fail: 0/19 Skip: 0/19


+ and.json                                                        OK
+ byte.json                                                       OK
+ eq.json                                                         OK
+ gt.json                                                         OK
+ iszero.json                                                     OK
+ lt.json                                                         OK
+ not.json                                                        OK
+ or.json                                                         OK
+ sgt.json                                                        OK
+ slt.json                                                        OK
+ xor.json                                                        OK

OK: 11/11 Fail: 0/11 Skip: 0/11


+ codecopy.json                                                   OK
+ gas.json                                                        OK
+ jump.json                                                       OK
+ jumpToPush.json                                                 OK
+ jumpi.json                                                      OK
+ loop_stacklimit.json                                            OK
+ loopsConditionals.json                                          OK
+ mload.json                                                      OK
+ msize.json                                                      OK
+ mstore.json                                                     OK
+ mstore8.json                                                    OK
+ pc.json                                                         OK
+ pop.json                                                        OK
+ return.json                                                     OK
+ sstore_sload.json                                               OK

OK: 15/15 Fail: 0/15 Skip: 0/15


+ log0.json                                                       OK
+ log1.json                                                       OK
+ log2.json                                                       OK
+ log3.json                                                       OK
+ log4.json                                                       OK

OK: 5/5 Fail: 0/5 Skip: 0/5


  loopExp.json                                                    Skip
  loopMul.json                                                    Skip
  performanceTester.json                                          Skip

OK: 0/3 Fail: 0/3 Skip: 3/3


+ blockInfo.json                                                  OK
+ calldatacopy.json                                               OK
+ calldataload.json                                               OK
+ calldatasize.json                                               OK
+ dup.json                                                        OK
+ envInfo.json                                                    OK
+ push.json                                                       OK
+ random.json                                                     OK
+ sha3.json                                                       OK
+ suicide.json                                                    OK
+ swap.json                                                       OK

OK: 11/11 Fail: 0/11 Skip: 0/11

---TOTAL--- OK: 2859/2964 Fail: 0/2964 Skip: 105/2964