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Ewetumo Alexander 56229d597d
Merge pull request #3 from status-im/feature/make-travis
Add makefile and travis.yml for CI
2017-11-03 19:27:18 +01:00
fixtures Properly clean fixtures/status.log 2017-11-02 06:33:56 +01:00
stats Add makefile and travis.yml for CI 2017-11-02 16:06:10 +01:00
vendor Add test to validate AggregrationRead 2017-11-01 17:57:36 +01:00
.gitignore Initial commit 2017-10-27 15:59:55 +01:00
README.md Update stats with regards review 2017-11-02 06:30:58 +01:00
main.go Minor review updates 2017-11-02 15:15:48 +01:00
makefile Fix makefile spelling 2017-11-02 16:09:17 +01:00
travis.yml Add makefile and travis.yml for CI 2017-11-02 16:06:10 +01:00



Msgstat provides a CLI tool which analyses status-go log files and generates corresponding aggregated data related to messages delivery over whisper (either rpc or p2p) protocols.


Msgstat spits out structures that provide commulation of all related facts about a given message based on desired output format supported.

It by defaults expects processed data to be delivered either through pipes through stdin or through the use of the file flag.

  • Processing log lines through stdin
> cat ./logs/status-im/status-go/11.21.2017.log | msgstat
  • Processing log lines through stdin with yaml output format
> cat ./logs/status-im/status-go/11.21.2017.log | msgstat -format=yaml
  • Processing log lines from a file
> msgstat -file=./logs/status-im/status-go/11.21.2017.log

All processed data is written through stdout, except when the use of the -out flag is used to point to a output file to contain created data.



This flag is used to indicate that file should be used to retrieve all log lines to be processed.


This flag is used to indicate that all processed data should be stored into provided path.


This flag is used to dictate the encoding format which should be used for aggregated data.

Log Input Format

Msgstat expects that all log contain log lines separated by new lines, and targets log lines such has below:

INFO [10-31|14:57:13] Message delivery notification            geth=StatusIM state=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

Msgstat will extract any log lines with matching Message Delivery Notification header, extracting the state field and it's value which contains base64 encoding delivery data.

Output Format

Msgstat currently supports the following formats:

  • TOML
envelope = "0x156789a7892cfa5b5a45ca9f3187799d2a0293034175093ab8726ecbd8cbc6c6"
protocol = "RPC"
from_device = "0x04eedbaafd6adf4a9233a13e7b1c3c14461fffeba2e9054b8d456ce5f6ebeafadcbf3dce3716253fbc391277fa5a086b60b283daf61fb5b1f26895f456c2f31ae3"
to_device = ""
payload = ""
direction = "OutgoingMessage"
sent_time = 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z

  when = 2017-11-01T14:35:28Z
  status = "Pending"

  when = 2017-11-01T14:35:32Z
  status = "Pending"

  when = 2017-11-01T14:35:33Z
  status = "Pending"

  when = 2017-11-01T14:35:34Z
  status = "Pending"

  SymKeyID = "d29dd5c6470d556c20e69b0f01b269b00c74e363cae442628171256a6df5ce38"
  PublicKey = []
  Sig = ""
  TTL = 20
  Topic = "0x0f1a4771"
  Payload = [116, 101, 115, 116, 32, 109, 101, 115, 115, 97, 103, 101, 32, 52, 32, 40, 34, 34, 32, 45, 62, 32, 34, 34, 44, 32, 97, 110, 111, 110, 32, 98, 114, 111, 97, 100, 99, 97, 115, 116, 41]
  Padding = []
  PowTime = 20
  PowTarget = 0.01
  TargetPeer = ""
  • YAML
envelope: 0x156789a7892cfa5b5a45ca9f3187799d2a0293034175093ab8726ecbd8cbc6c6
protocol: RPC
from_device: 0x04eedbaafd6adf4a9233a13e7b1c3c14461fffeba2e9054b8d456ce5f6ebeafadcbf3dce3716253fbc391277fa5a086b60b283daf61fb5b1f26895f456c2f31ae3
to_device: ""
payload: ""
direction: OutgoingMessage
sent_time: 1970-01-01T01:00:00+01:00
- when: 2017-11-01T15:35:28.139031412+01:00
  status: Pending
- when: 2017-11-01T15:35:32.226407285+01:00
  status: Pending
- when: 2017-11-01T15:35:33.357611609+01:00
  status: Pending
- when: 2017-11-01T15:35:34.470666086+01:00
  status: Pending
  symkeyid: d29dd5c6470d556c20e69b0f01b269b00c74e363cae442628171256a6df5ce38
  publickey: []
  sig: ""
  ttl: 20
  topic: "0x0f1a4771"
  - 116
  - 101
  - 115
  - 116
  - 32
  - 109
  - 101
  - 115
  - 115
  - 97
  - 103
  - 101
  - 32
  - 52
  - 32
  - 40
  - 34
  - 34
  - 32
  - 45
  - 62
  - 32
  - 34
  - 34
  - 44
  - 32
  - 97
  - 110
  - 111
  - 110
  - 32
  - 98
  - 114
  - 111
  - 97
  - 100
  - 99
  - 97
  - 115
  - 116
  - 41
  padding: []
  powtime: 20
  powtarget: 0.01
  targetpeer: ""
  • JSON
  "envelope": "0xa1182bd04fd5d60717b3ae0d19569a65b00340f2fb1ba31b99873eb4b34a66f0",
  "protocol": "RPC",
  "from_device": "",
  "to_device": "",
  "payload": "",
  "direction": "OutgoingMessage",
  "sent_time": "2017-11-01T15:35:34+01:00",
  "timeline": [
      "when": "2017-11-01T15:35:34.470932867+01:00",
      "status": "Sent"
      "when": "2017-11-01T15:35:34.47104423+01:00",
      "status": "Queued"
      "when": "2017-11-01T15:35:34.480469935+01:00",
      "status": "Rejected",
      "reason": "processing message: does not match"
      "when": "2017-11-01T15:35:34.471033731+01:00",
      "status": "Cached"
      "when": "2017-11-01T15:35:34.48042816+01:00",
      "status": "Processing"
      "when": "2017-11-01T15:35:34.480454857+01:00",
      "status": "Rejected",
      "reason": "Envelope failed to be opened"
  "request": {
    "symKeyID": "d29dd5c6470d556c20e69b0f01b269b00c74e363cae442628171256a6df5ce38",
    "pubKey": "0x",
    "sig": "",
    "ttl": 20,
    "topic": "0x0f1a4771",
    "payload": "0x74657374206d657373616765203420282222202d3e2022222c20616e6f6e2062726f61646361737429",
    "padding": "0x",
    "powTime": 20,
    "powTarget": 0.01,
    "targetPeer": ""