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**nim-docker Build Status**


This is a helper repo for auto-building a docker image with the Nim version that status currently uses for building Nimbus

To set up Travis CI for your project by using this image, copy the following lines to your .travis.yml file in the root of your repository:

sudo: required
  - docker
  - docker pull statusteam/nim-base
  - docker run statusteam/nim-base nim --version
  - docker run -v "$(pwd):/project" -w /project statusteam/nim-base sh -c "nimble install -dy && nimble test"

Also, make sure that your project is enabled in Travis CI. This configuration will run nimble install -dy && nimble test in the root of your repository.

Adding Patches

This build follows the nimbus branch of Nim and will automatically update to any version used there - to add a patch to, simple merge it into the nimbus branch