2024-10-04 16:16:11 +10:00
import pkg/questionable
import pkg/metrics
import ../../logutils
import ../../market
import ../salesagent
import ../statemachine
import ./errorhandling
import ./cancelled
import ./failed
import ./ignored
import ./downloading
import ./errored
type SaleSlotReserving* = ref object of ErrorHandlingState
topics = "marketplace sales reserving"
method `$`*(state: SaleSlotReserving): string =
method onCancelled*(state: SaleSlotReserving, request: StorageRequest): ?State =
return some State(SaleCancelled())
method onFailed*(state: SaleSlotReserving, request: StorageRequest): ?State =
return some State(SaleFailed())
method run*(state: SaleSlotReserving, machine: Machine): Future[?State] {.async.} =
let agent = SalesAgent(machine)
let data = agent.data
let context = agent.context
let market = context.market
requestId = data.requestId
slotIndex = data.slotIndex
let canReserve = await market.canReserveSlot(data.requestId, data.slotIndex)
if canReserve:
trace "Reserving slot"
await market.reserveSlot(data.requestId, data.slotIndex)
except MarketError as e:
2025-01-20 17:04:50 +01:00
if e.msg.contains "SlotReservations_ReservationNotAllowed":
2024-10-24 16:56:12 +11:00
debug "Slot cannot be reserved, ignoring", error = e.msg
return some State(SaleIgnored(reprocessSlot: false, returnBytes: true))
return some State(SaleErrored(error: e))
# other CatchableErrors are handled "automatically" by the ErrorHandlingState
2024-10-04 16:16:11 +10:00
trace "Slot successfully reserved"
return some State(SaleDownloading())
# do not re-add this slot to the queue, and return bytes from Reservation to
# the Availability
debug "Slot cannot be reserved, ignoring"
return some State(SaleIgnored(reprocessSlot: false, returnBytes: true))