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Yamux = ref object of Muxer
  channels: Table[uint32, YamuxChannel]
  flushed: Table[uint32, int]
  currentId: uint32
  isClosed: bool
  maxChannCount: int
  windowSize: int
  maxSendQueueSize: int
  inTimeout: Duration
  outTimeout: Duration
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YamuxChannel = ref object of Connection
  id: uint32
  recvWindow: int
  sendWindow: int
  maxRecvWindow: int
  maxSendQueueSize: int
  conn: Connection
  isSrc: bool
  opened: bool
  isSending: bool
  sendQueue: seq[ToSend]
  recvQueue: seq[byte]
  isReset: bool
  remoteReset: bool
  closedRemotely: Future[void].Raising([])
  closedLocally: bool
  receivedData: AsyncEvent
  returnedEof: bool
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YamuxError = object of CatchableError
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YamuxCodec = "/yamux/1.0.0"
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proc new(T: type[Yamux]; conn: Connection; maxChannCount: int = MaxChannelCount;
         windowSize: int = YamuxDefaultWindowSize;
         maxSendQueueSize: int = MaxSendQueueSize;
         inTimeout: Duration = 5.minutes; outTimeout: Duration = 5.minutes): T:type {.
    ...raises: [].}
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proc setMaxRecvWindow(channel: YamuxChannel; maxRecvWindow: int) {....raises: [],
    tags: [].}
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method close(m: Yamux): InternalRaisesFuture[void, void] {.stackTrace: false,
    ...raises: [], gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
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method closeImpl(channel: YamuxChannel): InternalRaisesFuture[void, void] {.
    stackTrace: false, ...raises: [], gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [],
    tags: [RootEffect].}
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method getStreams(m: Yamux): seq[Connection] {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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method getWrapped(channel: YamuxChannel): Connection {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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method handle(m: Yamux): InternalRaisesFuture[void, void] {.stackTrace: false,
    ...raises: [], gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
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method newStream(m: Yamux; name: string = ""; lazy: bool = false): InternalRaisesFuture[
    Connection, (CancelledError, LPStreamError, MuxerError)] {.
    stackTrace: false, ...raises: [], gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [],
    tags: [RootEffect].}
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method readOnce(channel: YamuxChannel; pbytes: pointer; nbytes: int): InternalRaisesFuture[
    int, (CancelledError, LPStreamError)] {.stackTrace: false, ...raises: [],
    gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
Read from a yamux channel   Source   Edit
method write(channel: YamuxChannel; msg: seq[byte]): InternalRaisesFuture[void,
    (CancelledError, LPStreamError)] {.stackTrace: false, ...raises: [], gcsafe,
                                       raises: [], raises: [],
                                       tags: [RootEffect].}
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