Instructions below correspond roughly to environmental setups in nim-codex's [CI workflow]( and are known to work.
Other approaches may be viable. On macOS, some users may prefer [MacPorts]( to [Homebrew]( On Windows, rather than use MSYS2, some users may prefer to install developer tools with [winget](, [Scoop](, or [Chocolatey](, or download installers for e.g. Make and CMake while otherwise relying on official Windows developer tools. Community contributions to these docs and our build system are welcome!
The current implementation of Codex's zero-knowledge proving circuit requires the installation of rust v1.76.0 or greater. Be sure to install it for your OS and add it to your terminal's path such that the command `cargo --version` gives a compatible version.
Non-Debian distributions have different package managers: `apk`, `dnf`, `pacman`, `rpm`, `yum`, etc.
For example, on a bare bones installation of Fedora, run
$ dnf install @development-tools cmake gcc-c++ which
### macOS
Install the [Xcode Command Line Tools]( by opening a terminal and running
$ xcode-select --install
Install [Homebrew (`brew`)]( and in a new terminal run
$ brew install bash cmake
Check that `PATH` is setup correctly
$ which bash cmake
### Windows + MSYS2
*Instructions below assume the OS is 64-bit Windows and that the hardware or VM is [x86-64]( compatible.*
Download and run the installer from [](
Launch an MSYS2 [environment]( UCRT64 is generally recommended: from the Windows *Start menu* select `MSYS2 MinGW UCRT x64`.
It is possible that nim-codex can be built and run on other platforms supported by the [Nim]( language: BSD family, older versions of Windows, etc. There has not been sufficient experimentation with nim-codex on such platforms, so instructions are not provided. Community contributions to these docs and our build system are welcome!
1. Download and install Visual Studio 2017 or newer. (Not VSCode!) In the Workloads overview, enable `Desktop development with C++`. ( )
1. Install NodeJS (tested with v18.14.0), consider using NVM as a version manager. [Node Version Manager (`nvm`)](
1. Open a terminal
1. Go to the vendor/codex-contracts-eth folder: `cd /<git-root>/vendor/codex-contracts-eth/`
1.`npm install` -> Should complete with the number of packages added and an overview of known vulnerabilities.
1.`npm test` -> Should output test results. May take a minute.
Before the integration tests are started, you must start the Ethereum test node manually.
1. Open a terminal
1. Go to the vendor/codex-contracts-eth folder: `cd /<git-root>/vendor/codex-contracts-eth/`
1.`npm start` -> This should launch Hardhat, and output a number of keys and a warning message.
#### Run
The `testAll` target runs the same tests as `make test` and also runs tests for nim-codex's Ethereum contracts, as well a basic suite of integration tests.