AutonatDial = object peerInfo*: Opt[AutonatPeerInfo]
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AutonatDialResponse = object status*: ResponseStatus text*: Opt[string] ma*: Opt[MultiAddress]
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AutonatError = object of LPError
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AutonatMsg = object msgType*: MsgType dial*: Opt[AutonatDial] response*: Opt[AutonatDialResponse]
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AutonatPeerInfo = object id*: Opt[PeerId] addrs*: seq[MultiAddress]
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AutonatUnreachableError = object of LPError
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NetworkReachability {.pure.} = enum Unknown, NotReachable, Reachable
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ResponseStatus = enum Ok = 0, DialError = 100, DialRefused = 101, BadRequest = 200, InternalError = 300
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AddressLimit = 8
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AutonatCodec = "/libp2p/autonat/1.0.0"
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proc decode(__5653922475: typedesc[AutonatMsg]; buf: seq[byte]): Opt[AutonatMsg] {. ...raises: [].}
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proc encode(d: AutonatDial): ProtoBuffer {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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proc encode(msg: AutonatMsg): ProtoBuffer {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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proc encode(r: AutonatDialResponse): ProtoBuffer {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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