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# Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
{.push raises: [Defect].}
chronos, chronicles, bearssl,
topics = "utp_socket"
ConnectionState* = enum
ConnectionDirection = enum
Outgoing, Incoming
UtpSocketKey*[A] = object
remoteAddress*: A
rcvId*: uint16
OutgoingPacket = object
packetBytes: seq[byte]
transmissions: uint16
needResend: bool
timeSent: Moment
AckResult = enum
PacketAcked, PacketAlreadyAcked, PacketNotSentYet
# Socket callback to send data to remote peer
SendCallback*[A] = proc (to: A, data: seq[byte]): Future[void] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect]}
SocketConfig* = object
# This is configurable (in contrast to reference impl), as with standard 2 syn resends
# default timeout set to 3seconds and doubling of timeout with each re-send, it
# means that initial connection would timeout after 21s, which seems rather long
initialSynTimeout*: Duration
# Number of resend re-tries of each data packet, before daclaring connection
# failed
dataResendsBeforeFailure*: uint16
# Maximnal size of receive buffer in bytes
optRcvBuffer*: uint32
UtpSocket*[A] = ref object
remoteAddress*: A
state: ConnectionState
direction: ConnectionDirection
socketConfig: SocketConfig
# Connection id for packets we receive
connectionIdRcv*: uint16
# Connection id for packets we send
connectionIdSnd*: uint16
# Sequence number for the next packet to be sent.
seqNr: uint16
# All seq number up to this havve been correctly acked by us
ackNr: uint16
# Should be completed after succesful connection to remote host or after timeout
# for the first syn packet
connectionFuture: Future[void]
# the number of packets in the send queue. Packets that haven't
# yet been sent count as well as packets marked as needing resend
# the oldest un-acked packet in the send queue is seq_nr - cur_window_packets
curWindowPackets: uint16
# out going buffer for all send packets
outBuffer: GrowableCircularBuffer[OutgoingPacket]
# incoming buffer for out of order packets
inBuffer: GrowableCircularBuffer[Packet]
# Number of packets waiting in reorder buffer
reorderCount: uint16
# current retransmit Timeout used to calculate rtoTimeout
retransmitTimeout: Duration
# calculated round trip time during communication with remote peer
rtt: Duration
# calculated round trip time variance
rttVar: Duration
# Round trip timeout dynamicaly updated based on acks received from remote
# peer
rto: Duration
# RTO timeout will happen when currenTime > rtoTimeout
rtoTimeout: Moment
# rcvBuffer
buffer: AsyncBuffer
# loop called every 500ms to check for on going timeout status
checkTimeoutsLoop: Future[void]
# number on consecutive re-transsmisions
retransmitCount: uint32
# Event which will complete whenever socket gets in destory state
closeEvent: AsyncEvent
# All callback to be called whenever socket gets in destroy state
closeCallbacks: seq[Future[void]]
# socket is closed for reading
readShutdown: bool
# we sent out fin packet
finSent: bool
# have our fin been acked
finAcked: bool
# have we received remote fin
gotFin: bool
# have we reached remote fin packet
reachedFin: bool
# sequence number of remoted fin packet
eofPktNr: uint16
# socket identifier
socketKey*: UtpSocketKey[A]
send: SendCallback[A]
# User driven call back to be called whenever socket is permanently closed i.e
# reaches destroy state
SocketCloseCallback* = proc (): void {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].}
ConnectionError* = object of CatchableError
WriteErrorType* = enum
WriteError* = object
case kind*: WriteErrorType
of SocketNotWriteable:
currentState*: ConnectionState
of FinSent:
WriteResult* = Result[int, WriteError]
# Maximal number of payload bytes per packet. Total packet size will be equal to
# mtuSize + sizeof(header) = 600 bytes
# TODO for now it is just some random value. Ultimatly this value should be dynamically
# adjusted based on traffic.
mtuSize = 580
# How often each socket check its different on going timers
checkTimeoutsLoopInterval = milliseconds(500)
# Defualt initial timeout for first Syn packet
defaultInitialSynTimeout = milliseconds(3000)
# Initial timeout to receive first Data data packet after receiving initial Syn
# packet. (TODO it should only be set when working over udp)
initialRcvRetransmitTimeout = milliseconds(10000)
# Number of times each data packet will be resend before declaring connection
# dead. 4 is taken from reference implementation
defaultDataResendsBeforeFailure = 4'u16
# default size of rcv buffer in bytes
# rationale form C reference impl:
# 1 MB of receive buffer (i.e. max bandwidth delay product)
# means that from a peer with 200 ms RTT, we cannot receive
# faster than 5 MB/s
# from a peer with 10 ms RTT, we cannot receive faster than
# 100 MB/s. This is assumed to be good enough, since bandwidth
# often is proportional to RTT anyway
defaultOptRcvBuffer: uint32 = 1024 * 1024
reorderBufferMaxSize = 1024
proc init*[A](T: type UtpSocketKey, remoteAddress: A, rcvId: uint16): T =
UtpSocketKey[A](remoteAddress: remoteAddress, rcvId: rcvId)
proc init(
T: type OutgoingPacket,
packetBytes: seq[byte],
transmissions: uint16,
needResend: bool,
timeSent: Moment = T =
packetBytes: packetBytes,
transmissions: transmissions,
needResend: needResend,
timeSent: timeSent
proc init*(
T: type SocketConfig,
initialSynTimeout: Duration = defaultInitialSynTimeout,
dataResendsBeforeFailure: uint16 = defaultDataResendsBeforeFailure,
optRcvBuffer: uint32 = defaultOptRcvBuffer
): T =
initialSynTimeout: initialSynTimeout,
dataResendsBeforeFailure: dataResendsBeforeFailure,
optRcvBuffer: optRcvBuffer
proc getRcvWindowSize(socket: UtpSocket): uint32 =
let currentDataSize = socket.buffer.dataLen()
if currentDataSize > int(socket.socketConfig.optRcvBuffer):
socket.socketConfig.optRcvBuffer - uint32(currentDataSize)
proc registerOutgoingPacket(socket: UtpSocket, oPacket: OutgoingPacket) =
## Adds packet to outgoing buffer and updates all related fields
socket.outBuffer.ensureSize(socket.seqNr, socket.curWindowPackets)
socket.outBuffer.put(socket.seqNr, oPacket)
inc socket.seqNr
inc socket.curWindowPackets
proc sendData(socket: UtpSocket, data: seq[byte]): Future[void] =
socket.send(socket.remoteAddress, data)
proc sendAck(socket: UtpSocket): Future[void] =
## Creates and sends ack, based on current socket state. Acks are different from
## other packets as we do not track them in outgoing buffet
let ackPacket =
proc sendSyn(socket: UtpSocket): Future[void] =
doAssert(socket.state == SynSent , "syn can only be send when in SynSent state")
let packet = synPacket(socket.seqNr, socket.connectionIdRcv, socket.getRcvWindowSize())
notice "Sending syn packet packet", packet = packet
# set number of transmissions to 1 as syn packet will be send just after
# initiliazation
let outgoingPacket = OutgoingPacket.init(encodePacket(packet), 1, false)
# Should be called before sending packet
proc setSend(p: var OutgoingPacket): seq[byte] =
inc p.transmissions
p.needResend = false
p.timeSent =
return p.packetBytes
proc flushPackets(socket: UtpSocket) {.async.} =
var i: uint16 = socket.seqNr - socket.curWindowPackets
while i != socket.seqNr:
# sending only packet which were not transmitted yet or need a resend
let shouldSendPacket = socket.outBuffer.exists(i, (p: OutgoingPacket) => (p.transmissions == 0 or p.needResend == true))
if (shouldSendPacket):
let toSend = setSend(socket.outBuffer[i])
await socket.sendData(toSend)
inc i
proc markAllPacketAsLost(s: UtpSocket) =
var i = 0'u16
while i < s.curWindowPackets:
let packetSeqNr = s.seqNr - 1 - i
if (s.outBuffer.exists(packetSeqNr, (p: OutgoingPacket) => p. transmissions > 0 and p.needResend == false)):
s.outBuffer[packetSeqNr].needResend = true
# TODO here we should also decrease number of bytes in flight. This should be
# done when working on congestion control
inc i
proc isOpened(socket:UtpSocket): bool =
return (
socket.state == SynRecv or
socket.state == SynSent or
socket.state == Connected or
socket.state == ConnectedFull
proc shouldDisconnectFromFailedRemote(socket: UtpSocket): bool =
(socket.state == SynSent and socket.retransmitCount >= 2) or
(socket.retransmitCount >= socket.socketConfig.dataResendsBeforeFailure)
proc checkTimeouts(socket: UtpSocket) {.async.} =
let currentTime =
# flush all packets which needs to be re-send
if socket.state != Destroy:
await socket.flushPackets()
if socket.isOpened():
if (currentTime > socket.rtoTimeout):
# TODO add handling of probe time outs. Reference implemenation has mechanism
# of sending probes to determine mtu size. Probe timeouts do not count to standard
# timeouts calculations
# client initiated connections, but did not send following data packet in rto
# time. TODO this should be configurable
if (socket.state == SynRecv):
if socket.shouldDisconnectFromFailedRemote():
if socket.state == SynSent and (not socket.connectionFuture.finished()):
# TODO standard stream interface result in failed future in case of failed connections,
# but maybe it would be more clean to use result, "Connection to peer timed out"))
let newTimeout = socket.retransmitTimeout * 2
socket.retransmitTimeout = newTimeout
socket.rtoTimeout = currentTime + newTimeout
# TODO Add handling of congestion control
# This will have much more sense when we will add handling of selective acks
# as then every selecivly acked packet restes timeout timer and removes packet
# from out buffer.
# resend oldest packet if there are some packets in flight
if (socket.curWindowPackets > 0):
notice "resending oldest packet in outBuffer"
inc socket.retransmitCount
let oldestPacketSeqNr = socket.seqNr - socket.curWindowPackets
# TODO add handling of fast timeout
"oldest packet should always be available when there is data in flight"
let dataToSend = setSend(socket.outBuffer[oldestPacketSeqNr])
await socket.sendData(dataToSend)
# TODO add sending keep alives when necessary
proc checkTimeoutsLoop(s: UtpSocket) {.async.} =
## Loop that check timeoutsin the socket.
while true:
await sleepAsync(checkTimeoutsLoopInterval)
await s.checkTimeouts()
except CancelledError:
trace "checkTimeoutsLoop canceled"
proc startTimeoutLoop(s: UtpSocket) =
s.checkTimeoutsLoop = checkTimeoutsLoop(s)
proc new[A](
T: type UtpSocket[A],
to: A,
snd: SendCallback[A],
state: ConnectionState,
cfg: SocketConfig,
direction: ConnectionDirection,
rcvId: uint16,
sndId: uint16,
initialSeqNr: uint16,
initialAckNr: uint16
): T =
let initialTimeout =
if direction == Outgoing:
else :
remoteAddress: to,
state: state,
direction: direction,
socketConfig: cfg,
connectionIdRcv: rcvId,
connectionIdSnd: sndId,
seqNr: initialSeqNr,
ackNr: initialAckNr,
connectionFuture: newFuture[void](),
outBuffer: GrowableCircularBuffer[OutgoingPacket].init(),
inBuffer: GrowableCircularBuffer[Packet].init(),
retransmitTimeout: initialTimeout,
rtoTimeout: + initialTimeout,
# Initial timeout values taken from reference implemntation
rtt: milliseconds(0),
rttVar: milliseconds(800),
rto: milliseconds(3000),
buffer: AsyncBuffer.init(int(cfg.optRcvBuffer)),
closeEvent: newAsyncEvent(),
closeCallbacks: newSeq[Future[void]](),
socketKey: UtpSocketKey.init(to, rcvId),
send: snd
proc initOutgoingSocket*[A](
to: A,
snd: SendCallback[A],
cfg: SocketConfig,
rng: var BrHmacDrbgContext
): UtpSocket[A] =
# TODO handle possible clashes and overflows
let rcvConnectionId = randUint16(rng)
let sndConnectionId = rcvConnectionId + 1
let initialSeqNr = randUint16(rng)
# Initialy ack nr is 0, as we do not know remote inital seqnr
proc initIncomingSocket*[A](
to: A,
snd: SendCallback[A],
cfg: SocketConfig,
connectionId: uint16,
ackNr: uint16,
rng: var BrHmacDrbgContext
): UtpSocket[A] =
let initialSeqNr = randUint16(rng)
connectionId + 1,
proc startOutgoingSocket*(socket: UtpSocket): Future[void] {.async.} =
doAssert(socket.state == SynSent)
# TODO add callback to handle errors and cancellation i.e unregister socket on
# send error and finish connection future with failure
# sending should be done from UtpSocketContext
await socket.sendSyn()
proc waitFotSocketToConnect*(socket: UtpSocket): Future[void] {.async.} =
await socket.connectionFuture
proc startIncomingSocket*(socket: UtpSocket) {.async.} =
doAssert(socket.state == SynRecv)
# Make sure ack was flushed before movig forward
await socket.sendAck()
proc isConnected*(socket: UtpSocket): bool =
socket.state == Connected or socket.state == ConnectedFull
proc destroy*(s: UtpSocket) =
## Moves socket to destroy state and clean all reasources.
## Remote is not notified in any way about socket end of life
s.state = Destroy
proc destroyWait*(s: UtpSocket) {.async.} =
## Moves socket to destroy state and clean all reasources and wait for all registered
## callback to fire
## Remote is not notified in any way about socket end of life
await s.closeEvent.wait()
await allFutures(s.closeCallbacks)
proc setCloseCallback(s: UtpSocket, cb: SocketCloseCallback) {.async.} =
## Set callback which will be called whenever the socket is permanently closed
await s.closeEvent.wait()
except CancelledError:
trace "closeCallback cancelled"
proc registerCloseCallback*(s: UtpSocket, cb: SocketCloseCallback) =
proc max(a, b: Duration): Duration =
if (a > b):
proc updateTimeouts(socket: UtpSocket, timeSent: Moment, currentTime: Moment) =
## Update timeouts according to spec:
## delta = rtt - packet_rtt
## rtt_var += (abs(delta) - rtt_var) / 4;
## rtt += (packet_rtt - rtt) / 8;
let packetRtt = currentTime - timeSent
if (socket.rtt.isZero):
socket.rtt = packetRtt
socket.rttVar = packetRtt div 2
let packetRttMicro = packetRtt.microseconds()
let rttVarMicro = socket.rttVar.microseconds()
let rttMicro = socket.rtt.microseconds()
let delta = rttMicro - packetRttMicro
let newVar = microseconds(rttVarMicro + (abs(delta) - rttVarMicro) div 4)
let newRtt = socket.rtt - (socket.rtt div 8) + (packetRtt div 8)
socket.rttVar = newVar
socket.rtt = newRtt
# according to spec it should be: timeout = max(rtt + rtt_var * 4, 500)
# but usually spec lags after implementation so milliseconds(1000) is used
socket.rto = max(socket.rtt + (socket.rttVar * 4), milliseconds(1000))
proc ackPacket(socket: UtpSocket, seqNr: uint16): AckResult =
let packetOpt = socket.outBuffer.get(seqNr)
if packetOpt.isSome():
let packet = packetOpt.get()
if packet.transmissions == 0:
# according to reference impl it can happen when we get an ack_nr that
# does not exceed what we have stuffed into the outgoing buffer,
# but does exceed what we have sent
# TODO analyze if this case can happen with our impl
return PacketNotSentYet
let currentTime =
# from spec: The rtt and rtt_var is only updated for packets that were sent only once.
# This avoids problems with figuring out which packet was acked, the first or the second one.
# it is standard solution to retransmission ambiguity problem
if packet.transmissions == 1:
socket.updateTimeouts(packet.timeSent, currentTime)
socket.retransmitTimeout = socket.rto
socket.rtoTimeout = currentTime + socket.rto
# TODO Add handlig of decreasing bytes window, whenadding handling of congestion control
socket.retransmitCount = 0
# the packet has already been acked (or not sent)
proc ackPackets(socket: UtpSocket, nrPacketsToAck: uint16) =
## Ack packets in outgoing buffer based on ack number in the received packet
var i = 0
while i < int(nrPacketsToack):
let result = socket.ackPacket(socket.seqNr - socket.curWindowPackets)
case result
of PacketAcked:
dec socket.curWindowPackets
of PacketAlreadyAcked:
dec socket.curWindowPackets
of PacketNotSentYet:
debug "Tried to ack packed which was not sent yet"
inc i
proc initializeAckNr(socket: UtpSocket, packetSeqNr: uint16) =
if (socket.state == SynSent):
socket.ackNr = packetSeqNr - 1
# TODO at socket level we should handle only FIN/DATA/ACK packets. Refactor to make
# it enforcable by type system
# TODO re-think synchronization of this procedure, as each await inside gives control
# to scheduler which means there could be potentialy several processPacket procs
# running
proc processPacket*(socket: UtpSocket, p: Packet) {.async.} =
## Updates socket state based on received packet, and sends ack when necessary.
## Shoyuld be called in main packet receiving loop
let pkSeqNr = p.header.seqNr
let pkAckNr = p.header.ackNr
# number of packets past the expected
# ack_nr is the last acked, seq_nr is the
# current. Subtracring 1 makes 0 mean "this is the next expected packet"
let pastExpected = pkSeqNr - socket.ackNr - 1
# acks is the number of packets that was acked, in normal case - no selective
# acks, no losses, no resends, it will usually be equal to 1
# we can calculate it here and not only for ST_STATE packet, as each utp
# packet has info about remote side last acked packet.
var acks = pkAckNr - (socket.seqNr - 1 - socket.curWindowPackets)
if acks > socket.curWindowPackets:
# this case happens if the we already received this ack nr
acks = 0
# If packet is totally of the mark short circout the processing
if pastExpected >= reorderBufferMaxSize:
notice "Received packet is totally of the mark"
# socket.curWindowPackets == acks means that this packet acked all remaining packets
# including the sent fin packets
if (socket.finSent and socket.curWindowPackets == acks):
notice "FIN acked, destroying socket"
socket.finAcked = true
# this bit of utp spec is a bit under specified (i.e there is not specification at all)
# reference implementation moves socket to destroy state in case that our fin was acked
# and socket is considered closed for reading and writing.
# but in theory remote could stil write some data on this socket (or even its own fin)
case p.header.pType
# To avoid amplification attacks, server socket is in SynRecv state until
# it receices first data transfer
# TODO when intgrating with discv5 this need to be configurable
if (socket.state == SynRecv and p.header.pType == ST_DATA):
socket.state = Connected
if (p.header.pType == ST_FIN and (not socket.gotFin)):
socket.gotFin = true
socket.eofPktNr = pkSeqNr
# we got in order packet
if (pastExpected == 0 and (not socket.reachedFin)):
if (len(p.payload) > 0 and (not socket.readShutdown)):
# we are getting in order data packet, we can flush data directly to the incoming buffer
await upload(addr socket.buffer, unsafeAddr p.payload[0], p.payload.len())
# Bytes have been passed to upper layer, we can increase number of last
# acked packet
inc socket.ackNr
# check if the following packets are in reorder buffer
while true:
# We are doing this in reoreder loop, to handle the case when we already received
# fin but there were some gaps before eof
# we have reached remote eof, and should not receive more packets from remote
if ((not socket.reachedFin) and socket.gotFin and socket.eofPktNr == socket.ackNr):
notice "Reached socket EOF"
# In case of reaching eof, it is up to user of library what to to with
# it. With the current implementation, the most apropriate way would be to
# destory it (as with our implementation we know that remote is destroying its acked fin)
# as any other send will either generate timeout, or socket will be forcefully
# closed by reset
socket.reachedFin = true
# this is not necessarily true, but as we have already reached eof we can
# ignore following packets
socket.reorderCount = 0
# notify all readers we have reached eof
if socket.reorderCount == 0:
let nextPacketNum = socket.ackNr + 1
let maybePacket = socket.inBuffer.get(nextPacketNum)
if maybePacket.isNone():
let packet = maybePacket.unsafeGet()
if (len(packet.payload) > 0 and (not socket.readShutdown)):
await upload(addr socket.buffer, unsafeAddr packet.payload[0], packet.payload.len())
inc socket.ackNr
dec socket.reorderCount
# TODO for now we just schedule concurrent task with ack sending. It may
# need improvement, as with this approach there is no direct control over
# how many concurrent tasks there are and how to cancel them when socket
# is closed
asyncSpawn socket.sendAck()
# we got packet out of order
notice "Got out of order packet"
if (socket.gotFin and pkSeqNr > socket.eofPktNr):
notice "Got packet past eof"
# growing buffer before checking the packet is already there to avoid
# looking at older packet due to indices wrap aroud
socket.inBuffer.ensureSize(pkSeqNr + 1, pastExpected + 1)
if (socket.inBuffer.get(pkSeqNr).isSome()):
notice "packet already received"
socket.inBuffer.put(pkSeqNr, p)
inc socket.reorderCount
notice "added out of order packet in reorder buffer"
# TODO for now we do not sent any ack as we do not handle selective acks
# add sending of selective acks
if (socket.state == SynSent and (not socket.connectionFuture.finished())):
socket.state = Connected
# TODO reference implementation sets ackNr (p.header.seqNr - 1), although
# spec mention that it should be equal p.header.seqNr. For now follow the
# reference impl to be compatible with it. Later investigate trin compatibility.
socket.ackNr = p.header.seqNr - 1
# In case of SynSent complate the future as last thing to make sure user of libray will
# receive socket in correct state
# TODO to finish handhske we should respond with ST_DATA packet, without it
# socket is left in half-open state.
# Actual reference implementation waits for user to send data, as it assumes
# existence of application level handshake over utp. We may need to modify this
# to automaticly send ST_DATA .
notice "Received ST_RESET on known socket, ignoring"
of ST_SYN:
notice "Received ST_SYN on known socket, ignoring"
proc atEof*(socket: UtpSocket): bool =
# socket is considered at eof when remote side sent us fin packet
# and we have processed all packets up to fin
socket.buffer.dataLen() == 0 and socket.reachedFin
proc readingClosed(socket: UtpSocket): bool =
socket.atEof() or socket.state == Destroy
proc getPacketSize(socket: UtpSocket): int =
# TODO currently returning constant, ultimatly it should be bases on mtu estimates
proc resetSendTimeout(socket: UtpSocket) =
socket.retransmitTimeout = socket.rto
socket.rtoTimeout = + socket.retransmitTimeout
proc close*(socket: UtpSocket) {.async.} =
## Gracefully closes conneciton (send FIN) if socket is in connected state
## does not wait for socket to close
if socket.state != Destroy:
case socket.state
of Connected, ConnectedFull:
socket.readShutdown = true
if (not socket.finSent):
if socket.curWindowPackets == 0:
let finEncoded = encodePacket(finPacket(socket.seqNr, socket.connectionIdSnd, socket.ackNr, socket.getRcvWindowSize()))
socket.registerOutgoingPacket(OutgoingPacket.init(finEncoded, 1, true))
socket.finSent = true
await socket.sendData(finEncoded)
# In any other case like connection is not established so sending fin make
# no sense, we can just out right close it
proc closeWait*(socket: UtpSocket) {.async.} =
## Gracefully closes conneciton (send FIN) if socket is in connected state
## and waits for socket to be closed.
## Warning: if FIN packet for some reason will be lost, then socket will be closed
## due to retransmission failure which may take some time.
## default is 4 retransmissions with doubling of rto between each retranssmision
await socket.close()
await socket.closeEvent.wait()
proc write*(socket: UtpSocket, data: seq[byte]): Future[WriteResult] {.async.} =
if (socket.state != Connected):
return err(WriteError(kind: SocketNotWriteable, currentState: socket.state))
# fin should be last packet received by remote side, therefore trying to write
# after sending fin is considered error
if socket.finSent:
return err(WriteError(kind: FinSent))
var bytesWritten = 0
# Handle growing of send window
if len(data) == 0:
return ok(bytesWritten)
if socket.curWindowPackets == 0:
let pSize = socket.getPacketSize()
let endIndex = data.high()
var i = 0
let wndSize = socket.getRcvWindowSize()
while i <= data.high:
let lastIndex = i + pSize - 1
let lastOrEnd = min(lastIndex, endIndex)
let dataSlice = data[i..lastOrEnd]
let dataPacket = dataPacket(socket.seqNr, socket.connectionIdSnd, socket.ackNr, wndSize, dataSlice)
socket.registerOutgoingPacket(OutgoingPacket.init(encodePacket(dataPacket), 0, false))
bytesWritten = bytesWritten + len(dataSlice)
i = lastOrEnd + 1
await socket.flushPackets()
return ok(bytesWritten)
template readLoop(body: untyped): untyped =
while true:
let (consumed, done) = body
if done:
if not(socket.readingClosed()):
await socket.buffer.wait()
proc read*(socket: UtpSocket, n: Natural): Future[seq[byte]] {.async.}=
## Read all bytes `n` bytes from socket ``socket``.
## This procedure allocates buffer seq[byte] and return it as result.
var bytes = newSeq[byte]()
if n == 0:
return bytes
if socket.readingClosed():
(0, true)
let count = min(socket.buffer.dataLen(), n - len(bytes))
bytes.add(socket.buffer.buffer.toOpenArray(0, count - 1))
(count, len(bytes) == n)
return bytes
proc read*(socket: UtpSocket): Future[seq[byte]] {.async.}=
## Read all bytes from socket ``socket``.
## This procedure allocates buffer seq[byte] and return it as result.
var bytes = newSeq[byte]()
if socket.readingClosed():
(0, true)
let count = socket.buffer.dataLen()
bytes.add(socket.buffer.buffer.toOpenArray(0, count - 1))
(count, false)
return bytes
# Check how many packets are still in the out going buffer, usefull for tests or
# debugging.
# It throws assertion error when number of elements in buffer do not equal kept counter
proc numPacketsInOutGoingBuffer*(socket: UtpSocket): int =
var num = 0
for e in socket.outBuffer.items():
if e.isSome():
inc num
doAssert(num == int(socket.curWindowPackets))
# Check how many packets are still in the reorder buffer, usefull for tests or
# debugging.
# It throws assertion error when number of elements in buffer do not equal kept counter
proc numPacketsInReordedBuffer*(socket: UtpSocket): int =
var num = 0
for e in socket.inBUffer.items():
if e.isSome():
inc num
doAssert(num == int(socket.reorderCount))