
1.9 KiB

title: Understanding Codex Efforts author: dateCreated: @today dateUpdated: @today 2022-05-07

Understanding Codex Efforts

Purpose [Insert Purpose]

"_I like working on fundamental problems." Dmitriy Ryajov

How-To (Get Cookin')

Instructions: There are some descriptions below which detail the usage of visual guidance metrics available in the form of "cookbook-like" instructions for how to consume this document:

Gauges Description Visualization
Difficulty 1-10 (Ticks/Pips) [||||||||||]
Time In Minutes X Minutes
Resources Article/Video Links w/ Visual Content Conceptual & Pictoral "Ingredients List" of Links

See below 'Recipe' and modify accordingly to above in Figma.

![[Pasted image 20220415164934.png]]


Operating Definitions:

Prep (Difficulty) is defined as the ease of which the concepts can be generally understood. (Future: Make into more fun visual or something more enjoyable than a difficulty bar.)

Cook Time (Scope) is in reference to the size of information necessary to learn to gain a decent level of comprehension.

Ingredients (Resources) is for links relevant to helping people understand the concepts. Number references and use superscript notation to reference mentions in terminology Recipes descriptions.

Future Work: Adjust difficulty/time ratings, cook time respec. based on feedback from everyone at DXB.

Necessary Terminology

Decentralized Storage



Dispersal (FT or )


Remote Auditing

FT -> BFT -> Incentives + Remote Auditing

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