2.7 KiB
title | author | date |
Logos Program | Broke | 2022-05-07 |
Logos Program
Project Directory
Project Logos
Project Codex
Project Waku
Project Vac
is to provide a 'living database' through:
- Searchable Information ([Graph View])
- Topical Coordination ([Topics] as Connected Pages)
- Communication Routes ([Tags] for Project Discord w/ Relevant Text-Channel for Live Discussion)
- How do I contribute to this notebook? (See 1. Add/Edit Topics)
- How do I consume this notebook? (See 2. Search Topics)
1. Add/Edit Topics
After you've cloned the repo you can:
- Add a new Topic (Topic Template)
- Take the [Topic Template] and create a new page to add to a Project's home directory [insert picture showing where to add new Topic page]
- Fill in the template per your understanding of the [Topic]
- Create a PR with a description of your addition
- Edit a pre-existing [Topic]
- Change YAML Fields: (show installation of Obsidian plugins associated w/ @Today and GH profile name to fill this out)
- Last Edited By: (your GH name)
- Last Edited On: (date edited)
- Edit pre-existing Topic information sections
- Create a PR w/ a description of your changes
- Change YAML Fields: (show installation of Obsidian plugins associated w/ @Today and GH profile name to fill this out)
Let's Get Cookin'!
Instructions: There are some descriptions below which detail the usage of visual guidance metrics available in the form of "cookbook-like" instructions for how to create and consume information within this document:
Gauges | Description | Visualization |
Prep | 1-10 (Ticks/Pips) | [||||||||||] |
Cook Time | In Minutes | X Minutes |
Ingredients | Article/Video Links w/ Visual Content | Conceptual & Pictoral "Ingredients List" of Links |
Gauge Definitions:
Prep (Difficulty) is defined as the ease of which the Topic can be generally understood. (Future: Make into more fun visual or something more enjoyable than a difficulty bar.)
Cook Time (Scope) is in reference to a qualitative assessment of the breadth and depth of information necessary to learn to gain a decent level of comprehension of a Topic.
Ingredients (Resources) is for links relevant to helping people understand the concepts. Number references and use superscript notation to reference mentions in terminology Recipes descriptions.
Sample Recipe
See example copy pasta Recipe for a new [Topic] below:
- Recipe: Topic
- Prep: [||||||||||]
- Cook Time: X min
- Ingredients:
1. [Insert pictures, videos, article links, research papers, etc.]
See below 'Recipe' and modify accordingly to above in Figma.