- Fix deprecated warning form github related to set-output.
- Add stable download file name such as 'nimbus-eth1_${OS}_${ARCH}_nightly_latest.tar.gz'.
- Use releaser andelf/nightly-release action to replace old flaky action.
* Aristo: Single `FetchPathNotFound` error in `fetchXxx()` and `hasPath()`
Missing path hike returns too many detailed reasons why it failed
which becomes cumbersome to handle.
Renamed `contains()` => `hasPath()` which disables the `in` operator on
non-boolean `contains()` functions
* Kvt: Renamed `contains()` => `hasKey()`
which disables the `in` operator on non-boolean `contains()` functions
* Aristo: Generalising `HashID` by variable length `PathID`
There are cases when the `Aristo` database is to be used with
shorter than 64 nibbles keys when handling transactions indexes
with sequence IDs.
This patch only works reliable for full length `PathID` values. Tests
for shorter `PathID` values are currently missing.
* Make sure that storage tries are not pruned (by default) on the new Ledger API
Pruning might kill some unwanted entries from storage tries ending up with an unstable database
leading to crashes.
* Implement `CoreDb` and `LedgerRef` API tracing
+ Locally enabled at compile time via constants `ProvideCoreDbLegacyAPI`
and `EnableApiTracking` in either `base.nim` source
+ If enabled it can be selectively turned on/off via public switches in
the `CoreDb` descriptor.
* Allow suppressing opportunistic `ifNecessaryGetXxx()` functions
Better troubleshooting when the system crashes (assertions will then
most probably happen outside an `async` function.)
This would lead to sending an AcceptMessage with a zeroed out
connection id but still potentially bits set in the bitlist.
Requesting nodes could try to open up an uTP connection that
would never be accepted on the responder side.
* Provide TDD/debug facility for inspecting `persistBlocks()` working
+ Make sure that the last block of a test sample is the first batch
item in `persistBlocks()`.
+ Additionally, allow `AccountsCache` API tracing by setting the flag
`extraTraceMessages = true` in the file `accounts_cache.nim`
* Overload AccountsCache by abstraction wrapper
Can facilitate CoreDb API switch, details in `ledger/README.md`.