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Download Flow

Sequence of interactions that result in dat blocks being transferred across the network.

Local Store

When data is available in the local blockstore,

actor Alice
participant API
Alice->>API: Download(CID)
API->>+Node/StoreStream: Retrieve(CID)
loop Get manifest block, then data blocks
    Node/StoreStream->>NetworkStore: GetBlock(CID)
    NetworkStore->>LocalStore: GetBlock(CID)
    LocalStore->>NetworkStore: Block
    NetworkStore->>Node/StoreStream: Block
Node/StoreStream->>Node/StoreStream: Handle erasure coding
Node/StoreStream->>-API: Data stream
API->>Alice: Stream download of block

Network Store

When data is not found ih the local blockstore, the block-exchange engine is used to discover the location of the block within the network. Connection will be established to the node(s) that have the block, and exchange can take place.

actor Alice
participant API
participant Node/StoreStream
participant NetworkStore
participant Discovery
participant Engine
participant OtherNode
Alice->>API: Download(CID)
API->>+Node/StoreStream: Retrieve(CID)
Node/StoreStream->>-API: Data stream
API->>Alice: Download stream begins
loop Get manifest block, then data blocks
    Node/StoreStream->>NetworkStore: GetBlock(CID)
    NetworkStore->>Engine: RequestBlock(CID)
    opt CID not known
    Engine->>Discovery: Discovery Block
    Discovery->>Discovery: Locates peers who provide block
    Discovery->>Engine: Peers
    Engine->>Engine: Update peers admin
    Engine->>Engine: Select optimal peer
    Engine->>OtherNode: Send WantHave list
    OtherNode->>Engine: Send BlockPresence
    Engine->>Engine: Update peers admin
    Engine->>Engine: Decide to buy block
    Engine->>OtherNode: Send WantBlock list
    OtherNode->>Engine: Send Block
    Engine->>NetworkStore: Block
    NetworkStore->>NetworkStore: Add to Local store
    NetworkStore->>Node/StoreStream: Resolve Block
    Node/StoreStream->>Node/StoreStream: Handle erasure coding
    Node/StoreStream->>API: Push data to stream
API->>Alice: Download stream finishes